
Headed for a New Land




3 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Critical Hit!
07-04-2021, 12:41 AM
Romulus was a little doubtful when Lillith insisted that she could walk on her own, but he didn't let it show on his face. Instead, he took a step back to give Lil the space she needed to get back to her feet. He watched her cautiously while she got to her paws with a surprising amount of grace and ease. He nodded his head; maybe she could actually get back to the castle all right. Those hopes were swiftly dashed when Lillith took a few steps towards her home and then ate the ground, crumpling to the stone pathway before Roman could catch her in time. He winced when he heard her squeak in pain, rushing over to check on her. Her shoulder would probably be sporting some nasty bruises, but she otherwise seemed okay.

"Okay, that was a good effort, but I'm not gonna let you break yourself all the way back home," he remarked, padding quickly around to her side and then lying down on the ground. "C'mon, hop up on my back. I'm getting you back home. I don't think your dad's gonna let me in if I don't have you with me." He gave her a smirk, then waited until Lillith had climbed comfortably over his back with her paws wrapped around his neck for safety. Any protests she made were immediately met with a sharp cut off and stern look from the silver-furred boy. She was incredibly light and easy to carry, feeling her frail form with thin skin pulled taut over her bones and minuscule amounts of muscle. Romulus was glad she couldn't see his face so she wouldn't see just how shocked he was at Lillith's condition.

"Hold on tight, here we go!" Once she was gripping securely to his fur, Romulus began a steady trot back towards the castle. All the way to the Hallows, he would keep his ears turned back to listen to Lil, catching any words she might have said and making sure she was still breathing all right. If he needed to, he could sprint with her on his back to get her home in a hurry, but he didn't want to risk throwing her off his back. He only hoped she was going to be okay...

"Romulus Armada"