
Give me the world, and I give you my loyalty


05-22-2014, 04:46 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 10:41 AM by Aislin.)

Sin was gone. Aislin knew this much. He would not return with his harem of whores. As seductive as he was, Aislin felt it necessary to move on. The girl wasn't even getting sex at this point, even though there were plenty of men out there. Damn if she could only get some attention! First, a new home had to be established, and since she was south, Aislin thought she would hit Covari first. Aislin had heard that it had wolves just like her in the pack, so perhaps she could fit right in.

Padding out to the south, Aislin made her way to the Range in all the snow that had fallen over the last few weeks. Aislin hated snow. It was too cold on her feet and it made them ache. It was all an obstacle of course. Aislin cursed to herself as she sometimes fell into a hole covered with snow. Aislin would regain herself, but snarled after she climbed out. Aislin couldn't wait till spring was over. Her period would be on, she would become a snarky bitch as she looked to get laid for almost a month, and then it would be over until next year. As much as she hated the winter, she hated estrus with no one to fuck her back to her senses.

Once she reached the range, she signed heavily. "God damnit. Finally!" Aislin hoped the range wasn't like this at all during winter. Hell, spring might be fun with the damned mud. As much as it kept the mosquito away, it was still some nasty stuff if it got into her fur. It was heavy, it caked and layered, it got everything in it while it was still wet, and there was no air movement to dry her skin if she was moist so it was a miserable mess. Aislin would avoid it at all costs if she could help it.

Staying at the borders, the black wolf tilted her head back and howled to the skies for the pack leaders. Aislin wanted some more information of Covari, though she had enough of it to want to join. Aislin wanted to know how their ranks worked, and if she joined, if she could have a task right away instead of boring herself to death. When her howl finished, Aislin was silent as she waited. Her thick coat covered her slender form, but she had muscle on her enough to fight with. Aislin liked keeping that secret for good reason and it could be used to her advantage if she was used for spying work.




2 Years
05-22-2014, 05:06 PM

The new layers of white against the world made for a pleasurably peaceful sight. With each new fall it washed the world anew, made it fresh and untouched without a paw print in the snow. Beyond this there was something alluring about winter, it was the perfect weather for finding warm bodies to connect to?

And then of course there was the part that made him detest early rising, to unfurl himself from his warm den and tread into the harshness of the world before the sun had a chance to wash away the worst of the chill.

Today he had had a chance to relax, to hear the soft sound of the wind from the comfort of his cave as he lazed the day away. The pack had quickly begun to form beneath them, with new members often arriving at the borders and the current members trying to find their place within Covari. It was often he got a chance to relax and he enjoyed it for as long as he could ? which would be right up until the howl that sounded against the air and summoned him to its presence. It was a call to the Alpha, but he would respond regardless. Rising quickly from his den and taking a measured loop to the borders. He would slow into an easy walk as he approached the summoner, offering her a grin as he settled upon the edge of Covari?s borders. ?Welcome to Covari, My Lady. I?m Crucifix, the beta here..?? he introduced himself, leaving it open for her to in turn give her own name. He took the chance then to look her down, to note the dark curls of her black coat and golden glow of her autumn eyes ? a reminder of warmer days.


05-22-2014, 05:23 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 10:46 AM by Aislin.)

Aislin hated the cold with a passion because of how much it bit into her skin. If she had a den, that was where she would be right now. It was her hope that she could get one of her own after today. When the foot steps of another were heard, Aislin turned her attention onto a white wolf with gray highlights. Indeed handsome he was, and his voice ever complimented his beauty. Crucifix was his name, and the beta he was of this pack. It was not who she called for, but Aislin wouldn't say anything against it. "I am called by Aislin, as Aslita'ni was my original name. Aislin is easier for others to pronounce." Aislin owed to the man, who was obviously much larger than she. He was built as a warrior for sure, and was ever deserving of the title Beta from his physical appearance.

"I have heard of Covari and the members of this pack. It was neutral to all those seeking a home here. Though, I am sure there is still some other information to know of the pack. It might be boring for you to tell me all of that, so I will cut straight to the point. Does the pack have other sexy men like you? Though, I doubt many could match you." Aislin was a blunt woman, no doubt. Still, this man was horribly attractive. Perhaps it was because she hadn't been laid in forever, or perhaps it was because he was truly that handsome. For now, Aislin enjoyed the presence of him until the alpha arrived. If this pack was full of beautiful people, then perhaps she could be blessed to be part of the beautiful collection.




2 Years
05-22-2014, 05:43 PM

He would wait in polite silence as the girl before her spoke, giving forth her name, both the one to call her by and the one she was birthed with. Again, as she spoke it gave him time to continue looking her over, and he found himself smiling at the contrast of her coat, to the midnight strokes upon her pelt to the soft white that littered the earth around her. She was light of build perhaps, and he could imagine that she might be lithe on her feet, a quick performer? perhaps she came here to join their ranks as a hunter? It seemed strange to asses her size for rank when in the past his concerns where far more... personal and his roaming eyes looked for curves, rather than strengths.

Through his assessment of her he almost missed her words, and couldn?t help the laugh that uttered through his lips. He raised an eyebrow, looking at her once more.. she had more guts than he had first pegged her for and she wasn?t afraid to speak her mind. Now he did look for the curves, and decided that he liked what he saw. ?We have Scorpion..? he hide the curve of his lips behind his soft coat as he raised his eyebrow once more upon her. ?And I believe he has a brother or two within the pack, but no.. I believe your right.. none of them can match me? his grin widened, teasing and light, as his annoyance of Scorpion faded behind the amusement of the jests that went back and forth between them ? yes, she was likely to well fit into this pack. ?Our Lady in red likes to collect the most handsome or beautiful? he laughed again ?So I?m sure you?ll fit in fine?



05-22-2014, 06:02 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 10:52 AM by Aislin.)

Crucifix's gaze had not gone unnnoticed as Aislin watched him carefully. Indeed his build would be impressive should she have the chance to inspect it on her own time. "Taking a fancy to what we see are we? I am sure there will be plenty of time for that, if your alpha seeks to accept me." Aislin let out a wink as she responded to him. As he went off the names of others who were as handsome as he was, Aislin wasn't surprised when he agreed that none could match him. So he did have pride within him. Aislin admired this, so long as his pride did not blind his judgement.

"Knowing your opinion of compatibility with this pack comforts me. I'd rather not freeze my ass off one more day in this damned weather. Perhaps when I earn my rank and title, you could show me to the dens. I have traveled for so long, my joints seemed to have grown cold." Aislin looked down to try and flex her legs to see how stiff they were. Indeed it hurt to flex them somewhat and they were numb, but she put up with it for now. "Perhaps later, you could help with that." So bold as it was for her to simply ask outright to warm her bed. Wasn't it the beta's job to offer assistance to all their members? A sly smirk slipped to her lips as she thought of this, though her ideas of pack ranks were probably outrageous anyhow.




2 Years
05-22-2014, 06:12 PM

It turned out that this would be a good reason to get out of bed. He was enjoying the easy banter between them, the gleam in violet eyes told that story well. There was more than enough reason to laugh at the words spoken in this encounter, and he would do so again now as she spoke. She was blunt, more so then he was accustomed to yet found it oddly refreshing. ?It?s always a pleasure to be greeted with a girl with a fine ass and curves? he agreed lightly after she had spoken, ?so, yup ? I?m enjoying the view? which would be followed by a wink as she spoke of laters. He was most definitely enjoying the conversation now, despite how far it had turned from pack matters.

She spoke of freezing her pretty ass off, and he made an obvious display of moving his head to the side to ensure the spoken appendage was still in place ?it would be my pleasure to show you to the cosy warm dens? he would agree now, his grin only widening as she spoke of warming her joints, although his answer of the dens seemed to suffice for that so he left it, casting his eyes over his shoulder to see if the red queen would be making an appearance.



05-22-2014, 06:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 10:54 AM by Aislin.)

A man after her own heart, he was. Aislin smirked at his gestures and knew Aislin would like this place already if there were others like him. Aislin looked around the scenery for a brief moment and then looked back. "The scenery here would be beautiful in spring, but like you, I enjoy this scenery also. So, Crucifix, tell me more about yourself. I wish to know more of the soul that harbors such a beautiful body like yours." Aislin this time got up and walked around him, her perfume circling him as she took in his; an earthy scent but had a bit of strength within him. Though he looked to be young, age did not matter to her. The younger they were, the more enjoyable they were. Aislin was enjoying this already, since she was not much older than he was.

There had been times that she had similar talks such as this with other men. They were just as enjoyable, though they never lasted long. Aislin figured that there might be such risks of repeating if things got too old between them, as he looked inclined to enjoy what was here as much as she was. If she knew more, then perhaps she could pertain to that interest more, as they had a similar interest in all things beautiful. "What makes that little heart of yours flutter in your chest like butterflies?" A general inquiry for a curious mind. A personal question, yes, but if she was to be part of the pack, she may as well get to know the others here with her twisted little mind of hers.




2 Years
05-22-2014, 06:40 PM

Eyebrow would raise as the girl rose and made her way towards him. Her paws crossed into Covari territory, but he supposed by now that it did not matter ? he was not about to chase her away and in a way that was partly an acceptance ? although it would be Vi?s approval that decided things. His attention was torn again from pack matters, to this find piece of girl before him. He looked her length up and down as she walked around him, giving him a full view of her curves and the roundness of the ass that followed. The flick of her tail was also an alluring factor.

?My soul?? he laughed, it seemed an odd question, out of place in the conversation they were having. She was quick witted, easy to return a joke and her body was fantastic ? that was all he was really looking for. He wanted no ties, he had learned that the hard way. ?You might not like what you find? his voice was a purr, his tone teasing, and seductive.

She spoke again, and another eyebrow would rise -why the sudden interest in who he was? He had a good ass, he gave his tail a flick to highlight that fact, wasn?t that enough? ?My hearts always a flutter ? bad blood sugar I think? his grin would only widen as he deflected all questions about ?heart? and ?soul? he had no interest in giving their answer.



05-22-2014, 07:54 PM

Fuck she hated the Range.. It made viewing things from a distance so hard considering there was almost nothing to hide behind. So when she heard the howl she had approached until she saw the woman standing at the boards then dropped to the ground like the coward she was. Voices drifted towards her, one slippery and seductive and the other all too familiar. She couldn't hear their words, didn't want to hear their words yet as she hid behind a hill for quite some time, practicing deep breathing exercises and screwing her eyes shut. It couldn't be her? There was no fucking way. Vi's breath caught in her throat, and she struggled to regain it before belly crawling towards the top of the hill to peer over. They were still quite a distance away, she could only make out the black form of the woman and the black and white form of Crucifix. For a long time she would stare, simply watching the blurry forms converse before dropping her skull to the ground. "Goddess help me?" She murmured before finally pushing herself to her paws and shaking out her pelt as if it might also dispel her fears. For another few minutes she would stand, closing her eyes and forcing the tension from her muscles. There was no way it was her, not way she could be here? Vi just had to keep reminding herself that even as she made her way over the rolling hills towards the pair.

She could catch the tail end of their conversation as she approached but she really paid it no mind, instead gaze focused on the black woman attempting to seduce Cru and quite possibly succeeding. She wasn't worried about them, or about the woman laying the moves on her most prized possession aside from her wife. No. She needed to see her eyes. And then in a sweep that might have been slow motion Vi saw the glint of yellow that flashed off her eyes. It wasn't her? All the tension slipped out of her muscles as she allowed herself to slither towards the pair, smile falling naturally into place. "My dear? its not very often I allow women as beautiful as yourself into my boarders without asking them to stay?" Words were an easy purr, dripping from honey suckle lips like venom as she stood a bit off from the pair, flashing Cru her temptress smile before allowing her full attention to return to the black woman. "Welcome to Covari my dear. You've met Mr. Black, our beta here and I'm Viridiana Sovari. May I ask your name?" She asked easily, head tipping as she smiled at the black fae.


05-22-2014, 08:04 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 10:57 AM by Aislin.)

As if she had forgotten that there were others coming, Aislin continued to listen to Crucifix and saw that he avoided answering her questions. Fine then, he could play hard to get no problem. "My soul isn't entirely clean either, honey." Aislin continued to play as she looked to the new one that came. This must have been the Alpha, as she listened to what she poke. Aisiln gave a bow and smiled. "If it were my intention to trespass, I would have done so already. However, it was my intention to inspect this piece of treasure you have found yourself here, and thus, I did not trespass intentionally even though I circled him. My apologies if I offend." Aislin gave another bow and then backed up so she was an even distance from the two of them.

"I am Aislin. Aslita'ni was my former name, and it's harder to pronounce. So please just refer to me as Aislin." Aislin sat up and looked the crimson lady over. She was just as beautiful as Crucifix was for certain, and Aislin almost envied her."I come seeking a home within your borders if you see me fit amongst your treasures. I do not come without skills." Aislin spoke with a smirk on her lips, pretty sure she would have guessed that Aislin had some skills. Aislin was an excellent tracker, skilled runner, and if she had to, she could smooth talk her way out of a lot of situations, depending on who she came across.

(Sorry, been having some crappy posts lately)




2 Years
05-22-2014, 08:26 PM

They would be interrupted by the presence of his Alpha, and a warm greeting would vibrate from his throat in the form of a purr. His eyes would remain on her form as she approached the duo, and a smile would flash his way before her attention would land upon Ais. From here he would simply sit back and listen, allowing a slight nod of his head as Vi introduced him as ?Mr Black? through really, such a title felt clownish upon him at best ? Cru would do just fine.

The girl at the borders would speak, and his slow smile would touch his lips once more. ?I believe she intends to keep you regardless? he teased, casting a warm smile to his Alpha- she surrounded herself with the proud, the beautiful and the flirtatious, he couldn?t imagine her turning away Ais now that he knew her. aside from that command he would remain with his silence, falling into the shadows at Vi?s side, giving her the reins to lead this as the stunning Alpha she was.



05-23-2014, 10:39 AM

ooc;; shitty phone post away!!! I'll place Ais in a rank next round then let you to carry on :D

She was quick on her paws and had a tongue like a viper. Vi liked her already. "I doubt there is any way you could offend..." She purred easily, eyes following the black pelted woman as she bowed and took a few steps back. Respectful as well? Could this woman be any more perfect? She gave her name and Vi stored her full name in her mind for future reference, enjoying the sound of it as it rolled of Aislin's tongue. But would would tip her head and nod in recognition do Aislin's request for Vi to call her by her chosen name. So she was seeking a home? How delightful was that. But before she could even respond Crucifix would toss his two cents in and Vi would shoot him a devilish smile. "It is true I would welcome your beauty in my ranks with or without skills but having them makes you even more of a prize. So tell me... What skills do you possess?" Vi's words would hush as she leaned forward a bit as if Aislin's next words might be some big secret they couldn't let the rest of the world know. Damn this girl was beautiful. Yes she wasn't her but the rede balance in both looks and personality were too hard to shake.


05-23-2014, 11:09 AM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 11:15 AM by Aislin.)

It would seem that Aislin had appealed to the queen quite easily. Aislin was pleased by this and decided that this might be her home now. Crtu decided to throw his two cents in which only confirmed her suspicions about being kept like treasure. So she was to be a gem, like a ruby, here in this pack yes? Well, then she better be treated like one! It was her opinion that if she were to be kept like a jewel, that she were to also be cared for like one. Of course, that kind of treatment didn't come without work, and thus she was fully prepared to work to keep herself shiny and pristine within this pack. When the question of skills came about, Aislin was more than happy to oblige.

"My skills besides my forked tongue are the ability to run long distances without tiring. I can also track anything within a mile or two, I can tell you the age of tracks and what direction, and I can recognize patterns within the landscape of prey movements. I am also quite stealthy when I need to be, and I can kill on your command. I can be a ghost and disappear without a trace, or I can be visible to the naked eye and attack when necessary. What you wish of me, you have. Even if it's just a sex toy."

Aislin was quiet after this, hoping that this would please Viridiana. Perhaps she and Cru could have a race later. With the way he was able to dish back what he received, she was pleased with his company. Perhaps others would be just like him also in this pack. She liked Viridiana for her smooth, silver tongue also, which meant that there was more about this fae than what was revealed on this day.




2 Years
05-23-2014, 05:24 PM

Crucifix would continue to keep himself quite and to a distant from the words being spoken by the two beautiful girls. He could already see the girls acceptance, like a physical shadow about her, a reflection of all the inner strength within her character coupled with the beauty that even Vi was admiring. He would smile again at his queen, pleased at how well he was coming to know her and how easier it would be to guess her wishes. He was fully prepared by now to accept wolves himself into the pack since he had a fair idea of who she would accept and who she would not.

Vi moved herself closer to Ais, and Cru had a hard time keeping himself from licking his lips at the thought of the two girls mixing their coats together. Damn Vi ever since she had told him she was married to another damn as sexy and unique as herself. He would hold back his inner sigh and draw himself back to present in time to hear the last of Ais's words, as she spoke about disappearing, attacking... and other uses she could hold. He would move his eyes to her own glowing orbs and drop a wink her way. He still didn't speak, now it was time for Vi to decide this girls rank.


06-06-2014, 12:12 AM

Vi stood easily and listened as the woman listed her various skills and Vi couldn't help but smile, it seemed she really was a woman of many talents. She threw in a random helpful skill at the end and Vi chuckled easily. "You seem multi talented? I could defiantly use a woman of your skills here?" She purred easily, pushing her should to Cru as if demanding that he turn his attention back to her. She didn't like sharing him, but she wouldn't show it at this current point in time. "But we won't need you as a sex toy? Not just yet. But if you would like? I would like someone with your variety of skills on our council. You would help with everything and anything. You would also be called together with the rest of the council when decisions need to be made for the pack?" Was she really asking this? For a moment she stunned herself even as she spoke. But what was the council really? Only Scorpion and Sibelle really knew what it was about. And only Sibelle in full detail. What would it hurt to see if this woman would fit in with her devious little schemes.


06-11-2014, 11:36 AM

The offer that was laid before her surprised Aislin. On the council? And here Aislin thought she would just be accepted as a normal member. Oh, this was going to be fun. Already she was in a higher spot, and she had lookers at her side to count. Aislin smirked at this, and nodded. "I would be more than happy to serve on your council. What is it that you will require of me while on the council? Is there more to the council than discussing pack issues, or is that the only thing?" Aislin had never really been on the council before, but with her paw in the door, there was really no way that she could decline. It seemed that Viridiana wanted here there for a reason, so she couldn't decline. Being part of the interworkings of a pack by simply supplying her opinions, suggestions, and ideas was still very interesting none the less, as she was now part of this pack

"Regardless, I do believe I can hold my own within the council. Though, the 'not just yet' part in the becoming a sex toy intrigues me. It makes me wonder what your other secret plans are for me." She gave a wink to Viridiana as she nudged him on the shoulder, which was a silent gesture that he pay attention to Viridiana, or some other means. Aislin recognized the signs and decided that Cru should go back to paying attention to Viridiana for now. After all - she didn't want to take something that wasn't hers to begin with.
