
the lightning strike



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-07-2021, 10:48 AM
There was something about the ocean that seemed to draw the massive man towards it. While he was in Auster Noir found himself keeping to the beaches and coastlines. He didn’t want to think about how it could be connected to his childhood. Abaven was close to the ocean, he’d seen it practically everyday growing up. Water played a massive role during his childhood and he never shook that off however far he tried to get from Abaven and the family he left there. He’d returned to the East a few times, and every time it felt like he was disappointed. Save when he realized Shaye was dead.

Huge black and aqua decorated paws carried him carefully over the tidepools that evening. The wind whipped and dragged at his long dark fur as it blew in a huge storm from the east. Noir was forced to stop and observe the massive clouds that approached over the sea. They were dark and ominous and he could clearly see lightning playing through the storm clouds. Already he could see the rain begin to pour from the sky and he watched as the wind brought the downpour to him.

The sound of the massive drops over the ocean lulled the huge man into an almost trance as it drew ever closer. Another massive gust of wind raced past him, producing not a single flinch as the rain followed up and slammed into the Destruction man. He stood tall and weathered the storm, his fur was soon drenched and clung to his well built frame. The storm brought nothing but lightning above and torrential rain, both of which wouldn’t cause him to flinch as he turned back towards the dunes that bordered the tide pools. With the rain came the tide and before long the exact place he stood would be fully underwater.

The wind continued to blow him, his soaked tail was like a drenched flag in the gusts as he walked. His pace steady and calculated as though he didn’t even feel the rain falling upon him. He parted the curtain of water with his huge shoulders and ascended the sandy hills. As he reached the crest of the tallest peak lightning struck the earth at his back lighting up a world bathed in the tropical storm. Unflinching blue and lavender eyes looked out over the tumbling dunes before him. The egotistical man conquered the storm but he felt an aching desire for so much more than that. Noir called out into the wind, searching for another soul that could conquer the storm and make an attempt to take victory from him.

wc: 440/1500



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-15-2021, 03:07 PM


A stolen alpaca had led Eska far from home. By the time she'd located the beast, it was nothing but bones and a puddle of dried, crusted blood. The long walk was nothing for the silvered fae. Walking had been her life up until now. Now, she had a home, a place to call her own, and a family, so to speak. She and Ulric were now a mated pair, so she considered his children part of her family as well. Then there were her mother's adopted children. Eska had more family now than she'd ever had in all of her life. It wasn't an unwelcome feeling in the least.

As she moved across the tide pools and sandy stretches, a storm followed. In the end, the storm was much quicker than she was and soon it began to fall down upon her. Eska was no stranger to rain. Being wet didn't bother her. In fact, she rather enjoyed the smell of rain; the sound of thunder; the crisp feel of electricity in the air. The sounds and feels of the storm were expected, but meeting another out in the middle of the storm was not expected. The wind of the storm whipped the salty water of the sea inward and Eska could taste it on her blackened lips. The woman stood still, watching the much larger brute as he moved along towards her. Eska was not frightened; only wary. Years of traveling on her own had enlightened her to the darker side of the world. She trusted no one until they gave her reason to.

Above, thunder rumbled and lightning arced like a dancer to touch land somewhere in the distance. Sulfur pools stared out from the woman's silvered face, eyes only narrowing reflexively against the brilliant flash of light. Perhaps her silver, ash and onyx form was lost in the grey landscape, for a moment later the man called out, beckoning. Someone. Anyone. She made no answer, only continued to watch the vibrantly striped brute as he continued to draw ever nearer. By now, Eska's thick pelt was soaked and water ran off of her frame in thick rivulets much as they ran off of the brute before her. Eska had no expectations of the oncoming meeting. Only her natural caution existed. She stood tall, obsidian ears alert and shifted forward to keep from being filled with rain. She watched. She waited.

WC- 404
Total- 844/1500



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-16-2021, 06:04 AM
Noir shifted as he lowered his head, returning his gaze towards the ocean. There was an inexplicable feeling of someone watching him, and the intuition proved true as he found her golden gaze. The static in the air or maybe just her unmoving features had his fur standing on end and a cold chill raced down his spine. She was a gorgeous woman, that was a fact that he couldn’t and wouldn’t deny. That she wolf Fel was perhaps the only woman that he could compare to the one who stood before him now or maybe Recluse and her pale body. Massive paws carried him steadily towards her as she stood proudly and warily. This wasn’t some stupid wretch like the girl he had maimed, and she held much more respect for herself than the small woman on the beach.

Blue and lavender eyes looked her up and down unabashedly, she had obviously been standing there before his call rang out over the world, but she hadn’t made a motion to leave him. Surely there was some kind of reception here. Noir felt a knot in his core, a ball of energy that built with intensity like a beat in a song that would build to crescendo Noir felt it and needed to release. He wanted a fight, but as he looked at this strange woman he felt the draw of attraction, the desire for her body beneath his own. Noir cocked his head slightly, a smirk playing on handsome features as he slowly approached, massive paws leaving their mark in the wet sand.

She didn’t look like some dainty flower, the rain revealed the supple well defined muscles beneath her pelt, she was obviously fit and well taken care of. The rain washed most of her pack scent away, but even then it was obvious she wasn’t just some worthless loner. He’d have to show caution in dealing with this one, not that Noir had ever really been cautious in his life. He didn’t ask for much, he wanted attention most of all and that was exactly what this mystery woman was giving him. Her bright dandelion gaze hadn’t left him and she stood up to whatever was coming her way. There was interest there.

”Answering my call? Or just stunned by my presence?” Noir chuckled darkly as he came to a halt before her. Bright eyes sparkling as the rain continued to pour over them. That didn’t stop the grin on his features nor the glint in his eyes as lightning struck miles away. He couldn’t tear his eyes from her, she deserved every glance, and his every kindness.




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-16-2021, 07:20 AM


Lightning and thunder filled the skies. Rain came down in sheets and yet Eska could still see the vibrant blue striping through the grey. She saw him... and eventually he saw her as well. The downpour ebbed and flowed as though the dark storm clouds above were breathing. Eska continued to watch as he drew near. Rain or no, she couldn't miss the cocky grin on his face.

The deep vocals of the man met rain-slicked ears and Eska's molten flecked eyes narrowed slightly. "Neither," was her only reply. Was he just one for playful banter or was he that full of himself? A little bead of irritation began to throb within Eska's skull. If their interaction continued, she was sure that this bead would grow. Best to end their encounter and be on her way.

With a nod, Eska stepped around the man and began moving across the rain slicked sand and rock once more. With the tide pools quickly filling up thanks to the torrential downpour, it made traversing the terrain significantly more difficult. Going was slow. In time, Eska moved past the tide pools and back onto a stretch of waterlogged sand. At least footing would be easier here.

As she moved, the silver streaked fae spared little attention or thought to the man that she'd left behind. There was no reason to think of him. Their interaction was over with. Her only concern was getting home and back into Ulric's loving embrace.

WC- 246
Total- 1535/1500



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-16-2021, 02:44 PM
Noir’s massive form came to a halt before her, his attention entwined in the beauty of the woman before him. Her frame wasn’t small but it was diminutive compared to himself. A subtle flick of an ear and narrowing of her gaze was enough to relay her disinterest. The word that fell from her mouth enough to seal the deal. She hadn’t answered his call, she wasn’t going to fall victim to his charm, and with that she slid past him. With a sneer and furrow of his brow Noir turned about face to watch her walk away.

He watched her for a long moment, further struck by her audacity to her beauty. She may not have had any interest but Noir was not done yet. ”Tragic,” he offered with a note of compassion. What they had could have been a beautiful encounter, a romantic evening dancing together in the rain. Instead of her willingness he’d enjoy her reluctance. Noir followed after her, the sound of the rain seeming to mask the sound of his paws over the textured surface of the tide pools. It wasn’t until the both of them were on the sand that he struck.

Noir aimed to leap towards her from behind. He wanted to overwhelm her from above, the man was massive compared to her and he would use that to his advantage. Noir attempted to smother her, chest to her beck as he aimed to wrap one massive arm around her waist and grab the back of her head with his deadly jaws.

Noir Destruction vs Eska for Dominance
Round 1/1
Age: over 1
Size: Dire wolf
Build: Heavy
Companion 1: Raven, Female - Flying
Skills: Expert Fighter & Expert Navigator



5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-17-2021, 07:07 PM


Through the thunder and the biting, whipping wind, Eska may not have been able to hear the sound of the brutes paws as he approached, but she could feel it. As he sped up behind her, the silvered woman's sense of self-preservation kicked in and she turned her head just in time to see him in mid-air, ready to crash down upon her. There was nothing that she could do. His big bulk slammed down upon her, crushing the woman into the sand.

One thick leg moved to wrap around her waist and the first hint of something darker entered Eska's mind. A fight was one thing, but was he intending to take her against her will? Again that sense of self-preservation moved the woman into auto-pilot. Drawing her chin down against the ground, she sent her head rocketing backwards in an attempt to slam the back of her skull into the man's face as hard as she could. If this didn't work, she would think of something else, but gods did she hope this worked.

WC- Met

Eska Datura Timber vs Noir for Dominance
Round x1/1
Age: Over 1
Size: Large
Build: Medium
Companion 1:
Companion 2:
Skills: Advanced Fighter & Beginner Hunter
Specialty: N/A

The Judge


07-20-2021, 01:13 PM

And the winner is...


Eska must give up by submitting, fleeing or passing out.


Rolls:    74, 96, 72, 90
Adjusted rolls:    81.4, 100.8, 86.4, 99
Total:     441.12

Eska :
Rolls:    69, 32, 84, 22
Adjusted rolls:    72.45, 33.6, 84, 22
Total:     243.86



Expert Fighter (220)

Expert Navigator (130)

8 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantTrick 2019
07-21-2021, 03:02 PM
-warning: bad things-

The top of her skull connected with his chin and knocked him just hard enough to bring a light to his vision and his movements to slow. It was too little too late on her part though. His arms were already wrapped around her and his massive form surrounded her own. His wits returned to him and a deep dark growl boiled in his chest. If she had only accepted his challenge and offered him a fair fight she’d never be in this position. Now he was annoyed and his bloodlust was unquenched. She went down easy, pressed into the rolling sand by his huge weight. She couldn’t hold his weight, but she wasn’t through fighting either, he felt her teeth sink deep into his flesh where she could reach his arm.

A pained groan left him, but he savored the feeling of her struggling beneath him. He tasted his own blood from there she had bopped his chin but the taste was replaced by her own as he opened his jaws again and took hold where he’d planned to begin with. Jaws around the back of her neck he bit down hard, taking her attention from the way he carefully positioned his hips above her own.

Noir pulled her head back, exposing her throat to the world as he ripped her teeth from his own arm. A indescribable flame grew within his belly, unlike anything he’d ever felt before He’d enjoyed his share of women willingly, but it hardly compared to the unwilling. Dull claws dug into her soft belly as he pulled her tighter to him. With no empathy to the unknown woman beneath him Noir forced himself inside her.

The rain continued to pour down on them as he had his way, lightning striking in the distance to illuminate the way her features contorted as he took from her body. The more she struggled the harder he pushed and the more violently he bit into her dark flesh. There were no consequences, only this fleeting pleasure and the release he craved.




5 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
07-31-2021, 12:51 AM

Ugh, this wasn't fucking happening. The man sank his teeth into the back of her neck and she could feel the ivories popping through flesh. It seemed that her bash to his face hadn't been hard enough. Pity. Rather than get him off of her, she'd just served to piss him off further. Just her luck. As the man pulled her head back, she tried hard not to release her hold on his leg, but it was to no avail. He was stronger by far. Her teeth ripped from his flesh and her only satisfaction was knowing that he would have some very noticeable scars from it. She would need those scars to help find him in the future. This act would not go unpunished. This, she vowed.

Perhaps his intent had been to distract her from the repositioning of his hips, but Eska had known what was coming from the moment that he landed on her back. Everything was lined up too well to be coincidence. So, when he slammed his bulk into her unwilling body, she had been expecting it. White hot pain stole her vision for a moment and the rain soaked woman's maw parted, but she refused to reward him with a single fucking sound. Throughout the ordeal, Eska kept quiet. She didn't whine or scream or beg for him to stop. She said absolutely nothing. The sooner he was done, the sooner they could be away from one another. The sooner he was done, the sooner she would be able to focus so that she could plot her revenge for this act.
