
Mummy am I dying



8 Years

05-19-2014, 10:05 PM

Each day since her eyes had opened had been greeted with the warmth of the day and a new adventure to be faced. Today however would be entirely different. From the sunny carefree and energetic pup she would find herself instead waking to pain. She would groan as she lifted her head to the feel of the pain that spazzemed in her skull. A groan would escape her lips as she still struggled to wake. Today she had wanted to try and find Fuzzykins the Fox again, and she had so many plans and ideas and excitement for the day. It all rolled away forgotten however when she raised her eyes to swipe at sore eyes and pulled away to find bloody tears seeping from her lids.

She screamed.

A primal sound of pure terror and horror as she swiped more viciously at her eyes. She had fallen asleep by the comfortable shade of a large oak tree, and her family was nowhere to be seen. She screamed again, shrivelling herself into a tight ball of fear, tucking her paws around herself and her head buried into coat. She sobbed a little, suddenly to afraid to move, to afraid to find help.
?Mommey!! Mommey!! Valeerius? she cried out for good measure as she hid herself away into her coat and hoped to god that her mummy or someone bigger and older would come and make everything alright.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



8 Years
05-19-2014, 11:33 PM

As of late, he'd kept to himself in the trees, near but not to close to Emer's den. He knew the pups could easily become paw-fuls, and that Emer could use the help when they were feeling particularly rambunctious. He was dozing under a tree farther into the woods when he woke suddenly to a scream. 'Mommy!Mommy!Valerius!' The voice was terrified, but he recognized it, Cecily. Jumping to his feet, his hips groaning in protest, he barreled towards the sound- his nose quickly finding her scent and leading her to him. He wasn't prepared for what met his eyes, the brave young wolf was curled into a ball out of fear. This was something he'd never seen before. Slowing, he would come to her side, his bright blue eyes glancing about them- making sure that there was no physical danger. As he scented the air, he could smell the illness and he realized that she must be sick. With a soft sigh, his muzzle moving to inspect her, soft murmurings leaving her, as he tried to nuzzle her gently. "Sssh, Cecily. You'll be alright. Your mother's coming." He whispered, but he was scared. He prayed he wasn't lying, and that Emer had indeed heard her. Was he reassuring her with a lie? Stepping back, he'd tilt his head in the air- assuming Emer had heard her daughter, she was probably nearly there, regardless he let out a loud summoning howl for her. Cecily needed her mother now. Standing protectively beside her, he watched waiting for Emer to arrive, and prayed the autumn colored woman would hurry. He simply didn't know what else to do. He was no healer, but he could smell the illness- and it wasn't something he'd ever scented before.




7 Years
05-20-2014, 02:01 AM

Her children had this awful habit of sneaking off in the night to explore before she had the power to stop them. Emer couldn't say she liked it one bit, though as she awoke to find the missing form of Cecily, it wouldn't immediately strike her with surprise. Ensuring that Taddeo and Signy were still asleep she would rise to begin the first search of the day, her life now mainly consisted of trying to round up her children and she could only imagine how much more difficult life would be without Valerius helping her.

Nose would be busy tracking down her daughter when the awful screams would ring through the air. Panic would grip the woman, heart stopping for a moment as she feared the worst scenarios, terrified that something was hurting her daughter. Now she would pick up the pace, running towards the sound and Cecily, only a moment of relief hitting her as Valerius' howl would sound, signalling that he had already reached her. She still had to go though, something still wasn't right and that feeling would quickly give way to the worry once more.

It wouldn't take her long, she would soon reach the pair and a soft gasp would sound as she caught sight the blood, the scent of illness however at least prevented her from assuming that someone had dared to hurt her daughter, though it wasn't much of a reassurance, something was clearly terribly wrong. How she wished to remain strong, but the worry would only continue to eat away at her as she took the final few shaky steps to Cecily's form. "I'm here Cecily, I'm here." She would speak, not sure she could keep her voice steady enough for much else. Stepping forwards she would nuzzle her daughter, though it did little for her. She was no healer at the best of times, now however she had absolutely no idea what to do and golden eyes would glance up to Valerius, the distraught and helplessness she felt echoing clear within them. They needed to speak with Erani, she could help them couldn't she? She couldn't voice the words though, not sure she could control herself enough to speak and certainly not wishing to say the words in front of her daughter, admit that she was worried enough that she felt they urgently needed a healer's help.



8 Years

05-20-2014, 02:52 AM

She had never felt alone before in her life, but she felt it then as she viciously fought back tears and waited for someone to save her. It was Val who reached her first, his gentle presence suddenly enveloping her as he stood over her curled form. The instant she heard his voice she could breath again. Still afraid, and in pain but knowing her knight in shinning armour would make everything ok. With the touch of his cool nose against her hot skin she would lift her head. The eyes she levelled at him, crusted with blood and blotched with her stress and fear where filled completely with the trust and love she felt towards him. He told her she would be ok, and she began to breath. Maybe this wasn't as scary as she had first thought, maybe this was normal, and she was over reacting.

Hearing her mother was coming was doubly a relief, in fact the two wolves she wanted most in the world would be here, aside from her siblings. Then her mother was there, her form above her telling that this was so, that she was here. Any lingering doubts that she might not be okay evaporated, she curled up again but this time in a more relaxed and sleepy pose. ?'ssrhy I sca'd you? she wheezed out, apologising for her scream and trembling a little with the cool of the air about her and tucking her nose into her feverishly warm coat. Despite how horrible she felt, no longer was she consumed with terror. Now all she felt was regret that the day could not be spent in adventure

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



8 Years
05-20-2014, 07:52 AM (This post was last modified: 05-20-2014, 07:54 AM by Valerius.)

His heart clenched with fear, he couldn't and wouldn't deny that. When the small girl lifted her head, he blinked in surprise. Never in his years, had he seen blood red tears- sure, blood after an eye injury, but never coming from two perfectly healthy eyes. What was wrong with her? Within moments, Emer had arrived, and he stepped back slightly, not wanting to blockade her from her child. She hushed Cecily and he looked at both of them with worry. They needed Erani or a healer, they needed someone. "Emer." He greeted softly, though the greeting was warm- it lacked its usual cheery demeanor. How could he be happy when he didn't know what was going on with the girl? He knew Emer was probably terrified, and rightfully so- so he tried his best to keep himself calm. If he freaked out, it wouldn't help anyone- and certainly not Cecily.

Stepping back from the pair, he looked about them. He knew they needed to get Cecily somewhere warm, but was hesitant to suggest the den that she shared with her siblings. What if this was contagious? However, they could worry about that once Cecily was somewhere warm. Gods only knew that if was contagious, the adults were already exposed as well. "We need to get her back to the den- she's probably got a fever. Then we need Erani or another healer." He said softly, before offering to carry her. I'll carry her, if you'd like." He would of course, ask her permission first. They needed to get her out of the exposed air, now



7 Years
05-20-2014, 09:04 AM

Cecily would begin to calm now that she had Emer and Valerius were present, however Emer's own nerves still wouldn't subside. Valerius was certainly doing better at this whole keeping calm thing than she was, she'd imagined scenarios in her head, scared at the trouble her children would possibly get themselves into but never once had she taken illness into account. It was the very thing that no matter how hard she tried she wouldn't really ever be able to prevent reaching them. Despite knowing that fact, seeing her daughter like this before her now, she still couldn't help but feel a little like she had failed her. All Emer knew was that she just needed Cecily to be better, though beyond getting Erani she had no idea how to achieve that goal.

Valerius would greet her, though still not trusting herself to speak she couldn't return the words. She certainly didn't want to bring back the fear that had evidently filled her poor daughter, she had to keep all of that worry to herself though how long would it be before Cecily caught onto her mother's panic? Once more Valerius would be her saviour, the man had done so much for her as of late and she had no idea how she would ever be able to thank him enough for it all.

She nodded her head slowly at his words but glancing back to Cecily she suddenly found she wasn't sure if she could carry her. Although not overly large, it was more her own trembling that Emer didn't trust at the moment and at Valerius's offer she would nod her head again, somewhat unwillingly pulling away from her daughter so that he would be able to lift her. "Thank you." She pause at Valerius' side, speaking the words softly into his ear, voice not daring to rise to its normal level, too scared that she would break and melt down in front of her daughter.



8 Years

05-20-2014, 05:31 PM

Through the haze of her sleepiness, built up from the pain in her head and the weird waves of darkness that flowed back and forth outside of her vision, she could see the big grown ups moving around and talking. She wasn't sure what they where talking about, their voices lost through the subtle roar the followed the misty appendages. She giggled, suddenly and unexpectedly, as she tried to clear her vision, and well failed found the soft mists moving back and forth. She raised her paw to them, trying to catch at the ghostly shapes above her. She giggled again, swiping her paw to and fro, but her valiant attempts fell short, the flow of the mists defied catching. She would sigh softly, losing the strength to hold up her paw and it would fall to her side.

She would sigh again, the insistent noise of her shades becoming louder, and more annoying. She twitched her head, scowling, a breath hissing from between her fangs as the quick movement worsened her headache. The mists clustered above her, angry and violent now, no longer playful and fun. She whimpered softly at them, their noise was hurting her ears and her head and she just wanted them to go away. ?Mummy make it stop? she whimpered as they buzzed louder and louder above her. They moved as one now, clustering together before turning on. Her eyes where wide open, fearful, before they swarmed her. She cried out once, the fearless girl once more in terror before she blacked out.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



8 Years
05-21-2014, 03:14 AM (This post was last modified: 05-21-2014, 03:15 AM by Valerius.)

Nothing could prepare any wolf for this, let alone a mother. His heart ached for both Cecily and Emer. Gods only knew what they were both going through. He was worried, when the girl swiped at the air before her- moments later, whining asking Emer to make it stop. He worried more as she fell unconscious, leaning down he gently picked her up in his jaws, his teeth gently gripping her scruff. Lifting his head, he carried Cecily upward, her body limp in his jaws. His head turned to face Emer, blue eyes searching for her autumn colored form. Nodding slightly, he waited for her to take the lead towards the den- prepared to follow closely beside her. As he carried Cecily, he did something he didn't often do. He prayed that the sparkly child would be alright, that she'd recover- that Erani would know what to do for her. She was so young, and had a bright future ahead of her- but she had to make it that far.

He didn't strain to much to carry the small girl, though he could certainly feel her weight between his jaws. That mattered little to him, all that mattered was making sure she was okay. If he had it his way, he'd run all the territory to find Erani and bring her back with him, though he hoped a howl would suffice in calling the ivory Queen and healer. He only wanted the best for Cecily, she deserved it.




7 Years
05-21-2014, 04:38 AM

Emer was certainly surprised by the soft giggles that suddenly sounded from her daughter, gaze would move from Valerius to her darker, green-eyed minature. She certainly hadn't been able to fake an illness, nor was she close to being better now and the mother couldn't quite decide whether this laughter was a positive sign or another problem.

Definitely a problem. Only a few short moments passed before the laughter stopped and a trouble expression would cross her daughter's face, paws rather weakly trying to hit and something in the air as her whimpers began again. "It's ok Cecily, I'm here." Make what stop exactly though? The illness? She wished more than ever that she could.

She would swiftly fall unconscious however before either she or Valerius had the chance to step forwards and comfort her again. She longed to return to her side and comfort her, awaken her though panic filled gaze would look once more to the brown male at her side as he moved forwards to pick up the little girl. She felt so helpless and though she longed quickly for anything to be solved her own paw suddenly felt like lead weights, body almost unwilling to move as that fear gripped her. It'd been a while now since it had taken hold of her quite so bad and certainly this was the first time it was over sickness than that man from the crypt. "Valerius..." She whimpered softly, only confirming her worries now. "I don't know what to do." Obviously move her paws would be a start but in the long run, she needed her daughter to be better but she couldn't help with that and was nothing short of terrified.



8 Years
05-23-2014, 12:02 AM

The weight of Cecily in his jaws, reassured him- He could feel her heartbeat, at her close proximity, and he took relief in it. At least she was still breathing, things could be much worse. As he turned towards Emer, his expression softened in pure sympathy for the mother. As she spoke to him, he whined slightly, before sitting Cecily down on his paws, so he could clearly speak. "Erani will know what to do, Emer." He spoke softly, trying to assure her. She would... wouldn't she? From where he stood near her, he extended his head, his muzzle seeking to gently bump against her shoulder. "Lets get her home, so we can call Erani too her."

Gently picking Cecily up again, he stepped forward, glancing back over his shoulder to see if Emer was coming along. He just wanted to know what was wrong. The scent of Cecily filled his senses, tainted with the smell of illness and he could feel the worry gnawing at him. Pausing, a few feet from Emer- heading in the general direction of her den, he muttered around Cecily, "Lead the way? His eyes were hopeful, that perhaps the mother could find it in her to move. He'd feel a lot better, once Cecily had been tended too.




7 Years
05-23-2014, 05:01 AM

Valerius was so incredibly patient throughout everything. He put up with her mischievous children, no it was more than that. He would humour their play in the way that their worried mother was unable to do, he cared for not only them but her as well and now he would step up to that role again. Though it was Cecily that really needed the attention now, he would stop and lower the girl to the ground as he once more turned his gaze to Emer, speaking softly to try and calm her nerves. Though to be fair, he had probably realised that simply continuing and heading off to find Erani on his own would perhaps only bring her further worry.

The last time he had tried to comfort her with a touch fear had taken hold of Emer, she had forgotten where she was for a moment where she was and who she was with. On this occasion however she wouldn't recoil, no memories would cripple her, she knew it was Valerius at her side and the simple form of contact would do its job. Perhaps it was simply that with her daughter ill nothing would stir her mind her mind from focussing upon Cecily not even the man in the crypt. Or could it be that she simply had grown so accustomed to Valerius being around, to his comfort and protection that he was now shielding her mind as well, blocking out those awful memories as he helped her create new wonderful ones with her children.

With a deep breath she would give a steady nod of her head and take the first step and then the next, moving to the den. Valerius didn't need her to lead, she suspected he could reach her den from any part of the Valhallan lands with his eyes closed with the number of times he had visited her and her children. She certainly wouldn't question it though simply continue on in silence this time only stopping as she finally reached the den, moving away from the entrance to allow Valerius to enter first with Cecily.



8 Years
05-23-2014, 05:11 AM

He couldn't blame her for her worry- her panic. Perhaps it was the sheer vulnerability that he noted around Emer that drew him to her. She needed to be protected. He was happy to note, that this time his contact didn't send fear through her, whatever the reason was for that, he was grateful. Finally, she seemed past her fear, and she moved- and as she passed him, he followed closely, the limp form of Cecily safely nestled in his jaws. The travel was brief, and Emer halted outside her den, waiting for him to safely deposit her daughter. Obliging her without comment or thought, he squeezed inside, careful to move around the other two pups to sit Cecily, gently on the ground. He would nose her once, as if to check to make sure she was still breathing, and then back out of the den, so that Emer could have the space to herself.

Once back in the open, he'd speak to Emer, his tone soft so hopefully the commotion wouldn't wake the other children, yet. "I'll call for Erani." Blinking, he took a few paces from the den, not waiting for confirmation from Emer, before he would throw his head in the air. A powerful baritone howl left him, calling for the Queen of the land, and one of the most experienced healers. No one else would do, Cecily, needed the best. As his jaws drifted shut, he moved to the front of the den, pacing along in front of it, glancing in at Emer and the children, while waiting impatiently for the ivory queen to make her appearance.



11 Years

The Ooze Participant
06-01-2014, 05:57 PM
Erani Adravendi

She?d just gotten done with seeing Jinxx, and had gone back to her den to find that her daughter and heir, Surreal, was sick with the same thing, but not quite as delirious. Surreal had recognized everyone around her, and was trying her best to stay calm, even with the seizures that wracked her frame, and the tears of blood that poured down her face. In fact, the wolf who was panicking most was Falk, Surreal?s chosen mate. It made Erani very glad that Surreal would be with a male that would never leave her side for someone else, and would lead beside her when she became the Alpha of Valhalla. Erani had just finished washing her fur out, watching the small splatters of bloody tears wash into the crack in the ravine wall, out of the way of drinking wolves? Hm. That could be an advantage, maybe. Valerius? call turned her head. The note held a high amount of urgency. Erani already knew what it was about.

She took off at a lope, reaching the son of Cairo swiftly. ?Who is it? Jinxx is sick, Surreal is sick. Isis is sick? So far, those are all I know about?? There was a faint sign of tiredness in her voice as she looked him over, then the children and Emer, finally coming to stop at Cecily. ?We need to get her separated from the healthy children, and baths for everyone at my spring. Don?t lick her tears. We don?t know if this is truly contagious via wolf to wolf, or if it?s borne on the air, but we need to take precautions. She has the same thing as the others.? She wracked her brain, trying to think. ?Self-Heal for the fever? Perhaps with some Alkanet? That should ease it some..? She murmured to herself as she looked over the small pup. Such a lively little girl, so recently taking it upon herself to invite strangers into the pack, now struck down and shaking by this illness. ?When did this start, Emer, Valerius??

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think



7 Years
06-01-2014, 06:45 PM

Aside from Erani during the birth of her children no one had actually set foot in the Lasair den before, right now however she certainly didn't question it Valerius was certainly different to most of the pack, though she owed Jinxx a lot as well she felt more indebted to Valerius and definitely trusted him more than most wolves she had met. And she would simply watch from the outside as the generous male placed Cecily gently upon the ground.

For a moment she remained stood there again, once more not entirely certain what to do she was stable it seemed though still unconscious and in need of help that Emer herself was unable to give her. Valerius once more was swift to react and beckoned for Erani to join them. Slipping inside she would stand lie her children, Taddeo and Signy were sleeping for now though if they awoke she certainly didn't wish for them to see Cecily in her current state.

The thought of cleaning her daughter up a little did enter her mind, though fortunately Erani arrived in time to banish such ideas. She would rise once more moving to the entrance to meet with the Queen. "It's Cecily." Her worried voice would explain and now step to one side for the white female to see for herself. She would have gone on to provide more information though given that others were ill it seemed somewhat pointless, there was obviously something going around, even the fearful Emer could work out that much.

Separate her children. The idea wasn't one that she could say she liked one bit, it would mean she couldn't remain with them at all times so who would look after them. Valerius seemed like the obvious answer, they knew him after all so well that Cecily had begun to question whether he was their father but this was more to ask than his usual help in watching over them.

She would nod her head slowly at the orders to wash in the stream though remained silent as she continued to speak of what could help ease these symptoms. Healing was certainly not Emer's strong point and having no idea what would or wouldn't help, the very reason they had needed Erani here in the first place. And then a question, that required her to actually reply this time. "Not long. She was fine had gone off to play and then suddenly it all just started." Somehow she managed to answer, though even with the experienced healer now here to help it was clear that she was still rather panicky.



8 Years
06-06-2014, 12:29 AM

He was anxious, as he paced outside the den waiting for Erani. He watched as Emer moved into the den, and cast a worried glance about them. When Erani finally arrived, he let out a breath he didn't realize that he had been holding. Emer appeared, answering the Queen's question before he could and he nodded. He felt sick as Erani mentioned that the epidemic was widespread- but he didn't really care about the others. Cecily could die. As Erani mentioned that the other should be moved, he was quick to speak. "Signy and Taddeo can stay in my den Emer, if you'd like?" He offered, quick to give the mother a choice. He gave her a soft, sympathetic look- and he wondered if she knew that was as terrified as she was. He'd grown to care for Cecily, and her siblings. He couldn't handle it if something happened to them.

Erani asked when it had started, and Emer answered her first. He nodded, "I found her when she cried this morning." Stepping close forward he looked intensely at Erani. "Erani... Save her.... please." He said, his baritone voice cracking slightly. Valerius had seen a lot, but right now- he was terrified. Cecily had to be okay. He looked intensely at the Queen- she was the wisest healer in the land- she had to know what to do.