
Fill a need




6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
09-11-2021, 11:10 PM

It seemed like Keetie was plenty entertained with Sitka, at least for the time being, so he decided to take a bit of time for himself to do some exploring. He hadn't made his way into the southern continent yet and with winter fully set over Boreas the warmer weather of the south was feeling much more appealing. He took his time moving down through the grove of trees and berry bushes, along the river and falls through a pine forest, before dipping back toward the coast. He passed by some interesting bones from massive creatures he couldn't identify, spending a bit of time examining them and considering if it would be possible to break some of them apart to use in armor or knives... It was hard not to constantly look at the world as things to collect and repurpose and craft. The task kept his mind busy and that was about all he could ask for these days.

Reaching a shore line, he slipped his bag of supplies off of himself and dropped it under a tree at the edge of the sands. It was later in the day now, the sun slowly inching down toward the horizon though not quite low enough to begin painting the sky with oranges and purples of the sunset. He paced over the sands toward the lapping salt water and waded out into it to let the cool water wash over his body and rinse some of the dust and dirt that had collected in his coat during his stint of traveling, walking far enough out into the waves that they could wash over his back. Ducking his head under the waves for a moment, he popped his head back up over the surface and gave a quick shake, blinking his sea foam green eyes open to look out toward the endless stretch of water for a few moments.

He stayed out there for a few minutes, using his paws to comb through the fur on his chest and stomach, before walking back out onto the shore and plopping down in the sand out of the reach of the water so that his dark red, black, and tan coat could start to dry in the sun. His fur clung tightly to his muscled form, revealing the physique of someone who was well trained and traveled and showing off some of the scattered scars that were normally hidden by thick fur. After spending a good length of time traveling with Lorikeet and Sitka he had expected to feel some kind of gap in his life in their absence, but he settled back into solitude just fine... Well, with the exception of one need that was a little more difficult to satisfy when he was on his own though certainly not impossible.

"Rûga Amanto"


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-11-2021, 11:28 PM

Though she had just returned to her family, Bowen continually found herself wandering through Auster. It was difficult to keep her paws in one place. She missed her family, but the tall, cold walls of the castle felt stifling, so she found herself wandering to different places. Well, not that this place was different. She had been here before with Jynn. At least it wasn't the castle though. The castle no longer felt like home.

It was the sea that called to Bowen. She found herself seeking out its salty solitude. When the gentle, whispering waves met her ears, the anxiety of her current situation calmed. She was able to breathe and think as long as she could hear the soft murmur of the water.

Bowen had sprawled in the soft sand, waiting for nightfall. She heard the man before she saw him, but watched silently as he dropped his belonging and offered himself up to the water. Not many wolves chose to dive into the brine, so the cream and caramel woman watched with interest. In time, he came back to short and shook out his russet pelt before laying down to dry. Her own coat was still damp from having taken a swim in the same waters. It was clear that he didn't see her as she'd scraped out a divot in the sand beside one of the only large rocks on the beach. It was almost comical. The place where he rested was just on the other side of the rock. Bowen chose to speak, not moving her chin from one outstretched foreleg, nor taking her emerald eyes from the rolling waves. "The sea is quite refreshing, is it not?"

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
09-11-2021, 11:57 PM

The sound of a voice much closer than he had would have guessed made his ears perk and he turned his head toward the sound, his gaze landing on a large rock that was maybe half a dozen feet from where he was laying. He blinked with surprise and his gaze scanned around the rock briefly, a smirk pulling at his lips. "It certainly is," he replied with a deep, baritone chuckle. "Especially after a few days of travel." Even though he couldn't see whoever the voice was attached to, the voice was distinctly feminine so of course his attention was immediately pulled by it. It made him realize just how lost in his own thoughts and pondering for him to not notice her at all before now unless perhaps she had appeared in the time he had been in the water. Either way, he wondered if maybe his one unfulfilled need might have an answer after all.

He rolled to his feet, giving himself a quick shake to get rid of any sand that might have clung to his damp fur before he sauntered around behind the rock, finding the woman in question easily on the opposite side. She was tucked into the sand and was coated in warm, caramel hues accented with white, a delicate little thing that he felt certain he could lift with one paw if he tried. It wasn't until he came to settle near her that he caught her striking emerald gaze that was framed with interesting markings that he really got the fur scope of her beauty. "Well, the pretty voice has a pretty face to match it seems," he said with a roguish grin as he settled on his stomach, leaning a bit onto his side and keeping himself propped up on his elbow. She had hints of the pack he had skirted around mixed on her pelt, but that didn't really phase him.

"I hope you don't mind a bit of intrusion into your solitude," he mentioned, giving her a curious glance before looking back out at the ocean and the approaching sunset. He never really knew what to expect when he approached a new fae. She did seem pretty young, but that certainly hadn't stopped him or the faes he had been with before. Of course it was also difficult to tell if she looked young simply because of her size or if she was genuinely as young as she looked. He tended to let the fae he was interested in guide the way things went anyway so he settled in to see how things went.

"Rûga Amanto"


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-12-2021, 12:45 AM

This man... he wanted to fuck. Bowen watched as he came around the edge of the rock and allowed his eyes to roam over her slender body as she lay sprawled on her belly in the sand. The young woman met his gaze boldly, watching as he sprawled down in the sand as well. He was close, but not so close that they could touch without reaching. Caramel ears shifted, catching his words as he praised her appearance. She was used to this. Bowen had unique coloring and markings and was often called pretty or lovely or gorgeous. Words didn't phase her and after what seemed like a lifetime of being used and called these things simultaneously, she wasn't sure that she believed them.

The russet and black brute spoke again and Bowen gave her head a shake in the negative. "If I minded, I wouldn't have spoken to you." That was a logical enough assessment. She supposed he was just saying that due to some sense of obligation or decorum. That was the last thing on her mind right now. He wanted to fuck. If he didn't, he wouldn't be so close.

Nightly, Bowen released her own sexual tension, but it was never enough. She was always left wanting, no matter how many times she brought herself to pleasure. There was nothing that she could do that could feel as good as having a brute cover her. Heat pooled low in Bo's belly at the thought of it and her pristine white teeth found her pink lower lip for a moment. On the ship, she had taken what she wanted. She wasn't used to being shy. This was the world though. She wasn't just the slave girl anymore. She was a member of The Hallows. There was a certain sense of decorum that she was supposed to uphold, right? Oh, but Bowen's insides throbbed gently. Her body was begging her to forget her obligations just this once.

"We can skip the pleasantries," she said, finally deciding. The snow and russet fae rose from her resting place in the sand, giving her slightly damp coat a light shake before fixing the man with her verdant gaze once more. "Whoever you are, why don't you give me what we both want?" The lust swirling in Bowen's eyes gave them a slightly glazed look as she gave a pull of her head, motioning for him to stand.

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]



6 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 1 WorshipThe Ooze Participant
09-12-2021, 10:36 AM

He gave her an amused smirk when she said how she wouldn't have spoken to him if she would have minded the intrusion, gaving a shrug in response. "Fair enough." She was a no nonsense kind of fae it seemed. He could appreciate that. She continued that theme as she insisted they could skip the pleasantries after a moment of consideration, making him raise a surprised brow at the delicate woman as she stood and fixed him with her striking emerald gaze. It seemed as though he wasn't the only one that had a need that needed to be satisfied. As much as he enjoyed a bit of chase and seduction he could also equally work with getting right to the point of things. Even still, the foreplay was sometimes the best part and even though she seemed to want him to just come and mount her right this moment that wasn't exactly his style.

Rûga gave the mysterious caramel fae a sly grin and chuckled as he shifted just close enough to reach and hook a large foreleg under her slender chest, scooping her up without much effort and pulling her closer. He rolled onto his back as he lifted her and placed her on top of him, hungry sea foam eyes appreciating her all the while. "We'll both get what we want soon enough," he promised with a smirk, his paws tracing down her sides and over her hips. He certainly had no issue with casual sex and hook ups, but he did enjoy savoring each lady he was with. Each one was beautiful and unique and deserved to enjoy it as much as he undoubtedly would. Claws trailed over pale skin as he traced her thighs, adding, "I'm Rûga. What can I call you?"

"Rûga Amanto"


The Hallows

Master Navigator (240)

Master Fighter (265)

An icon representing the specialty Fleet-footed Fleet-footed

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 3 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-12-2021, 11:44 AM

There was an itch within her and it needed to be scratched. The man seemed to agree with her forward manner. He scooped her easily against him as though she weighed next to nothing. Understandably so, considering their difference in size. The lithe fae settled atop the russet man, their damp coats melding where they touched. She didn't mind this one bit. If he needed some warming up, then he was more than welcome to do so. Bowen simply wanted intimate attention. Being sprawled out with the length of her body pressed against the hard planes of this giant brutes frame... it was a good start.

A promise was given that she would get what she wanted soon. For now, it seemed that he wanted to touch her. As the mans paws and claws trailed up Bowens sides, the woman gave a little shudder. Once his paws touched her thighs, she slid them upwards, spreading her legs wider so that he could touch more of the delicate flesh. It was all buildup. If he didn't deliver, the caramel siren might very well turn into a banshee.

The man gave his name as Ruga and asked what he could call her in turn. Bowen purred as he continued touching her. "Anything you want," she informed him. It didn't matter what he called her as long as he was inside of her soon. Her own claws pulled slowly through the thicker fur of the giant's chest and she felt the well muscled form beneath. Bowen's tail began to drift slowly back and forth behind her spread legs, no doubt tickling things lower on Ruga's body as well. Her lust filled gaze stayed on that of the stranger. "If you need to call me something, my name is Bowen."

[Image: gSBkYSG.gif]Bowen Arrow Carpathius [Image: 2cnsALh.png]