
There is no Plan B

Siren & Chimera



Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-08-2021, 01:30 AM (This post was last modified: 10-08-2021, 01:31 AM by Dalila. Edited 1 time in total.)

Dalila felt like she was in a daze as she walked away from the gardens where she had been examined by Aliana. She had pushed her worries and doubts aside to reassure her friend that it wasn't her fault that this happened, but now that she was alone and taking slow steps back toward the suite she shared with Siren the reality was really beginning to sink in. Pregnant. She was pregnant with Chimera's children. She had regretted letting herself get to the point that she had been at when she went begging for him to relieve her heat almost immediately, but now that she was fully living the consequences of her actions she fully did not know what to think. Siren had forgiven her and had said that she would love her no matter what, but would that still hold true knowing that she was carrying her brother's children?

She walked down the corridor and found herself in front of the slightly open door to their bedroom, gently pushing it open. Siren had been asleep when she came in to drop off the bag she had been carrying earlier in the day, but as she quietly walked into the room she found the two tone gaze of her lover looking back at her. She forced a small smile onto her features, her ears folding back against her head. She wasn't as nervous or as distraught as she had been when she came back right after that night she had spent with Chimera and Aliana, but the worry was still etched on her face as she walked across the room to where Siren was near the bed. "Siren..." she said softly, at a complete loss for words as she tried to figure out how to break the news.




Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
10-10-2021, 03:02 PM
Siren lay quietly with Albion and Scylla as they continued to sleep, she had been deep in her own slumber up until a few minutes prior. She needed to get up and get a handle on the day. Sometimes it felt like she was struggling to return to normal life, but her normal would never be the same as it once was. She had two young puppies now, secretly little godlets, that she had to watch over and raise. The start of their lives was only the very beginning of her suffering for them.

The Queen’s attention was caught by the sound of the door being opened. Their new home was far more luxurious than anything she ever experienced in Ashen, another testament to Chimera’s ability to provide. Bigger and better, for her, their puppies, and the women of the pack. Blue and silver eyes fell on Dalila as she softly walked into the room. Caramel ears tipped forward as the woman spoke her name, but already Siren knew there was something wrong.

"Dalila?” She questioned in return, worry etching her vocals. "Are you alright?” Her voice was quiet but it didn’t mask her emotions. Carefully Siren slipped away from the sleeping pups. They’d be awake soon anyway.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-10-2021, 11:24 PM

Dalila's ears flicked slightly when she heard the worry on Siren's voice. She wished she didn't have to keep coming to her love with bad news or at least what she felt would likely be bad news. She had no idea how Siren would react, but she didn't want to keep having to test the Queen's grace and kindness. She stopped as Siren got up and climbed down from the bed to meet her half way, looking down at her paws as Siren asked her if she was alright. That was a question that was too difficult to answer. How she was would depend heavily on Siren's reaction to the news and eventually Chimera's as well once he found out. She was too confused and conflicted on the situation to make her own opinion of it for herself right now, but perhaps Siren's reaction would help her gage things a bit better.

"Siren, I..." she began softly, struggling to make the words actually leave her lips. Her ears folded back against her head and she sighed, daring to give Siren's worried face a glance. "The... The herbs Aliana gave me didn't work," she told her, slowly beginning to build toward the truth of the situation. She was afraid of what Siren would say, of what she would think. It had been a tremendous gift to have Siren's forgiveness when she heard about what she had done originally, but this was a much more permanent and impactful truth. "I... I'm pregnant." There, it was finally out in the world. The words felt strange and difficult on her lips and she looked down at her paws while she waited for Siren's reaction, worrying about the worst and hoping for the best.




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-14-2021, 05:21 PM (This post was last modified: 10-15-2021, 05:27 PM by Chimera. Edited 1 time in total.)

"Is that so?" A low rumble came from the doorway. Chimera had arrived just in time to hear those words float past Dalila's lips. The woman was pregnant and yet she told Siren first instead of him? He assumed that he was the father of the puppies. It wasn't as though he'd let her stray from his sight while her heat was so strong. She hadn't left the island, he was sure. "Too afraid to tell me yourself?" The brow above his clouded eye arched. "Or were you planning on killing them?" He didn't care either way. They could live or they could die. It was the fact that Dalila hadn't come to inform him, the father, first that was irritating. She did know how to rub him the wrong way.

The brute continued to stand in the doorway, staring at the pair of women. "If I hadn't heard this, would you have told me?" His gaze shifted to Siren and he stared at his little sister with a piercing look. It was no secret that Dalila would always choose Siren over him, but would Siren always choose Dalila over him? He made no move to get any closer to the women, he simply stood where he was, expecting answers from one or both.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze Participant
10-15-2021, 05:21 PM
Siren watched Dalila quietly as she struggled to speak or to find the words to say. Caramel ears slicked to her head, her mouth going dry as she waited, no idea what the dear woman would say now. The Queen wanted so badly to lean forward and embrace her sweet woman, but she refrained. Shame coated her features, she just barely was able to say her name. A soft whine fell from Siren’s lips, a soft encouragement as Dalila glanced up at her.

Aliana’s herbs hadn’t done their job. Siren’s blue and silver eyes widened in surprise and realization as Dalila went on to confess that she was pregnant. Siren’s delicate jaw fell and as Dal went silent she was stunned. There was no room to truly react, and with a start as Chimera’s deep voice Siren looked towards the door leading to the hall outside.

He addressed Dalila, seeming irritated towards her as he accused her of being unable to tell him herself and wondering if she sought to terminate. Siren picked up her jaw and meekly looked towards the sweet woman she loved, surprised when Chimera turned his ire on her. Her long braided tail tucked against her hip like a guilty puppy as he asked her if she would have told him had he not been standing here.

"We would have come to tell you together,” Siren replied softly. It was the truth. Maybe he didn’t realize that Dalila knew about Scylla and Albion long before he did. The Queen dipped her head and turned back to Dal, certain she would want to keep them. A part of her was thrilled with the idea of raising their children together. "You'll keep them, right?" Siren offered her follow up query in a near whisper.




Master Fighter (240)

Master Healer (255)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantPride - Demisexual1K
10-15-2021, 08:53 PM

She barely even had a moment to take in Siren's stunned and surprised reaction to the news when she heard a familiar, deep voice behind her. She quickly spun around, finding Chimera there in the doorway, accusing and irritated questions falling from his lips. She was so caught off guard and startled by his sudden appearance that she struggled to do more than stand there frozen, her ears pinned back against her head. She went from dealing with mysterious, glowing beavers, to being examined by Aliana, to standing here in the span of an hour or so and it felt like in that time her whole world had been turned upside down. Part of her was almost irritated in return at Chimera for making such demands of her when she was still simply trying to get her bearings about her, but she knew that Chimera already had a distaste for her anyway. She wasn't really surprised any more when he approached her with hostility.

What she really didn't like was the hard gaze he turned toward Siren. It was hard to fight her natural instinct to guard the delicate woman beside her and to step between her and Chimera, but she had a feeling that would only make things worse. She glanced toward Siren when she insisted that they would have come to tell him together and then met her two toned gaze when she asked to confirm that she would want to keep them. Dalila gave a nod in response. That much she already knew and had decided when she was talking to Aliana. No matter how uncertain she was about the whole situation she knew she couldn't hurt these pups that had somehow managed to begin growing in her womb and she would find a way to make this work for them. She lifted her pale gaze back up to Chimera as she drew in a breath to steady herself.

"I was going to tell you," she told him once she was able to gather some of her thoughts. "I went right to Aliana to be examined like you said and she confirmed that I was pregnant just a little bit ago. I... I'm still trying to wrap my head around it so I wanted to have a moment to think before I came to you, but I was planning to in the morning." She gave Siren another glance before looking to Chimera and adding, "I do want to keep them... I don't want to hurt them." They would grow up with Siren and Aliana's pups, her and Aliana would get to give birth nearly side by side she imagined, and at the very least she knew that by being Chimera's children they would always have a home here in Fenmyre whether he liked her personally or not. But... she didn't want the contention between them to make raising these pups more difficult than it had to be. She more or less hadn't grown up with parents and she didn't want that for these pups nor did she want the divide between her and Chimera to make their pups feel as if they needed to pick a side between them.

Dalila uncertainly stepped past Siren, giving her lover another glance before she walked over to where Chimera was in the doorway tipping her head up to look at him. This was her fault, not Siren's, and she couldn't keep hiding behind Siren forever... especially not now. She kept having to remind herself that she was no longer the slave that he and Siren had fought over once upon a time. A lot had changed since then no matter how hard it was for her to acknowledge it. She reached up to gently tap her nose under his chin as some small gesture of the peace she was wishing to seek between them. "I said I was yours and I'm not going to go back on that," she told him softly. "If... If you want me to kill them I will. I won't go against your wishes. But I'd like to raise them with you and have them grow up with your other children."




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-15-2021, 09:42 PM

Chimera was irritated, but when was he not irritated when it came to Dalila? She knew how to get under his skin even when she wasn't trying to. Instantly, Siren looked ashamed and he expected this from her. What he didn't expect was for Dalila to approach him. When the women were standing together, they confirmed that they were going to tell him together. Dalila also wanted to keep her litter. No surprise there.

The smaller wolf stood before him and tapped her nose against his chin brazenly. Chimera's tail arced upwards over his spine in an involuntary show of dominance at the submissive gesture. There were times when he was more feral than he cared to admit. Dalila spoke again and Chimera's mismatched ears swiveled forward to catch her soft words. He was... surprised. Surprised that she remembered her promise since she'd been in such a drunken, needy state. Surprised that she offered to terminate her pregnancy if he wished it. Did he wish it?

The massive brute stared down at the mottled woman, silent as the grave and just as still. He no longer had anything against Dalila aside from a bit of mistrust. He knew that Siren would always come first for the woman and he was fine with that as long as she didn't hide things from him. Her explanation as to why he hadn't yet been informed had been understandable and had calmed his ire somewhat. But did he want to have children with Dalila?

Eventually Chimera spoke, his own voice soft. "Keep your children. They will be raised as princes and princesses of Fenmyre." Lifting one paw, the two-toned brute tipped the fae's chin upwards. "We will care for them together, Dalila. If you are mine as you claim, you'll have to play the part." He wasn't just talking about sex. It was no secret that Chimera was sometimes struck with affectionate moods. He enjoyed cuddling. It didn't matter to him if it was just Dalila or if she would feel more comfortable with Siren or Aliana there as well. Hell, all three of them together in bed with him would be a dream. His three women, surrounded by their sleeping children. That was what Chimera wanted.

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.