
I Dunno What I'm Doin' But It's Workin'

Item collecting & Weapon crafting? :')



Expert Fighter (160)

Expert Intellectual (140)

5 Years
Dire wolf
Dragon Mod

By the skin of my teethPride - Demisexual1KThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-15-2021, 12:51 AM

You couldn't kill me if you tried

The babe had opted to take the day to learn some crafting. Or rather, try to craft something on her own. Today's task, was spear making. However, she still needed to collect the items she needed. She walked across the moor, the temperature cool and the sky overcast. It wasn't terribly cold, but pleasant at least. Nice enough to allow her the day to do what she wanted outside without freezing her butt off or worry about rain or snow. She knew she needed a few good sized pieces of wood she could whittle down to size, as well as something she could use to whittle the wood so she didn't have to use her teeth. Not only that, but she had the idea she could perhaps attach solid pieces of stone or some sort of material to the end to make it more useful, something like arrowheads or some sort of stone she could shape. Which in turn, got her thinking she might need twine or something to tie it all together. Maybe it was the perfectionist side of her, but she wanted anything she made to be perfect. And so these spears would be, or at least she'd try.

Walking through the moor, she found a good sized piece of wood that was about four feet in length. She picked that up in her mouth and headed towards the stones that sat on the moor, dropping it in a small clearing before sitting down. Okay, that was one many more should she get? Perhaps start with the all she needed was the rest of the stuff she needed...but first, she opted to gaze at the stones and the strange runes that were etched into them. They were mesmerizing to say the least...and she wondered who or what had done such a beautiful, mysterious thing.
