
Fancy meeting you here




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-07-2021, 05:45 PM
The trek toward the northern portion of Boreas had indeed been as slow moving as she had expected, but not because the children were burdensome. They had purposefully been taking this trip at an easy pace to their curious, adventuresome children could learn and explore as they went, showing them the wide scope of their world from a young age. Already Avacyn was proving to be the one of the pair that was more mature than her age would lead one to believe, but she adored Saracyn's bold nature just as she loved seeing it from Alastor. Nothing made her happier than seeing them learn and experience these things and at least for a few weeks her attention was entirely devoted to them and their journey. Soon enough her time would be split once her pack came to be so she was drinking it all in as much as she could.

It was later in the evening as they settled into a small den near a set of stone ruins, Avacyn and Saracyn settled in to sleep among some of the furs that they were carrying with them on the cart that had accompanied them thus far. She had Alastor remain with their babies while she went to scout the area a bit and start planning the next day's travels. There was a light dusting of snow on everything as they neared the north, the winter weather beginning to show its face. There was just a hint of sunlight left as the sun dipped down toward the horizon, but it was a mostly clear night and already the full moon was adding its glow into the mix. It was certainly chilly and it caused a cloud of mist to collect around her muzzle with each breath. Manea leapt up onto a large, squared off stone that was long and rectangular, getting her several feet off of the ground so she had a more clear view of the downward slope ahead of her, her aqua gaze scanning the landscape while she considered their next move.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny



4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 21K
09-07-2021, 06:05 PM


The chill in the air bore with it the start of his third year of life, and the burly titan found himself feeling no different than the seasons past. Hunger twisted his gut sharply, reminding him that he'd been keeping up this pace for far too long today. The chill in the air kept the snow that dusted the top of his massive frame from melting, though the soft flakes slipped down the smooth keratin of his horns and settle against his brow in their stead. Slowing his lope to an ambling pace, whiskey eyes scanned the landscape. In the dying light, the silhouettes of a handful of caribou caught his eye- distinct antler shapes marking them out as they grazed on the fringes of the stones for lichen. Dark tongue slipped from his jowls to swipe over his whiskers, muscles quivering with anticipation. He was tired, and the caribou were likely to be a difficult target. However, he'd ventured this far inland for a very specific reason. There was a wolf standing atop one of the felled, ancient monoliths. A bit of a walk from the grazing ungulates, clearly surveying the territory. Though the setting sun cast everything in shades of crimson and citrus, there were very few wolves that had ridges of bone sprouting from their crown, and that shapely silhouette.

The beast stalked forth, skirting the reindeer by a wide margin in the interest of keeping downwind and far enough away to keep them from startling. There was a very strange kind of ease that peeled the months of travel weariness from his bones and muscles with each step closer to his cousin, swaggering steps lax and open. "Manea." he grunted with a warm smile, closing the distance so he could lay his massive head upon the stone and rest his chin near her forepaws. Golden eyes staring up at her amethyst features with a mischievous glimmer in their rich depths, he playfully nipped at the air. "What do you say to catching up over dinner?" rumbling vocals carried at a smooth baritone into the air, and he tilted his skull towards the grazing group of caribou.

SPEECH || actions || OTHERS




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-07-2021, 10:31 PM
The sound of paws crunching through the snow made her ear twitch in the direction of the sound, her head soon following to let her vibrant gaze land on the familiar form of her cousin, making a surprised grin pull across her features. Even though it had been quite a while since she had laid eyes on the darkly coated man, there was no mistaking the ruby breasted man and the impressive horns that grew from his skull. Ever so slowly it seemed as though her family was naturally congregating in Boreas without her attempting to contact them and it made her all the more certain that this was where they were meant to be. Fate had brought them here for a purpose and she would create her own prosperity from it. "Poe," she replied affectionately with a chuckle, tapping his nose with her feline paw where it rested on the stone beside her, her tail wagging gently. They were close in age and close in their bloodlines with him being from her aunt so he was someone she had been close to growing up.

The mischievous look in his eye didn't slip past her and she smirked as she shifted her gaze to look at the herd of caribou in the distance that he pointed out. She and Alastor had seen them earlier, but considering they still had a good amount of their food supply to eat on they hadn't been in a rush to hunt one of them. But with Poe here to help bring down one of the large beasts it seemed only fitting that they celebrate their reunion with a good meal. "You know I'd never turn down a good hunt." She hopped down from the rock she had been using for observation, giving him a nod of her head for him to follow her away from the herd maybe a dozen feet, bringing him to the den they had set up for the night. "Alastor," she called, peeking into the darkness of the den. "There's someone I want you to meet. Leave the children with Irilyth and come hunt with us."

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
09-08-2021, 12:50 AM

The journey back up towards the north had been leisurely, allowing Avacyn and Saracyn the freedoms to explore the world and let their curious minds find the feasts of knowledge they were ravenous for. It never failed to make the demon brute smile to watch his little fireflies take on their world, Saracyn with a bravado that matched if not rivaled his own, and Avacyn with a quiet fascination of a scholar at work. His two children were so different in how they approached the world, but neither was greater than they other—simply different. Their contrasts complimented the other perfectly, like two halves of a whole, and Alastor found himself hoping they would always be as close as they were now.

When they'd settled in to rest in an abandoned den for the night in some forsaken ruins on the cusp of the northern and eastern territories, Alastor had immediately set to feeding the twins and preparing their beds for the night. It was early evening, the world turning still as it prepared to end the day, the last remnants of light keeping the skies illuminated for a little while longer in the early winter. A thin layer of snow had fallen here already, so Alastor was determined to make sure his little bundles of chaos were kept extra snug. He'd been in the middle of telling the pups a bedtime story when Manea poked her head into the den and summoned him to come meet someone and go hunting with them. His ears perked in intrigue. Who could she possibly want him to meet at this hour?

Alastor headed out of the den and found himself facing another red and black wolf, though large patches of ashen gray mixed into his coat, about as tall and stocky as he was, though this wolf sported a large set of horns atop his head. One look at him and he knew this would be a Mendacium wolf. It read across him plain as day. He regarded the male with his eternal smile, a casual flash of teeth that never went away. "Hello!" he greeted the new wolf, turning his gaze to his wife. "And who might this be, my dear?" Alastor was not a trusting wolf, especially not around other males, and doubly so around his wife. The only reason he was being so civil towards him so far was because Manea had shown familiarity with him—and because the promise of a hunt was on the table.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.



"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-08-2021, 12:58 AM

Saracyn was lying tucked up in bed, bushed from the day's long travels and his nonstop exploration of the world along the way. He'd seen so many new things and done so much in one short day, and he was ready for bed. That is, he was ready for bed until the prospect of a hunt came up. He'd been tucked into their makeshift bed beside Avacyn while Alastor told them a story of how he'd gotten the scar over his left eye when Manea called for him to go hunting. Avacyn was already fully asleep and snoring quietly while snuggling up beside him, but those words had woken the boy up in a blink. He wanted to go hunting too! The pup grumbled when Alastor kissed his forehead and then headed outside. Determined not to miss out on this, Saracyn very carefully extracted himself from Ava's side and slipped out of the cart, dropping to the ground with a soft "oof" before scampering outside.

Little legs racing across the ground and then crunching into the thin sheet of snow, Saracyn saw his parents talking to a strange wolf, easily as big as Dad and matching him in colors too. Curiouser and curiouser, the little scarlet and noir pup came bounding up to his parents, slipping between Manea's paws to pop out at her feet. In the fading light, Saracyn's marking began to give off just a hint of their glow, faint in the twilight, and growing stronger with the encroaching darkness. "Mom, Dad! I wanna go hunting to!" he exclaimed, then turned his attention back to the stranger. "Hey, who are you? Mom, who is he?"

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 21K
09-09-2021, 04:56 PM


The beasts haunches swayed lightly as he wagged his tail in broad strokes, eyes fluttering shut as the soft pad of Manea's paw gently tapped the end of his snout. A low, pleased hum rumbled in his chest. She followed his gaze, expression thoughtful, and her features twitched with amusement when her eyes returned to him. "You know I'd never turn down a good hunt," she replied with a hint of a smile, leaping from her vantage point and down to the ground. While she was nearly the same height at the withers, her form was svelte and lithely muscled. Sometimes he couldn't help but be astounded by the differences amongst his kin, and the variation that occurred within just their immediate relatives. When she tipped her head away from the group of caribou, he followed mutely. Scarlet and ebony form slipping between the stones that littered the plains, he trailed along until they reached an abandoned hollow beneath one of the massive blocks. It was then that the scents lingering across her pelt finally registered in his mind, the light aroma of milk that still clung to her pelt alongside the hints of masculine musk underlying her own scent. She was not alone, not by a long shot.

A soft grin toyed with the corners of his maw as he came to a stop a foot or so behind his cousin, letting her peek into the den and call out softly. Alastor. A strong name, and he didn't doubt that Manea had selected an appropriate mate, had she been unable to locate her soul mate. "There's someone I want you to meet. Leave the children with Irilyth and come hunt with us." the violet fae called out into the shadows, and had she been looking, she would have noticed the abrupt start her words gave Poe. Children? Plural? Careful as could be, he measured his expression into something calm and neutral. It wasn't... uncommon. Sometimes there were blessed litters, but they were so rare. He didn't want to believe that the daughter of the disgraced matriarch, after having worked her way up the family hierarchy, would abandon her status or their values for a few extra mouths to feed. He glanced between the side of her face and the yawning mouth of the old, cavernous den. Waiting to see who would emerge, and weighing his options.

Within moments, an equally massive male emerged from the shadows. Bearing a very similar palette to himself, though Alastor's markings were far more distinct. Red on black, a stark contrast of colours that certainly caught the eye. Especially over his back, wavering patterns rippling with the pull of his powerful muscles. An odd smile played upon his dark features, the corners of ebony eyes crinkled at the corners with mirth. "Hello!" the man greeted him warmly enough, though there was something lurking beneath the surface of the greeting which Poe opted to set aside for the moment. Manea had chosen well, though the results of this union were still in question. Alastor looked to his mate, and the horned brute followed his gaze to subtly observe what he could see of Manea's expressions. "And who might this be, my dear?" he questioned in an equally upbeat, friendly manner.

In the time it took for crimson stained jowls to part, a small blur of ruby and obsidian shot out of the shadows and into the gap between the amethyst femme's legs. "Mom, Dad! I wanna go hunting too!" the boy cried out, exuberant as any youngster who had managed to escape the clutches of bedtime. Drawn in by the downy pelt and baleful eyes, as always, Poe forgot all of what he'd been about to say. The child had a pale latticework marking around one eye, just like his mother, and cerulean eyes to match, though his pelt seemed to take after his father. What really caught the beasts attention was the gentle glow of the ivory marking around the child's eye. It could easily be mistaken for a trick of the light, rays of the setting sun catching the pale fur at the right angle, but even when the boy's head moved the dim light seemed to remain. "Hey, who are you? Mom, who is he?" the child continued to question with tangible delight. Drawn back to the conversation at hand, the brute blinked at the boy for a moment.

Whiskey coloured eyes lifted to catch the dark gaze of his cousin's mate, and then drifted back down to the youngster with a gentle smile. "Poe Umbra Mendacium, your cousin. And who are you, little one?" for the moment, the trouble of Manea's multiple offspring was forgotten, and he was endeared by the little one that had emerged from the den with such enthusiasm. Heavy crown lowered between his shoulders, stooping to be closer to the child's eye level. His thick tail wagged in slow, broad strokes that swept over his heels.

SPEECH || actions || OTHERS




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-10-2021, 06:32 PM
Manea hadn't missed the questioning look in her cousin's eyes when she turned back toward him after summoning Alastor and had no doubt that it was over the fact that she had mentioned children instead of child. She knew they hadn't been apart long enough for her to have had multiple litters and he was sharp enough to realize that as well so surely he would put two and two together to figure out that more than one pup had been spared. She smirked softly, but she didn't reveal the truth of it just yet since Alastor walked out just a moment later, his dark eyes appraising the equally large male in front of him. "This is-" she began to say to answer her husband's question, but a certain rambunctious ball of fluff came darting out and interrupted her, making her shift her aqua gaze down to the little black and red pup between her feet. She chuckled softly at his demands of wanting to go hunting with them and questioning who the horned man was that she had brought to see them. Luckily Poe took the initiative to introduce himself to her son and by proxy Alastor as well.

"This little fireball is Saracyn," she said with a chuckle, teasingly tickling under Sara's jaw with her claws, looking down at her son adoringly. Glancing up to nod toward Alastor beside her she added, "This is my husband Alastor. We have a daughter as well... Saracyn's twin. I assume Avacyn is still asleep..." She glanced toward the den's entrance again, half expecting her daughter to be standing there watching them. It seemed as though she was still asleep though and as she peered through the darkness of the den she saw the glimmer of Avacyn's marking in their bed alongside the faint lightness of Irilyth's fur. Turning her attention back to Poe, she said, "She can stay with my handmaiden while we hunt." She bent her head to pick up Saracyn by his scruff, placing him on Alastor's back. "You can come with us and watch, but be careful, alright? We're going to go after a caribou and you'd be crushed in an instant under one of their hooves." With that she led the trio of males off toward the caribou herd Poe had pointed out previously.

Finding a vantage point above their prey, she settled among some grasses to assess the situation and decide the best plan of action. The easiest would probably be to do something like she and Alastor had done before when they were hunting the bison calf, but there was the added difficulty of the quickly approaching darkness and that the caribou were going to be more likely to pick up on their presence than the unintelligent bison had been. Scanning the herd she spotted one of the caribou cows that was toward the fringes of the herd. She seemed like the most likely candidate and Manea quietly lifted a paw to point her out to the others of her hunting party. "The way I see it we can either move in quietly and take her down before the others realize or two of us can get the rest of the herd running while one of us starts bringing her down. What do you think?" she whispered before glancing toward Alastor, curious to see what he'd say on the matter.

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
09-10-2021, 08:01 PM

While Alastor studied the male before him, waiting for introductions to be made, the sudden calls of his son from beneath him broke his attention away, spotting the fluffy ball of ruby and onyx nestled between Manea's legs. His son, ever the bold and brash one, immediately asked the newcomer who he was, making Alastor laugh. His son had yet to learn the tact of social etiquette, but the bravado of a child was something endearing in itself. The newcomer seemed overjoyed to see Saracyn, even lowering himself to the boy's height to make better eye contact with him while he addressed the pup. Alastor appreciated the courtesy he gave, but he still remained cautiously aware of the strange man interacting with his son.

The wolf introduced himself as Poe Mendacium, and Alastor's suspicions had been confirmed. He was one of Manea's family! Introduced as a cousin and confirmed when Manea introduced himself and their son, Alastor dipped his head in greeting to Poe, his body relaxing as the cautious tension left his muscles. "Pleasure to meet you, Poe! Quite a pleasure!" he remarked. "It's always good to meet more of Manea's family—and I guess by extension, my family too." He glanced to Manea when she mentioned Avacyn, then followed her gaze to the den. "The little darling was sound asleep snoring. She won't be waking up til morning." Irilyth would be able to keep an eye on her while she slept. In the meantime, they could have a little fun with some prey animals...

Once Manea had scooped up Saracyn and placed him safely between Alastor's shoulders, the giant dire chuckled and followed his wife's lead back through the old stone ruins to where the herd of caribou were grazing lazily in the late evening. Although they were losing the sunlight by the minute, the darkening shadows would actually work in their favor, cloaking all three dark-furred predators in the night. The stupid cervines wouldn't know what hit them. Manea positioned a couple of options, and while starting another stampede sounded like the most fun option, Alastor did not like the idea of a frenzied herd of caribou around his toddler.

"Well, since we have this squishy boy on my back, I think stealth is probably our best option." He turned a stern gaze up to Saracyn when the boy on his back began to complain. "Ah ah, none of that, mister! You're going to see how predators hunt in the night the way we're built to." He nodded and motioned with a wave of his paw to Manea and Poe, inviting them to take the lead so he could pull up the rear with Saracyn. He wouldn't keep his son out of the action, but he wasn't going to put him right up front either.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.



"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-10-2021, 08:30 PM (This post was last modified: 09-25-2021, 10:41 PM by Saracyn. Edited 1 time in total.)

The giant wolf, equally as big as his father, looked at him with this strange expression on his face, then crouched down so they could be eye level. The stranger was smiling and his tail was wagging, so he seemed to be friendly. Saracyn, unintimidated by anything, took a couple of steps closer to Poe to step out from between his mother's legs. Cool blue stared into the warm whiskey eyes of the man, wondering if he would ever get as big as this wolf or his father. Poe introduced himself, then asked his name. Sara grinned with a proud puff of his chest. "I'm-" His introduction was interrupted when Manea stole his thunder, introducing him and Alastor in the same breath. He shot a glower up at his mother. "Hey! That's what I was saying!" With a harrumph, Saracyn parked his butt on the ground and pouted. His grumping didn't last long, however, as Manea was quick to start tickling him with delicate claws, bringing bouts of laughter from the boy as he tried to squirm away. "H-Hey! Quit it, Mom!" he cried out between light puppy laughter.

When Manea mentioned the hunt again, Saracyn's eyes lit up with a spark. He only gave a little fuss when Manea scooped him up, still hating getting lifted by his scruff, but settled easily onto Alastor's back. She agreed to let him come on the hunt, but qualifying it by saying he could only observe. Saracyn gave a little whine and a huff, but when his pouting didn't work, he gave in. "Oooookaaaay, fiiiine..." he grumbled, though secretly he was just happy to be a part of the hunt! Hunting was his most favorite thing! And now he got to do it with his parents and his new cousin too! He clung on to Alastor's fur while the wolves stalked the caribou, sneaking to an overlook and spying on the large herbivores. Saracyn gazed at them in awe, his tiny tail beating his father's back a mile a minute with how excited he was!

Manea positioned two ideas: a chase and stampede, or a stealthy takedown. Sara beamed at the idea of a high octane chase, but his enthusiasm was swiftly deflated when Alastor opted for the stealthy approach to "keep him safe". "Aww, Daaaaaad...!" the small pup whined, but was decisively shut down by Alastor who insisted he see how true predators hunted at night. He scowled a little, but didn't press the issue further. He knew his Dad was the greatest hunter in the lands. If he wanted to be like him, he would need to learn all of his tricks and techniques, including stealth. "I wanna bite it, Dad," he whispered into one of his father's ebony ears as they headed down toward the caribou, drawing a quiet snicker from his massive sire.

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 21K
09-15-2021, 05:30 PM


Children always eased tension, they were oblivious and gleeful even at the worst of times. When Manea mentioned a twin sister, Poe wordlessly quirked a brow- intrigued, but not interested in pressing any further. Introductions followed promptly, and the man made a point to commit the names to memory. There was a near certainty that they would be lost the moment they began the hunt, but it was the effort that counts, right? Then, Manea was lifting her little one up onto his sire's back for the hunt. A learning opportunity for the youngster, how delightful! Off they went, a group of titans slinking through the maze of toppled stones and tall grasses until their quarry was in sight. Muscles rippling beneath taut flesh and thick fur, the beast followed the Matriarch's lead and hunkered down at her side amongst the grasses downwind of the small herd of caribou. They were likely a small offshoot broken off from a migrating mass, thousands of cloven hoofed animals that was headed further south for winter forage. Amber gaze roved the dun bodies of the antlered animals, trained eyes searching for signs of lameness or age. After a few moments, he followed the direction of Manea's raised amethyst paw, directing his attention to a cow that had slowly moved towards the outer edge of the group and created a gap between herself and the safety of her sisters. While not obviously lame or ill, the widening gap created by her interest in lichens that had been growing from one of the fallen stone monoliths would lend them an opening for attack. The titan looked to Manea now, lifting a brow as he awaited her verdict. It was so easy to fall into old habits, let her take the lead while he did what was asked- just a weapon to be wielded.

"The way I see it we can either move in quietly and take her down before the others realize or two of us can get the rest of the herd running while one of us starts bringing her down. What do you think?" she offered up the options with practiced ease, though her gaze was fixed upon her husband's features. Remaining mute, the hulking beast let his gaze drift back to the herd. That gap remained, the clueless ungulate browsing mindlessly on some choice fodder. There was time to decide, though he wasn't sure he wanted to wait much longer to move in. A long run and a bloody takedown certainly held some appeal, despite his paws still aching from the journey from the coast. Alastor, however, made an excellent point a few moments later. "Well, since we have this squishy boy on my back, I think stealth is probably our best option." his deep, rich vocals carried a hint of acquiesce at the simple fact that stealth would grant them the least likelihood of injury to the youngster that had joined them. The complaints of said child were certainly amusing, a wry grin twisting the dark lips of the titanic male on Manea's other flank. A spirited boy, he'd make a fine hunter himself some day. Finding a moment of silence, the man bobbed his head lightly and said "I'm fine with a quiet approach, I've had enough running for the day." he grunted with a smirk, brilliant ivory fangs flashing in the low light for a moment. "I think if two of us can subdue her, then the others can likely make the killing blow without too much risk." he added quietly, glancing to his right to try and read the expressions of his cohorts in this hunt.

With an amiable wave of one of Alastor's massive forepaws, Poe eased up off his belly and into a loose-limbed crouch. Though his thick horns broke through the grasses as they stalked forth, they didn't draw much attention from the reindeer. Ash coated limbs carried his bulk onward and to the left, parting from Manea's flank to close off the cow's ability to try and return to the herd. Should she spook during their approach, he would be able to take a hoof to the flank or thigh and still save the hunt. Now they were in the thick of it, the heady, pungent smell of hoofed animals heavy in the air around them. It nearly masked their own scents as they crept forward. Auds flattening against his skull, the beast peeled dark lips away from sharp fangs in preparation. He'd chosen to put himself behind the cow, his larger frame being better suited to tackling the reindeer and taking her hind legs out from beneath her with the force of a collision. He pivoted his hind end so that he could lunge at her right hip and thigh once they were within striking distance, hoping for a good angle of attack when he got the signal from the others. As soon as they were in position, he wanted to be able to try and knock her off balance and allow Manea to get control of her head and shoulders- draw blood from major vessels, and slow her down. Oh, he was already almost quivering with excitement, hunger sharp as a dagger in his gut and focusing his attention to the hunt. If the two of them succeeded, Alastor could safely dispatch the reindeer if he chose to finish the job with little Saracyn as backup.

SPEECH || actions || OTHERS




Expert Fighter (204)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

7 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 2 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ooh La LaPride - Bisexual
09-19-2021, 10:44 PM
Manea glanced between the two men as they both seemed to agree on the option of stealthily taking down - one in favor for the safety of their son and the other because of the long travel he had already endured today. She nodded in agreement easily to the decision. Either would have been fine by her, though she did always love a good, bloody chase. This late at night and with a pup in tow stealth was most certainly the most reasonable option. She gave Poe an additional nod to the suggestion of two of them bringing her down like the rest made the killing blow. "I like it. Poe, you and I can do the take down. Alastor, you can make the killing blow... with Sara's help," she replied, giving her son a little grin, knowing he'd enjoy getting the chance to sink those sharp little puppy teeth into its flesh even if he wasn't making the real kill himself.

She got to her paws at Alastor's motion with his paw and began creeping down to where the caribou lay waiting, the herd woefully unaware of the predators coming for them. She hung behind Poe as he made the path through the grass until he broke away from her to start circling around their target to block her path of escape. She turned and went the opposite direction, leaving Alastor facing the oblivious cow as she went around to her other side, the three wolves forming a triangle of sorts around the caribou. As soon as Poe was in position she gave him a nod from across the clearing and then waited for the brief moment he needed to dart forward and slam his heavier form into the large prey animal's legs without the cow noticing her first and causing trouble. As soon as he made impact with the cow she leapt out of her hiding spot and hooked her claws deep into its neck, using her weight to finish pulling the caribou to the ground so that she and her cousin could keep it pinned. Her tiger like claws were already hooking into vital arteries and veins so given enough time she imagined they could probably manage the creature on their own, but why would they when her hunter of a husband was there to finish off the job?

Manea | Temno | Ciemny


"You're never fully dressed without a smile!"


Master Fighter (243)

Master Hunter (260)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

9 Years
Dire wolf

UnderachieverSamhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipWealthyPride - BisexualDouble Master
LoserThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Ice Bridge ExplorerWordyCritical Fail!
1KHalloween 2020 - Spooky Cave
09-25-2021, 10:40 PM

Once the wolves had crept their way down upon the herd, Alastor broke away from Manea and Poe, quietly hushing Saracyn as they snuck up into position. He saw a blur of purple from Manea as she moved closer upon their kill. Poe, wearing colors strikingly similar to his, seemed to vanish almost entirely. The world was quiet and still for a long while. Nothing moved, save for the caribou while it grazed blissfully unaware of the mortal danger it was in. Alastor focused his attention entirely on the cow, paws flexing and muscles tensed to spring into action for the kill. They waited... They waited... Then, like an explosion, Poe burst out from the underbrush and tackled the caribou, knocking it off its hooves. Manea was upon it like a bolt of purple lightning, grabbing the squealing herbivore by its neck and helping Poe keep it pinned.

Alastor wasted no time once the caribou was down and restrained. "Hold on tight!" he said to Saracyn, then ran into the clearing with a snarl. All at once, Alastor leaped through the air to come down on top of the flailing caribou, all three wolves now holding it down while Alastor bared sharp teeth in parted jaws that came down to snap shut over the animal's throat. While ordinarily he would have gone for some more grotesque theatrics in his kills, this one was meant to be efficient. He wanted the animal dead fast so he wouldn't have to worry about his very tiny son getting hurt, who was already sliding off his back and snarling to dig little puppy teeth into the dying caribou's neck near where one of Manea's paws gripped it.

A proud grin formed on Alastor's stretched mouth while he crushed the caribou's throat, tasting the saccharin sweetness of its fresh blood spilling down his throat and over his tongue. Alastor couldn't resist the muffled primal groan that left him nor the shudder of pleasure it brought him feeling the animal's struggles get weaker with each spurt of blood it filled his mouth with. Unable to breathe, unable to move or escape, the caribou's movements quickly began to die away along with the animal until it was lying still, just another carcass for the wolves to devour. Alastor released the prey animal's neck, blood dripping from his teeth and lips, and stared with pride at his son who was still biting and tearing away at the body. "Well done, Sara! It's definitely dead now!" he said with a jovial laugh, using a massive paw to tousle the boy's fluffy head.


Warning: Alastor is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
As his mate, Manea may enter any of Alastor's threads not marked Private.



"The Deviant Prince"


Master Fighter (345)

Master Hunter (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bodyguard Bodyguard

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

4 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipDouble Master1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
09-25-2021, 10:58 PM

Saracyn watched the way his parents and cousin Poe moved, stalking their prey like only masterful hunters could. They had perfected the art of hunting, and Saracyn was in awe to watch them work. The wolves moved silently, swiftly, like death incarnate approaching their target with no hope of survival for the doomed caribou. Icy blue eyes widened with excitement, his little body practically trembling with anticipation when Alastor whispered a quiet shush. Saracyn bit his lip to help keep himself silent, anxiously watching and waiting... waiting... still waiting? Gods, there was a lot of waiting!

And then all of a sudden things were happening! Poe broke the silence and attacked the caribou cow, taking her down with such ease it made Sara grin from ear-to-ear to watch! Then his mother, leaping like a graceful lioness to pin and mutilate with teeth and claws! Then his father, telling him to hold on, which he did without hesitation, and then they were rushing into the hunt! Sara squinted against the rush of air as Alastor propelled them into the clearing like a missile, his stomach leaping as suddenly they were airborne! Then they were on top of the struggling caribou, and Saracyn took his father's example and let go of his sire's scruff to slide down the massive black wolf and land on the caribou's heaving chest.

Blue eyes watched wide with wonder when Alastor sunk his teeth into the screaming cow's throat, silencing her cries forevermore. Grinning like a madman, Sara clambered over the caribou's body until he reached her throat and followed his parents' example. He lunged with claws and teeth bared, biting and ripping into the warm flesh near where one of his mother's paws was holding the herbivore's throat. He'd tasted blood from the meat he'd eaten before, but when he bit down and managed to find a vein, the sudden gush of hot, fresh blood in his mouth surprised him. It was warm, thick, rich and metallic... and it tasted oh, so, so good!

Saracyn wasn't like his father though and couldn't keep up with the animal's spurting blood, having to pull back when a single pump filled his mouth with the robust fluid. He swallowed, but coughed some of it back up, another spurt of blood catching him across the face and chest and covering him in blood. Saracyn was having the time of his life though, and with a manic laughter of a child, went right back to ripping into the caribou's flesh, eager for more of the fresh blood spilling down his throat like the finest wine.

The animal died shortly after, but Saracyn hadn't noticed. He kept growling and tearing off tiny chunks of meat from the animal, only realizing it was dead when he noticed he wasn't finding any more spurts of blood. He glanced up at the adults, big blue eyes blinking sweetly up at them, his upper body drenched and matted with blood, a piece of caribou fur still stuck in his teeth while he smiled at them. Tiny tail wagged in an enthusiastic blur as the boy giggled and said, "That was so much fun! Can we go kill another one?"

"Saracyn Mendacium"

Warning: Saracyn is an explicitly mature character for violent and sexual content. Read his threads with caution.
Saracyn's designated wolf to protect as a Bodyguard is Avacyn. She may enter his threads not marked as Private.




4 Years
Dire wolf

By the skin of my teethSnake EyesThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 21K
10-08-2021, 07:26 PM


Manea didn't leave him waiting long, a small nod was all the prodding he needed. Bunching the powerful muscles of his haunches, he exploded into motion. Lunging forward, forepaws outstretched, the giant struck the reindeer like a battering ram. His bulk colliding with her right thigh buckled the cow's hind end almost instantly, he felt the snap of thick bone beneath his paws as she crumpled beneath his initial assault. The cow cried out hoarsely, warning the herd of the imminent danger. The remaining reindeer fled, cloven hooves thudding against the frost-hardened terra as they galloped off. It didn't matter, they had their prey. Sinking his fangs into the meat of her thigh, he busied himself with tearing away chunks of muscle from wherever he could reach. Maiming the cow was an easy way to keep her from getting far if she did manage to get away from them. He felt the shudder of Manea's attack through the bones of the caribou, heard its panic echo from the stones all around in the form of sharp, harried lowing. His cousin's weight and strength was enough to drag the cow down to the ground, sealing her fate. The sharp tang of blood filled the air, and he could feel each kick of the struggling ungulate grow weaker.

Alastor rushed in with heavy paws, unheeded by stealth now that the hunt was half done. The ruddy form of the small child gripping his shoulders was a blur in the corner of Poe's vision as he fought to subdue the reindeer. He kept her haunches pinned beneath his weight with both forepaws, but had to be careful to keep out of range of her sharp hooves. Ebony jaws closed around the caribou's throat, and the massive male held fast while the cow slowly suffocated. He was smart, standing on the animal's neck to minimize the risk of his son being hurt by a sudden jerk of the dying ungulate. High pitched puppy growls cut through the cacophony of desperate hooves cloying at the dirt and wet squelching as flesh was torn free under tooth and claw. Saracyn was taking part in his first hunt, and he seemed to be having a great deal of fun! Small coughs gave way to delighted peals of laughter, and as the cow's struggles ceased, Poe released the grip he'd taken up on the back of the reindeer's thigh. A broad grin decorated his blood soaked muzzle, and he padded over to where the eager youngster was tearing at the dead animal's neck. "That was so much fun! Can we go kill another one?" the boy cried excitedly, wriggling with glee.

The horned brute glanced to the boy's parents with a wry grin, shaking out his pelt. "How about we eat what we've caught, and see how you're feeling then?" After all this excitement, a full belly would almost certainly render the little one comatose until morning. That would give the adults time to relax and catch up while the moon rose. He looked to his cousins, waiting for them to take their first bites. He was merely a visitor, and they had done the majority of the work. He would eat once they had started.

ooc. sorry for the wait, my life is a mess lmao

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