
She tried her best but now she can't win


05-21-2014, 02:27 PM
{So, Kat said I could make her sick and stuff.}

The white girl wasn't feeling well, a fever burning her up, and she panted heavily. Suddenly, her muscles twitched, and she collapsed on the ground, her muscles twitching and trembling. The white creature huffed for breath, her chest rising heavily as her eyes stung with tears. Finally, she raised her head and struggled to her paws, only to watch as two crimson dots fell on her paws. Blinking back the strange tears, Ballad managed a whimper as she noticed that she couldn't see, the red making her stumble. For a few moments, her vision cleared, and she watched as her father moved closer, his jaws getting ready to bite her. Ballad opened her mouth to say something, but a frothy liquid came out instead. Finally, the girl looked up, muscles twitching wildly. Finally, a thought came to her worried mind. A pack......She needed to find a pack, one that knew the cure.

The girl's head twitched as she got up, and she stumbled her way to Ludicael, panting. She couldn't do much, blood leaking from her eyes and staining her fur, but she could try and help. When she was feeling better, even if she wasn't even better, she could try and help. The girl's tongue hung out of her mouth, and her brown eyes were not even close to being as full of life as they had been before she was sick. But still, Ballad struggled closer to Ludicael borders, finally collapsing heavily at the end. If there were any more sick with this, she could just leave; they were pack members, after all. With a shake of her head, Ballad decided to go somewhere else, besides the pack.

It wasn't long before she fell, her eyes closing as she struggled to raise her head, and let out a thin, wavering howl.
