
it's like the fog has lifted



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-23-2021, 10:09 AM (This post was last modified: 08-23-2021, 05:46 PM by Siren. Edited 1 time in total.)
Mostly she slept in the days after the storm, mostly so she didn’t have to accept Dalila’s distance but also so she could heal. Over the course of those excruciating days she started to form an idea to keep her puppies alive. Chimera couldn’t ever know about the deity that impregnated her, she couldn’t bear the thought of what he would do or think if he knew another (even a river god) had touched her let alone filled her with his offspring. He loved her, but if Dalila’s reaction was any indication of how Chimera would feel… Betrayed and hurt at the very least. Murderous at worst. She had to protect that which grew within. The idea itself was atrocious, and she hated it from the very start but what else could she do? Siren could ask anything she wanted of Chimera but to raise another’s children seemed far too much to ask. So she would bear this burden, and hope she could trust Dalila enough not to reveal the truth.

Siren was walking easily again, though her recovery was longer than she anticipated. She wasn’t doing anything she normally might have, and likely would have been caught already if Chimera were not also recovering. The little princess made her way through the forests in the late afternoon. She had seen all three other women close to the beaches, and she followed Chimera’s trail to the middle of the island. It was a mild afternoon, the day was overcast and cool.

Her slim frame slipped through the foliage into a private clearing, finding her massive brother, laying eyes on him for the first time since… everything. Siren didn’t think that she could love him more, but in that moment she was struck dumb by the emotions. He really was everything to her, especially now as she stood broken before him. She didn’t let the tears fall, she buried the uncontrollable emotions and smiled softly. Her expression was real, he did make her smile, just being in his presence made her feel like maybe everything would be alright.

"Chimera.” She greeted softly, her voice betraying just how desperately she needed him. In this moment and every day. "How are you feeling?”




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
08-23-2021, 01:30 PM

The war between Viper and Aliana was stretching Chimera thin. The slave woman- Former slave woman- gave in to his wishes and wills but Viper refused. With the tension in the den and his injured ribs, the brute hadn't been getting much sleep. Today he took advantage of the overcast sky and the cool weather. In his favorite clearing, the giant bastard slept. There was no danger here. He'd made doubly sure of that.

Soft pawsteps and the rustling of foliage brought the man's mismatched eyes opening. Curling his neck, he stared into the equally mismatched eyes of his sweet sister. Her words met his ears and he could instantly tell that something was bothering her. Chimera's brow furrowed and he lifted one thick foreleg, welcoming Siren to come so that he could hold her.

In all the world, there was no one that he loved so much as Siren. For her, he would destroy empires. He would murder, rape, pillage. For Siren's smile, he would raze packs and families to the ground. All she had to do was ask. When she was upset, he instantly began thinking about who he might have to kill to make her smile once more.

Once the ethereal fae was in his grasp, Chimera closed the circuit of his powerful forelegs, pressing Siren against his chest and embracing her like one might do to a pup. Lowering his speckled nose, he nuzzled one caramel ear. "Tell me what's wrong," he spoke softly. Whatever it was, he would fix it.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-23-2021, 02:57 PM
With a simple gesture Chimera welcomed her forward, the answer to her question went unanswered but that didn’t stop her from drawing forward. Tiny paws closed the distance between them and she gladly took her place against his chest and wrapped in his arms. She felt safe, like nothing beyond this clearing mattered for just a few moments. He wrapped his huge mismatched arms around her and she sighed softly as the rest of her body relaxed against his. He put lips to her ear and whispered to her intuitively. She didn’t hide the brewing beneath very well, and he knew that there was something amiss.

"Everything.” She answered truthfully into his fur, tears pricking at her eyes as the emotions welled up behind her eyes. Her mouth went dry and she tried to swallow uncomfortably. "I had a fight with Dalila.” Another truth as she glossed over the why. Because of the duty she had to uphold, she’d been conscripted by a greater spirit himself.

"And I don’t feel… good.” She struggled with her word choice. She knew that underneath it all she was making a bigger and bigger mess of things, but maybe all the pieces would fall into place with her scrambling. Siren’s delicate features were buried again into Chimera’s thick fur as she pressed herself against him. Careful, in case his ribs still felt sore. She nuzzled into his fur, and kissed the sensitive skin along his throat while her delicate arms squeezed tighter.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
08-23-2021, 04:24 PM

Chimera gathered Siren into his arms, soothing rumbles emanating from him as she settled against his chest. He listened as she spoke of having had a fight with Dalila. To Chimera, this wasn't a bit deal at all. The woman was a slave. All Siren had to do was order her around and tell her to be happy. His sister was too sweet, however. Too kind and caring to give Dalila orders. There was nothing that he could do about their spat. Their... lovers quarrel. Yes, he knew they were lovers. Sometimes he could smell it on Siren. Right now though, he couldn't smell much aside from the intoxicating scent of her heat.

When Siren said that she didn't feel well, Chimera's brow furrowed and he curled his neck to look down upon her. "Have you taken any herbs for it? Surely you have something in your stores. Check with Aliana to see if she has anything that you don't." And then... Siren began trailing kisses along his throat. The man's eyes widened and his lips parted for a moment in surprise. She was still in heat... was that why she didn't feel good? Mentally, Chimera gasped like a maid. He didn't understand this side of Siren. His sister was always so pure and chaste. He wouldn't make the same mistake as last time and be the one to make the first move. If she wanted something, she would have to come right out and tell him.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-23-2021, 05:40 PM
Siren felt guilt and horror build in her stomach at what she was about to do. She pressed onward, seeing no other way forward. Maybe she could run, harbor protection somewhere. That would get her nowhere either. Surely she chose the right option. Chimera didn’t completely understand her, that much was obvious in the way he told her to see Aliana in case she didn’t have what she needed. He really had no idea, not until her lips were against his flesh. He seemed to freeze, acting nothing like before he left the island.

"I don’t think her herbs can help with what I need.” She breathed into his neck and steeled herself. There was a part of her that craved this, craved his attention and love in the most primal way. There was the part that needed this because she saw no other way to keep what was already dwelling within. Then the third part was hesitant and scared. She didn’t want to be made into the broken mess Oxx had left her as.

Her heart fluttered in her chest, from fear and passion equally. She looked up at him from beneath her pale lashes. Lifting herself slightly so she could cradle the straight edge of his jaw with her tiny pink paws. Her dual toned gaze found his eyes, the blind silvery orb and fiery pink iris. She leaned in to press her pale lips against his own, closing her eyes and leaning into the affection like she had never shown him before.

She had to force herself to break the kiss, but she had to remind him. "I love you, Chimera.” Despite what she was doing, despite what had been done, she did love him with all of her heart. Siren leaned forward again, and emulating his own actions as her pink lips found his her tiny tongue pressed against his mouth, tasting him and further pressing her will. "Take me," she breathed against his shark like teeth, fearful the serrated edges would knick her tongue.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
08-25-2021, 05:46 PM

Siren rose and cradled his chiseled jaw in one tiny paw. Chi moved his muzzle just enough to give her slender forearm a kiss before turning his gaze back to meet her own. She was confusing the shit out of him. When he'd kissed her that day on the beach, she had resisted, so he had stopped before he couldn't control himself. Now she was acting like she wanted it. He just didn't understand her. Was her heat controlling her that much? And if it was, should he give into it when this might not be the choice she would normally make?

Soft, delicate lips met his own and Chimera released a low rumble. It shouldn't have been a secret that Siren was a very attractive woman. She was sweet and proper and chaste. All things that he was not. It was said that opposites were drawn to one another. Chimera had been attracted to Siren from the moment that he realized what attraction was. Due to their murky lineage, he didn't think that she would ever look upon him that way. Yet here they were...

Once more Siren leaned into him, this time confessing her love for him. He was still confused at this sudden barrage of lust that she was heaping upon him, but he couldn't ignore him. "And I love you," he replied. Surely she knew that. Just as he knew that she loved him. So why did she feel the need to say it out loud?

The woman's next words brought a low groan from him. There was desperation in her voice and whatever self control he had shattered with those two, breathy words. Sliding one paw to Siren's lower back, Chimera pulled her closer. His own maw opened as he kissed her in return, the brute's tongue sliding across her own. She weighed nothing as the giant settled Siren upon her back. Pulling away, Chimera looked down at the woman who meant the world to him. She was so small... so perfect. Never did he think that she would willingly come to him, though he'd dreamed about it more than once. The natural barriers between blood relations had never existed for Chimera. He had excellent role models in that regard... Though she loved him, he never thought that Siren would feel the same way.

Chimera continued to look down at the tiny angel as she rested on her back between his thick, muscular forelegs. He would do something for her that he had never done for any other, and he voiced it aloud. "I'll try to be gentle. Let me know if I hurt you." For once, he didn't want to hurt the woman that he was with. Sinking down to his elbows over Siren, Chimera kept his weight off of her just enough to avoid hurting her. He then buried his face in her chest, his head sliding to the side so that he could hear the beating of her heart. The tiny pitter patter belied her nervousness, but why shouldn't she be nervous? She was a virgin and this would be her first time with a man. Chi was glad that it was going to be him. He would be able to treat her as she was meant to be treated.

Gently and lovingly, Chimera began to groom the dainty fae. His tongue slid over her throat, neck, chest, belly. He wanted to prepare her for what was to come, so his tongue eventually trailed lower, dipping in to get the first taste of Siren's sweet flavor. He continued until she was quivering beneath his touch, stopping when he thought she was close. Only then did Chimera position himself above the breathtaking little seraph beneath him. Gently, but with intense desire, he slid home. The brute spoke her name through gritted teeth as he began to move, keeping his gaze on her golden features all the while.


Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-26-2021, 06:08 AM
There was reception to her affection as her lips pressed his his, but she could feel his resistance much in the way that she had resisted him that day when he left her on the beach. Maybe if the circumstances weren’t as they were now she never would have sought him out for this. The desire for the life within her, the desperation of feeling scorned by her lover, Siren had no one else to turn to. She needed Chimera, she needed him in more than just his protective and providing ways. She needed him as he returned her sentiment Siren could forget the turmoils within. The reasons for this moment didn’t matter, all that mattered was the love they shared between them.

A deep and low groan bubbled up from his chest as she whispered to him again, and the last pieces of restraint drifted off. There was nothing else she needed to say as Chimera wrapped his arms around her and pulled her body tightly to his. She sucked in her breath and pressed herself against him, sharing in the burning flame of desire lit between them. He kissed her deeply, and lifted her tiny frame with ease. Siren was subject to his whim, powerless and powerful at the same time. The feeling of his attention was a far cry from the way she was handled by the river god. Again she was reminded of how much he took from her, how big the sacrifice she made for him.

Chimera settled her against the leaf litter and soft earth, her tiny frame spread over the dark forest floor in display for him. Dangerous eyes beheld her as Chi paused to admire her. Dal barely spoke to her now, but she kept her clean, her fur braided, and her body healed. Dainty paws rested on her chest as she nestled between his massive arms. She felt his body press against her thighs and warm her belly as he drew closer. His words were a surprise, but a pleasant promise she would cherish. Siren’s eyes very nearly filled with tears at the emotional response to what he said. She had nearly been broken by the demon who took her, but Chimera offered her nothing but love. The emotion was written all over his face, his deep passion and love for her was obvious and the tiny princess felt herself reciprocating. Siren never thought she could love Chimera like this but as he held her there was nothing else she wanted in that moment but him.

She wrapped her dainty arms around him as he pressed his features against her chest. He put barely any weight on her as he handled her like the most fragile of porcelain. Chimera took his time, savoring her as he began to kiss and groom her long fur. Siren reached up and kissed his cheek before his attention shifted from her neck downward. For a moment she stiffened as he began the same as Tiberius, but even in this intimate position Chimera showed the difference between an uncaring immortal, and the most important wolf in the world. A timid moan slipped past her pale lips as she relaxed and pressed against him.

He manipulated her body to his whim, easily rousing her and building her up as though he’d touched her a thousand times. With breathy gasps and needy groans he carried her into bliss. A needy whine left her as he pulled away, he held her on the cusp as his attention moved once more. Their eyes locked, Siren’s prone form trembled beneath him as his warmth returned to her chest. This was love like she had never known. Dalila was the only one to come close, and she had been but an object for use to the water spirit. Chimera showed her how precious she was to him. With a gentleness she never knew him capable of the chimeric brute pressed into her. She had expected fire and pain like what she had on the beach, but this experience couldn’t have been more different. Chimera was making love to her. With her name on his lips he returned her to bliss, and blew her mind with what he could do to her body. All of her fear and hesitation was gone now, all she knew was love Chimera had for her.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
08-26-2021, 02:49 PM

When the pair finished reaching bliss in tandem, Chimera sank down to his elbows on the ground, holding his weight off of Siren but staying very much where he was. The brute panted, his neck curled and his eyes closed as he fought to regain his breathing. This was unlike anything that he'd experienced to date. It amazed the rough, abrasive man. His love for Siren and her love for him had shone through every thrust, every writhing moment. She was amazing.

Chimera slid his muzzle alongside his sister's, still not willing to withdraw or move. "Are you okay? Did I hurt you?" His voice was a soft rumble as he held her in the curl of his arms. Only Siren was trusted enough to see this side of the brute. She was the greatest thing in his life and the man was utterly devoted to her, despite his sometimes angry demeanor. It was all about Siren. She was the reason for everything.

Eventually Chimera pulled free, but he moved ever so gently. The behemoth lay upon the ground beside Siren, but refused to let her go. Instead he pulled the dainty fae against his chest, pressing his forehead to her own. The release of the lust within him hadn't dampened the feeling of emotion that had risen beforehand. He loved her and that would never change. Chimera's tongue slid along the side of Siren's pink lips and he asked somewhat hesitantly. "Do you regret what we've done?" She hadn't wanted to give in to him before. He didn't know what had changed, but he wasn't complaining in the slightest. Teeth pulled gently through the fur at the edge of Siren's jaw. "I love you, Siren. Unlike any other." If she didn't want to sleep with him again, he would accept this for what it was, but he would never forget it. And if he hadn't wanted to let her out of his sight before... he definitely felt even more protective of her now, somehow.

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-26-2021, 05:49 PM
Her heart fluttered and beat erratically in her chest as she gasped for breath. Chimera curled around her, their hearts beating as one. She lay back against the ground, filled with a barrage of emotion but the subtle tingling within her body assured they were pleasant. He’d made her feel incredible and as she slowly recovered he pulled back to nuzzle against her slender muzzle. She needed him close like this, and needed his warmth as she felt like she was returning to her body. Chimera’s deep voice made her small form rumble pleasantly as he asked about her wellbeing. He showed her a tenderness and care that surfaced for no one but her.

"Much better than okay,” she assured him breathily. Even after the intense experience with Tiberius, Chimera’s gentle touch brought her nothing but bliss. "You didn’t hurt me at all.” She whispered to him as she kissed his cheek. He shifted slightly, laying on his side and pulling her to his chest. She hummed softly, feeling electricity race over her skin as his arms wrapped around her. He kissed her softly and she melted against his body, curling against him and grabbing at his fur as his words rumbled through her body.

"No. Not at all.” She answered with a shake of her head against his neck. She tilted her head as he nibbled at her jaw. "I love you Chimera.” She whispered back, wrapping her arms around his neck and holding tight. Remembering everything that led up to this moment. She wanted to cry and laugh at the same time. Instead she whispered, "You’re everything to me.” She closed her eyes tightly, trying to forget everything Tiberius did to her and Dalila’s horror after.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
08-27-2021, 07:25 PM

Chimera breathed an internal sigh of relief when Siren admitted that he hadn't harmed her during their lovemaking. When he moved, she rolled with him willingly and settled against him like a puzzle piece. They were meant to be together like this, he mused. Siren completed him. She was his heart; the one weakness that he had. Take anyone else in the world and he would pull himself back together. Take Siren, and Chimera would burn alive from grief. He couldn't live without his heart.

Siren spoke again, relieving even more of his tension when she told him that she had no regrets. His little sister then went on to share how much she loved him. As Siren wrapped her tiny arms around his neck, Chimera wrapped his arms around her in turn, engulfing her tiny frame. He wanted her again and again and again. Who knew if she wanted the same though? Never one to hide things or beat around the bush, Chimera spoke his mind.

"Siren..." he began, purring her name, his muzzle against her cheek. "I would have you like this all the time. I would make you my queen if you'd have me." What more could he want in life than to have the one that he loved the most by his side in all ways? He worried over what she might say in response, however. She had wanted him to scratch an itch for her. Now that the itch was scratched... would she be done with him?

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
08-28-2021, 04:54 AM
They were almost opposites, he was the massive protector, strong and steadfast while she was a dainty healer with not a fight in her tiny body. Somehow they completed each other. Bornt to the same start they had only each other to hold when their father abandoned them and Deathbelle neglected them in her grief. Siren had been a tangled matty child, the difference now was night and day. From that nasty cur she had become this well groomed princess and Chimera was there almost the entire time. When she had been carted off to the Armada…

Mentally she shook herself as Chimera held her tight, they were together now and no one could take them apart. She held onto him and tried not to think about the future and what she had just done. Instead she wanted to bask in his adoration and affection. She had very few moments of true happiness and bliss and in the quiet of the forest wrapped up in her lover’s arms there wasn’t much to rival the feeling within her. Except the guilt that tainted her innermost feelings.

Her name on his lips as he held her Chimera broke the silence. He wanted her intimately like this all of the time, he felt the same craving deep in his belly as she did, which only grew with how she truly felt about her sibling. She had seen, more than that she lived, the ruin of consequence left in their parents' wake. Did she chance the mistakes of her ancestors? He told her that he would make her a queen. It didn’t sound like an empty promise, or the fake title she wore here on the island. Chimera’s Queen.

"A Queen?” She gasped in pleasant surprise. She his Queen and he her King. And much more physical contact. She couldn't help the thoughts of Dalila as she fell back into silence with her thoughts. She didn’t mean to hesitate, this should have been the easiest answer of her life. Especially with what she had done. She didn’t deserve Dalila’s love after all of this. "I’m yours Chimera, make me your Queen.” She tilted her head so she could reach his lips again and kissed him with all the tender sweetness she was capable of.
