
Can you show me the way?



8 Years
05-21-2014, 01:14 PM

The winter air was sharp, threatening to bite to the bone. The creamy female shivered slightly, thankful for her thick winter coat to keep her protected. She walked slowly, trailing after the large beast that led her into pack lands. She was wary, the scent of other wolves was strong. It made her nervous, she didn't do so well with large groups. Her head hung level to the earth, violet eyes on the look out for anyone. She had grown more and more protective of her own body as the thoughts of carrying little ones hung above her. She didn't want many wolves touching her, Scorpion being the only acceptation. Looking at the tall male before her, she grinned and trotted to catch up to him.

Othello reached his flank, playfully nipping at his skin as they walked past fields that once held food. At the moment, with winter gripping the land with its cold claws, stocks stood crippled and black. She could only imagine what crops they yielded in the heat of the summer. Snapping her jaws together in a mindless action, she turned her attentions back to keeping an eye out. She hugged to the large males side, knowing that if anyone popped out that he would fight them off. The smaller female took great comfort in that, and allowed her tense body to somewhat relax.

Sniffing the cold air, Othello was unsure of what they were looking for. Scorpion had told her that they were going to see her sister, and perhaps run into the alpha of the pack. She was nervous about joining, she didn't do too well with a bunch of wolves. But it would be best for their pups to have others to depend on, and the soon-to-be mother knew that she had to accept that. Sighing softly, she looked up at Scorpion. "Are we almost there dearest?" She asked, her vocals a slightly higher pitch with her nerves.



5 Years
Extra large
05-21-2014, 03:13 PM

He would lead her away, curiosity raging wild within his core. He had to be sure that his Othello really was pregnant. He had to know that she carried inside her his very own offspring. The winter's cold chill would whip around them, he could feel the chill trying to reach into his bones but it would have trouble through his thick coat. He would not notice his she wolf's nervousness, his own senses alert on every movement. So trained on her he was, so protective he had become of her very being. He had to keep her safe, keep the pups inside her from harm's way. He would let no one but Orchid touch her, and he was ready to defend his claim over her.
His steps would not be interrupted until he felt the playful nips of his seductress on his flank. Growling playfully he'd turn to nip at her cheek. Though their attentions would be brought back to the journey ahead, the borders were close. Othello would cling to his side, an odd comfort to his form as an excitement welled up within him. His senses still alert as he constantly scanned for danger that might be out to get his jewel. He knew that she had not been to Covari yet, his guidance was very much needed to get there. He needed her there, craved the added protection Viridiana could provide her.
He didn't realize her nervousness, nor would he have acknowledged it had she said something. He was her protector. She need not worry about anything because he would always be there to defend her. She would sigh, slowing his steps slightly as his features looked back to her. "Are we almost there dearest?" He would nod, features turning back to their destination. The borders are close, maybe a few more minutes." He would continue, his pace quickening slightly. He did not want to bring a stranger onto Viridiana's land with out her knowledge. He respected her too much for that. So as they drew near the lands his head would fall back, summoning the woman to his side.




2 Years
05-21-2014, 08:27 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2014, 08:52 PM by Crucifix.)

A summoning howl would break the air, and the Beta of Covari knew he was the closest to its source. His walk along across the territory would turn into a light, and unhurried jog as he brought himself before the borders. He knew Vi had more than her hands full and thought to either save her the trouble or at least start it off if she decided to drop on in. Thoughts of his colorful queens where never far from his mind, and a teasing smile was on his maw as he reached the howler. He would be met with a brute he did not know, but of whose scent smelled of Covari. Momentarily puzzled he cast his eyes to the wolf beside him? and froze. His heart skipped a beat and his breath stilled in his throat. They had not departed on the best terms, each distraught and a mess by the emotions that had driven them apart.

He had not expected this, nothing had ever brought him to anticipate such a thing, and he knew he stood there for a long moment, his expression of shock was fleeting and fast before a blank one had encompassed him. The grin was long, long gone by now, and his stony expression would form roboticly into a smile ? this was Vi?s pack, not his own, he could not bring his own emotions into the mix. So he steeled himself for this, glaced over his emotions and his his feelings of sudden disdain and hate for the brute and moved his eyes to Othello.

His pain was only just beginning, in fact he would realize it had barely even begun, as he fully took these two wolves in, as he took in the scent of Othello, it held a rich and warm motherly tone to it.. could she.. could she be pregnant? No real way to confirm it this early on, he shoved it aside, begging it was not so, the thought of Scorpion on her.. he practiced his breathing, forced himself to calm as more precious moments ticked by. ?Greetings, I don?t believe we have met before? I am Crucifix? his voice was not warm, nor was it cold as he kept his expression upon Scoprion.




8 Years
05-21-2014, 09:12 PM

Their playful banter was calming to her, his growl tingling her spine. Oh how she just wished to lounge with him and play restlessly, not wandering into the heart of pack lands. He told her that they were close and she just nodded her head, staying silent when he howled to summon the alpha. Nerves sent a whole different feeling though her, like pins and needles. Her tail swung behind her carefully, her violet eyes squinted to see who would answer their call. That is when the scent hit her, causing her to freeze. No. Were her ghosts coming to haunt her at a time like this? Were her past demons here to mock her? But no, his form soon took shape. The two of them met eyes, so perfectly matching in hue. Both their bodies froze in the same manner, a single white paw raised in her next step. It couldn't be... The scent of the pack land whirled about him, and she knew that it was.

Othello couldn't move. Every part of her body was hard as rock as they just stood there and stared, and it was awhile before he made a move to come closer to them. The dame dropped to the earth, her belly resting mere centimeters away from the frosted grass below her, her ears flat against her skull. A small whine whistled out from behind her clenched teeth. So was he here to mock her? By the look of pain on her face, they were in the same boat. She still cared about the silver male before them. Nervous violet eyes scanned from between the two males, her head sinking to become level with the earth.

The dame was very much stuck between a rock and a hard place, fear scent wafting off of her creamy form. Lower and lower she sank, just wishing that the earth would swallow her whole. It would be easier than this, than the fear and the pain that surrounded her. Memories that her and Crucifix shared still circled her mind, haunting her with their joy and pleasure. Scorpion entered her mind as well, the things that the two of them had experienced with each other as well. Othello shook, although it was not from the winter air. When Crucifix spoke she felt daggers stab at her very soul, the emptiness he placed in his vocals hurting her more than if he had been happy. What was she to do? She couldn't turn and run. Elegant long tail curled up and under her belly, both in her fear and pain, and also to protect the little beings that resided there. Well... maybe.



5 Years
Extra large
05-21-2014, 10:22 PM

He would go on to the edge of the packlands, his companion not yet catching up to his stance. He would not take note until the appearance of Viridiana's beta. He'd seen him at the meeting and could tell he recognized himself by the look of confusion on his face. However, the violet gaze of this boy would slide from himself and quickly to the reason he was calling. He would feel his hackles raise with each passing moment the wolf stared at the girl. Feeling a growing need to protect his Othello the black marked male would slowly back himself to her side. He would fully keep his senses trained on the younger wolf, not finding his prize in distress until her soft whine reached his ears. His gaze would narrow as his suspicions would run rampant within his mind. Othello would cower before this man, what had he done to her to create such an image in his playful dame. He would move to stand over her, protecting and claiming her as his own. The cross marked boy would show him no sign of aggression, and Scorpion would respect the position he had been granted. However he would not be taking any chances. Finally though the beta would speak, his eyes rightfully on the Lord's own features. "No, we've not been introduced." his voice was nothing but polite as he answered swiftly. "My title is Scorpion Destruction," smooth lyrics would roll off his silver tongue. "I've called to seek Viridiana's approval of my mistress." his head would lower as he would lick Othello's ear comfortingly. He didn't know the history of these two, but he would not let him hurt her again.?



05-21-2014, 11:18 PM

A howl would break the silence of the swamplands and Vi would lift her skull, red ears swivelling atop of head to catch the sound. Back in the range? Damn. Jaw unhinged as she allowed a yawn to slip up her throat before finally she lifted herself up. Sounded like Scorpion? What did he want? Was he getting bored already with her lack of fulfilment on her promises. Hopefully not, it would be quite some time before they took a darker turn. Pelt was shaken out, ridding the vibrant colours of any debris she might have gathered while sitting in the muck. And with that the queen was off, moving at a lengthy trot, long legs seeming to devour the distance between herself and her dear pet she had met not so long ago. But it seemed she wasn't the only one who would come to the call of her pet, Crucifix trotting forward to greet them. The red woman would slow, then halt a short distance away, lifting her skull to feel the breeze and make sure she was downwind. Might as well see how her pack members acted when she wasn't around? But there was something off about her knight, her friend. He seemed tense and hardened as he approached and the woman that Scorpion had brought with him seemed to wither and wilt beneath Crucifix's gaze. What was this?

Words were exchanged but she didn't catch most of them, nothing really except the tail end of Scorpion's words as she approached, gaze also hardened. She liked Scorpion but Crucifix still held a special place in her heart. Though her mind told her to smooth things over her heart told her to defend Crucifix even if he had done nothing. "More pets for me to play with dear Scorpion? Oh you do know how to get on a lady's good side?" Words were a purr though she would slip and slither behind Crucifix, running long body along his side and lifting her skull to run it beneath his chin before seating herself at his side. "Crucifix. Scorpion is on my council with Sibelle? Scorpion. Play nice darling, I'd hate to have to discipline you." Words help temptation and a promise, smile sly and seductive as she allowed her eyes to slip up and down Scorpion's form before transferring to the white woman cowering beneath Scorpion's possessive form. "Sharing is caring boys. Now who is this?" She asked, flashing a smile to the white woman in an attempt to ease some of her fears.




2 Years
05-21-2014, 11:37 PM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2014, 11:38 PM by Crucifix.)

Othello's reaction would surprise him, and he couldn't help his gaze flicking to the girl as she coward behind the stranger. The boy.. Scorpion he called himself, seemed to thrive upon the attention. Drawing himself up and over her, his stance obsessive and claiming in a way that set Crucifix's teeth on edge. ?My Lady Othello? he would say gently, his words a rebuke to this boys title of 'mistress' he could not image that wild girl bowing to anyone. He tore his gaze from her, if she had made her decision so be it ? he had lost his say in her life.

His queen would be beside him now, drawing her coat long his in her deliciously teasing manner, a soft and barely audible rumble would sound in his throat in pleasure at her touch, and his smile would find her form. He would fall silent now, leaving her to do the rebuking, to stake her claim and her place in this land as their queen. He would know then fully who Scorpion was, that he had been chosen by Vi herself to be on her council, again he knew he must accept this despite his personal feelings. ?My Queen? he purred gently ?This is Othello? my ex lover? My friend? My enemy? He did not know who she had become, but it seemed she had fallen to a place of servitude to this brute. He did not know the story, and his lack of knowledge did little to ease the burning in his veins. He flicked his tail alongside Vi's rump, the pleasure of her touch a remedy to his mind.




8 Years
05-22-2014, 12:11 AM (This post was last modified: 05-22-2014, 12:16 AM by Othello.)

She was crouched low to the earth, praying to the wolf gods that they would just gobble her up and save her from this drama. A shadow was cast over her form, and she looked up to see that Scorpion had stepped over her. She still didn't feel safe from the pain, from the surprising anguish that came with seeing Crucifix again. Scorpion called her his mistress, and she almost sputtered at that word. Is that what she was? Mistress? Even more shocked was she that she had mixed feelings on this word. She cared for the brute above her, but there was a part of her that would always hold a soft spot for Crucifix. She was confused, and oh so lost. Othello whined again, placing her head on the earth and covering it up with her front legs. Maybe if she laid there really still they would just forget about her.

The sound of another's paws upon the earth reached her flattened ears, and she peeked between her legs to see a red hued female. She walked up to Cru and rubbed herself along him, and he greeted her with a smile. Rage boiled up where her fear and pain had been, a burning sensation running through her form. But why was this angering her? She had no hold over him anymore, they gave each other up. Crucifix's vocals captured her attention then, his sweet voice calling her his lady. A blush replaced her anger, her emotions like a revolving door. She shook her head, there had been so much lust with Scorpion that her other emotions had been put on a back burner. Now though? Her moods were flaring and swinging, not helped by the possible other hormones flowing through her.

When the lady addressed Scorpion in a flirting manner her lips pulled back, her anger once more taking over. These were her boys, and she was trying to lay claim to both of them? Her coat bristled, but she did not growl. She was prepared too, but held it within her with much strength. She shakily rose to her paws and scooted forward, sitting underneath Scorpion with her head sitting under his chin. "Yes, I am Othello." She said, her voice hissing between clenched jaws. Her violet eyes that were so like Crucifix's she gazed at the two sitting side by side, how she seemed to calm each other. Othello attempted to shake her anger, but her purple eyes still burned. Scorpion reached down and licked her ear, making her able to settle her ruffled fur. If she was wishing to join this pack with Scorpion, she needed to remain cool.

To try to calm herself further she looked directly up at the brute above her, but as soon as she lowered it her gaze fell to the silver male. Letting out a sharp sigh her elongated tail thumped on the frosted ground, instead settling her gaze on the female. "You must be Viridiana, Queen of these lands." Her own vocals were much smoother, although there was a tenseness to her voice. This red damsel seemed to have a flirtatious manner, which normally did not bother her when it was not directed at those that she cared so much about. Her tail found its way to Scorpion's leg, curling around it as she tried to seek comfort. She was no longer Crucifix's, although calling her his lady still had her all shaken. Did he still want her? Did she want to stay with Scorpion? Yes, at the moment she did. He cared for her, told her she mattered, and she was carrying his offspring. Closing her eyes for a moment, she centered herself and attempted to regain control of her emotions. Cru was no longer hers, but the woman had still flirted with Scorpion. He was hers for sure, and if she made another move on him she would surely snap. Opening and blinking, a more settling sigh made her chest rise and fall. Othello needed to remain civil, no matter how hard it was.




5 Years
Extra large
05-22-2014, 12:56 AM

A growl would leave Scorpion, the first warning as his Othello's name fell from the silver and black wolf's mouth. He didn't appreciate him staking any type of claim over his Lady. His aggression would fall away as he caught the scent of the Lady of Covari.

Suddenly the red queen was there, her form splashing lavishly on Crucifix's pelt. A smirk would cross his features, his fur calming but his stance still standing firm over his doll. Her seductive words spinning and weaving with her alluring voice. It was hard to ignore her presence or her words, though he would see they brought a calm to her beta. Scorpion would settle slightly, still overprotective of the girl under his chest. He would become distracted by Vi's delicate features, coaxing words would reach his ears as Othello found her feet. He would place his left foreleg around her shoulder, pulling her in closer to him. He felt the tension in her body and his only wish would be to calm his sparkling gem.
So distracting was his fine woman that he almost lost his focus on the Lady he had come to serve. He would catch her promising eye, the prospects she held in underlying tones causing him to smile greedily. She would then turn her sights on his delicious cherry after the two would find their gazes adequately satisfied. "If I may, I've never been one to share my prizes m'Lady." he would grin rather Evily, ?however Crucifix would finish his statement. Giving Vi the girl's name. Scorpion would nuzzle Othello's cheek as he felt her fur bristle, his voice a quiet whisper in her ear. "my gorgeous Othello."
He felt her long tail grasp his leg, with her movement he would pull her closer to his chest. He'd claimed her, and he would not let her go. As he'd told her, she was now his forever. He didn't feel comfortable allowing the delicate information of her possible pregnancy out while in the silver male's presence. As soon as he knew with certainty she was expecting he would alert his monarch immediately.?



06-03-2014, 12:48 AM

Though she couldn't hear the sound of the rumble that rolled up his throat she could feel the soft vibration roll through his body at her touch. A smile trickled across her lips as she took note of this but otherwise she didn't show any hints that she had noticed. Scorpion allowed a devious smile to slip across his lips and Vi couldn't help but return it as she stood beside Crucifix. He introduced the little dove perched beneath Scorpion and Vi flashed a smile at the girl for a short time before Scorpions words drew her attention upwards. "Oh but you bring me the most interesting things?" She purred easily, flashing Scorpion a wink. She was oblivious to Othello's feelings, at least seemingly so. Smiling easily to Scorpion and Crucifix. Scorpion spoke easily, introducing the girl as his Othello. Well that would change. Orchid had been his Orchid after all and now she had integrated pretty easily into the pack. Then the girl spoke, seeming to find her voice as she introduced herself as well. Everyone knew her? Interesting? Vi's smile remained in place even as Othello bristled and flared, rage seeming to gather below the surface of the woman. "I am she. My wife Desiree is the other queen here." Everyone would forever know that Desiree was a queen? Her queen? "So what can I do for you all? Do you seek acceptance here? To join your beloved?" She asked, words an easy purr as head tipped. Was this a new pack member or were they here to tell her other things?

Talk like this



2 Years
06-04-2014, 04:48 PM

As much as he tried to keep his eyes from her it was difficult not to see the reaction Othello gave. It tugged at his heart to see her this way and served only to remind him of other hurts he had dealt her way. Their heated discussions and the fits they had had. He fought back the sigh, thinking that perhaps it was better having no say in his life considering that everything he had done had served only to make her life worse anyway. Scorpion would speak again, emphasizing his claim upon Othello. This time Crucifix made no move to contradict him or speak again. He leaned slightly into his queen, drawing on her presence as a sweet comfort

She would speak again now, her voice a curve of sly and soft words against the air. Crucifix tried to process the idea of Othello within the same pack as him, and with another man. He swallowed, and didn't dwell on the thought. Instead his ear flicked back to Vi as she spoke of Des, her strangely coloured queen. Cru smiled, remembering the way she had rubbed herself against the other when Cru had first met Des, truly Vi was an exotic and strange creature.
