
its always a great day with you around



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-16-2021, 05:38 PM (This post was last modified: 06-24-2021, 07:00 PM by Indigo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Indigo was awake before the sun rose, his took the dawn patrol and was awake as early as you could get without really calling it night time anymore. Every morning he got to his paws, carefully disentangling from Duchess who preferred to sleep in his arms. Today wasn’t much different, he returned her to the warm furs without much disruption before turning his attention to Segin. He’d taken Duch out yesterday, he wondered if he could convince the mottled man today.

The Fatalis man leaned down to nuzzle Segin’s cheek, Ever since they met his affection had come easily, but especially after their evening shared in the garden Indigo was even more bold with his touch, or stealing kisses for himself. He tried to take one now as he gently woke the sweet natured man. ”Segin,” he whispered against the man’s dark lips. ”Come with me.” As he started to stir Indigo would smile into the relative darkness, pulling Segin from his dream and out onto the dewy grass of the courtyard as they made their way to the border.

He didn’t let himself leave too much difference between them as the pair of them left the safety of the castle walls towards the border with the shimmering shores. It would take all of his willpower not to lead them towards the beautiful water and a romantic morning together. He stole glances in Segin’s direction, acutely aware of how beautiful the rising sun’s colors intensified the beauty of Segin’s silver gaze. Indigo found himself quite enamored with the man, and didn’t hide the fact as they walked together quietly. The sun’s light was truly beginning to color the sky now, and Indigo’s attention was mostly on the patrol they were taking, but every distraction was special.

”I heard you’re the one to thank for convincing Emersyn to stay?” He asked softly as they walked together and he resisted nuzzling the sweet man’s cheek for at least the twentieth time since they walked out of the castle. Sapphire eyes were constantly scanning the horizon, and his other senses were on high alert. Especially touch as his dark fur played with Segin’s mottled purple pelt.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-17-2021, 12:06 AM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2021, 12:07 AM by Segin. Edited 1 time in total.)
Segin had never known what a good nights sleep felt like until he started to sleep alongside Indigo and the others. In a weird way sleeping surrounded by the other members of their would be band felt like home. He had grown up surrounded by his countless siblings and was used to hearing everyone breathing and snoring around him as they slept so having that now combined with knowing he was completely safe and cared for made him sleep so well and so deeply each night that it was almost addictive. He couldn't wait at the end of each day to settle down with everyone and just enjoy their presence. Of course he had a particular soft spot for sleeping cuddled up to Indigo, but he did truly love all of his purple-hued family members so he was just as happy to cuddle up to any of them.

He was pulled out of that deep sleep with gentle affections on his cheek, making him blink open his drowsy silver gaze and look up at Indigo who surprised him with a gentle kiss that Segin eagerly returned with a sleepy, floaty grin. For a second he wasn't sure if he was actually awake or if he was dreaming, but either way he still got to his paws when Indigo told him to join him. He was more than happy to follow Indigo to the ends of the world if that's what the giant, maned wolf wanted. This time though it was just to carry him out of the castle and across the courtyard, a yawn stretching his jaws as they walked. He paused just long enough to give himself a shake before they walked out into the cool morning air, waking himself up more throughly before joining Indigo at his side. He didn't know what he had done to earn this little surprise alone time with Indigo to join him on a patrol, but he was excited for it. He was excited for any moment he could steal away with this gentle giant.

They were quiet as they walked for a while, the rising sun painting the world around them in a warm, orange hued light. He tried to pay attention to the sun rise, but he just found himself looking up at Indigo again and again, a smile constantly on his lips. He didn't really need to have a conversation to fill their walk together, he was just as content just walking beside Indigo and letting their sides brush together as they moved, but eventually Indigo did break the silence and mentioned how he was the reason Emersyn was staying. He chuckled softly and grinned as Indigo nuzzled his cheek again then, his tail wagging happily and brushing Indigo's thigh. "Well, I don't know about all that..." he replied shyly, his face flushing even as a proud grin spread across his lips.

"To be fair, I didn't really give her most choice," he added with a fuller laugh, amusement in his pale gaze. "She told me about the wolves being after her and her story and I told her that she had to stay so we could all protect each other. She just didn't fight me on it!" He grinned and chuckled again, though he sobered up a bit as he glanced down at the dew covered grass passing under his dark paws. "I am glad she's staying though," he added with a soft smile, his ears flicking back for a moment. "I would have been really worried about her if she left. I know she thinks it'll be dangerous if she stays but... I'd rather have that then know she's out there by herself like that. I love our little family."

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-17-2021, 07:52 PM (This post was last modified: 06-17-2021, 07:53 PM by Indigo. Edited 1 time in total.)
Segin was special, he had a bright spirit that wouldn’t be dimmed even after facing so much heartache and pain. His beautiful smile lifted Indigo’s spirits with ease, but was even better when their lips were together. That feeling wouldn’t be one that he’d forget while they walked together. Segin wasn’t difficult to coax from the cuddle pile and out onto the dew stained grass. It only took a few steps and the fur up to his ankles were drenched, not that it mattered. Segin’s sleepy grin was infectious and Indigo didn’t miss that the mottled man was stealing just as many glances as he was. He felt inexplicably drawn to Segin, his smile and sweetness were both addictive. His company was pleasant since Indy hated begging alone but more than that he was a bright light in a world that was filled with darkness.

Indigo saw him as an inspiration, able to love and show the world joy despite it all. He never wanted him to have to frown again, Indy knew that wasn’t how life worked really. But the maned man wouldn’t rescind his vow, he promised he would keep Segin safe. He fit easily into Indigo’s life, and he knew he was blessed with his presence and so much more. Segin gave as much love as he received, a quality he found beautiful and even more Indigo wanted to indulge in that again and again. Segin chased away the empty feeling and the pain beneath the surface but he also went a step further and replaced them with joy. An emotion Indigo struggled to embrace and not feel guilty about.

Wanting to stay on task Indigo subtly thanked Segin for his help in recruiting Em to their band. He didn’t know what kind of coincidence it was that the wolves who needed to be here arrived, but he was grateful for every one of them. They all brought a completely different outlook and personality to the group, they all made their own little place in his life. Indigo cared deeply for all of them, and each made themselves special in his eyes.

”I’m relieved,” Indigo returned softly as Segin went on, his eyes falling to the grass. Indy stopped walking to allow the man his words, and he ended on a note that filled Indigo with a rush of emotion. He swallowed hard as he leaned against Segin’s thin frame. ”I do too. Every piece.” He smiled at Segin as he gave into temptation and aimed to steal another kiss, soft and sweet. Indigo lifted a paw to gently pull Segin deeper into his affections however brief they needed to be.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-17-2021, 10:12 PM

Segin could tell from the emotion on Indigo's face and in his voice that what he had said about the family they were building had really touched him and has he took there beaming up at Indigo he felt the same sort of love squeezing at his chest. He had loved his siblings out of obligation and a need to help those that couldn't help themselves, but these were wolves he truly cared about. This group of misfits and lost souls that drew together to form a perfect little mess made him feel so much more at home than the wolves he had been related to ever had. Indigo was the glue that held them all together or at the very least was the jumping off point for them to begin to heal and grow together, but he very quickly had come to love each individual member on their own as well.

Their dark lips met again and Segin was more than happy to return the kiss he was given, his heart skipping even just from the gentle affection. Their time together in the garden had been on his mind almost every minute of the day between then and now and any time he was allowed a moment of Indigo's affections it brought those memories back in full force. Segin was a lover of all kinds, emotion or connection or not, but it felt different with Indigo. It wasn't just physical pleasure, it felt like they were lovers and Segin hadn't realized how much of a distinction between those things there really was until Indigo showed him. A soft sound of pleasure escaped him when Indigo suddenly brought a paw up to pull him into a deeper kiss, the feeling making tingles and desire dance across his skin.

He wouldn't pull away from that affection, his eyes closing as he pressed deeper as well, feeling as if he was standing on his tip toes to reach up to Indigo and press even deeper with a hunger that only Indigo could instantly spark in him. He didn't let that kiss break until his lungs were aching for air and then he finally slipped away with a soft gasp, blinking his silver eyes open as a grin pulled across his features. He loved that Indigo was as physically affectionate as he was and wasn't afraid to show it. "If you're not careful I might try to steal you away from your patrol..." he teased with a giggle, giving Indigo's chin an affectionate lick.

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-18-2021, 06:58 PM
There was different kinds of love, a fact he had always known but Indigo was only now truly realizing what that meant. The love he had for his parents was much different from how he felt to his brothers, to how he felt about Aslatiel. Saying I love you was so difficult because he knew Aslatiel’s love, comparing anything else to what he felt for her felt wrong. And yet he couldn’t find anything else to describe what he felt for Segin, especially in these quiet moments of the early morning. His smile was bright and inviting and even if he only intended a swift sweet kiss when Segin returned the affection he sank deeply into him.

Desire built and flourished even with a simple kiss, holding Segin there was little else Indigo could keep his mind focused on. He grinned into Segin’s lips, feeling the emotions mirrored in the smaller man. Bright sapphire blue eyes closed as Indigo very nearly lost himself in Segin’s kiss as he pressed back. He relived their time in the garden together as he indulged. That deep burning desire was stoked as a flame in his belly, and he too gasped lightly for air as their lips parted. Indigo felt a connection with Segin, since the moment they met. Affection came easily and the step into intimacy was almost natural. Now that Segin was not so novel Indigo felt more comfortable with him, in the way they touched and kissed. There was no more hesitation.

There was an indistinguishable grin playing on Segin’s features as they finally pulled away with a soft gasp for air. Seeing the happiness in him filled Indigo with an indescribable feeling. Like he had made a difference, proud that Segin could be so happy after going through so much, being the one to share all of this with him. That was what got him the most, how blessed he was because he had these wolves in his life now. How he could very nearly be complete when he had them to support him. Seeing each of them smile made everything he’d been through worth it and more, knowing they could feel joy after such hardships proved that he could too.

”You won’t have to try very hard.” He answered with a rumble, grinning down at the sweet man. ”We should try and make it half way through before we make any… detours.” Indigo’s own grin grew mischievous as he lifted himself to his paws and placed a much more innocent kiss to Segin’s cheek.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-24-2021, 03:23 PM

Segin's ears perked and a brighter, more interested grin appeared on his features at the promise that Indigo's comment held. He giggled again when the larger man kissed his cheek, giving him an amused, mischievous look. "I think try to make it half way is the key word. I make no promises," he replied, his dark tail wagging. It was really no secret that Segin enjoyed all kinds of physical affection and sampling from a bunch of different wolves whenever he got the chance, but he'd always had a little bit of a preference for men and now that he had found Indigo he knew without a doubt who held the biggest, most permanent part of his heart. Indigo made him see the world in such a different way and everything felt brighter when he was around. Segin loved many wolves in many different ways, but when he thought of Indigo and had these little moments alone with him it felt so unlike anything else. Maybe that would grow and change over time, maybe he'd find more special wolves he cared about this deeply, but Indigo would always be special to him. He would always be the one that pulled him back from the bring and taught him how to really enjoy life again.

They started out on their patrol again, but Segin couldn't help but play around with Indigo as they went. He was subtle at first - an "accidental" brush of his tail against Indigo's back leg, a brush of his shoulder against him. The further they went though, the more obvious and suggestive his teasing became. A little kiss on his shoulder, grazing his tail along the back of Indigo's thigh, reaching up to give his jaw or chin a lick. By the time they made it near the half way point Segin was all but pulling him off into the trees to have a reprise of their first time together. A grin constantly lingered on his lips, a bright dance of affection and longing sparking in his silver gaze. He loved living in this playful, flirty side of him, absolutely determined to side track Indigo and be just a little bit selfish with their time together for just a little bit longer. "Okay okay, we got half way through the patrol... Now can we make a detour?" he asked as he leaned into Indigo's side, looking up at him with big, pleading puppy eyes.

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-24-2021, 06:58 PM
Indigo enjoyed the playful teasing that was exchanged between them as Segin admitted that he would make an attempt to keep his paws to himself until they were at least halfway through morning patrol. At that point they would be much further from prying eyes. Segin didn’t hide his excitement and Indigo felt the emotion stir withing himself. Segin was an anomaly that Indigo found himself craving. The love he shared with the mottled man was unlike anything else and so freely given he felt like magic. There was something special about the time they spent alone, and he felt like Segin felt the same way. They shared a connection from the moment they met and it only grew stronger the more they were together.

Of course Indigo’s focus had to remain on patrolling, scouting the area and searching for any sign of danger. At first he could appreciate but also think past Segin’s subtle affections. They did not remain so subtle for long and Indigo found himself interrupted by amused smiles and needy glances as the dappled man pulled his attention from his responsibilities and focused them on himself. The pair of them didn’t quite reach the halfway mark, but the sparks Segin ignited in his belly were impossible to ignore. Their pace slowed and Indy’ bright sky blue eyes were full of Segin’s silvery gaze. They were all but tumbling off the path together as they both were swept up in a need for one another. Indigo hadn’t stopped grinning, these moments together brought nothing but excitement and pleasure. Everywhere Segin touched his skin burned and electricity raced through his body to settle in his nervous belly. There was no more reason for it beyond Indigo’s thrill of having him again.

Segin’s efforts were rewarded without much more effort as they slowed considerably. Indigo’s self control only going so far when the man was so terribly convincing. ”Yes,” he rumbled deeply as Segin leaned against him, big beautiful eyes begging Indigo to indulge with him. ”A long detour.” He chuckled as he leaned in to press his lips to Segin’s leaving all the hesitation that had been there at the beginning of their morning. They were nearly in the wilds with no one around, the sun was rising beautifully above them but there was nothing but the two of them. Kissing on the path wasn’t making a detour though. Indigo pulled away enough to lead his lover into the trees of the grove.

The pair didn’t have to search very long before they were greeted with a perfect little thicket. The grasses were already flattened into a comfortable bed and the berry bushes were in various states of flower and fruit. Indigo grinned down at Segin, finding himself faced with nothing short of a perfect morning and a perfect place to spend their time. ”How do you make me want you so much. He whispered as he nuzzled softly against Segin’s ear. He lifted one dark paw to tip Segin’s chin so he could better bestow another kiss, he’d press his tongue against the man’s dark lips as he poured himself into his affection. ”Lay down for me.” He requested as he tore himself away from Segin’s lips. His heart thundered against his chest and in his ears as his skin grew hot and flush. He grinned bashfully at Segin as he followed him to the bed of wild grasses.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-25-2021, 06:49 PM

Segin's heart skipped wonderfully at Indigo's rumbled words, his dark tail wagging excitedly when their lips met with the promise of a long detour. A pleased hum sounded at his chest as he pressed back into that kiss, practically bursting at the seams with happiness. Being out here away from the castle, just the two of them, pulled every bit of the affectionate, flamboyant wolf in him to the surface. Any past pain or trauma he might have experienced was so far away when he was with Indigo. This loving giant of a wolf was the one that sparked the bright joy in his heart and the one that made it burn the brightest. When their lips broke apart he gave Indigo another smile and followed him eagerly into a grove of trees, hiding themselves away even more from the outside world.

They found the perfect little hide away, tucked away in the trees with a plush bed of grass and the sweet scent of flowers and berries on the air. The morning sunlight filtered through the trees and cast a dappled pattern across the ground and across them as they hid away from everyone here, Segin turning his adoring gaze up to Indigo. He grinned and giggled at Indigo's comment about how much he always wanted him, Segin's heart fluttering and his breath catching in his chest from how he nuzzled against against his ear. "A talent of mine I guess," he joked, his voice already soft and breathless from the scalding desire that Indigo fed into his veins.

Indigo stole his breath away as his large paw caught his chin, heavy lidded silver eyes catching his for just a moment before their lips met and they slid closed, making him think that his heart might just jump right out of his chest from how hard it was pounding and skipping from the affections he was given. Their first time together had been perfect and wonderful and more than he could have ever asked for, but he'd be lying if he said he didn't enjoy Indigo taking the lead this time. He savored every last second that his lips were pressed to Indigo's, but he was just as happy to have Indigo break away from their kiss to tell him to lay down. A grin pulled at his lips as he blinked open his eyes and eagerly followed the direction he was given, lowering himself onto the plush grasses and settling into them and Indigo as the larger man joined him, each and every place they touched only lighting him more on fire.

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-26-2021, 08:12 PM
Indigo handled Segin like the treasure he was. Softly and with a careful eye, the man was undeniably a precious gem. He was bright and didn’t hide any joy that shone through his pure heart. There weren’t many that could rival his sweetness, and Indigo found himself blessed with this connection they shared. Segin endured unspeakable pain, and Indigo had seen him as he raced hurtling into his own end. All of that changed and the mottled man found purpose in Indigo’s life. He knew Segin would follow him anywhere, and that was only proved true as he led them to the thicket.

Segin giggled softly at his comment, but Indigo was serious. There wasn’t another man alive that could do what Segin did and he rivaled the women in his life when it came to burning desire. Even as they walked Indigo’s mind didn’t wander far from the man beside him, their destination had been close and now all he had was Segin before him. Whom was already breathless as he answered softly, chalking his abilities up to innate talent. What ever it was Indigo wanted more. Their one time together wasn’t near enough and Indigo was beyond eager to go again. And Segin made it no secret that he felt the same, the pure happiness he’d seen on his face when the pair of them veered off the path was enough to tell Indigo how very right this was.

An electric energy raced over his skin, starting where their lips met and continuing so all of his extremities tingled as they kissed. Indigo wanted Segin closer, pulling away slightly as Segin lowered himself onto the grass beneath him. Indigo surrounded Segin’s smaller form, he nuzzled into the soft fur behind Segin’s ears as he wrapped his arm around his chest and held him tighter. Indigo pressed against Segin, his heart racing along with gasps of breath through his toothy grin.

They hadn’t known each other for very long but as Indigo drew closer to the man it felt like they had known each other a lifetime. Indigo’s dark paws traced the shape of his body, cat-like claws parting fur to tease at his skin. His actions never changed, Indigo was as gentle as always, especially with Segin, he would never forget their first time together, and he mirrored the careful movements of that day. Indy kissed the back of Segin’s ears and his neck, breathing him in and adding fuel to a fire that was very nearly overwhelming.

”Segin,” He murmured into dark fur. ”Gods I adore you.” Closing his sapphire eyes and savoring the feeling of Segin’s body beneath him. He rumbled deep in his chest, a pleased growl as the burning beneath his skin became all consuming. There was little room for words between them now as Indigo eased himself against Segin and carefully brought them together again. The feeling cleared his mind of anything but making love to the wonderful man he shared his life with. There was nothing but riding this high with him.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.



3 Years

Ice Bridge ExplorerPride - Pansexual
06-28-2021, 01:07 PM

Segin felt like he was being pulled into the most delightful heaven as Indigo settled over him, pulling him closer, covering the back of his neck and ears with affections. His silver gaze closed so he could savor each and every sensation and fully give into every second while his skin was lit on fire and electric desire danced through him. Indigo stole his breath away and made his heart beat erratically against his ribs, pulling reactions from him that very few others ever had. Indigo was special to him, far more special than he'd probably ever be able to explain. It went so much deeper than even just a physical attraction or an easy friendship, even though those things were there as well. From the moment he decided to stay with Indigo in that cave he knew that Indigo would always hold a piece of him, but the longer they were together and the more they learned one another the more sure Segin became that he knew where his heart would always remain.

His paws gripped at the grass under him as Indigo continued to fuel that fire like throwing gasoline onto an open flame, making him think that this might actually be the time that he was fully consumed by it and burned alive. His words made his heart skip and pulled an unsteady breath from him, a wide smile pulling across his lips. He leaned his head back, nuzzling his cheek into Indigo's as he whispered breathlessly, "I adore you too, Indigo." He gasped softly at the sound of Indigo's growl, the sound and feeling of his larger than life form rumbling against his own making him whine with a desperate need that only this maned man could satisfy. He lost himself in Indigo as they became one again, forgetting and ignoring anything else in the world as they made love. No one else had ever held him like this, treated him like this, knew and touched his soul like this. He gave himself entirely to Indigo, body and heart. Their first time had been careful and gentle and experimental for them both, but this time they knew each other better and he could let himself go to that passion and love that was almost unknown to him before Indigo.

When all was said and done, he kept himself pressed to Indigo's chest, burying himself in violet fur, while a wide, pleased, floaty grin remained permanently on his features. His paws and claws combed absently through the thick fur, his gaze heavy lidded while he basked in this pure satisfaction and joy and affection that Indigo brought him. He knew that he grew comfortable with others fairly quickly, but no one knew him the way Indigo did and that was all the more obvious with how comfortable and relaxed he was in Indigo's embrace. If it wasn't still the middle of the day he probably could have fallen asleep right here, warm and safe and pleasantly exhausted. After he finished catching his breath he lifted his head to bring his silver gaze to Indigo's, a grin pulling at his lips. "I adore you," he repeated softly, leaning up to give him a soft, tender kiss.

Segin Epsilon



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (245)

An icon representing the specialty Juggernaut Juggernaut

6 Years
Dire wolf

06-29-2021, 09:13 AM
He could do nearly anything to the mottled brute beneath him and Indy was certain he would receive this incredible eager reaction. Segin moved as he did, reacting to every touch and affection as though it were the very first. There was a grin that couldn’t be moved from his features as Indigo indulged heavily in the sweet man who had become such an essential part of his life. He was a beacon of hope in a dark world, a reminder that despite the horrors they were sure to face there was still a reason to smile. Indigo loved that about Segin and he would show that adoration in the actions his body took against his lover’s. Segin lost his breath and leaned into the loving touch offered and his gasped words warmed Indigo’s skin and his heart. There was no doubt the emotions that were shared between them as they shared in each other blissfully.

Indigo gave Segin everything he could beyond his heart the man had him, the Fatalis was smitten with him. It felt like they shared a mind even as they shared a body. They knew each other better now, and as the morning continued on without them Indigo completely lost himself with the one he was with. Segin consumed him like flames, white hot as they moved together and gave each other everything with deep passion and adoration. Having Segin was a completely unique experience that Indigo savored throughout.

He didn’t keep going to exhaustion, with the time of day he wouldn’t have been responsible giving into the temptation of spending the day indulged completely with Segin. As it was his breathing was labored even as the pair of them relaxed into the after effects of their love making. Indigo tingled all over as he melted against Segin’s smaller form in the grass. He was the greatest release from a difficult life, and would forever hold his place in Indigo’s life.

Segin relaxed against him, his form comfortable and soft against him. There were few who could say they shared such a strong connection, but from their past experiences and time together Indigo knew they were kindred spirits. Indigo pulled Segin more tightly to his chest as the other man snuggled in closer. There was just enough room between them that their bright eyes could find each other. Indigo wore a bashful grin that turned into a genuine smile as Segin confessed his feelings again. Adoration for one another was obvious and didn’t need to be said, but the word felt and sounded so right.

Indigo returned his sweet kiss, so soft and special even after the ones shared in throes of passion. Every time their lips met was special. ”I’m so lucky to have you.” He murmured against Segin’s lips as he closed his eyes blissfully. He could have remained there holding the sweet man for eternity. There was a lot in his life that Indigo would change given the chance, but his relationship with Segin was one of the few perfect things he had. ”You mean so much to me,” He told him honestly between sweet kisses. ”Your smile, your spirit, and everything in between.” He squeezed him a little tighter as he said it, unable to express exactly how he felt.

Indigo Fatalis

Warning: Indigo should be considered a Mature Character.