
blood haze



6 Years
05-20-2014, 03:51 PM

Satu had woken that morning feeling off, but not quite able to pinpoint why. She'd been feeling restless and irritable lately anyway anyway, so she'd just chalked it up to yet another symptom of that. She'd gone about her day normally, taking up part of a "patrol" that was just another excuse to seek out adventure and get away from the every day boredom, and then hunting squirrels near the falls for a while.

She finally caught one of the irritating little tree rodents. Dropping the body at her paws she glared down at it in triumph. The bright spot of blood on it's body didn't really seem out of place, considering that it had just met it's violent end at her fangs, but then another spot joined the first, then another, and Satu realized all at once that something was dripping blood onto it. She backpedaled, gaze going up and swinging back and forth wildly as she looked for the source, but every movement sent tiny splatters of blood everywhere and another realization staggered her when she realized the blood was coming from her... and more terrifyingly, coming from her eyes. Bloody tears were streaming down her face.

Heart hammering erratically in her chest in terror, Satu turned and bolted down the slope toward the main pack lands. Even as she did, chills were already beginning to wrack her form, little micro-spasms causing muscle weakness that slowed her still further. The illness had come on frighteningly fast, and before the frightened girl had gotten back to the mangroves it had already progressed...

The mangroves were cloaked in a red misty fog, and eerie light seeming to emanate from each tree and pulsing down through the long roots. She flinched away as one tree seemed to open up, oozing the dark shape of a wolf from its bark. The wolf roared at her, and she couldn't help but cry out as she stumbled back away from it. "Leave me alone!"




5 Years
05-20-2014, 04:03 PM

Novella was one of the lucky ones that was avoiding this illness that was sweeping through the lands. The news of it was certainly starting to spread however and the young girl certainly wished that there was something she could do to help them. Healing had never been her strong point though, nothing had really in fact this was just another reminder of that.

Instead the girl simply tried to keep herself busy, patrols babysitting, hunting, absolutely anything to try take her mind of the ill family members around her and her uselessness. Travelling through the lands however it seemed that the world wasn't going to allow her to get away with it quite so easily. Hearing the shouts of her cousin, she would divert her course swiftly, curious as to what was bothering her and determined to help, currently unaware that the problem was that sickness.

"Satu!" She called as she neared her cousin. "Are you alright, what's happening?" It was then as she stood before her cousin that she would notice the tears of blood falling from her eyes. She had heard of the illness, the symptoms but this was the first time she'd seen it with her own eyes. Words it seemed simply couldn't prepare her for the sight however and with a gasp that strength she'd rushed here with would crumble.



6 Years
05-21-2014, 06:28 AM

Iorwerth's eyes had felt irritating as he awoke that morning, an awful, burning and itching that was quickly driving him mad. The worst part of all was that the man certainly didn't think it normal but for all he knew it could very well be. Perhaps he had some allergy that brought on the reaction though he figured that there were only two people that could actually help him remember if that was indeed the case. With his uncle busy with the pack that had suddenly become his through means that Iorwerth didn't care to investigate he figured his best bet would be his sister and so he set off in search of Satu.

Unfortunately and rather annoyinngly it seemed that she wasn't in her den. The feeling in his eyes was only getting worse and he was getting more and more irate by it. Onwards he would go tracking her scent until suddenly he heard her voice. He would pause however eyes for some reason now watering.

He didn't cry! At least the proud male certainly didn't imagine that he did nor did he want anyone assuming that he did. One paw would lift to wipe the drops from his eyes shocked as he would pull it away to find there was now blood upon it. Tears were one thing but tears of blood were surely something to be concerned about and as another voice called out to his sister he would begin to move once more hoping that perhaps one of them could help him get to the bottom of this.

He would arrive on the scene to see Satu and another wolf that he could not name, blood still dripping from his eyes. His temperature had been rising, fever grabbing him though he hadn't and wouldn't acknowledge the fact till now as chills suddenly began to surround him. Unable to focus upon Satu, his vision blurring he wouldn't notice the blood tears in her eyes though as he suddenly grew dizzy he would struggle to keep his balance before tumbling to the ground. "I believe there is something wrong." He declared, gaze slowly lifting to glance to the blurred brown and white figures near him.



6 Years
05-21-2014, 07:15 AM

She had cowered back from the oozing tree-wolf, cringing back in a way that was very unlike the bold young adventurer, when another oozed it's way up to her and began to speak in a terrible, distorted voice that cracked and trembled like thunder, calling her by name and asking her what was happening. The red light pulsed through the bright creature like blood through veins, and as its mouth opened she could see it shine out like a beacon, blindingly bright. "I don't know!" Satu cried in reply to the creature's demand. "Someone help me, please help me!" Was this one of Song's gods? Were they real? Why would Song want anyone to worship something so terrifying and awful?

A second beast had approached, dark and oozing blood out of rends in its flesh that showed nothing but blackness behind. It dragging itself along, spitting black nothingness as it spoke gurgling words she couldn't understand. That terrible, terrible red light shone forth from its eyes like a torch, pinpointing her in its light and everything screamed at her to run before it could reach her and tear her apart. But Satu could not back away, could not even look away as her muscles seized violently, only a whimper escaping her clenched jaws at the agony. Her vision seemed to be narrowing, the dark beast's black nothingness eating away at everything around her until all she could see were it's terrible bright eyes. A final flash of light blinded her, then nothing. Her chocolate brown eyes rolled back and she hit the ground, hard.




5 Years
05-21-2014, 07:30 AM

Something was clearly wrong and only the half of it had been revealed to Novella in those brief moments she had first glanced at her cousin. Satu would respond but there was no recognition only fear and she cried out again for some help. Novella stood there shocked, mouth agape for a moment and tears, real tears threatened to start feeling nothing but helpless and worried for her cousin.

"I'm here Satu, it's me Novella!" Why on earth hadn't she realised that? Novella would only grow more worried. The statement was hardly enough to help her cousin though really, she had no idea what was wrong and even if she did have the faintest clue couldn't actually do anything to help her anyway. No she might as well have been that oozing tree-wolf stood before her, doing nothing but standing there.

Upon hearing another approach Novella could only hope that perhaps it was Song or at the very least someone who had a far better idea of what to do to help her. To Novella's horror however it wasn't someone that could help and someone else that needed help. She'd heard that Iorwerth was in the lands recovering from a head injury or something, but this if it was affecting Satu as well clearly wasn't a head injury.

Iorwerth would confirm that he too needed help as he collapsed to the floor. "Iorwerth!" She exclaimed, though a second thud would sound from Satu and Novella would glance over towards the brown female once more rushing over to her side instead. "Satu! Come on, get up, wake up!" Novella urged nudging her and hoping her cousin would suddenly awake. She wished it was some sort of cruel joke, perhaps could have even made herself believe it was it not for the fact that she could really smell blood and doubted that Iorwerth had any sense of humour nor had she ever thought that Satu's could be quite so cruel.



6 Years
05-21-2014, 07:49 AM

Iorwerth's mind still wouldn't clear, eyes blinking to try rid the tears and gain some focus upon the scene before him. If anything it was getting worse, his sister merging with the trees around them and the white wolf the clearest thing he actually had to focus upon and even she wasn't clear, just an odd fluffy shape like a cloud. That's what he would call her, she seemed to know him but whether because of his current delirious state or his previous memory loss he couldn't remember her at all. She may have said her name but nothing beyond his own name and Satu's was really registering in his mind right now. "Yes I am here Cloud." He responded, words sluggish and voice certainly lacking it's normal almost authoritative tone.

The cloud was moving away now and he would frown slightly, head wobbling about on his shoulders as he weakly lifted a paw to try and stand once more. Somewhere within his mind the vanishing Satu was forgotten about, unaware that she had actually fallen unconscious. "No Cloud, some back I am over here." His words were becoming more like that gibberish that Satu had imagine, in fact even the rest of Novella's words had become gibberish, not even able to pick out Satu's name that second time. Paw would slip from beneath him before he'd even managed to attempt to stand up and his head would hit the floor as he fell again. "That was not very nice." Was at least what he meant to say, a growl forming in his throat. Someone had tripped him but he wasn't even sure who it had been. "Cloud! Get here now." He had now rolled over onto his back and was snapping the air to try and attack his imaginary and invisible foe. There could be more of them and as she remained floating upon her feet somehow she probably stood a better chance of fending them off.