
I've wasted time, I've wasted breath


05-22-2014, 04:28 PM

Goodness grief, the poor Destruction was feeling awful, with her chest heaving. And, as her lips curled up in a snarl at the hallucination of Adrenaline, moving in front of her and teasing her, she knew she was becoming agressive. "Useless! You're useless now, with that paw of yours dragging behind you! Grow up!" With a sudden burst of speed and strength, Ballad lunged. She dug her claws into the snowy ground, watching as the hallucination of her father drug himself away. But, the sick wolf wouldn't let it go, and she lunged at her father again. Snow crumbled beneath her paws, and she yelped as she almost fell into the huge geyser, pulling herself away easily. She began to limp away, her body twitching with every step she made. Finally, she noticed another wolf, and looked up, her head twitching as she did this, only to see Adrenaline. As she glared at him, her lips curling in a snarl, he leaned down so that he was in her face, making the girl growl. A low, soft growl echoed throughout the quiet land.

"GET OUT OF MY FACE, DUMBASS." Words were soft, but the girl launched herself at the wolf, her fangs flashing and her eyes narrowed.