
Tell Me.



8 Years
05-22-2014, 09:30 PM

It was high noon before the dame managed to pull herself off of her lazy butt. She was getting more and more tired the longer the days went on, it was hard to do anything. Grumbling she pulled herself up on her paws, marching her way to the Range. Scorpion had told her that her sister has a special den there, and that she was the only one who could touch her beside him. She scoffed, shaking her head at the over protective brute. However, she would respect his wishes. She had been rather on edge lately, and it was about time that she found out if her swollen belly were pups, or just a food baby.

The creamy dame walked through the fields, her long tail stirring the frosted blades of grass below her. She had never met Orchid before, so she kept her eyes peeled for anyone. Sniffing the air, she snorted when the chilly air bit her nostrils. Damn this cold... She tried something else, clearing her throat before she spoke into the still air. "Orchid?" She called, her vocals raising higher in her questioning pitch. Had Scorpion even ever told his sister about her? She was sure to smell him on her, the brute hardly ever left her side. He had been called to some sort of meeting or rather, and she had stayed behind. Sure he had told her to stay put, but a visit to his sister should be okay, right?

Othello was slightly nervous, even though she was fairly certain that she was carrying pups she needed to be sure. It would be a nice surprise for the father, would it not? Plus, from what Scorpion told her, Orchid had knowledge of herbs, she would most likely be able to give her something to calm her restlessness. Hopefully... "Orchid?" The dame called again, pausing her steps as her violet eyes looked for any sign of life in these quiet fields.

Orchid I


5 Years
05-22-2014, 09:43 PM

Assembling her herbs would be the occupation of her day, collecting and organising and keeping apart those that could not be kept with others? her stockpile was already adding up, and it was with an almost gleeful smile that she lorded over her collection. This was her life and joy, and her passion and something that even her brother Scorpion had okayed for her. She was beyond delighted, and was determined to do this to the best of her ability. She was picking through her more mundane and commonly used herbs when a howl of her name sounded out. She started in surprise, the herb falling from her claws and onto the ground. She carefully, lovingly picked it up once more and placed it in her stash.

She would scramble up the incline of their dens entrance and stick her head outside, her eyes glancing this way and that. ?hello?? she called out tentivly, weary of wolves who knew her name when she in turn did not know there?s. She tilted her head looking around herself as she waited for the caller to show herself.




8 Years
05-22-2014, 10:59 PM

The soft voice of a female answered her, and she followed the sound until a soft white face came into her view. A small smile was pressed on her lips, although her nerves made her tremble. "Hello Orchid, I am Othello. I am unsure if your brother has told you about me." Her voice was quiet and calm, this girl seemed a timid being and she didn't wish to startle her. "I require some of your help and knowledge, but is there somewhere private we can talk?" She knew with her swinging moods that she would not be safe out in the open, not when just anyone, namely one certain silver male, would make an appearance.

Othello took a few more tentative steps towards the female, close enough to take in her scent. She could pick up the tang of herbs, which made her heart swell. Good, so she did have them on hand! She wanted something to make her more calm, and this one most likely knew how to do that. She held much faith in this creature, her brother only said good things about her. She needed to know, to truly know if her feelings were truth.


"Normal." vs "Speech." v.s. 'Thought.'

Orchid I


5 Years
05-23-2014, 05:12 PM

Her wait was a short one before the figure behind the voice would make her appearance. She looked at the white girl before her, her lips pressed together in thought. This woman definitely knew her name.. and one whiff told her of her brothers scent upon this girl. She almost sighed, it seemed her brother had claimed another creature. She had the tiniest bit of jealousy and insecurity, but she pushed it away easily a heartbeat later. She was surprised when the girl would ask fir her help, but again she would simply nod and move aside to allow the girl entry into her sanctuary. ?No one but Scorpion ever comes in here? she admitted softly, to prove the privacy of her home.

She herself was already bounding back down and into the depths of her den. Really, the den was more of a fissure in the ground then a cave, located at the bass of a small cliff-like hill, it went downwards for a few steps before flattening out. There where little vein like cracks along the sides of the walls, and at this point a great deal of them where carefully filled with different herbs. At the end of the cave was a slightly raised pedestal covered in moss and soft leaves that served as her brother ? and by association her own ? bed.

?Don't touch anything? she warned, placing serious eyes on the girl as she moved to a little side 'room' that also had soft moss on the floor. The entire den had a slightly pleasant fragrance from crushed flowers that where placed here and there. She indicated to the other girl that they could sit here and proceeded to do so herself. Her warning about herbs was a very serious one ? some of the most innocent looking ones where poisons that she had stashed away. She made herself more comfortable before giving the other girl her full attention. "When did you last have intercourse?"




8 Years
05-23-2014, 11:13 PM (This post was last modified: 05-23-2014, 11:14 PM by Othello.)

Othello found herself hesitating to go into the den once the dame told her that only Scorpion had been in it. But once the other pale female vanished, she padded after her with slow steps. Taking a moment to let her violet eyes adjust, she blinked several times until she was able to see Orchid sitting by some cracked walks. Slow steps brought her over to the sitting one, who warned her not to touch a thing. She nodded her head, her senses baffled by the sickly sweet scent of herbs. Suppressing a sneeze, she sat upon her own haunches on the soft moss.

The question that she asked left her sputtering, almost choking as her ears stood fully up in shock. How had she known that she had come to her about this? Did Scorpion say something to her, or could she tell by her scent? Blinking, she actually had to think about the most recent time she had copulated with the tall brute. It had been so often... "The last time? Uh... about two days ago?" She said, sounding more like a question in her state. She was rather uncomfortable talking about this to Scorpion's sister, but she knew that it had to be done.

"Is there a way for you to tell for sure?" She asked, a hopeful gleam in her eye. It would be the most excellent gift to him, to bare his first litter. "And I was going to ask you about herbs to help me, because I have been so restless and my moods have been swinging like crazy." While her normal mood swings were pretty bad, she had been getting more and more irritable. Maybe she could have something to help her.

Orchid I


5 Years
05-24-2014, 12:15 AM

Orchids eyes would only twinkle at the girls discomfort. Yes, Orchid herself was very quite, keeping herself to the background to ensure that it was her brother that took the spotlight, to ensure she could easily answer to his every wish. That did not mean she was without talents of her own, nor truly shy ? when talking about herbs she was truly at her best and she held no discomfort nor shyness. The girl would answer her question with hesitancy and as the other spoke Orchid would move about the girl, looking at her, studying her with thought. She would place her head against the other girls chest, close her eyes and listen for a moment. Next she would move a paw and prod gently against the stomach, feeling the firmness of it. If it was so, it was early stages yet.

?How is your appetite, have you noticed any changes in your mood?? she would ask, loss of appetite was common at the beginning, but as she progressed she was likely to eat more then normal to cope with her extra burden, not to mention the hormonal changes she will be undergoing.

Her critical eyes would fall upon the girl again ?Is this what you want? It's an early enough stage to terminate if you are caring? ? she did not know they where Scorpions, or never would she have asked such a question. ?I have herbs that can mellow you out, ease the hormones without bringing harm to the children if you have need? she added, her critical eyes noticing signs of stress that came with the other girls mood swings.
