
the day the earth stood still


05-20-2014, 01:30 PM

With winter in full swing, one might have expected June to be as far south as possible, avoiding the snows that coated the earth in the northern lands. But June had taken a leaf out of her brother's book and come towards the lands where she knew he could be found. She had found herself craving his company in this desolate season, and so, June had come in search of him. It had been nice to see July too, of course, but he was not the one whose company she most dearly craved in that moment. And August needed to be informed of their brother's safe return to her side, at any rate.

And so June had come in search of August, seeking any sign of his scent or presence. She knew that he lived around here - the pack borders had to be within the general vicinity, but June couldn't narrow it down any further than this. Where are you, Gus? The question chased itself around her skull, repeating in her thoughts over and over again. She was scared that she would never find him again, not after the first time. Maybe the universe was going to take him away from her now, and he would be gone forever. Maybe he was avoiding her on purpose. She found herself hoping desperately that he would appear soon, to save her from her worry and to let her tell him the news.



05-20-2014, 03:50 PM

Walk ? "Talk" ?

In the mass of his mocha pelt, a demon would thrive off of his insanity. From honey hued irises dripped thick metallic liquid, a dark crimson against his fur. His muscles would ripple as he would stagger further and further away from the Tortugan lands, until he no longer was, seemingly going in no certain direction. He would mechanically trudge through the thick layers of snow, eyes blank and emotionless, until the crude scent of blood would block his nostrils. He would give a wicked laugh of a drunk man, as the scent of a wolf would sting at his nostrils. The diseased voices within his head would instantly begin to speak. 'Murder the bitch. Slaughter her. She is trespassing on our grounds.' Blood would drip onto the sparkling snow as he would stand, two ideals clashing within the dark recesses of his mind. The smell was familiar yet so new. Who could be the one trespassing? Only would he soon find a timid damsel standing in the snowfalls.

"Bitch. Do you know where the fuck you're at?!" Already was he twitching, beginning to witness a sudden surge of violence from his deliria. Each muscle of his body was mechanically twitching, locking into place as he would stand in the snow, knee deep. His body was shuddering from pure anticipation, as defenses would begin to settle. He would bare his fangs, narrowing his bloodshot eyes, and creasing his brows. Hackles would rise as his tail would begin to thrash. "No matter. I will slaughter you. Any words you'd like to say, say them now." Each voice within his mind would sing a wondrous chorus of hell, each speaking in its own venomous voice. 'Give her no time to speak, Gus. Slaughter her before she can open her jaws. Shred her into mincemeat.' Even through this melody of voices, the man stood still, body angrily twitching and pulsing, bloodshot gaze trained on the femme. He did not want to attack her. The consciousness within his diseased mind fought this ideal, but he could not seem to gain control. Instead, the silence was filled by the howling of the wind, as he awaited the femme's words. A sharp acidic taste would build in his throat, as vomit would begin to rise, and his eyes would cloud, but he still would watch the female, not showing any weakness, at least not showing any.


05-22-2014, 07:53 AM

At the first sound of a wolf's approach, June was on guard, head swinging to locate the figure. For a second, when June realized it was Gus, she relaxed imperceptibly, only to realize that something was terribly, terribly wrong. Blood dripped from his eyes, trailing down his face, and his muscles twitched and his voice. If it hadn't been for the fact that she was watching his mouth move, June wouldn't have believed that it was her brother speaking.

The angry words made the female cringe back, pinning her ears against her skull. He'd never said anything like that to her before! And he wasn't all right - something was clearly wrong. But June was afraid to ask him what had happened, afraid that he would lash out, and he had threatened to kill her. Last words? "Gus...? Don't hurt me, please!" Fear colored her words, but still she clung desperately to the hope that he was playing some cruel prank instead of truly contemplating her death.

Her legs tensed, ready to carry her away should Gus make a move towards her, but for the moment, June remained pinned to the spot. Despite her wide gaze, despite the fear curling in her veins, she stayed still. Whatever was going on with Gus, he was her brother. She couldn't run away from him. And something had to be wrong with him. She could see his body twitching, but maybe that didn't explain his words. Maybe he really did want her dead. A whimper escaped the female at the thought, but still she couldn't bring herself to flee.



05-23-2014, 01:26 PM

Walk ? "Talk" ?

The femme would turn, familiar eyes striking the summer child's own bloodshot irises, turning them wide and incredulous, as the twitching of his body would stop. The voices continued to chant violent words into his auds, but he shut them out, watching the femme disappear and reappear in the swirling snow. His crown was slick from his high fever, as he would stand still, as if he were a statue, before words would finally roll off his tongue, a warning. "June... Go... Escape. Leave and don't come back... Not until spring. You... Aren't safe. With me..." It sounded as the male was choking on his own words, as he reeled, the acid burning his throat as he released it with the turn of his head.

Suddenly, the voices would begin to pound at his skull, and blood began to pulse once more from his bloodshot irises. "GO! Get out of here. You aren't?" His voice was cut by a blood-curdling wail, as his fever pulsed, brutally beating at his skull. He raised his head, now hallucinating the sight of June laughing. Anger pulsed in his veins, his bloodshot eyes narrowing. "You aren't safe from me. Ever..." His body would roll, his face contorting to protect his muzzle should the femme retaliate. He would stand in place, his own consciousness pinning himself, his body beginning to twitch once more.


05-28-2014, 08:33 AM

Despite Gus' words, June couldn't bring herself to move. She stood frozen, eyes wide as they focused on her brother, watching with blank horror in her gaze as he turned his head away from her, only to vomit into the snow. "Oh, Gus..." She sounded so sad, taking a half step forward, beginning to approach her darling brother. She wanted to help him - something had to be wrong for him to be twitching and vomiting and the violence, that too had to have an explanation.

Ears pinning back, June recoiled when Gus spoke again. She crouched down as he wailed, eyes wide with fear and her muscles tense as he snarled at her. "Brother, please." She was begging him now, begging shamelessly for him to say something that made sense, something that she could understand. How could she help him? Was he going to attack her? To be afraid of Gus was something that June could hardly comprehend. He had always been the one to look out for her, and she had always inhabited his shadow, but now he was threatening to attack her, and June felt cold fear settling in her limbs.

Adrenaline was surging in her veins, preparing June to flee should Gus attack as he had been threatening to do. "Gus...?" Would he respond to her? Was she going to have to run? How did one handle being afraid of their brother? What was the done thing? Oh, where was July? She needed him. She needed both of her brother to be okay - she needed Gus to not be threatening her. But it looked like she wasn't going to be getting any of those things any time soon.
