
I Don't Know What I'm Doing



The Hallows

Advanced Fighter (75)

Expert Intellectual (150)

7 Years
Extra large
Dragon Mod
05-27-2021, 11:21 PM

It had been some time since she had sought anyone out...especially her siblings. Actually, it felt like forever since she had sought anyone out on her own. Greed was always a presence around them, or at least her as far as she was aware, but her mind was never really focused on what he was trying to teach her so after a certain point, he decided to leave her be until she was done grieving. But when she would stop, she wasn't sure. She had nothing going for her, had no idea what she wanted to do or what all she'd missed out on while she was living in her own foggy world...hell, she hadn't even been aware that her brother seemed off up until the meeting, but even then she hadn't said anything. It took a lot of her will power to pull herself from the foggiest depths of her mind to seek someone out now. She wanted to reconnect with her siblings, and perhaps figure out what she wanted to do with herself. She couldn't grieve for her parents forever...she knew that. But she didn't know how else she was supposed to feel. Moving on felt...wrong. She didn't know how to cope with it, and of course...she hadn't asked Greed his thoughts or advice on how to deal with it all.

With a heavy sigh, she moved through the pines in the hopes of finding at least one of her siblings today... Sure, she could've called for them...but she didn't really want anyone to know that she had gotten so disconnected from everything - herself included - and she felt like if she tried calling, her voice would waver with uncertainty and confusion. Did her siblings want to reconnect? Were they mad at her? Would they forgive her for straying so far into the fog? In her mind, it felt like she was walking through darkness. No light or end in sight. All she could see was nothing but literal fog swirling around in her head and she felt completely lost...




3 Years
Extra large
06-07-2021, 02:13 PM
Ocean was doing slightly better after finding Aslatiel a few days ago. Showing her all of the angst and pain that had been building up inside eased his sorrows, and finding release in her gave him a sense of peace he hadn’t expected. She was the only wolf who truly knew how he had felt about Motif, though he still mourned the girl with the dual toned eyes he had been put at ease when he was allowed to stare into galactic violet. Loss seemed to follow him and after everything departing from the woman was difficult. He felt so alone. He clung to Chrystelle when he was at home, but he knew he had to be becoming a nuisance.

He wanted to give her some space so the massive young man paced through the sparse pines. His mission was aimless besides giving his sister some space to have her own privacy for a while. Really he didn’t know what he was doing in life let alone this jaunt through the woods. For a moment he felt like he had nothing to live for. His true love was gone, his heart broken, and his solace dwindling. The feeling of hopelessness and uncertainty were constantly at the back of his mind. After losing Motif and the uncertainty facing the future of the pack he never felt like his feet were on solid ground.

The thoughts easily overwhelmed his fragile mental status and Ocean was forced to slow his pace and come to a halt. Lowering himself to his haunches Ocean lifted his silver eyes to the sky, wondering as he clung to the memory of Asla, if she was thinking of him too.