
Never Thought I'd See You Again


06-01-2014, 08:12 AM

He was alone yet again, the gray male moving through a much warmer area. Kyda didn?t realize it but, he was in the South, where even in the cold grip of winter it could still be much warmer than in the North. He was glad to be away from the snow, the freezing white powder that clung to his coat and chilled his body. He was, as usual, clueless as where he was. There were strange mounds around him, spread apart at the same kind of intervals that went on for quite some time. After a while, however, they would end, and ears would lift, eyes widening as he looked at the great shaggy beasts that were in the distance.

Kyda did not know what they were called, but these creatures were buffalo. His stomach would give a rumble, though the gray male would hesitate. They looked like prey but... Their size would be too much for a wolf of his size. The gray wolf would give a sigh, scenting the air, and blinked. The scent of death, recent death, hung in the air. He would twitch his ears before moving on the outskirts of the herd, at least since he knew they were there, rather than the deer herd he had set off, to look for the corpse. Luckily for the hungry brute, an eldarly female had passed not long before his arrival, set apart from the others. She was old, having contracted a sickness that weakened her and finally brought about her end.

The male would sniff her a couple of times before deciding she was safe to consume and began to eat, tearing into the flesh hungrily. He couldn?t remember when he last ate... He really didn?t think about it too often unless his stomach was rumbling. Black tipped tail would wag behind him as he ate, a bit of happiness in his eyes. At least for the moment he had forgotten about the trouble he was having. He had been separated from Koi for quite some time now. Would they ever meet again? Or had his friend disappeared from Alacritia forever?



06-08-2014, 06:32 PM
Lotus had finally arrived in Alactritia, but she still had no idea where she was. ?Kyda where are you?...? She had walked for many days and was crossing grassy plains when she caught a scent on the wind. As her mouth began to water and her stomach growled she quickly hurried to follow the scent. Finally she found a herd of Buffalo. Lotus heart dropped as she saw these large animals. Lotus hated violence in any way and her old pack had always brought her meat so she wouldn?t have to hunt.

She was completely at a loss to what to do as she knew she had to eat soon. Lotus kept her head down and began to slowly circle the herd. Finally as luck would have it she saw one that was already laying on the ground dead. Lotus hurried over to it when she was another wolf eating. She was hungry but didn?t want to approach a wolf that was feeding. That?s when she noticed the white tip on the wolfs tail with the black band just above the tip. ?K-kyda? Is that you?...?


06-10-2014, 04:55 PM

The male would blink, raising his head as as he heard a questioning voice. The female voice sounded... Familiar. The male would turn his head around, dark tipped ears twitching as he looked at her. Faded blue eyes would stare for a long moment before his white tipped tail started to wag back and forth. ?Lotus!? He remembered her. Remembered her at long last. He would scramble to his paws, turning towards her and dropping down to his belly, butt wiggling in the air as he made his play bow.

Kyda was excited, some broken memories returning to him of his time together with the she wolf. Remembering her now... It kinda made his brain hurt a bit. He would give a whine though, tilting his head to the side as he looked at her, tail still wagging despite the pain. ?Doing here are you what?? The male would ask, licking the blood from his muzzle.

{{Ooc:: Kyda Translations!!

Original:: ?Doing here are you what??
What Kyda Means To Say:: ?What are you doing here??}}



06-23-2014, 04:37 PM
Lotus looked at Kyda so glad that have finally found him. ?Oh Kyda, I?ve been looking for you.? Tears began to well up in her eyes. ?I?ve messed you so much! When you suddenly disappeared I thought something had happened to you and I lost you forever but now we can be together again!!?

Lotus?s tail wagged furiously as she bounded forward happily to meet the wolf she loved as she nuzzled and kissed him, making up for every moment they had been apart. ?What about you? Why are you here of all places? Do you have family here or did something happen to force you here? Please tell me.?


07-10-2014, 06:44 PM

The male would frown deeply, looking at the femme before him. ?Lotus...? He moved closer to her, nuzzling her cheek. He felt horrible for making her worry. He had meant to worry her so... Or to forget everything... Something was truly wrong with him, but he wasn?t sure what it was exactly. She would nuzzle him, giving him kisses. So much guilt had risen in his heart. He felt even worse that he didn?t have an appropriate answer for her.

?Sorry, Lotus am I...? The male would sigh, looking at her. ?Remember don?t I why here I came... That only did I... Felt I that stay I should.? The male looked at her sadly, tilting his head to the side. He was hurting... And knew that he had failed her... But he didn?t know what else to do or say. A whine would leave Kyda?s maw, hoping that Lotus would somehow understand.

{{Kyda Translations::

Original:: ?Sorry, Lotus am I...?
What Kyda Means To Say:: ?I am sorry, Lotus.?

Original:: ?Remember don?t I why here I came... That only did I... Felt I that stay I should.?
What Kyda Means To Say:: ?I don?t remember why I came here... Only that I did... And I felt that I should stay.?}}