
High For This

Ezra ♡


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
09-18-2021, 07:03 PM (This post was last modified: 10-10-2021, 06:54 PM by Syanna. Edited 1 time in total.)

With the warm summer-like weather coming over Auster, making it unseasonably warm, Syanna opted to take advantage of as much time outdoors as she could. After having spent the past season pretty much glued at the hip to Ezra, being able to wander and roam without fear of her heat causing them trouble was like a breath of fresh air. Ezra had been such a sweetheart to her, caring for her and comforting her through the uncertainties she felt, and now she was thriving in the Hallows. The secondary Seneschal wanted to go walking through the woods, and she'd convinced Ezra to come along as her personal bodyguard. Ezra took his new Templar duties so seriously, it was adorable, but the sweet boy did deserve a break every now and then.

Glancing back over her shoulder at the massive speckled dire wolf following behind her, Syanna shot Ezra a playful smirk and slowed her gait to get close enough to him that she could flick his nose with her tail before prancing off ahead again. She loved teasing him; it was just so much fun! The two wolves wandered into the forest of massive oak trees, the canopy of leaves above them shielding them from the harsh midday sun and leaving the forest noticeably cooler than the plains. It was lovely, and Syanna basked in the atmosphere.

"Thanks for coming with me, Ezra. You've been working yourself so hard in preparation for the feast, I thought you could use some time to breathe and unwind," she called over her shoulder to him as she inspected a few plants they walked by, checking to see if they had any value or use. Secretly, Syanna had brought them out here for a secondary purpose. Her time organizing the pharmacy had shown her that the Hallows was well stocked in just about every medicinal herb a healer could think of—but was shockingly lacking in any recreational ones. Ever a promoter of personal enjoyment, Syanna wanted to rectify that egregious mistake. Besides, recreational drugs could have a medical benefit if used the right way, so really she was doing the pack and her patients a service.

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
09-19-2021, 08:40 PM

Ezra never would have thought of himself as the type to really dedicate himself to a task or a job before he became Templar, but he had gotten so involved in all the prep for the feast his father had assigned them that he suddenly found himself very busy with hunting and coordinating things on top of the usual patrols and guarding that he was expected to do. He strangely didn't really notice how busy he was until it was the end of the day and he flopped down into the bed he shared with Syanna utterly exhausted. Even still, he didn't want to be his father. He didn't want to work so hard that he never got to make time for Syanna or for things that were just fun to do. When she asked him about going out herb gathering he immediately agreed. Not only was he just eager to spend some one on one time with her since he hadn't gotten to do that in a little while, but with all these stuff going on with how Gwynevere and Artorias had both been attacked semi recently he knew he'd just worry about Syanna the whole time she was gone otherwise.

Ezra followed dutifully behind Syanna, having an admittedly hard time focusing on anything but the hypnotic sway of her hips as she walked. She wasn't in heat any more so it wasn't like he could really blame his constant attraction to her on whatever affect her scent had on his brain. No, now he just had to admit that he was simply addicted to her and her beauty and her amazingly fiery personality. He didn't even notice how her steps slowed till he was almost right behind her and her tail swung up to flick across his nose, breaking him out of his trance and making his icy blue eyes blink with surprise as a grin pulled across his lips with a chuckle. He absolutely loved all her teasing, but it did make it nearly impossible to not have a one track mind with his horny, adolescent brain. He trotted up behind her as she pranced away and quickly left an equally teasing nip on her hip, tossing her a wide, toothy grin as they walked into the cool shade of the massive, old oak trees.

He let his gaze leave her for just a moment to sweep his gaze over the large trees that made up the old growth forest just to check and make sure they were actually alone and nothing was lurking in the forest around them. His ears perked and he brought his gaze back to her again when she spoke, giving her an easy grin in response. "You don't have to thank me! I just like being with you. I'll come out with you whenever you want!" He had no idea what exactly she was looking for or how he could help other than just keeping her company and being her bodyguard, but he was happy to do both of those things! "I promise I won't accidentally make you crush a mushroom this time," he promised with a chuckle as he continued to follow her, keeping an eye on their surroundings occasionally while not so subtly looking at her butt.

Ezra Adravendi


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
09-21-2021, 12:09 PM

Syanna was not oblivious to the staring Ezra was doing to her back end, watching her like a hawk and bringing a knowing grin to her face. Ever since they'd first started getting together in the early autumn, her big dopey dire wolf had been attached to her at the hip. It was like he was addicted to her, insatiable in his desires and lusts, and it made her feel incredible, like she were some sort of mystical creature he was infatuated with. It was only by the slim fortune of Ezra's young age that she'd made it through her heat season without getting pregnant, otherwise she was sure to have had the Adravendi boy's pups given how often they were all over each other. It made her feel desirable, beautiful, sexy... just good. She'd never thought she'd ever say that about a brute's attentions, but Ezra made her feel good!

She turned her emerald gaze back over her shoulder to the giant, handsome young wolf trailing her dutifully like he were her own personal bodyguard, and in a way he really was. News of the Carpathian wolves' attack out in the woods had gotten around the Hallows and she knew Ezra worried about her safety. She could handle herself of course, no matter what life threw at her, but she appreciated his concern. It showed how much he cared about her and it made her heart flutter in her chest. Ezra made her react in ways no other wolf had. Maybe she was just being silly, or maybe she was just enjoying their time together. Either way, Syanna was having the time of her life in the Hallows and with her Ezra.

A sudden nip of teeth at her hip made her yip in surprise, jumping a little and turning to shoot him a playful glare when he just grinned at her with his wide, doofy smile. She swatted at his hip with her tail and smirked; he was incorrigible, but she loved that about him. It was like he couldn't keep his paws off of her for any extended periods of time. She laughed when he accepted her thanks with casual regard and promised to not make her crush any mushrooms this time. "Actually, that's exactly why we're out here! I'm looking for specific plants for the pharmacy. It's called kava, and it has wide, shiny green leaves. They grow in pretty large bunches, so it should be easy to find."

Syanna looked over to her companion—and caught his handsome blue eyes staring at her butt with a familiar lust. She gave him a smirk, a wink, and a teasing swish of her tail over her shapely hips for emphasis and to show off to him a little while she sauntered around the forest with her typical sway and sashay. She loved teasing him, showing off for him and riling him up. Of course she knew what that would lead to, but it was exactly what she was hoping for. Once they found the kava, that is. "Tell you what, Speckles, let's make this a bit of a game," she called out to Ezra with a playful grin and gleaming green eyes. "The first one to find the kava gets to have the other do anything they say for the rest of the day and the loser can't say no. Deal?" She batted her eyes at Ezra, hoping her grin that suggested what things could come from their bet would sway him to agree, despite his obvious disadvantage against a trained healer.

"Syanna Alluráin"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
10-09-2021, 11:57 PM
Ezra gave a little nod as she explained why they were here and the particular plant she was looking for even though he wasn't sure what the relation between the mushroom and this kava plant was considering it was green and leafy ant not... mushroomy. Either way, he was eager to do whatever she needed from him to help. He was pretty hopeless at identifying plants though and most leaves all looked the same to him so he wasn't sure he'd actually be able to help her look. He especially didn't know how he'd be able to focus on looking for kava when she was enticing him with swishes of her tail over her shapely hips and kept drawing his attention toward her butt, her teasing and flaunting making him grin and putting his mind on everything put plant hunting. When she started laying out some kind of deal for him that finally got his ice blue gaze to lift up toward Syanna's emerald eyes with a curious glance. His first thought was about how he wouldn't stand a chance trying to find this kava plant before she did, but as soon as he heard the offer of getting to have her do whatever he wanted for the day... well a chance at that was too good to pass up.

A wide grin pulled across his lips at the possibilities of what he could have her do with that kind of power and his tail wagged eagerly. He knew he'd probably still lose but gosh darn it he had to try! "Alright! You're on!" He chuckled and leaned over to give her lips a quick peck of a kiss before he turned and immediately started searching around all the giant oak trees for a big, leafy, plant with wide, green leaves. Gods, why did all plants have to look the same?! It couldn't have even been something with a colored flower or something like that. Nope, just shiny and green. He climbed over a couple fallen tree trunks while he searched, running around the Ancient Oaks and desperately trying to figure out one plant from another. Knowing his luck be probably ran right past it and didn't know it.

"Ezra Adravendi"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
10-10-2021, 06:54 PM
Ezra accepted her challenge with a wide grin, no doubt already planning all the things he could redeem his reward for if he won. Poor boy, was all Syanna could think, but he was so enthusiastic to take her up on her challenge that she didn't dare retract the offer now that it was made. Before she could even call an official start, Ezra gave her a quick peck on her lips and then he was off like a bolt of mottled brown lightning. The vixen-like fae sat on the leafy grass of the forest floor, watching him sprinting around like a madman in search of his prize. It made it impossible for Syanna to keep from grinning and bursting into giggles to see how into this he was! Though it did afford her a lovely show of watching his big, muscled form in action, the way his coat slid over his chiseled features, the very picture of raw power... She didn't bother moving, instead watching her boyfriend go crazy in search of a plant he probably couldn't identify if it was right in front of his nose. In fact, it was.

Syanna turned her green gaze down to the shrub that was growing just a foot to her left against the trunk of an oak tree, looking over the kava with a wry smirk. It had literally been right in front of Ezra's face the entire time, but he was too damn adorable to crush his spirit like that so easy, so she let him continue his "search" for a little bit longer. When she finally decided to put the poor boy out of his misery, Syanna took two steps to her side and plucked a large bunch of the shiny green leaves from their stems and held them aloft with aa triumphant smirk. "Oh, look! I found them!" she declared aloud, casually leaning against the oak tree while she waited for Ezra to come back and wallow in his defeat. She already knew what she was going to have him do; she just needed her big dopey dire wolf back first, wherever he had run off to.

"Syanna Allurain"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
10-13-2021, 01:36 PM
Ezra had been too engrossed in his search to notice the fact that Syanna hadn't moved an inch. His pale blue eyes were focused on the plants and trees around him and he hadn't looked back up at her through the whole ordeal, frantically searching and looking for the kava plant she wanted. In the end though, his hears perked at the sound of her voice calling out that she had found the plant they were searching for and he sighed with a "of course you did" kind of look on his face. He really didn't think he'd find it before she did, but he put a good effort in just on the off chance that he'd get to have her do whatever he wanted. That was an amazing prize, but even though she one he had an inkling that he was still going to enjoy whatever she had him do.

He turned back toward where he heard her voice come from and as he was trotting over to join her he began to realize he was just retracing his steps through the forest back to where he had begun. Once he got to her he looked around and confirmed his suspicions before he looked at her with a sigh and a playful glare, giving her a grin as he game to bump her shoulder with his head. "It was right next to you the whole time, wasn't it?" he accused, already knowing the answer. He chuckled and flopped back onto his haunches with a little shake of his head. "Alright then... what will it be, gorgeous? What do you want me to do?"

"Ezra Adravendi"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
10-13-2021, 09:07 PM
Syanna basked in her victory while she waited for Ezra to return, still casually leaning against the oak tree and fanning herself with the bundle of kava leaves when her big speckled boyfriend made his appearance. She saw his eyes move from her to the plant and then back to her again, seeing him work out what had happened in those pretty blue eyes. He sighed and nudged her shoulder, making the vixen-furred fae giggle with unabashed delight. "Nooooooo, it was right next to this tree! I was all the way over there," she said, pointing the couple of feet over to where she had been. Was she splitting hairs? Yes, most definitely. Was she having the time of her life winding him up? Absolutely. "Don't be a sore loser, Ez. You gave it your best shot, and that's what counts."

With a little teasing grin on her lips, Syanna sauntered closer to Ezra with a little sway of her hips and a hypnotic swish of her languid tail behind her. She reached up to place a gentle kiss on the end of his nose—a consolation prize of sorts—then gave a pensive hum and tapped her chin with a cream-furred paw when he asked what she wanted him to do. Emerald eyes roving down his chiseled form with nothing short of lustful hunger, Syanna thought of about a dozen different things she'd like to ask him to do, each one more pleasant than the last. Ah, but there was one idea she had that would be oh so much fun, and more than likely a new experience for her innocent boyfriend.

"I want you to lie back against this tree and relax, get comfy," she instructed him, pointing to the massive oak the kava was growing against. Once he had done as she instructed, Syanna stashed the kava she had harvested into her satchel and slipped it off, hanging it off a growth on the trunk of the tree. "Have you ever used kava before, Ezra? Or any sort of herb just for fun?" She didn't suspect he had. But today he would! Syanna broke off two full leaves from the kava plant, judging his needed dosage by size and weight. He was a big boy, and he'd need a decent amount of the drug to really feel anything.

Bringing the leaves over to where he was relaxing, Syanna straddled herself over his body, giving him a little grin and a bat of lashes over bedroom eyes before folding up the two leaves and holding them up to his muzzle. "Open up and say ahh, Speckles." She waited until he had obeyed her instructions, then slipped the two kava leaves onto his tongue and gently ushered his jaw closed with an insistent paw. "Chew, then swallow." Once he'd begun to chew the leaves, Syanna's grin widened and she slid off of him to go grab one of the leaves off the kava plant and began chewing it herself, ignoring the slightly bitter, grassy taste of the plant in favor for the effects it would give them. She swallowed down the paste, then moved back to drape herself across Ezra's much larger body, using him like a living pillow while they waited for the effects of the drugs to kick in. "Let me know when you start to feel something. It might take a few minutes," she purred, fixing sultry eyes on his while her paws stroked over the fur on his chest.

"Syanna Allurain"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
10-14-2021, 03:09 PM
As soon as he saw Syanna's teasing grin and the way she moved toward him with that distinctive sway of her hips he knew that even though he lost he was still going to end up getting what he wanted one way or another. A little grin pulled across his lips while his eyes followed her enticing movements and he chuckled when she reached up to give his nose a kiss. He waited eagerly to see what she wanted from him while her verdant gaze not so subtly roamed over him, making him grin a bit wider. He had never really considered himself to be attractive or anything like that until he and Syanna got to together and he realized that she was as all over him as he was her. They were insatiable together, but he was having the time of his life with his girlfriend so he wouldn't have it any other way. Sure, his father's warnings and pleas to be careful were in the back of his mind occasionally, but he was absolutely addicted to Syanna so he couldn't imagine slowing down any time soon.

A roguish grin pulled across his lips when she told him to lay back and get comfy which he did without hesitation. He laid down on his back with his upper back reclined against the trunk of the large oak tree, his ice blue eyes watching her curiously while she put away the leaves she had gathered in her satchel and hug the bag on the tree. He gave a little shake of his head when she asked if he had tried kava before. He had tried a little bit of wine before since there was plenty of that to be had in the castle, but he had never had anything that wasn't given to him by one of the healers like her or Gwynevere. He wasn't familiar at all with recreational drugs or herbs, but from the look on Syanna's face it looked like he was going to get familiar pretty quickly today.

He watched as she picked a couple more leaves before she came to sit over top of him, making him hum with delight and give a toothy grin while his paws wrapped around her possessively. Dutifully he opened his mouth for her when she instructed him to, keeping his eyes on her while she placed the leaves on his tongue and closed his mouth with a little nudge of her paw. He began chewing the leaves as she told him to, following all her instructions to the letter. This was her prize after all and he'd do whatever she wanted—not that he wouldn't do whatever she wanted on any normal day. He gave a little disappointed noise when she slipped out of his grasp, but he kept chewing until the bitter plant taste fully filled his mouth and it was just a mushy paste on his tongue before he swallowed it down. Syanna did the same before she came back to lay on him again and immediately he wrapped his forelegs around her again and held her close with her head on his chest. He smirked at her instructions to tell her when he began feeling anything, giving her ear a teasing lick as he replied, "Well, I am certainly feeling something, but I don't think it has to do with the kava."

He chuckled and pulled her fully over top of him so that her smaller, slender body was draped across his with his forelegs wrapped around her sides. He behaved though, keeping himself to just rubbing her back and giving the top of her head and ears little kisses while he waited for the kava to do its thing. He had no idea what to expect from it or what the plant would do, but he figured anything that wasn't the norm would probably give itself away. Sure enough, after several minutes of laying there cuddled up with his girlfriend, he started to notice how everything started to feel loose, tingly, and relaxed. Without really realizing it his eyes started to close and he hummed happily to himself. "I uh... I think I'm feeling it now," he told her with a chuckle and a floaty grin, his paws still wandering over her back and sides with his claws lightly combing through her vibrant fur.

"Ezra Adravendi"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
10-16-2021, 01:31 AM
Syanna adored the way Ezra looked at her, touched her, held her. He had this uncanny way of making her feel safe, important, loved. All sensations she'd longed to feel throughout her life and had only now found with the Adravendi wolf. She loved this relationship they'd started building together, and even though it had its rocky start, there was no wolf she'd rather spend her time with than her sweet, adorable, caring dopey speckled boy. Ezra diligently followed her instructions to the letter, and once they'd both taken their doses of kava, Syanna settled in to watch his reactions. She was happy she got to share this new experience with him, and honestly she'd only sampled it a couple of times in the past—once to see what it did before she traded and sold it, and the others for recreational enjoyment.

A seductive purr came from the vixen-like fae when she felt her boyfriend's strong forelegs wrap protectively around her sides, then he hoisted her smaller, lighter body up like she weighed nothing and draped her across the broad planes of his body. He made a comment about feeling something, but it wasn't the kava and Syanna simply giggled and swatted at the end of his nose with a playful paw. "Settle down, horny boy. You can wait a few minutes," she teased him, but the sultry way she rolled her words off her tongue left no doubt to what she had in mind. All she wanted was to make sure the stage was set before they danced together. Syanna felt Ezra's tongue flick over her ear, making her gasp and her paws grip to the fur on his chest, murring beneath her breath while she let her fluffy tail swish down over his lower stomach and more sensitive areas below. Two could play at this game of teases. "Dooooown, bad boy..." she purred, running her claws through his fur to lightly scritch at his chest, knowing full well what she was doing to him.

For a little while the two lay like that, Ezra giving little kisses and rubbing her back in such a soothing manner that Syanna could have easily fallen asleep in his arms. She let her claws dance delicately over his chest, enjoying his warmth and presence and scent surrounding her while they relaxed in the warm summer afternoon. Soon enough, Syanna began to feel a familiar tingling warmth spread across her skin, seemingly rising from nowhere. Her mind felt relaxed and floaty, and her skin felt hypersensitive to all of Ezra's touches. The kava had kicked in. A grin slowly split her lips when she heard Ezra say he was beginning to feel things as well, glancing up to catch that dopey, floaty grin on his face with his eyes closed. She'd purposely given him a stronger dose than her own to compensate for their size difference, so she knew whatever she was feeling he'd be feeling probably threefold.

"Hmm, yeah?" asked Syanna, gazing up at his handsome face all the while. His claws and paws wandering over her back felt so good, it made her back arch to press her body tighter to his. Every inch of his skin that touched hers felt like electric fire and made the tingling so much better. Syanna slowly ran her paws up along the sides of Ezra's neck, coming up to stroke over his cheeks before moving back down to trace the muscles beneath the fur on his chest. She brought her lips down to his skin, kissing and nibbling over his chest with delicate fangs, giving him a variety of physical sensations to experience in his first ever high. "Tell me what you're feeling, Speckles." She'd be able to gauge just how far along the kava's effects were based on how he felt. Once he was fully indulged in the euphoria and heightened sensitivity and relaxation the plant brought, then she planned to move on to the next stage.

"Syanna Allurain"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
11-02-2021, 02:02 PM
The path that Syanna made with her paws over his chest, neck, and cheeks made the most amazing, pleasant, tingly tickles dance across his hyper sensitive skin, making his grin widen and little rumbles leave him as he gave a little shiver under her touch. His toes curled and his forelegs held her tighter against him till there was just no physical way for him to be closer to her. The feeling of her kisses and nibbles as she left a trail of them over his chest made his breath catch and his paws flex against the skin on her back, his claws pressing against her skin. Everything she did to him normally felt amazing, but with this kava stuff it felt like the most amazing, heightened version of all that. Everything was so incredibly sensitive and fiery and electric. But even with that and even with the little twitches she was making his muscles do he was still the most relaxed he had ever felt. He was slumped into the trunk of the tree, feeling as if he was floating on a cloud rather than laying on the ground.

He gave a rumbling chuckle when she asked him what he was feeling and he wondered if it was possible to even put this feeling into words. He tried to think of some, but his brain just wasn't corroborating on that front. In fact it was pretty difficult to think of anything besides Syanna and the sensations she was giving him and now much all of this was just making him want all of her more and more. "Sooo many things," he told her with a floaty grin, blinking open his eyes to looked down at her with a heavy lidded gaze and a chuckle. If it wasn't for the fact that his gorgeous girlfriend was draped across him and felt so fantastic he might have just dozed right off to sleep, but with her here he was feeling something very, very different from sleep. He leaned down to brush his muzzle against her cheek and nibbled lightly there, wanting her to feel a little of what she was making him feel.

"Ezra Adravendi"


The Hallows
Expert Physician

Master Healer (240)

Expert Navigator (140)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

6 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 11KPride - Bisexual
11-22-2021, 02:17 PM
Watching all of Ezra's heightened reactions and responses to her touches brought a wide, amused grin to Syanna's muzzle. He was just too damn adorable! It looked like he was having the time of his life right now in his barely contained state of floaty high and excitement. Oh, but this was just the beginning! Syanna had so much more planned for her sweet, loving boyfriend to blow his mind away. Ezra had lived such a straight-laced lifestyle up until now; it was Syanna's pleasure to bend that straight arrow that he was into something a little more fun. When he rumbled out a barely coherent response of what he was feeling, the vixen-furred fae just gave an airy laugh and nibbled through the fur on his chest while her paws moved to stroke gentle claws down over his sides and torso. "Mmm all good things, I hope," she purred in reply. Of course she knew he was only feeling good things judging by the humongous grin on his face, but she wouldn't pass on a chance to tease him just a little more.

Emerald eyes glanced up when he started to shift and move, flashing a wicked grin at him when he leaned closer to return her gentle nibbles to the side of her muzzle. Shooting him a fiery look, Syanna sat up a little more and pressed a single paw to his chest, urging him back down against the tree. "No no, bad boy. I didn't say you could get up yet." Holding his sky blue eyes with her sultry gaze, Syanna dipped her muzzle down to his chest as she began the slow process of sliding down his body. Her paws glided over his body, claws raking delicately through his thinner fur as she descended him, pausing every so often to press her tongue flat to his skin while she moved down him. Syanna didn't stop until she'd situated herself at her intended destination between his legs, smoldering green eyes making sure he was watching her the entire time.

"You just lie there and enjoy, Speckles. Don't hold back any of those cute faces." With an eager grin and a wink, Syanna proceeded to take advantage of her dominance over her high boyfriend and show him an all new sort of pleasure, craving the taste of him as much as she did those wondrous reactions that danced across his face every time she indulged him in his new favorite activities. Under the influence of the kava, she wanted to see Ezra lose his mind to a world of physical pleasures, and she would work hard and do everything she could to have him going mad and drunk on the ecstasy.

- fade -

"Syanna Allurain"

As her mate, Ezra may enter her threads not marked as Private.