
i am a lost boy



2 Years
09-14-2021, 11:35 AM
Gods, he was so fucking bored! It was the stupid downfall of living on his own, and to say he resented it was an understatement. Dream had always been a capable guy, capable enough to have been taking care of himself for most of his life- and it showed. He was tall and broad in all the right ways, not bulky, but defined in muscle all the same. His blonde fur was healthy and clean and a bit on the spiky side, giving way to multiple scars that hinted towrd his daring and sometimes aggressie lifestyle. He wore them like medals though, never ashamed- not even of the ones that marred his otherwise handsome face. Yeah, at a glance he was doing absolutely fine for himself out here on his own, but a single look inside would reveal something much different.

As much as he was built to survive alone, Dream had never been built to live alone. And it sucked. Not having anyone to talk to or crack jokes with or play around with was really starting to mess with him, and he knew it was starting to get dangerous. He'd been drifting closer and closer to the packlands lately, sniffing around in the unclaimed territories that were just close enough to the other wolves that he was running a higher and higher risk of running into them. It ws a dangerous game, but one he was slowly becoming more and more willing to play if it meant the possability of getting to scratch that itch, because at this point he was willing to take anything- evena fight.

He'd been out in the Orchard earlier that day, almost just outside the Armadas border. He'd left just before the patrol arrived but he was sure they'd catch his scent blowing over from the other side. He'd almost stayed, that dopamine rush of doing something potentially stupid taking hold of him for just a minute, but he'd come to his senses and left before they came into sight. And now, well, now he was back at the forest, feeling as frustrated as ever over his own indecision and unable to sit still. So, he was walking. Or maybe the more accurate word would be sulking. His large paws and strong legs navigated his path with a familiarity that spoke of his time spent in the place, head slung low over rolling shoulders with ears half-pinned. Every inch of him wore his frustration openly for the world to see, but that was only because he knew there was nobody around to witness his dissapointment.