
You are my world

Vague <3



Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
07-12-2021, 01:33 AM (This post was last modified: 07-12-2021, 01:34 AM by Plague. Edited 1 time in total.)

Everything about their wedding had been perfect. He had spent so much time preparing and planning and at least in his opinion it had gone off without a hitch. The flowers and decorations were lovely, his sister did a fantastic job with the ceremony itself, and he was proud of the formal attire he had crafted for himself and Void. But most importantly, they were married. He had his husband. A husband. As they made their way from the pale forest of the shrine to the hot springs where they had made their home, all he could think about was the first night that he had really begun to notice how he felt for Void, the love that this gentle man put into his heart. He thought about how his attraction to Void had put him into such despair, how his upbringing had made him think that he was a failure for letting himself fall for this man.

But now, as he looked at his husband that he had made officially his in front of all of the attendees at the festival, all he could feel was love and pride. Void was his and would be for the rest of their lives. He grinned as he looked over at the man he loved, leaning over to kiss his husband's cheek as they walked side by side, nothing but love and joy shining in his emerald eyes. Void softened all his edges and pulled the gentle soul out from under this hardened, warrior exterior that he had so carefully built. Around anyone else besides Void or perhaps Venom he still carried himself as that seasoned fighter, the Daimyo of Ashen, but with his lover he was tender and sweet. Void inspired him to be everything that he never thought he could be.

"Welcome home, my sweet husband," he rumbled with a soft chuckle against Void's ear as they neared the den entrance, nuzzling against his cheek before he led the way inside. It was fairly late now, having spent some time after the ceremony to mingle and celebrate with their families. After a full day of festival activities and the excitement of their wedding even Plague could admit that he was feeling the exhaustion of the day, but there was nothing else he'd rather do right now than indulge in his new husband and celebrate finally having a permanent place in each other's lives. He led Void into their bedroom, catching his lips in a slow, tender kiss for a moment before he took a second to unclasp the leather, fabric draped cape from around Void's neck.

"Get comfortable, my love, I'll be right over to join you," he told him with another kiss, smiling as Void went over to their bed while he turned to hang Void's outfit on a hook he had put into the wall opposite their bed for this very purpose. After slipping off his own outfit and hanging it in-between Void's and his armor, he turned and walked over to where Void was laying, climbing into the plush bed with a content sigh. The wall above their bed was glittering softly as the moonlight coming from a set of windows on the opposite wall glinted off of the pieces of glass embedded in the birch branches, creating their own starry sky within their den.

He wrapped his forelegs around Void's neck, pulling his head into his chest and tucking his head over Void's, nuzzling lovingly between his ears. "We did it," he whispered, unable to keep the huge, joyful grin off of his features. "We got married. You're my husband... Void Abraxas-Destruction." Even just speaking their new family name made his heart skip a beat and he squeezed Void a little tighter, kissing across his ears and forehead as he continued to revel in the fact that they were finally here after all this time.




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
07-13-2021, 07:48 PM
He kept his eyes on Plague as the ceremony took place and finished, somehow making it through and not even tripping over his vows as he spoke them in front of what felt like half of Boreas. Everyone knew how he truly felt about his husband, and the fact that they were finally pledged to one another. Void knew that the ivory man was his other half and his soul mate, now their friends and family would as well. Everything had gone smoothly, the day and decorations had been perfect, but really even if everything went wrong and the day was ruined Void would have been the happiest man alive. The grin on his mottled features never left, and when everything was said and done he couldn’t have been any happier. He was married to the man he loved, the one wolf who had shown him what true love was.

It felt like the day had lasted a lifetime though, and then finally the pair of them were headed towards their home. Something Void felt like he’d waited for forever. The walked side by side, shoulder to shoulder, like they’d been during the ceremony and Void thought about everything that happened ot get them to this point. All the uncertainty they faced first in the feelings growing between them, then everything with their families, and now here they were. Married. Blue and lavender eyes caught Plague’s verdant gaze as he grinned over and stole a kiss freely given. Void leaned into the affection, grinning like he never had before.

Somehow they made it back to the den, distracted by little kisses as they walked so close. Plague welcomed him home, for real this time. He felt relieved and tired all at the same time as his husband led him forward into the beautiful home they were going to share. Void followed him into their bedroom, letting himself get caught up in Plague’s kiss as he walked in. He closed his eyes as love and electricity raced through his body. The dim light and the smell of home soothed him to his core as Plague carefully undressed him.

Plague pulled away and had him make himself comfortable as he put away their dress clothes. Void grinned and paced easily over to the plush bed Plague made for them. Dark paws stepped into the cushion as he stretched easily over the soft surface, immediately feeling the rest of the tension leave his body as he relaxed into the comfortable bed. He had just barely closed his eyes when he felt Plague’s presence join him. The grin he had been wearing all day returned, reminding him how sore his lips were after a day of grinning like a fool.

He blinked his bright eyes open and Plague pulled him into a loving embrace, their first real hug since being wed. Void snuggled into Plague’s pale chest and wrapped his mismatched arms around him. ”And you are mine, Plague Abraxas-Destruction.” He whispered back, peppering Plague’s chest with little kisses as he wrapped himself up in his husband. His heart was racing all day and his belly had been full of butterflies, but now as he lay here with him all of the pieces fell into place. Void felt like he belonged here. Instead of nervous Void was finally relaxed and at ease. His skin tingled where Plague held to him and his heart continued to hammer against his chest but for much different reasons. ”You’re everything I ever wanted.” He confessed in a whisper despite vowing exactly that only hours ago.




Master Fighter (270)

Master Intellectual (240)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Block!The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterPride - GayMammoth Hunter
1KHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
07-19-2021, 11:39 AM

Plague's heart skipped when he felt Void's tender kisses across his chest and his forelegs wrapping around him to hold him tight. Nothing made him feel more at ease than when he was laying like this with Void, sharing in one another's affections, bearing their hearts and souls to each other. Nothing outside of this bedroom mattered in this moment. Only his husband mattered and he was completely enraptured with the man he held in his arms. The normally stoic brute constantly wore a smile when Void was around, bringing so much light and happiness into his life without even trying. "And you're everything I never knew I needed," he replied softly against Void's ear, leaving trails of loving kisses all across his ears and crown. Everywhere they touched felt like the most dazzling electricity, tingles dancing across his skin and making his heart race, holding Void tighter simply because he couldn't get enough of him.

One of his paws left the back of Void's neck to gently catch his husband's jaw, lifting Void's muzzle till his emerald eyes could find the breathtaking blue and lavender that swirled in Void's gaze, and for a moment he just admired this man that he got the absolute honor of calling his own. With pure, tender love in his eyes, he rested his paw on Void's cheek, feeling his soft fur against his paw pads while he thought about how far they had come and how much they had overcome to get to this moment. All of it made him even more grateful for the outcome they got. With a smile pulling at his lips he leaned his muzzle down to Void's, pressing their lips together with a pleased, rumbling hum. His eyes slid closed and his paw immediately went to cradle the back of Void's head, that kiss acting like a lit match being thrown on gasoline, all the passion and love he felt for his new husband feeling as if it was bursting at the seams.

He kissed Void deeply and passionately, holding him tight while he savored every single part of being together like this for the first time as a married couple. Somehow it felt even sweeter and more delightful now, knowing that Void would forever be his and he wouldn't have to let him go again when morning came. He tasted Void's mouth, let his claws comb through Void's fur, feeling that desire burn him from the inside out with every passing moment. Everything he ever needed was right here in his arms. Without breaking their kiss, Void shifted and rolled with his husband till he was holding himself over Void, still making out with him for a few savoring moments longer before his lips finally broke away with a soft gasp. He blinked his eyes open and grinned down at his man, gently brushing his lips against Void's. "I love you," he whispered against his lips, giving him another soft kiss. He wanted to show him how much he loved him, he wanted to make Void feel even half of the love that he had placed in his heart.

Plague started working his way down Void's perfect form, leaving carefully placed kisses in his wake, worshiping this man that had brought so much joy into his life in the only way that felt fitting. Not a single inch of Void's neck, chest, stomach, or hips was left out of his affections, his paws trailing down across Void's sides and letting his claws trace over his skin. He could hardly catch his breath with how much he was burning alive with this need and desire, but before he did anything else he was going to treat his husband and make sure that he felt the pleasure that he deserved. He tasted Void for the first time with a quiet groan, losing himself in this blissful reality they now got to live.

-- fade --




Advanced Fighter (90)

Advanced Navigator (90)

5 Years
Dire wolf

Valentines 2020Treat 2019Christmas 2019
07-27-2021, 06:00 AM
After such a long, but perfect, day Void didn’t want anything but this moment. Plague’s arms wrapped around him and held him tight, a promise of the lifetime they would have together. They were married, they were partners, they were one. The tension had left his body as he entered the threshold but laying here beside his husband brought a comfort and relaxation he hadn’t ever felt before. A smile played on his features and despite his lips hurting from how much Plague made him grin during the day it wouldn’t be wiped from his face now. The rest of the world didn’t matter tonight, nothing mattered but being here with the man he adored. Plague reminded him softly that he hadn’t realized how much he needed Void and the star spangled man agreed. He didn’t know emotions could be so intense, so real, before he was with this wonderful man.

Plague’s gentle touch caressed his jaw and pulled his features from his chest so his blue and lavender eyes could meet that endless forest gaze. Love. It was an emotion that he hadn’t even really known until he met this man. He showed him a different world, and unlocked his heart. Plague was the key, the perfect fit, his other half. He looked at him with adoration and wonder and Void returned those emotions tenfold. He leaned against Plague’s sweet touch as he cupped his cheek. For a moment they were still as they basked in each other’s presence and lingered in wonder at the heights they finally reached.

Void leaned in as Plague closed the distance so their lips pressed together, reigniting the passionate fire he felt for the man in his arms. They were pressed tightly together and Void felt the fire between them begin to burn. Wherever they touched sent waves of tingling and electricity over his body. No one awoke this crazy feeling of desire like his husband, his one and only, the man he loved and adored. Their tongues danced together as fuel was added to the fire. Plague lifted him higher and higher until they were gliding through the stars together.

He yielded to Plague’s control as he rolled and shifted so he was above him. The pressure of Plague’s body against him brought mumbles of desire through their deep kisses. He released him suddenly and both of them gasped for breath. Void gazed up at him, his love and need obvious in his gaze as he grinned up at his husband. "I love you, Plague.” he whispered back adoringly. Their muzzles brushed against one another one more before Plague’s attention shifted from his lips.

Carefully, and temptingly slowly, Plague ventured down his neck and chest They’d touched each other before, they explored one another intimately, but this was so much different. They were married, he belonged to this man who held him. Plague’s attention was everything he wanted, every inch of him was loved and he did not withhold his attention anywhere. Void mumbled and groaned lightly as Plague continued his descent, and he was gasping for breath as Plague consumed him. His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he writhed beneath his husband’s love and attention. He led him into a world of bliss and blew his mind with passionate pleasures.

