
oh lawd he explorin



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
09-06-2021, 06:08 PM

Since most of the territories that would have given him easy access to the southern land bridge were claimed by packs, the healer had decided to take a vacation for some of the winter season and venture south. He'd heard of the southern continent, and sometimes he could see the vague shape of it on the horizon when he went to the sea on a clear day. However, he'd never been. So, he'd donned his mask and left Bug at home to make sure anyone who dropped by knew he hadn't died. He'd make his way home fairly quickly once he had his fill of exploring, but for now there was a cold front moving in and the southern lands were quite a bit warmer. He could snag some herbs from the more temperate climates, and then bring them home to help him survive the rest of the season.

The shining forms of fish flashed throughout the broad river that arced across the territory ahead, making his mouth water. He was used to catching smaller bodied fish, but he was sure the techniques carried across all kinds. Skidding awkwardly down the sloping bank, the mud hued wolf was delighted to find the waters were still pleasantly warm when they lapped at his paws. Without a care in the world, he flung himself into the water and began to paddle into the current. Once it got a hold of him, the river carried him away at a slow pace along its course. Eventually, the fish seemed to mistake him for a mossy log- like a crocodile. A sleek trout meandered into the strike zone, and it was all over. Dunking his head into the water, he snapped his jaws shut around its struggling body. Skull rattled by the thrashing that followed, the young wolf endeavoured to keep his jaws clenched while he paddled towards shore. The current kept pushing him forward, but he didn't mind too much. There was still plenty of river ahead to follow, but that would come after lunch.

Clambering onto shore, a pleased hum arose from his chest as he plodded up the banks to settle down for a lunch with a view. This was a wonderful start to his adventure.

"speech" thinking "others"



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
09-10-2021, 06:41 AM (This post was last modified: 09-18-2021, 06:24 AM by Audra. Edited 1 time in total.)

Audra was eager to explore more. The land of Boreas was interesting and complicated. Landscapes ranged from rising mountains to vast deserts to here, a dense forest surrounding a wide river. She had heard of dangerous predators that lurked in the depths, but also of the variety of fish that she could catch. If she could catch. Daunted by the fact that she was a poor hunter, Audra preferred to explore and learn more about the foliage. Tall grasses tickled at her paws as she followed the embankment.

Curious honey-brown eyes watched the glimmer of scales riding along the surfaces. Lunch was always in question, but she could wait. The satchel around her neck carried plenty of berries and herbs to tide her over until she found something easier. Looking up to the treetops where a slow afternoon sun hung in the air, she smiled. It was always pretty here. Sighing softly, a loud splashing sound caught her attention.

Looking over, she saw a brown and green wolf wading out of the water with a fish in his mouth. Pausing for a moment, her nose twitching to take in his scent, she noticed that he wasn't covered in multiple different ones like ones of a pack. She was content to keep exploring the Rio Grande but also wondered how he could so efficiently catch a fish in the murky waters. With her tail twitching slightly, she wandered over quietly.

"H-hello," Audra called out softly, keeping her distance. "You m-make fishing look easy," her tone was friendly as she waited a distance, not wanting to encroach on his personal space.

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise



2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11K
09-11-2021, 03:40 PM

Engrossed in his meal, the swamp wolf completely missed the soft shh, shh, shh of delicate paws over grass as someone approached. It was only when he heard a gentle, quiet voice nearby that he found himself flinching instinctively and reaching for his mask. "H-hello," The muntjac skull lay in the grass beside him, taken off mindlessly in the pursuit of lunch. Wide emerald eyes fixed on the slender features of a petite fae, by the looks of it she was smaller than him- a rare feat nowadays. Her demeanour was nonthreatening, and her expression read more of contrition than aggression. "You m-make fishing look easy," she said just as quietly as her greeting. Hesitating, the lichen dappled yearling wondered if he should forgo the remainder of his meal and get the hell out of dodge. However, it didn't look like the tiny damsel was interested in attacking.

"Uh," he grunted, swallowing the remainder of the fish in his mouth. "I'm used to snaggin' catfish, but I've gotten pretty good at catchin' most other fish. Helps to live near the water." the mud hued healer said with a small shrug, furtively curling one paw around the carcass. Once more his gaze cut away to the mask beside him, resting between himself and the stranger- still acting as a barrier of sorts. No, he would leave it there for now. Attention returned to the warm brown features of the small fae, a small, lopsided grin toying at the corners of his maw. "Ya not much of a fisher?" he questioned lightly, trying to ease the tension caused by her sneaky approach.

"speech" thinking "others"



Master Healer (315)

Master Navigator (495)

An icon representing the specialty Poison Master Poison Master

An icon representing the specialty Scout Scout

6 Years

Samhain 2022Derby Winner1KPride - BisexualDouble MasterAll Oozed Out
The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2Wordy
09-13-2021, 03:35 PM

He had quickly finished his bite but stayed put. The way his paw curled around his catch made her take a step back. Of course, he would be protective over his food, anyone would. But it was also not lost on her how he glanced between her, himself, and the mask laying on the ground. Did he really think she was a threat? Flattening her ears a moment as he spoke, she shrugged. Moving her paws so that she was sitting instead of standing, she hoped it would let him know that she didn't have any intentions of snatching his lunch.

Frowning for a moment, she glanced over at the water. "F-fishing? Not really," Audra stumbled over her words, a small smile on her lips as she looked back over at him. At least he too was smiling now and that made her feel better. If she had spooked him, she was sorry but didn't want to admit it. It hadn't been her intention of being sneaky, but perhaps the scent of the fish and the river had been overpowering. "Do you like to fish?" She asked, her eyes glancing over his mossy green and brown fur. It was as if he blended into the scenery perfectly.

"I'm n-not a huge fan of killing things," Audra murmured, half-ashamed at admitting her weariness for hunting. The small she-wolf stayed alive by capturing rabbits and squirrels. Small animals were okay in her mind, but anything larger was too daunting. Plus she wasn't a huge fan of getting wet and fish appeared way too fast for her concentration. "I l-like picking herbs and plants. I keep quite a few here in my satchel," she stated proudly, knowing he would've noticed her brown leather pouch tied around her neck.

audra's companions are to be assumed next to her unless stated otherwise