
bullet wound


05-22-2014, 01:24 PM

The woman had been alone for a long time. She had no real goals or ambitions. After the split of her family. Her two boys leaving. She had really nothing. The woman feasted upon sex and food. Though, she needed something more. The woman found Covari and was generally happy. But, due to her experience and age she did not like her rank. She was not some runt. The woman was a trained fighter and mother. She felt as if a higher rank was much needed. A guard of sorts, warrior, or even hunter. She would like to help the pack, but she was not much of a people person. The female was more family oriented. Very little people got inside her head, so she doubted many of her pack mates would get that close to her. Though, the black and white girl would enjoy a chat with her leader. The woman could really help Covari grow. She could help with organization, training, pup sitting, all of the above. She needed something to do or the woman was going to go stir crazy. And the last time Svanerna got stir crazy she had sex with her son. So it was important she kept her slightly ill mind occupied. The darling babe laid upon the ground. Her ebony fur attracted the sunlight as the brisk air pelted her body. It was winter and she loved it. The girl spread out and let her mind wander aimlessly.



05-22-2014, 02:04 PM

Everyone had seemed pretty relaxed at the meeting other then Scorpion and his little show that he had put on, flaunting his family before everyone even though to Vi they were nothing spectacular. It was Vi who held the best collection of all after all, her mate draped in the finest purple pelt, children of blood, a princess from another pack and her darling Mr.Black. They were all her's. All part of her collection of unique objects and wolves, even dear Scorpion and his family had unknowingly become part of her collection. One day, her collection would be the envy of the world, she would gather all the most spectacular beings and put them on display. Not that they would be solely on display of course, she had every intention of knowing each and ever one of them and making them work. That was why she had taken some time after the meeting, first speaking to her dear niece then lowering her skull to the ground and following the scent of the strange woman who had come to the meeting as a rouge and requested acceptance. Vi had no issues with that, dispute her older age she was in fact quite beautiful. A mix of blood, snow and the night sky. She would be perfect, now if only they could find a job for her. Long legs dragged her forward, pulling her closer and closer to her new pack member until her scent was strong and the woman's slender form was scene basking in the sunlight. "Settling in alright?" She asked, silken words a purr as she came to seat herself near the woman, an easy smile stretching up the edges of her lips.



05-22-2014, 04:45 PM

The siren laid within the grass. Her legs streatched out and her eyes closed. The sun beat down on her dark fur delightfully. The warm ground below felt lovely on her lush fur. The daemon let her tail wag slightly. She did not care if others saw her, she was beyond the self conscious state of her life. She was thoroughly enjoying herself so, fuck it. The babe wiggled within the grass before words entered her perked ears. The luxurious demoness stopped her wiggling and looked at the red darling with an arched brow. Svanaerna laughed softly and smiled. "Yes I am, thank you." The older femme then removed herself from the ground and sat upon her two toned ass. The babe stared at her leader with messy fur, but it obviously did not bother the girl. She still knew she was super sexy. The Fnnvi bitch tilted her head, "How are you doing, my Queen?" Her words seemed to roll off her tongue in such elegance. It was delightful. Her accent was apparent and just added to the darkness in her tone.



05-22-2014, 05:06 PM

Delicate paws would flex, toes stretching as if to rid herself of some tension that had grown there. Funny how seeing this woman wrap and wriggle her way through the grass made her suddenly wish to do the same. But she had to keep some sort of composure so instead she would flop herself down on her side and allow herself to relax for a short while. She answered Vi light heatedly, saying that she was and then sat up, Vi simply rolled onto her back and wagged her tail, smiling up at the black and red woman. How was she doing? Smile would get toned down a bit and gaze was tossed to the sky as she considered that question. It was quite loaded after all. "I'm at a bit of a loss as to what to do now to be completely honest..." She said, slender shoulder shrugging as she rolled back onto her belly and shook herself slightly off the drying grass. Winter was almost upon them. "My name is Viridiana Sovari by the way, though most call me Vi. Svanerna Finnvi right?" Vi asked, head tipped curiously as she regarded the black and red woman through curious gaze. She was curious, interesting and though not much older then Vi herself she had that air of wisdom about her that Vi had always coveted. She would be perfect, all that was left to find out was how she would fit into this peck. "Tell me Svan... What can I do for you to make your stay in my pack more enjoyable? As I told everyone I'm going to give out generic ranks until you fight for or prove you deserve higher ranks. I'm not above favoritism..." Smile was sly and easy as she once more pushed herself up in a seated position. It was time to be serious after all, time to stop rolling around in the grass.



05-26-2014, 03:14 PM

They laid together comfortably. Svanerna may be a bitch at times but the girl was amazing at making friends. The two oddly colored girls sun bathed in peace as Viridiana broke the silence. A reply to her question was met with a nod. The red queen began to announce her name and such. Another question was let forth and the darling woman smiled. "The one and only." The girl was not as renown as her son, but she hoped to be. The woman would rise to the top, with the help of her queen of course. The next conversation was much more interesting. The crimson lady began to go on and on about ranks. The older vixen did not like favoritism but she thought she could use it to her advantage. The Queen got up to sit but the darker girl stayed laid down. "Well, due to my old age I am quiet experienced. I have had children and taken care of each one of them, therefore I am good with mothers and pups. I am a decent hunter, but it is not my primary skill. I am a wonderful fighter on the defense. So I think maybe a Guard of sorts could do. Maybe the Queens guard. I am also VERY skilled in speaking and getting my way. I can outwit someone in an instant. It all depends on where you want me to go. I am open for anything and everything. I have no boundaries." The Finnvi girl smirked and looked off into the distance for a few moments.



05-30-2014, 11:53 PM

She was comfortable and easy to talk to. Vi appreciated her company already despite their short time knowing each other. But then again Vi was like that, she was fickle and easily swayed when it came to friendship and even love. The red woman was content to sit and listen to Svan talk about herself and what she could offer Vi and Covari as a whole. She had to admit that she quite liked what she heard. Vi's mind was already churning with ideas as she listened to the woman list her qualities. She was older, though not much older then Vi herself, and it seemed she had accomplished so much more then Vi had it seemed, had so much more to offer. "You seem skilled in many fields it would be hard to place you in any one?" She mused as she tried to rack her brain for what she might be able do with this female and in the end she could really only come up with one. "Well Svan? How would you like to join my council? I shared a bit about it at the pack meeting but I guess I can tell you more." She said, head tipping curiously as she searched Svan's features to see if she held any interest there. After a moment of debating how much she wanted to tell this woman she could continue. "The council is a group of multi talented wolves, they lend a paw where needed and when decisions face the pack they are there to lend their opinions. We have a chaotic side with Scorpion and Sibelle is quite level headed. I would love to have someone with your wisdom on it as well." She mused easily, head tipping in curiously as she watched Svan for her reaction.

Talk like this


05-31-2014, 10:18 AM

Svanerna could see and her Alpha getting along great, it was true. Could she rank up so easily. Her tongue was silver, after all. The woman was great with people and words. Due to her massive family with multiple stubborn men, she had to learn the ropes of manipulation and sweet talking. Yet, she would not manipulate her Queen, just inform her that she is quite wonderful at everything, which was very true. The pack seemed tight knit and already very develped in their ways. Everyone knew each other, yet she knew few. The woman shared a trying experience in the Swamps with Poem. She had met Cru in the desert. Now, Vi. But, that was really it. She wanted to know more. For obvious reasons. As her crimson Queen spoke the woman nodded, "Warrior, perhaps?" She raised a brow as more of her leaders words were emitted. Svanerna smiled softly, "It would be an honor." As Vi spoke some more Svan bopped her head a few times in understanding, but as Vi finished the girl smiled softly, Well it sounds like the place for me. Does this mean I can accept others at the borders? Or is that yet to come. Is there any other duties I need to know of?" She tilted her head and stared at her Queen.