
What You Mean to Me




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-02-2021, 11:22 PM

Aliana's heat scent had died sown somewhat and Chimera's aggression and feral dominance had died down with it. Over the days that the woman had been at the height of her estrus, the beast had refused to let her out of his sight. He knew that she would end up pregnant. He knew the entire time. When her scent had kicked him in the snout, however, he knew that there was nothing that he could do about it. His body had been working of its own will despite what his mind knew was right. The man worried that he had irreparably damaged the relationship between himself and Aliana and that thought... it truly bothered the man.

Chimera had come to heavily rely upon Aliana. After a long or stressful day, he knew that she would always be there waiting for him. She made him feel better. She soothed him. Calmed him. He needed her and he intended to tell her so. In order to do that, the giant had peeled the woman away from their island home, taking her across to the mainland for a little day, just the two of them.

There was a pretty little cove on the mainland that he thought Aliana might enjoy. Crabs and other sea dwelling creatures had skittered about between the tide pools. The sea had been calm the last time he was here and the sand was fine and soft. This evening was no different. Or maybe it was. As Chi led the clouded fae down the beach, he noted the strange bluish glow coming from the pools. He didn't remember those from before, but he also hadn't been here at night.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-03-2021, 12:00 AM
Aliana knew what was happening with her. She had known what to expect from the moment Chimera had forced himself upon her in that little cabana on the beach. She'd known what to expect when he'd dragged her to his bed chambers and kept her for a solid 48 hours, filling her to ensure he planted his seed within her. What she didn't know what which of the many, many times Chimera had mated with her had conceived the pups that were now growing in her womb. Aliana was pregnant. Oh, she'd known what would happen when she gave Dalila the last of the birth control and taken none herself. But even knowing did little to help her mind or spirit. In the days that followed, she noticed her heat scent fading far sooner than it should have. That had been her first warning sign, but reality didn't fully sink in until she was woken from sleep early one morning with indescribable nausea and cramps that resulted in her vomiting out of her bedroom window. The morning sickness that came after was the worst warning sign of all, and Ali knew she could no longer deny it. She was pregnant with Chimera's children.

Unlike Viper, Aliana didn't attempt to go on about her life as if nothing had changed. Whether she wanted these puppies or not was irrelevant at this point. They were inside her, growing in her belly, and they were a part of her. She needed to care for them, to protect their innocent little lives. She began a regiment of neonatal herbs in secret, small doses of alfalfa and motherwort to help prepare her body for what was to come. She cut back on her physically demanding tasks, no longer working on construction of the beehives and instead tending to the gardens almost all day. She didn't tell anyone though—least not of all Chimera. She didn't want to be around the brute right now while she tried to mentally absorb and come to terms with what he'd done. In truth, she was scared of him. Scared that he'd done this so cold and detached, scared that he showed no concern for what it might do to her, scared that he wouldn't care for the children he'd created once they were born. She'd grown up without a single parent to care for or love her. She didn't want that for these children, but she didn't know if she could trust Chimera to be the father these pups deserved.

Chimera eventually sought her out. It was only a matter of time, she supposed, and she couldn't avoid him forever. He found her tending to her herbs, ironically watching the Queen Anne's lace and silphium plants bloom with the flowers she'd needed only days ago to avoid this. He wanted to spend the day with her, so Ali quietly obliged, following him to the ferry and across to the mainland. They arrived at a cove with dozens of tide pools filled with skittering creatures and small fish. It was lovely, really, and in the fading evening light, the sea looked mystical. The tide pools seemed to glow an iridescent blue, probably from some sort of bioluminescent algae, but the lights were dazzling and reminded Ali of the fireflies she'd seen on the island. As they walked in silence, Ali would occasionally steal a couple shy glances up at Chimera, wondering just how she should tell him. He had to know. He would know sooner or later anyway once her belly began to grow with what would no doubt be sizable pups thanks to his dire genetics.

"Chimera," Ali began softly, the words catching in her throat though, and she couldn't bring herself to look at him. Was she afraid of his reaction? This was what he wanted though, wasn't it? Or was it because she was afraid that by saying the words out loud, she'd finally have to accept reality for what it was.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-03-2021, 12:22 AM

He had no idea about the woman's inner turmoil. He was too busy wading through his own at the moment. She had been avoiding him, that was true. It was part of the reason that the big brute felt so anxious. Had he pushed her to the point of no return? When he asked her to come with him, however, she didn't argue or put up a fight. she simply followed along. He couldn't tell if that was a good sign or a bad sign, but he would take it.

Once they were settled down on the beach and the sunlight gave way to night, Chimera looked at his own paws for a time. The same paws that had held Aliana down as he raped her. In the end she had enjoyed it, but had it been her choice, they never would have mated. He owed her an apology. A deep, heartfelt apology. He owed her more than that, really. If the conversation went the way that he wanted, he would be able to deliver.

Aliana spoke his name, but Chimera silenced her. "Please, let me speak first." Mismatched ears pricked, flicking forward. The brutes pale pink eye watched as crabs scuttled across the glowing beach. The crabs themselves seemed luminescent, leaving little light trails as they darted here and there across the sand. It was odd, but Chi didn't have time to worry about it.

"Aliana, I'm sorry for the way that I treated you. I wasn't in control of myself and I hurt you." A massive paw tentatively reached out, settling upon one of her significantly smaller appendages. "I can't be trusted, so the next time that any of you are in heat, I'm leaving the island." Dalila had begged him to fuck her, but Ali had begged him not to. When it came to the women that he cared about, that was a big deal.

Sliding his paw beneath Aliana's snowy limb, Chimera lifted it, placing a gentle kiss across the tops of her toes. "Aliana, I love you. Not just because you belong to me, but because you make me feel things that no other wolf can." Again he kissed her paw, sliding his muzzle along her silken fur.

It was then that he noticed the silence. No longer could he hear the waves or the other natural sounds that a nightly beach should have. Chimera's attention shifted back to the tidepools and his eyes widened momentarily. The crabs that had once been moving about all stood stock still, their tall stalked eyes glowing blue and staring directly at the pair of wolves. There were hundreds of them and in the air above them, blue fireflies.

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-03-2021, 01:03 AM
Aliana didn't have to struggle to think of how to say the words she needed to say because Chimera cut her off, asking to speak first. She stared up at him in startled confusion, wondering what all of this was about. They sat on the beach, partly facing the ocean but mostly facing each other. She studied his expression, noticing the conflict in his eyes. Whatever he was struggling to say must have been weighing heavily on his mind. A moment of panic gripped her heart. What if he asked her to leave Fenmyre because she'd tried to resist and defy him? She'd broken her promise to him by trying to run to prevent having his litter. Was he upset by her disobedience?

Ali didn't notice the glowing crabs scuttling around them. She was too focused looking up at the behemoth that her whole life revolved around. When Chimera began to speak again, his words were so outlandish that Ali wasn't sure she'd heard him right. Chimera was apologizing to her? The smoke and snow fae's mouth hung open, gazing up at him in shock. He reached a paw cautiously towards her, and as much as it sent Aliana's alarms going off, she resisted the flight reflex and stayed still, allowing him to rest his paw over hers. His touch was warm, gentle, nothing like the paws that had manhandled her in the cabana. He told her the next time any of the faes were in heat, he would leave the island to keep her safe. Ali couldn't believe what she was hearing. Chimera was actually remorseful. This was no act or facade; this was actually a difficult thing for the brute to do. He was trying for her.

She wanted to ask him why, why he would willingly leave his home for her, and he beat her to the punch. The words he said were the most heartfelt she'd ever heard him say, but they were also so fantastical that she didn't know if they were real. Chimera... loved her? Her breathing caught in her throat when he lifted her paw to his lips, soft warmth pressing to her digits once, twice, the short furs on his muzzle gliding across her skin. It made her heart race and somersault in her chest. Chimera loved her. This was no ruse, no joke, no lie. Tears sprang to the corner of Ali's eyes, and despite her efforts to blink them back, they still fell down her cheeks. Her breathing was short and quick. He had bore his heart and soul to her to try and regain her trust, to rebuild their relationship together. She knew she had to tell him the truth, and tell him now.

"Chimera..." she began, forcing back the wave of emotion that threatened to shake her to her core as she held his loving gaze. "Chimera, I'm pregnant." It was done. She'd said the words, spoken them into existence. She felt her stomach turn and her heart pound at her chest, desperately searching Chimera's face for his reaction. She needed to see his reaction to the news, to know how he truly felt the moment he found out that she had his children inside her womb.

And then everything was silent. Ali saw the look of concern on Chimera's face and turned her head to follow his gaze across the tide pools. The crabs had all frozen stock still, staring at them with glowing blue eyes that seemed to pierce her very soul. Aliana gasped under her breath, looking around at the hundreds of glowing crabs with incandescent blue fireflies that appeared out of nowhere hovering just above them. "What's happening...?" she asked in a hushed, panicked whisper, a combination of her wild emotions and confused uncertainty making her feel more skittish than usual. She leaned closer to Chimera, seeking shelter and protection in his large form as she fit to his side like a puzzle piece.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-03-2021, 07:07 AM

Chimera shared his feelings with her. He peeled open his chest and showed the woman his beating heart. And in the end... she didn't reciprocate. Aliana didn't say that she loved him in return and for some reason that hurt. She didn't even seem to react to his confession. Granted, his attention was either on the ground or on the strange glowing crabs, but he would have liked her to say something. Anything. Anything to still the harsh beating of his exposed heart.

In the end, Aliana merely told him that she was pregnant. He wanted to pull his paw away from hers and build up that wall once more to keep himself safe, but he didn't. Chimera continued to hold the woman's small paw in his own, his gaze moving to stare at the difference in size just so that he could look anywhere other than her face, lest she see the hurt in his pale pink eye. Unlike her, he would respond to the statement that she'd made. "I know," he admitted quietly. Her heat scent had faded, he could hear her retching in the morning, he noticed how little she was going out these days. He knew.

What did the man feel about his lover being full of his children? This time there was no thrill. No excitement at seeing his seed take hold within her. If she wished to keep them, these would be children of guilt. Every time that he looked at them, Chimera would remember what he had done to create them. How much he had hurt their mother to plant them within her. Despite her crying and begging, he had given up all sense of self control and had taken her anyway and because of that, she couldn't tell him that she loved him. That was what they would remind him of.

The stillness had stolen both of their attention, forcing both wolves to stare at the frozen, eerie ocean life. Aliana pressed herself against his side, questioning him and Chimera released a low growl of warning to... whatever was happening. Whatever this was, it need to stay back. Stay away from the man and his woman. His growl did nothing in the end. Absolutely nothing. Gradually, movement happened. At first it was just one clicking crab leg, then another. Then all at once, the pair of wolves were getting rushed by the small creatures. Chimera quickly found his paws, pulling Aliana up with him. He placed himself between the clouded fae and whatever this strangeness was. "Run home, Aliana," he ordered. There was something otherworldly going on and he wouldn't allow it to touch the woman that he loved.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-03-2021, 12:59 PM (This post was last modified: 10-03-2021, 02:42 PM by Aliana. Edited 1 time in total.)
In her mind, Aliana had reciprocated Chimera's emotional revelation as best as she knew how. She knew if she truly wanted to, there would be ways to abort the pups she was carrying. It was still early in her pregnancy, and although the outcome would be unpleasant, she could have done so if she really wanted. Ali didn't want to. She still wanted to do everything she could do make Chimera happy. Why? Well... she didn't exactly know why. Aliana didn't know what love was, didn't know what its signs and symptoms were, didn't know what it felt like. She couldn't identify it in herself if it stood before her and slapped her in the face. All she knew was that she wanted to make Chimera happy, to keep him content and maybe see him smile once in a blue moon. It's why she wanted to keep the children—his children. She wanted Chimera to be happy about what they'd created, regardless of how it had happened.

That wasn't what Aliana got. He only responded to say he knew. That was it. Instead of excitement or happiness on her king's face, she saw nothing. Chimera remained stone faced, giving nothing away, except... Ali blinked in surprise, a couple more tears falling from her eyes. He'd tried to look away in time, but her smaller stature allowed her to peek beneath his face and glimpse the flicker of hurt in his pink eye. A quiet gasp of shock left the clouded gray fae. She'd never seen an emotion like pain in Chimera's face before. Even when she'd cared for him when he'd been injured, he'd only seemed frustrated and angry. But pain... Ali had done that to him. Her heart plummeted into her stomach and guilt twisted at her guts. She wanted Chimera to be happy about the children they were going to have, but he wasn't, and he couldn't be. He couldn't be because he'd hurt her to make them. Somehow, even by doing what she thought he wanted she'd screwed things up even worse. Nice going, Aliana...

Ali didn't know what else to say or do. She'd counted on her pregnancy bringing some show of life or love or happiness to Chimera to let her know she was still doing good and making him happy, but that didn't happen. Instead, Chimera only seemed more upset and hurt. It crushed the little fae, absolutely tore her apart inside. Why? What had she done wrong? Hadn't she done everything he wanted, and yet he still looked so guilty. He didn't pull his paw away from hers though, so Ali used it as the bridge between them, squeezing his massive pads with her delicate ones, a quiet whine pleading for him to give her the answers she needed. Just like him, emotions weren't something she'd learned how to process as a slave. You weren't expected to think or feel, only obey. Chimera might have freed her in word and body, but Ali's mind and spirit and emotions were still very much in chains.

Fortunately, the supernatural occurrences going on around them didn't give her a chance to dwell on her own self-loathing and self-deprecation. The stillness of the world felt wrong. Even the sounds of the ocean waves seemed muffled and lifeless. That's what it was; the world felt lifeless. As if they were watching some demented marionette of life happening before their eyes. It made her fur bristle and stand on end, pushing even closer into Chimera. Nothing happened for the longest time... Then the crabs began to move, at first one at a time, and then a swarm of the possessed crustaceans was charging them. Ali yelped and sprung to her paws with Chimera, her only thoughts to protect the children within her. Chimera ordered her to run home, but Aliana shook her head. Doing so would leave Chimera trapped here with these... things. She couldn't explain why, but her aching heart refused to let her do so.

"Not without you!" she replied, trying her best to sound brave, but the words coming out more like a squeak than a roar. "Come on!" She gave a hard nudge to his shoulder with her head to make sure he would follow before turning to run back for the ferry, all too glad to escape this nightmare they'd accidentally discovered. Every so often she would glance back to make sure he had actually come with her, bringing herself to a halt if he didn't and waiting for him, stumbling once or twice on the uneven terrain and leaping over the glowing blue tide pools that looked like portals to another dimension. She arrived at the ferry, waiting on the wooden raft for Chimera to make it safely onboard. She would not leave him behind.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-03-2021, 04:45 PM

Had anyone asked, it would have been difficult to explain the emotion that was running through the black and white man. He was hurt, wounded, offended, angry, sad and a whole slew of other things, none of which he would admit to. Aliana gave his paw a squeeze and he squeezed back in turn. He knew that she didn't hate him, but it seemed that she didn't love him. Growing up, Chimera hadn't needed love. He hadn't needed anything. It took him a while to sort his adult self out, but the brute soon realized that he did have needs. He wanted to be feared, respected, worshipped, but he also wanted love. Not love from everyone, but from the select few that he allowed close to him. Aliana was one of the few and her lack of reaction to his confession honestly wounded him.

She was pregnant. He knew this. They both knew from the very first time that he had unleashed inside of her in front of the cabana. Children conceived from rape. Yes, he wanted to eventually have children with the woman, but this wasn't how he wanted to do it. "If it's too painful and you want to end the pregnancy..." he left the rest unsaid. If that's what she wanted to do, then she had his blessing to take whatever she needed. Siren was almost back to normal and could help Aliana through her ordeal. Dalila could help as well. The clouded woman wouldn't be alone.

Whatever he had planned to say next was cut off by the sea of bluish crabs. Fireflies flitted back and forth between them with an iridescent glow reflecting off of everything that their light touched. Both wolves were on their paws and Chimera placed himself between Aliana and the unnatural army of pinching beasts. The giant hadn't realized at first, but other things were coming out of the ocean behind them. Massive sea dwelling creatures that looked something like a walrus, but with strange, floppy faces. With each undulation of the bulky forms, those faces wriggled and bounced. It was an uncomfortable sight and was made even more unnerving by the blue glow that came from their small, beady eyes.

Aliana refused to leave his side and the behemoth growled, his fur bristling. With the crabs getting closer and closer and the gargantuan seals at their back, Chimera used his body to herd the woman away. He kept his eye on the larger threat, which was definitely the seals. In doing so, Chimera stepped on one of the crabs, crushing it underfoot. He looked down and watched the blue glow disappear as the crustacean died. Big mistake. Upon seeing the death of the crab, the hulking seals bellowed and moved faster towards the wolves. The crabs quickly scuttled out of their way.

One of the seals drew in close and tried to use its body to mash Chimera into the ground, but the brute was too quick. He sidestepped and sank his sharp teeth into the bulbous face of the seal. Blood filled his mouth and he quickly spat it out, not trusting whatever sorcery was taking place. Chimera continued to herd Aliana through the tide pools until the land flattened out and they could make a run for it. When the pair hit the raft, Chimera wasted no time in working their way across and back home. He only hoped that the sea creatures wouldn't find his own shores. Looking back out over the water, he was relieved to see that there was no longer a blue glow.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-03-2021, 05:36 PM
Once Chimera hit the raft with her both wolves rushed to pull the rope winch that tugged the ferry raft into the swell. Despite being aquatic creatures, Aliana was surprised to see the horde of blue glowing animals stop at the edge of the water, just watching the wolves with an odd and disturbing emptiness in their glowing eyes. Ali tugged the rope with all her might, wanting to help Chimera get them as far away from the nightmare as possible. It wasn't until they were both safely half way across the sound that Aliana let herself flop down onto the deck of the raft, staring in wide-eyed horror at the absolute horde of blue crabs and seals on the beach. Above their heads, blue fireflies danced and swirled around, almost mocking the wolves as they retreated. Then, as if by magic, the fireflies all disappeared... and every single creature they had possessed collapsed dead to the beach like they were puppets that had their strings cut. Ali watched with her mouth agape, staring at the mass of carcasses on the shore, the lapping waves occasionally washing a few crabs away at a time.

Now left alone in the quiet of the night with only the sounds of the sea between them, Ali breathed a heavy sigh. She gazed down at her reflection in the rippling water beneath the raft, taking in her appearance as Chimera filled her every thought. Their relationship had been a rollercoaster ride from the start, filled with ups and downs and loops and turns. He was wild, unpredictable, and yet he was familiar to her and she felt she understood him better than any other wolf—better than even herself. Silently, Ali turned her aquamarine gaze up to Chimera, watching as he pulled the rope for the ferry. He had protected her from the haunted creatures, risked his safety for her as he had done time and time again. He'd hurt her, this was true, but he had also saved her more times than she could count. She lived this life because of him. He had bore his heart and soul to her and she hadn't understood enough to process what she was feeling, and she'd hurt him in turn.

"If it's too painful and you want to end the pregnancy..." Chimera's words repeated in her head over and over again. Aliana didn't understand. She'd thought that he'd wanted children with her, the same way he'd made them with Siren and Viper. But here he was, giving her the choice. He hadn't been in control before, but now he was willing to let her destroy what he wanted if it was what she wanted. He was sacrificing his desires for her own happiness. Aliana couldn't take her eyes off of the monochromatic brute, her heart skipping beats while she watched him. Her throat felt tight with welling emotion, and while her eyes began to mist, Ali rose to her paws and approached Chimera. She lifted a dainty paw and placed it on his side, wordlessly asking him to stop the ferry and look at her. She needed to say some things to him.

"I want to keep the puppies," she started off with, sitting on her haunches and holding his gaze with resolution. "No matter how they were conceived, I... I can't kill them. They're a part of you and a part of me, and I don't want to lose that." Swallowing hard again, Ali dipped her head in shame, staring down at his massive paws. He was so big, so handsome, so powerful... he deserved better than her. "I... I don't know what love is, Chimera. I didn't have any parents to teach me or show me, I never had friends, I was kept isolated and alone. You're the first and only wolf I've ever been close to." She'd told him this before, but he'd been so high on painkillers at the time, she didn't know if he remembered any of her past, or if he'd cared at the time. She was still his slave back then. Oh, how different life had turned out for them. "Sometimes I would hear the other slaves talk about their lives before they were captured. Some had mates. Some had families. They all talked about love, about how they missed it, how it was the best thing in their lives and how it changed them. But I... I knew nothing about what they said. I didn't feel anything and it made me feel broken inside."

Aliana forced herself to look back up at Chimera, fighting back the tears at how inadequate she felt compared to the rest of the world. He was an alpha, a king, and she was a slave—a former slave. She had no purpose in this world beyond someone else's use. She'd been bought as a chew toy for Chimera. Chew toys didn't have feelings. All of this was uncharted territory for her and she felt scared and confused. "The slave matron, she told me once that love is just something you know. That I'd know it when I felt it. I didn't understand, how could I know something if I didn't know what it was like? I still don't know if I understand, but..." Ali took a deep, stuttering breath and held her eyes on Chimera's, begging him to see how much she was trying, hoping he could see into her heart and soul and maybe understand better than she did. In his eyes she'd seen pain when all she wanted to see was happiness. "I know I want you to be happy, Chimera. I know that I want to be the reason for you to smile and feel content. I know that you make me feel safe and you make me feel like I matter and that I'm more than just property. You protect me and you care for me and... and you do things like put yourself in danger and you're willing to give up your children, and... and..."

Her words choked up in her throat. Never before had Aliana said so many words in her life. It felt like she was spilling everything she'd ever thought and felt out at his feet all at once. Ali knew Chimera hated conversation and she fully expected him to rebuke her for being so vocal, but she needed this. He needed to hear this. Tears fell freely from Aliana's eyes now, but she still refused to look away from him. Chimera was her world, her North Star, her everything. "When I'm with you, you make me happy. You make me smile when you say sweet things to me and treat me like the most important wolf in the world. And no matter what you do, I keep coming back, because when you're here, I feel like... like I'm home." She lifted a petite snow-clad paw and rested it over his much larger one in a repeat of the sign of affection he'd given her on the beach. "I know I'm not as pretty as Siren, or as strong as Viper, or as interesting as Dalila, but... if this is what love is supposed to feel like, then... I love you, Chimera. I love you and I'll always love you."

Aliana took another shuddering breath as she waited for Chimera's response, searching his face for anything to let her know how he received her emotional epiphany. Time seemed to stop, the waves gently rocking the ferry in the middle of the sound. Ali held her breath, hearing her heartbeat in her head while she waited for the wolf she loved to say or do something.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



10-03-2021, 10:02 PM

A small turtle grows weary in it’s journey and retreats into it’s shell for a break. From where you stand, it seems as if some sort of light source shines dimly inside the shell. You also find 1 mushroom. Maybe these are worth keeping…



10-03-2021, 10:07 PM

You feel a strange chill in the air. You also find 4 crystals. Maybe these are worth keeping…



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-05-2021, 06:28 PM

Out in the middle of the water where the creatures wouldn't follow, Chimera stopped pulling the rope that would lead them away and watched the shore. To his and Ali's surprise, the beasts all dropped to the ground dead. The brutes brow furrowed as the corpses all began to quickly rot and disintegrate before their very eyes. What in the actual fuck was going on in the world?

The night sounds returned and things seemed normal. He began pulling the ropes to get them moving again, but Aliana placed a paw on his side, silently asking for his attention. Chimera stopped again, seating himself on the wide raft and looking down at the small woman. He could see the emotion in her delicate face and his brow furrowed. Again he wondered if he'd damaged her irreparably. Aliana started by telling him that she wanted to keep the puppies. Somehow, he knew that she would. She was too sweet natured to kill something innocent, no matter how much of a painful reminder they might be.

The woman wasn't finished speaking and continued, telling him of her past and giving reasons as to why she claimed she didn't know what love was. He wanted to argue. Wanted to tell her that he hadn't been loved either, but he remained silent, allowing her to finish. Her words saddened him, yet her understood why she might think that way. The woman had been born and raised a slave. She was a possession. She had been his possession. In some ways, she still was. In some ways, he was her possession as well. The little fae had swooped in and had stolen a piece of his heart. Though he may have never admitted it aloud, part of him belonged to the beautiful, clouded woman.

Tears flowed freely down the fae's ash and alabaster cheeks and it was hard for Chimera to not wipe them away. He wanted her to finish what she was saying before he reacted. Her words were important to her and they were important to him as well. The raft beneath them gently rocked on the water and Chimera remained silent, staring down at the dainty beauty as she poured her heart out to him. Aliana them compared herself to Siren, Viper and Dalila and the brute's brown furrowed a little harder. They were all so different. None was better than the rest. He needed them all in different ways. Together, the little harem that he created made him complete. Hearing how little she thought of herself, how little she valued herself... He never wanted her to think that he was less.

And then she told him that she loved him and his heart that had moments ago weighed so heavy, was light as air. Whatever doubts and sorrow he'd had built up was washed away like the bursting of a dam. Shifting his paw, the giant man brought Aliana's delicate appendage up so that his lips could once again brush over the back of it. "Never think that you are less than anyone else, Aliana. You were chosen for me but I chose you in turn." Releasing her, Chimera's wide paw drifted up to cup one silken cheek. "You make me complete, Aliana. You're one piece of the puzzle that makes this broken man whole." Lowering his blocky skull, he kissed her, softly, gently, lovingly.

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-06-2021, 02:02 AM
Waiting for Chimera's response felt like it to agonizing eons, and yet was really no more than a few moments. He had been quiet throughout her emotional outburst, allowing her to speak freely and bear her heart and soul to him. All of her past, her pain, her fears, her doubts. She would see his brows raise or furrow when she spoke, subtle little tells that gave away what might have been going on behind those contrasting eyes. Ali knew she was making a mess of herself, but this was the first time she'd ever been allowed to really feel anything, and the floodgates were opening. To his credit, Chimera took everything in stride, finally giving her the reaction she sought so desperately once she'd let everything out.

Chimera began by taking her delicate paw in his once more, bringing it up to his lips to brush his muzzle against her. The scruffy short furs on the end of his snout tickled her and made her heart do wonderful feats of acrobatics within her chest. Although seeing straight with tears in her eyes was a challenge, she focused every part of herself on the monochromatic brute that had changed her life forever. Nobody had ever treated her as sweetly as Chi was right now. It only further solidified that his words on the beach had been true. She didn't think for a moment that Chimera would have lied to her, but his claim had been so ludicrous that she hadn't known how to react to him other than blurting out the obvious statement that she was carrying his pups. She still didn't know if she knew how to respond to his affections. He was the first and only wolf to ever treat her this way in her entire short life and it perplexed poor little Ali.

If she thought she'd been captivated by her king before, his loving words only served to further enthrall her mind, body, and spirit. She was chosen for him, but he had indeed chosen her. Time after time he chose her. He chose her when he defended her from Viper—twice. He chose her when he saved her from the jaguar. He chose her when he helped her build her beehives. He chose her when they came to find their new home. And now he was choosing her again. Aliana leaned her cheek into his massive paw, breathing a gentle sigh of bliss as she found sanctuary in those paws that could have ended her life at any moment. Ali's heart was beating so fast she thought it might burst. His words... they were not meant for someone like her, and yet he spoke them to her with conviction. She wanted to say something to him in return, but she couldn't find the words to represent what was going on inside her head and her heart.

Fortunately, Chimera solved that problem for her when he brought his lips to hers and kissed her with a soft and loving affection that was totally foreign to her. Aliana's aqua eyes easily drifted closed, leaning in towards him as she gave herself up entirely to her king and her lover. That was when Ali knew how she could tell Chimera how she felt. Pressing into their kiss, Aliana raised both forepaws to rest on Chimera's cheeks, stroking and brushing her paws over every part of his handsome face she could reach. She ran her paws through the fur on his scruff, then back up to stroke and glide over his ears and crown, covering him in whatever affections she could show him. Chimera had kissed her before, but this time was different. There was no pushing of dominance, no claiming her. This kiss conveyed the love the man held for her and how much she meant to him, and so she would show him how much he meant to her. With every subtle movement of her lips against his or a stroke of her paw against his cheek and jaw or down his neck she told him in her own ways that she loved him.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-09-2021, 09:21 PM

There were no more words between them but there didn't need to be. The look on Aliana's face as he pulled her into a kiss was confession enough that she felt the same. The woman deepened the kiss and Chimera groaned against her lips. Her paws began to move over him and he placed his own giant paw upon her lower spine, pulling her in close to him. He could tell what she wanted, but for the first time, Chimera was hesitant. The naturally virile man would hold back and would not give in to his desire to ravish the woman right here on the raft. He had hurt her, harmed her mentally and physically. The result of that now rested in her womb. No... Chimera, who never regretted anything, was regretting his baser actions and regretting what they had produced.

With one final kiss to Aliana's lips, Chimera pulled back and placed a soft, sweet kiss on the clouded fae's brow. "Let's go home," he purred into her ear as he continued to hold her close. One last squeeze and he released her. Taking up the rope once more, the man pulled them back to their island home. He didn't forget about the anomaly on the mainland by any means, but he felt much safer on his own shores.

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.