
The Party's All Over




5 Years
06-01-2021, 08:42 AM (This post was last modified: 06-18-2021, 04:14 PM by Elena. Edited 1 time in total.)

It had been only a short time since she had left her tribe, and the heartache was still real. It had been longer since she lost Adrial, but it seemed there was no way for her to move on from it. You would think being a warrior she would foresee loss and what to expect coming on from battle. But Adrial didn't die from a wound, he died from illness. It was very unexpected for the nature of their lives, but there was simply nothing she could do about it. It made her stop and think often about how much of their time had been wasted. They were too caught up in their places in the ranks and appeasing their contractors. They continued to wait to make their own family, and this is where it had brought them.

This was not on her mind currently however, instead she was frantically loping through the willow trees, her paws slowed as she was catching her breath, but had no time to sit around and take a break. Her nose lifted and sensed the predator that was after her. A large bear that must have been hungry from the previous spring, waking up from winter without much prey to hunt it's self. The river had frozen, other prey had wandered elsewhere or died. And now the surrounding packs were taking what they could find as the herds brought back their numbers. So the bear was persistent in making her it's meal.

She pulled a mouthful of vines from the willow trees, tying three vines together to make a stronger makeshift rope. She tied a large loop on one end to make a lasso, hastily as she heard the shuffling and grunting of the bear nearby. She quickly did the same with two more of the vines that had been pulled from the trees, but she was hoping she wasn't wasting her time in creating the items that would help take the bear down. It seemed the predator would be coming up right behind her as she finished.
