
Eyes Like Open Doors




3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-02-2021, 12:07 PM

Serenity may have seemed pretty absent since she joined The Hallows and met her younger siblings, but that wasn't how she wanted it to be. She was just really struggling with the socialization of a pack in general, but it was even harder with her wanting to get to know her siblings. She did really want to, and they were all welcoming. But just something inside was holding her back. Maybe it was a fear of getting too close to them for them to leave, or maybe that they wouldn't like her. It felt a lot better to just keep her distance, even if she still acted kind anytime she did see them. She was very out spoken and social when around others, but there was just little appearance of her.

She had claimed a room by Ulric and her other siblings, but she didn't use it often. Only on rainy or colder nights. And in her other time she was hunting, patrolling, but she found more comfort in observing the pack and the lands from the towers or castle wall. It was relaxing, she felt like she knew the residents. Though that was really a joke. Maybe she was telling herself if she watched them long enough, it would make her feel like she could fit in better. Though that was pretty silly too, she was no where related to unlikable.

She was walking along the corridors of her and her family's rooms of the castle, getting ready to head up to the overview that was her hang out. But some days she did take a long stroll around the halls and main areas before secluding herself in her haven.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-09-2021, 05:44 PM
Lilith had slept in today and missed Roman’s mourning routine. This wasn’t anything new and she knew that he wouldn’t worry. Either she would eventually meet back up with him, or if she was lucky he would come looking for her when his morning responsibilities were done. She debated for a long minute about not even getting out of bed in hopes that he could come and snuggle up into bed with her. Lil knew that was the responsible decision, and if she wanted to be better she had to make better choices. Besides, he’d barely stepped foot in her room because she didn’t want to make Ulric uncomfortable. Her little daydream wouldn’t soon come true.

Lillith shook out her fur as she crawled out of bed and made her way through the door of her bedroom. She was still tired, but was headed towards the greenhouse, she’d be able to wake up with all the greenery and flowers around her. She found Serenity in the hallway instead of the empty corridor she had expected. ”Oh, good morning, Serenity.” She offered sweetly. Lil was a little tired but she was feeling good today.

Lillith Adravendi



3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-10-2021, 09:48 AM

She stopped when Lillith had spoke out to her, she wasn't a far distance when the girl came out of her room. And though she maybe wouldn't have said it out loud, Lillith was her favorite sister of the bunch. She hadn't really met Jane yet, just knew what she looked like from the coming and going of her room here in the hall and also from seeing her move around the castle while Serenity was perched up on the wall. She didn't really know Lillith all that much either, but just a little more since they had actually met the couple times. At least she felt more comfortable around her.

She turned toward the light and grey girl with a smile on her face, "Mornin' Lillith." She closed the few steps between them, "I was just heading up to my secret spot on the wall. But don't suppose you'd like the company today?" Serenity really kept to herself most of the time. But when she was actually face to face with either her family, or even other wolves of the pack, she seemed extremely social and friendly. It was easy to see her disappearing around corners, maybe even seeming like she was avoiding others. Which, she was a little bit but to no offense towards them. She was just scared to get close to them.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-13-2021, 05:24 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2021, 03:54 PM by Lillith. Edited 1 time in total.)
It had very nearly been a year since she lost her mother and sister to the unknown. Not long after that was when she really fell ill. Lil wondered absently where Serenity might have been during that time, what she was doing a year ago, who she was with and where did she live. Not that any of it really mattered. What mattered was that Lillith gained a sibling instead of losing another. All of her family was precious to her, even the ones that came in a little late. Lil didn’t have any trouble calling the girl her sister. Still, she hadn’t gotten to know her very well. Honestly most of Lil’s time was spent with Roman these days. Maybe she needed to take the time for her sister.

Serenity seemed to think the same thing, and quickly offered her morning up for Lil to take. ”Secret spot?” Lilith couldn’t help but ask even though it wouldn’t be so secret if Lil knew about it. She paced forward, with only a slight bit of curious hesitance. ”I’d like your company today, yes.” The shy girl offered with a soft grin. This was all a little easier knowing Serenity was indeed her sister. She already felt just as close or closer to her than her littermate.

Lillith Adravendi



3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-16-2021, 03:27 PM

Lillith had seemed interested in her secret but also not so secret spot. So when she had agreed to some time spent together, she didn't even feel like she had to ask. "I can show the spot, and then we can do something you want after." She smiled welcomingly before turning back towards the stairwell and heading up the steps. She paced herself, making sure that Lillith was keeping up with her, or that she was slow enough for her. Serenity didn't know Lillith's history of illness, but she did know that some days she didn't feel so right.

When they made it to the top, Serenity made sure that Lillith was good to make it to the edge, helped her if she needed. She didn't mind. She laid down on the crumbling edge of the wall, looking to Lillith to welcome her there too before looking out at the vast plains, edge of the distant forests, and the shoreline of the shimmering shore. It was day time out, so not much shimmering. But still, the scenery from high up on the wall was breathtaking, at least to Serenity. She would never get tired of it. "Soo..." she spoke longing, almost in a joking tone, "I've seen you around with a boy. Anything special?"




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-17-2021, 04:14 PM (This post was last modified: 08-17-2021, 04:15 PM by Lillith. Edited 1 time in total.)
Serenity didn’t hesitate to offer the chance to join her wherever this place was. Lil grinned and nodded enthusiastically as her big sister led her up the stairwell. She kept up easily, feeling a little fatigued today but not incapacitated. Lillith followed her all the way to the top of the stairwell, following more carefully still as she led her towards the edge of the wall. Lillith was never outright with her illness and the effects it left on her, but it was almost like Serenity instinctively knew that she was more fragile than the average wolf. She handled her with care and caution, and Lillith barely noticed which was the best part. She didn’t like to be catered to.

Lillith followed her sister out, trying to focus on where she put her paws and not the incredibly drop that lingered to the side of her. Serenity left room for her to curl up and she felt much better once she was nestled there looking out over the world. It was really incredible. She wasn’t thinking about it until Serenity said something about her being with a boy that she realized there was a perfect view of the beach she and Roman had just been visiting recently. She felt her face flush at the thought that Serenity had seen that whole thing.

”Yes, a boy, my best friend Roman.” She admitted as she averted her garnet gaze, trying not to let Serenity see the brilliant shade of red beneath her pale fur. ”He’s pretty special,” she admitted softly as her eyes lingered on the sandy shoreline. Her heart fluttered just thinking about being in the ocean with him. Her father’s speech also flashed in her mind, ”Not… special special.” She tried to explain further and failed her garnet gaze wide and panicked as she looked back to Serenity. He was very special to her, but there wasn’t anything going on like that.

Lillith Adravendi



3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-17-2021, 08:21 PM

Lillith didn't have much of a problem making up to the wall, that was okay with Serenity. She would have helped her if she needed, but she understood that sense of feeling strong and capable for yourself. Well, that was her whole life after all.

Serenity noticed only a slight blush as Lillith thought about Roman, but didn't stare her down and try to make her feel awkward or anything. Serenity was usually pretty easy to be around, comfortable. She supposed her personalty could have bordered on an annoying side, or maybe her reactions almost seemed uncaring or neglectful. But she didn't feel that way. She just floated on a breeze, and she expected the rest of her family and everyone else to.

With no hard eye on her younger sister, she only glanced when either one of them spoke, mostly keeping her eyes out on the plains and the ocean. She had seen the pair on the beach that day, but she wasn't looming over them like a hawk. She had also seen them around the pack together, so it wasn't just one occurrence. Which is why she asked at least.

Lillith had insisted he was special, but not special, special. And Serenity couldn't help but grin at the statement. "Special enough to come visit you in the morning." She side eyed her with that smirk, but didn't force her into any explanations or anything like that, "Though I guess that means you're pretty special to him too."

She chuckled lightly, hoping she wasn't making Lillith too uncomfortable with the conversation, "Don't want to prod you or anything. But if you want any advice, or have any questions, I guess I'm your gal." She side eyed again before shuffling a little bit to get her legs out from under her, "Special, or special, special. Whichever."




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
08-18-2021, 12:35 PM
Lil was as comfortable with Serenity as she was the rest of their siblings. Maybe not to the extent she felt with their father or with Romulus but she found herself opening up rather easily. The older she wolf didn’t press her, with words or with her gaze as she spoke, blushing slightly as she tripped over her words and made a mess of the whole conversation. She gleaned back over to her older sister as Serenity grinned, there was no malice at all just all of the amusement she had come to expect from her siblings. It was all too similar to how Ezra beamed at her, almost with pride.

”Yeah, he brought me breakfast in bed.” She couldn’t help the grin that grew over her features as Serenity gave her observations. Anyone with eyes could see how close they were becoming. He easily made her smile and blush, just the thought of him now. Serenity spoke on, offering herself as an ear to listen to if she needed any sort of advice or questions that might pop up. Lilith ducked her head and lowered her ears as Serenity teased her, but there was a grin playing on her lips. Lil really did appreciate the offer, and just knowing she was there helped ease a bit of her anxieties.

The path ahead was clear to see but Lillith still felt timid upon the well worn trail. ”Thank you, Serenity.” She spoke appreciatively, but thus far felt like she was going appropriately slow in her relationship with the silver furred boy. She didn’t feel any kind of mature enough for a serious relationship, and hadn’t even told him she liked him yet. Maybe it was because she was so obvious, but he was everything she needed right now. A friend to guide and encourage her when she needed it the most. ”You think he likes me?” She asked timidly, already testing out her sister’s offer.

Lillith Adravendi



3 Years
Extra large
Chrono I

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
08-20-2021, 11:48 AM

Serenity still held that same, content grin while Lillith thanked her, a small nod of her head in response. She asked if she thought that Roman liked her, and Serenity chuckled in response, "I haven't had a guy come bring me breakfast in bed. So I would think so." She was completely for Lillith experimenting with more options, and she was completely okay with her wanting to stay more attached to Roman. Of course she was sure that the boy had both their father and their brother breathing down his neck, and she would be doing the same if she wasn't so chill. She would be right there behind the men of their family though if Roman ever did something to hurt Lillith, physically or mentally. He should have been terrified of stepping out of line if he wasn't. Serenity didn't think they had much to worry about though, at least not right now while the two of them weren't really even far into whatever relationship, friendship as Lillith had said.

"Did you have anything else in mind today?" She asked, after all she had told Lillith she would show her the secret spot and then they could do whatever she wanted. She didn't mind, she was usually perched up here all day doing nothing when she wasn't attending to duties.




2 Years

The Ooze Participant
09-07-2021, 06:22 AM
Lil hoped that her blushing wasn’t too noticeable, but talking about Roman brought little flutters in her belly and chest. Serenity was her sister though, if there was anyone that she could trust talking about boys to it should have been her. Serenity went on to mention that she never had a boy bring her breakfast so there almost certainly was something deeper. Lil easily thought of Roman and how kind he had been to her since they first met. How sweet he was, and how eager the both of them were to see each other in the mornings.

She could tell that Serenity would be there if anything happened between them too. Good or bad, just like their father and Ezra. Maybe that was why it was so easy to talk to Serenity now, she could feel the devotion her new sister had and they had only just met.

”I don’t know,” she started with a shrug now that they had seen Serenity’s secret place there was a whole world open to them. ”Maybe some training?” She asked with a head tilt as she offered up a proposition to learn.

Lillith Adravendi