
Don't Wanna Let Go




3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-02-2021, 10:35 AM

While patrols were normal along the pack borders, it was also important for them to scout the surrounding lands of the Hallows. Auster was strange from Boreas, though Serenity had always been too worried about making it to the next day to notice. But The Hallows was the only pack down here on the southern continent, so maybe that's why they had more dangerous predators if only recently.

She looked back to Ezra as they patrolled these out skirted lands, "Think all those Sabers are gone?" Serenity had known the cats had caused quite a bit of trouble for the pack, as well as monstrous dire wolves and other strange unworldly creatures. She had fought one off with Ulric when they met. But it seemed with the changing weather they had either all ran off back to where they came from or died in the lands where they didn't belong. At least The Hallows was catching a break while the usual resident predators of Auster knew better than to wander up to the castle walls and ask for a fight.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-04-2021, 11:26 PM

Ezra followed along next to Serenity as they scouted through the cedar trees that sounded the near by falls, keeping his gaze sweeping and scanning the trees to make sure nothing snuck up on them. His ear swiveled toward his new half-sister as she asked if he thought the sabers were finally gone and he chuckled, saying, "Man, I certainly hope so. The last time a tangled with one of them I landed in the infirmary for weeks. Of course I fought it by myself and it caught me by surprise, but... still, I'd rather not fight one again." The spot on his side where the saber cat's tooth had gotten him good and had fractured one of his tips was still regrowing fur and the scar it left was pretty obvious if someone knew to look for it. If he never saw one of those saber cats again it would be too soon. "I haven't seen one recently at least," he added hopefully.

For the most part they were quiet while they patrolled the lands that surrounded The Hallows, but he still didn't know a whole lot about Serenity so he felt like he couldn't really pass up the opportunity to learn more about her either. "How are you settling in so far?" he asked to break the silence. He still didn't turn his gaze toward her to do more than glance, but he kept an ear turned toward her at least. He didn't really know much about where she came from how what it was like where she grew up. All he had ever known was being in a pack, but he could imagine that it would be hard to get used to if she had never been in one before.

Ezra Adravendi



3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-10-2021, 10:06 AM

Serenity chuckled as Ezra explained, she couldn't say that she really knew Ezra, but just by their original meeting up until now she felt they had at least a similar attitude. "Ah, yeah. That's how me and your dad met." She hadn't caught on to how she didn't call Ulric her father too, though it didn't feel right to for now. She was also at an age where it was hard to even imagine having someone to call 'father'. It wasn't any offense to Ulric, he was a great guy and all. But it was definitely a lot easier to claim someone as her brother or sister compared to a father.

As they moved on, they both seemed pretty relaxed. They were on patrol on the surrounding lands of The Hallows to make sure there wasn't anything dangerous, but maybe they both were confident in each others abilities as well as their own. Serentiy glanced gently over to Ezra when he asked how she was settling in before she looked back to the grounds in front of them. She may have had a little bit of anxiety when she initially met her siblings, but that wasn't a part of her personality usually so none of that was present now in their pairing. "I, uh," She bit her cheek lightly as she thought for a second, "It's hard for me to get out there. It's actually hard for me to be here with you now." She chuckled a little, glancing towards him again with a slight sarcastic grin, "But don't worry; it's not you, it's me." Her eyes scanned around the trees of the falls as they moved on, "But I like it in The Hallows. I'm just not used to all the company."



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-13-2021, 07:11 PM

He nodded as she mentioned how she and his dad had met because of one of the saber cats. He had heard about it from his father as they were discussing the situation with the giant cats and the scouting they would do to make sure they were finally flushed out of the lands surrounding the castle. Clearing them completely out of Auster seemed like too much of a stretch, but as long as they weren't near the pack lands then they could relax a bit. He didn't really catch on to the fact that she hadn't referred to Ulric as "their" father. He had started thinking of her as his half-sister only because of his father's insistence that they all be a family, but he didn't really expect the same in return. It was weird to suddenly find someone you're related to, but he had grown up knowing that there was Adravendi wolves all over Boreas so maybe that was why it was easier for him to accept.

He shifted his gaze toward her again when she began to speak, listening as she explained how it was hard for her to be with the wolves of the pack and how it was even difficult for her to be here with him now. He didn't take any offense to it and returned a little bit of her grin before he glanced back at the pack ahead of them. Just hearing that she liked it in The Hallows was good enough for him. The other stuff could come later. "I'm glad you like it with us," he told her genuinely, giving a gentle wag of his tail. "So much bad stuff has happened that it's kind of nice to have a good surprise for once, you know? Well, I mean, Eska is another good surprise I suppose, but before that... Not a whole lot of good stuff."

Ezra Adravendi



3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-16-2021, 10:24 AM

She chuckled a little as he continued, though she wasn't feeling necessarily happy, or bubbly. She felt like the thought was relatable. "Don't think I can disagree with you there. Well, uh," She slowed in her step for a second before moving back into a normal pace, "I wasn't really surprised about Ulric and you guys. I've always wanted to kind of know my father, it's easy to assume someone you haven't known for two years has a whole family or whatever." She didn't show offense in her tone, it was a common sense sort of statement. She didn't know really anything about Ulric from her mother. Just a bunch of 'what a dick' words. She didn't know his age, his name. And she wasn't even sure if her mother knew that Ulric was the father. Surely, Serenity's markings should have been enough to say, but who really knew how many men her mother had been with when she had her.

Serenity didn't seem like she was struggling to look at Ezra, but she was. Instead she kept her focus around the trees and the river, her ears swiveled slightly like she was really focused on scouting. But she kept her ears and attention on Ezra, just not her eyes. "But not a lot of good stuff I can relate to." She smiled again lightly, glancing to him before looking back to the woods again, "I was much younger than you when I was on my own. Only knew strangers. Being in the pack is... different."

"Have I seen you with a girl around the pack?" She spoke with a joke in her tone, but was all too serious to herself. She had seen a lot of the things that went on around the pack through her perch up on the wall. Lillith and Ezra seemed to be finding a better life than what they had gone through. Jane and Emile still seemed to be struggling. And Serenity was here with some sort of experience, like the middle of them all.



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
08-23-2021, 12:36 AM

It was hard to put himself in her position when she came from such a different situation from himself, but it was kind of nice to get to have things explained from different perspectives. He wasn't sure how he would have felt if he hadn't known his dad or had gotten separated from him for a long time and suddenly found him with a whole life that had moved on without him. It seemed like Serenity didn't really mind it though and had even expected that would be the case. He was glad she didn't have any kind of sore feelings about the whole situation, but if she did he wouldn't have really blamed her. He nodded with understanding as she talked about assuming that Ulric would have had a family. He certainly did, even if they were all kind of scattered and fragmented.

He gave a curious little tilt of his head when she mentioned how she could relate with not have a whole of good to report. Sometimes he thought about himself when he was younger and how hard he had pushed his father and his family away and when he heard how young she had been when she had been left on her own it made him feel a little guilty. He already knew that he had taken the stuff around him for granted, but hearing more about how she had grown up made him feel a little worse. "I'm sorry you had to grow up like that," he said, giving her a glance and a soft smile before he looked back at the forest around him.

His ears perked with surprise when she asked about seeing him with a girl, wide pale blue eyes glancing toward her with a guilty grin. "Yeeeeeeah," he agreed with a chuckle, his ears flicking bashfully. "Her name's Syanna. I met her out here by the falls actually." He grinned with amusement at the memory, figuring sharing the story with her was as good a way as any to keep the conversation going. "She was gathering some kind of mushroom and I accidentally startled her and made her crush it and she got so mad at me. I don't know how she ended up liking me after all that, but then we ran into each other later when she was running from a saber cat. I saved her from the cat and she saved me from bleeding out after it injured me and the rest is history I guess."

Ezra Adravendi