
Myth's Daughter

Myth I


6 Years
05-25-2014, 12:33 PM (This post was last modified: 05-11-2015, 01:19 AM by Myth I.)
Okay so here's the deal, Myth Destruction was missing for about half a year or so. During that time she met a young male fell in love with him and when her season rolled around she became pregnant with his child. He left her when she found out and Myth was forced to carry the child to term alone. During the time she did befriend another pregnant wolf who was part of a local pack.

Myth birthed her daughter, named her but due to her own age and inexperience was unable to keep her. Her daughter was left with her pregnant wolf friend and raised in the pack where she was safe.

So what I am looking for is someone to play Myth daughter, not right away mind but when she turns 1 year which can be either in spring or Summer, depending on what birth season you pick.

So let's talk particulars. Myth's daughter will be female (obviously). Keep in mind it is not uncommon for the Destructions to stick with naming themes and that Myth more than likely would have picked one to do with stories or tales, but a name along those lines is not required, just encouraged.

Myth's daughter would be of a lighter alignment but due to not being raised by her birth mother would not resemble her too closely in personality. (Though I could be convinced that they might be similar by coincidence.) No evil apps please!

Onto the designs! Design 1, Design 2, Design 3 and Design 4

These are only options, you are free to make your own as well. Just keep in mind Myth?s marking and lineage. I have also made a reference for Myth?s former mate which can be found here 

One last thing before I get to the app, Myth is a smaller wolf, her daughter's father was medium. That means the daughter should not be a large wolf but should fall somewhere on that scale of small to medium.

EDIT: Forgot to mention that the last name can either be Destruction, Sirel or a Hypenation of the two. The girl's adoptive mother was Lethilan Sirel and it is also up to you if she told Myth's daughter about her real mother or not!


OOC name:
Character Name:
Birth season: Either spring or summer.
Design: You can list the number or link your own design
Appearance: Please follow site guidelines.
Personality: Please follow site guidelines
Rp sample: Only if I haven't threaded with you before.
Brief history: What was is like in the pack, why did she come to Ala?
Possible plans?

There is currently no dead-line, so have fun!

Twig I


05-25-2014, 01:13 PM
-had an urge to create Myth's former mate-


05-25-2014, 02:27 PM

ain't it fun you can't count on no one

OOC name: Croatoan

Character Name: Chronicle Destruction

Alignment: Neutral Good

Birth season: Summer

Design: Design #2

Appearance: Please follow site guidelines.

Personality: Please follow site guidelines

Rp sample: Only if I haven?t threaded with you before.

Brief history: What was is like in the pack, why did she come to Ala?

Possible plans?

Myth I


6 Years
05-27-2014, 01:06 AM
Edited with a bit more info!

also Kat totally should


05-27-2014, 01:53 AM
OOC name: Dragon
Character Name: Insignia (will decide last name later k? good.)
Alignment: Chaotic evil lol jk..Neutral Good c:
Birth season: Summer
Design: #3
Appearance: She sits at 23" in height and weighing a measly 50 pounds. Though her stature is small, this girl has a lot of spunk. Her coat is a shaggy mess, though simply because she likes to get into everything and explore every nook and cranny. She about gave up on constantly picking twigs, leaves, dirt, and other things from her pelt. She is a dapple black beauty, for those who prefer to see beyond superficial looks, anyway. However, she could care less if someone didn't like her for being herself. She likes her fur the way it is, for it shows her adventurous personality. But there are random occasions where she will sit and groom her pelt to look clean and well-kept...if only for a day. Clear and sparkling blue eyes peek out from the darkness of her coat, highlighted by the orange lines that strike just underneath her eyes. The same trait that follows most of the Destruction line. She always carries on her face, a warm smile for those she comes across. And seldom will she ever be caught without it, just one of her many fascinating traits that make her up to be who she is. The girl is not built for fighting, but rather prefers to hunt and explore, and occasionally dabbles in a bit of herb lore which causes her to smell pleasantly like Autumn Clematis, a flower that smells just like the pleasing scent of Vanilla.
Spontaneous-Prone to starting random acts of whatever she feels like doing in the moment. She is known to suddenly want to play, often when with others she'll come up with an idea such as jumping into the lake, play a random game a tag, or anything else that might not make sense in the moment. Often this trait will show more, however, when she wants to try and cheer someone up. Though it's also a 50/50 chance she'll either offend someone by such spontaneous acts, or get them to follow along.

Brave-Insignia is not afraid of anything, often standing up to others no matter the situation. It can get her into trouble at times, but she will always stand up for what she believes in and will never back down from a threat. She'll go for that dangerous prey, even if its a danger risk.

Fearless-She definitely is one fearless individual. As mentioned before, she will not back down from defending those that she cares for be it family or friends. She'll be the first to run headlong into a dark cave or into the ocean no matter what dangers lurk beyond.

Naive-She has little experience of the world on her own. More so with darker aligned wolves, and so might be prone to accidentally following in the wrong people or trusting too easily, rather thinking that everyone is good like her adoptive mother.

Happy-go-lucky-Insignia is always happy. Never will she be seen without a smile upon her face, depending on the situation. She always approaches life with a good natured attitude, and the only way to make it fade is if she is at a funeral or other event where smiling would be considered inappropriate. She'll even smile when she's being emotionally hurt, because it's the only way she knows how to hide it.

Easily Impressed-Insignia, is of course very easy to impress. Often will she compliment others who do the smallest of tasks, because she wants everyone to be happy. That being said, she is impressed by pretty much everything.

Excitable-Insignia is an extremely excitable character. Tell her an idea or suggest playing and she will immediately begin to bounce around and wag her tail about a hundred miles an hour. She grows excited with many things, such as newborn pups, a successful hunt, having new friends, etc. There's not really a time where she isn't excited, for she wakes up that way every day.

Nurturing-Despite her spontaneity, she carries within her a very gentle heart. She will care for the sick and injured, orphaned pups and adores children. Perhaps because she herself understands them better then anyone, considering she acts more like a child then an adult.

Virtuoso-This girl likes to sing, mostly when she is upset, sad, or in love. Her voice is sweet, soothing to those within earshot. She will howl to the moon or sing to herself.

Clumsy-Insignia is a very clumsy girl. Between her excited nature and her always rushing into things, she tends to trip over her own feet and may be prone to accidentally ruining "perfect moments."

Heavy Sleeper-The girl likes to sleep. Due to her running around all day, when it comes time to sleep, there is almost nothing that can wake her up. With paws in the air, she can sleep and snore away the night...possibly even through an earthquake or hurricane. The only way to wake her would probably be having to attach a crab to her nose...

Friendly-She adores others, and adores making friends. Though she is very talkative and curious, she always strives to make friends with everyone and anyone she can.

Good Sense of Humor-Insignia likes to joke and play around, and never falls short of telling a good joke. She will often try to lighten anyone's dark day and will not stop until she gets them to laugh and smile.

Social Butterfly-Yes, she is a talker. Insignia will talk anyone's ear off if given the opportunity. She loves to learn, and loves to tell others of her experiences right down to the rock shaped like a whale or a...whatever she thinks she saw.

Rp sample: ---I love you c:
Brief history: Insignia grew up in a neutral style pack, the members often charismatic and always helping each other. Though they had an equal balance of protecting themselves against attack and helping those that needed it. Her adoptive mother was protective of her, mostly due to her small size. The pack as a whole always tried to keep her out of trouble, though nobody was safe from her pranks. Even so, they loved her despite her mischief. Thus, she has always known kindness and love from her former pack. However, simply remaining there was not her dream. She wanted to go and explore the world, and although her pack was sad to see her go, more so her friends and "mother", she said her goodbyes and left. She still thinks about them, but she will forever carry the memories with her wherever she goes. She is now in Alacritis, and her path has yet to be written.
Possible plans? Search around for a purpose, make friends along the way, learn about Myth and discover that she was her real mom.


06-05-2014, 07:22 AM
OOC name: fawn
Character Name: Lorelei Sirel-Destruction [goes by Lore]
Alignment: Chaotic Good
Birth season: Summer
Design: 2
Appearance: Lorelei is on the small end of the spectrum, standing at a solid 26 inches in height. Her frame, like her body, is more petite, though there is definitely muscle on that small frame. Lorelei would never be considered bulky by any means, but she is neither gaunt nor particularly skinny. She is well muscled from months of travel. Brute strength is not exactly her strong suit, but Lorelei is definitely capable of running, and she is distinctly build for speed.

Her fur is definitely rather unique, and Lorelei has never seen another that looked exactly like herself. Her base coat is white, though it is dappled with smokey grays across her body. Though no wild colors adorn this girl's frame, she is certainly a unique looking female, and has yet to see another with a similar appearance.

Lorelei's heterochromatic gaze is claimed straight from her mother, with a golden left eye and a cornflower blue right eye. Though this is the opposite of her mother's, it's no mystery as to where this attribute came from.
Personality: Definitely a bit of a pawful, Lorelei is an energetic, curious gal. She could run all day if she wanted to - and often, she does. Her curiosity is strongly linked to this, and Lorelei could spend days learning new things. She always seems to have an abundance of energy, even when she's just waking up, which can definitely make her annoying to some. With these two traits combined, it's no surprise that Lorelei's favorite pastime is exploring. She loves to find new places, and has no qualms about leaping straight into a mysterious cave without any plans on how to get back. This has come back to bite her more than a few times, but Lorelei hardly lets it affect her. She simply desires more knowledge to ensure that next time, she won't get lost.

Needless to say, Lorelei is impulsive. She rarely thinks things through, and is liable to leap before she looks nine times out of ten. Forethought is a rare thing in this female, and this again has come back to haunt her. However, no matter how many times something explodes in her face, she has yet to learn from this occurring and actually think things through before she does them.

Fear is a foreign emotion in this female. She simply doesn't register it. This benefits her a lot when she's exploring, as it means that she doesn't get skittish in the darkness of mysterious caves, or when she's looking down from the top of a mountain. Of course, there are also situations where this does not benefit her one bit. She could look a violent murderer in the eye and chat with them casually, caring little for her personal safety. Fear has its use in the world, but Lorelei seems to have missed out on that entirely.

When angered, Lorelei has a more flashy temper than anything else. Like a volcano, she erupts, only to calm down as swiftly as she became irritated. Lorelei holds no grudges, and isn't one to try and take revenge for some slight. She forgives and forgets as quickly as she got mad in the first place, which can make dealing with Lorelei confusing in some aspects. She can go from snarling and furious to calm and peaceful with a flip of a switch, and offers no explanation for her actions. She does not allow her anger to fester within her, and lets it run its swift and short course as soon as it appears.
Rp sample: (we currently have a thread with june joining olympus, so i'm not going to put an RP sample up for now since i'm heading out for the day soon - just let me know if you want me to add one to this)
Brief history: Lorelei has always known that she was adopted, and though she considers Lethilan to be her true mother, she was always curious about Myth and her choices in life. She understands why her birth mother had to leave her, but Lorelei wanted to know about her life nowadays and what Myth's personality is like now. Her life in the pack was pleasant enough, with little of note happening. The pack's wolves liked her as well as they liked any pups, and Lorelei played with her agemates and convinced them to explore and cause a bit of a ruckus with her as much as she could. She formed no lasting friendships to tie her down, however, and her closest companion remained her mother throughout much of her puphood.

By around the age of a year, Lorelei realized that there wasn't much to explore anymore, and on an impulse decided that she was going to find her mother. She headed into the great unknown early one morning, saying goodbye to only her mother, and has yet to look back.
Possible plans? explore alacritia's natural wonders, find myth and make a bunch of friends.

Myth I


6 Years
07-10-2014, 10:04 AM
All right guys I will be making my choice on the 12th so any last minute apps have till then to be completed.

Myth I


6 Years
07-12-2014, 09:34 PM
Alrighty, the time has come!

After much thought and debate (between me, myself and I) I have chosen that Myth's daughter shall be played by...

-drum roll-


:3 You are free to get Lorelei's profile up and running whenever you want though she will only be turning one in the summer so I don't expect to see her running around till then.