
Fishing the lazy way


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5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
09-18-2021, 01:57 AM

Rudy had regained some strength after enough time sleeping in the infirmary and eventually his own room but he had to rebuild endurance, speed, strength before he need bother attempting a real hunt.  For now, his version of hunting would have to be fishing.  Rudy had made his way down to the beach, staring in the depths of the water.  The weather was perfect today but Rudy wasn’t really paying attention to appreciate it.
There was still so much to absorb of what had happened to himself and his family recently.  So many changes in so little time.  Rudy put the thoughts aside, for now, to focus on what was in the water and how to go about obtaining it. Previously when he had tried out fishing the young wolf had managed to succeed but it had included plenty of failed attempts and bouncing about which Rudy knew he couldn’t do as swiftly as he had then.  Time.  Rudy just needed time to build up strength but for now, he would just have to find a different method of fishing.

Mom had shown him how to make snares for land animals before, could a trap be made for fish?  Rudy wasn’t keen on the idea of trying to make a net and what else would work.  Rudy’s tail slapped lightly from one side of the ground to the other in a slow rhythm as he thought on this.
While he was thinking about it he spotted an odd-shaped fish skimming across the sandy bottom.  The creature was flat with two eyes on the same side of its body looking skyward.  So weird! It was a soft color that matched well with the sand below so that had it not moved Rudy would never have noticed it. Odd-looking but, that didn’t mean it wouldn’t taste good.  With its odd shape was there really that much nourishment to get?  The oddity had his interest now though.

The moment Rudy put a paw in the water it swam a short ways off before settling again on the watery floor.  Interesting. Rudy stepped back and keeping an eye on where he spotted the creature moved further on the beach to what had the solid appearance of a rock.  On inspection, it was really just sand densely packed together.  As long as he was gentle tapping it the sand stayed in its rock-like shape.  Rudyard picked it up cautiously in his jaws and moved back to the water.  The flounder hadn’t moved far at all.

Rudyard took two strides past the creature before cautiously walking back in the water, keeping that close eye on it to make sure it wasn’t scared off. Did fish get nervous?  Did they really think at all to strategize if or how they should flee from potential danger?  The motley grey wolf didn’t really understand them at all but wait for a minute in case the fish was wary of his presence even though it hadn’t fled. The water felt good as it caressed his legs just a few inches above his paws.

The young wolf threw his rock-like sand in the air and watched it slap the water behind the flounder.  The fish jerked and flew forward, right towards Rudy.  The young boy lowered his head to snap at the flounder, digging in his teeth right near the tail.  It had almost escaped but, almost wouldn’t save its life.

Rudy took his prize back onto the shore, moving far enough from the water's edge that the ground was perfectly dry and the fish had no chance to make its way back to the sea.  Of course, he would eat it but not before inspecting it.  Rudy was already tired and lay down to look at the fish that was lying flat yet looking at him with two eyes.  Rude tucked a paw under it, flipping the fish so its white belly showed and it truly had no eye on this side!  The fish protested, of course, writing in place and Rudy let it for a few seconds before placing a paw on top.  

Rudyard Carpathius