
Build It and Watch It Grow




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-09-2021, 09:49 PM

Time was flying by. Cerberus was becoming a young man. Scylla and Albion were already causing trouble. Dalila was full of puppies and Aliana was growing round with them as well. Chimera had been keeping the clouded woman close, refusing to be without her at night. He checked on her often during the day, just as he had checked on Siren when she had been pregnant. In many ways, he held the former slave in the same regard. Siren was the queen of Fenmyre, but Aliana was quickly becoming the queen of his heart.

Today, Chimera had decided that he'd worked hard enough. He'd skinned a whole slew of beavers and had prepared their pelts so that they might use the waterproof skins during the winter that would eventually come. The meat wasn't that great, but it would do in a pinch, so he had stripped it, hanging the meat on thorny branches over a low burning fire so that it would dry and turn into jerky. With all of that done, the brute made his way back to his wing of the resort.

Chimera knew that he would find Aliana out in the garden. She loved her plants and wasn't foolish enough to venture too far away in her condition. The giant's pale cherry gaze landed upon the slightly round fae and the corners of his maw lifted in a grin. He hadn't been excited about having puppies produced from his own rape of their mother, but his views on it had slowly changed. He was looking forward to seeing Aliana as a mother. He was looking forward to creating a family with her. He hadn't voiced his shifting thoughts, but perhaps he would soon.

Not wanting to bother the working fae, Chimera sprawled out on his stomach in a patch of evening shade. His chin rested upon the cool earth as though he might sleep, but his gaze was all for the pregnant fae before him. Pregnancy suited Aliana. She glowed, as cliche as that sounded. He couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-09-2021, 10:17 PM
The days seemed to speed by for the young mother-to-be. One moment Aliana remembered exploring this island for the first time with her king, and the next she was tending to the flowers and herbs of their estate's gardens, her belly growing along with Chimera's pups that filled her. From the moment she had gone into heat, Ali's life had been a maelstrom of emotions, the clouded smoke and snow fae barely knowing how to process and comprehend everything in her head and heart as one major event rolled right into another. These days afforded her more peace and reflection. Her pregnancy had begun with such fear and dread, but as the days progressed beyond inevitability and the more she dwelled on it, the more Aliana began to see life from another viewpoint.

Chimera loved her. That had been the keystone to finding the silver lining in her life. Whatever came from that, she knew Chimera loved her, and she loved him. He showed her just how much in all his own ways day after day, from the way he kept her close and tended to her needs amongst all his usual tasks, insisted she slept with him in his bed so he could watch over her through the night, and gave her the protection and reassurance of his presence when she needed it. She still hadn't yet found that motherly love for the children in her womb, and though that worried her, she had learned how to show her love to Chimera. Gentle licks and tender kisses while they cuddled at night, little shows of gratitude and appreciation for the work he did for her. It wasn't difficult to make Chimera happy—or maybe it was just easy for her. Ali didn't know, but she did know she enjoyed it a great deal.

Aliana finished pruning the last of the flowerbeds of errant weeds, enjoying the sweet scents of night-blooming jasmine flowers around her as the sun disappeared into the fading of twilight. Her belly hadn't become oppressively large yet, but there was a distinct bump to her midsection. There would be no doubting the puppies inside her would be large; even though the fae was small and slender to begin with, the amount her belly had grown in just these early stages of pregnancy revealed enough about the children she and Chimera had made. Most, if not all of these little wolves would mimic their father in terms of size. Humming a soft tune to herself that her musician wren companion harmonized with from a tree branch, Ali snapped a jasmine flower from its vine and drew in its sweet scent, tucking the flower behind her ear, then catching movement from the corner of her eye.

Glancing up, Aliana spotted Chimera across the garden lying in a spot of shade, watching her with a smile on his face. Ali gave him a smile back, feeling her heart flutter at the way he looked at her. When the brute gazed at her with that affection in his stare, he made her feel like the only woman in the world. It still turned her world upside-down to think this highborn wolf could ever have eyes for her, but it did wonderful things to her heart. Carefully rising to her paws to protect the precious cargo she carried, Aliana made her way over to Chimera, settling herself in against his side with a gentle "oof" while she adjusted her weight to make sure her stomach was moved with care and always guarded. Ali reached a dainty paw up to rest on Chi's head, stroking soft touches over his crown, between his ears, then over each mismatched appendage, showering him in tender affections. "Long day, my King?" she asked, voice soft as if she dared not disturb the calm of the evening.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-14-2021, 06:06 PM

The round fae wasted no time in moving to his side and plopping down beside him. The brute lifted one thick foreleg, pulling her in close. As Aliana began gently touching and caressing him, Chimera shifted just a bit until his muzzle was just over the swell of her belly. The mans tongue slid over his pregnant woman's stomach and a low rumble reverberated through his chest. Yes, he liked seeing his seed spring to life in the women that he bedded, but this was different. Now that both wolves had come to terms with how the pups were created, things seemed... more hopeful? Chimera no longer feared looking at the pups and being reminded of their conception. It was a big step in realizing that he was actually rather excited to see the children that he and Aliana would create together.

Chimera rumbled again to the clouded fae's question. "Long. Tedious. We'll have enough waterproof furs for winter, however." Beaver pelts were naturally water resistant, but Chimera had taken it a step further and had oiled the leather side of the hides until water simply ran off with ease. If anything, they could use the hides in trade with other packs and bands that happened to be nearby.

Again Chimera pulled his tongue across Aliana's belly before shifting again so that he could bring their lips together. "I believe I'm looking forward to our little family, Aliana." He spoke softly against the woman's velveteen lips. His pale pink eye met her vibrant blue as one paw slowly stroked over her hip. "I hope they all look as beautiful as their mother." Again he kissed her, this time with power and need. If she wasn't pregnant, he would surely have pounded the poor woman into the ground beneath them. Since she was, he would hold back, being content with simply holding her close and knowing that she was already filled with his pups.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-15-2021, 05:47 PM
It was impossible for Aliana to resist the wide, content smile that made its way across her face when Chimera lifted a powerful foreleg to welcome her into his warm, secure embrace. She watched the split-toned brute with curious eyes when he began to shift until she felt the soft scruff of his chin across her enlarged belly. The young fae was taking him all in when she felt the warm velveteen tongue of the wolf she loved drag over her stomach, her skin extra sensitive and nerves buzzing from the way her skin was stretched over their growing children. Ali's breath caught in her throat and a happy purr was pulled from her throat while he covered her belly in small affections, making her heart flutter in her chest. Despite how the puppies had been conceived, Aliana also found herself daring to be more hopeful as the days went on. Each life growing inside her womb was another piece of Chimera she carried, incubated, prepared to bring into the world. Each day she grew closer to Chimera and their relationship deepened, so too did her attachment to the pups they had created together.

Chimera summarized his day in a few terse sentences, as was his style, and Ali gave a grateful hum while she reclined into her lover's side, letting a snowy paw stroke slowly down the back of his neck, claws gently running through the thick fur of his scruff until she reached his shoulders. "Those will be needed to keep all the puppies dry and warm." Aliana gave an airy giggle as she imagined how many little wolves would be running around the island soon. "You always take such good care of us, Chi. Thank you." Her words were punctuated by a shivering gasp when she felt Chimera's tongue slide across her belly, the warmth and softness a delightful contrast to the feeling of weight and subtle movement from within. She tilted her head to eagerly receive his lips as they came up into a kiss, giving a quiet whine of love against his mouth. A soft content sigh fell from the clouded woman's lips once their mouths parted, and Chimera's sweet words made her heart do somersaults in her chest once more. For all the fears she'd had around Chimera's qualities as a father, he was disproving all of those reservations, and Aliana had never been happier to be wrong.

"I believe I'm feeling the same way, Chimera," she whispered back, her voice soft and low, words spoken for his ears alone. The rest of the world had no place in this moment between her and her king, her savior, her mate. Dainty paws moved up the curve of his neck to caress his cheeks and strong jaw while she felt his own larger paw stroke over her hip, stirring things deep inside her. "I hope they all look as beautiful as their mother." Aquamarine eyes glistened and gleamed in the twilight with love and devotion for the man who was making her feel things she'd never felt before. She'd once doubted that she knew what love was. Chimera was teaching her that she always did, she just didn't have the name to go with the emotions she felt for the monochromatic brute. "And all the boys will be as handsome and strong as their father."

Gazing into his pink and milky white eyes as if his gaze contained all the answers to life, Aliana returned his kiss with equal amounts surrender and desire. She could feel the need in his lips and tongue, she knew what he wanted, and she could feel him holding back on her behalf. If she weren't already pregnant with his pups, she knew he'd be on top of her already. But Aliana still desired to please her lover, to show him her love and bring him the satisfaction he deserved. Breaking their lips apart for the briefest of moments, Ali planted a slow, submissive lick to the underside of Chimera's chin, gazing up at him with heavy-lidded bedroom eyes while she gasped softly with heated breaths. "Could I convince my king to lie back for me, please?" she asked beneath her breath. He might not be able to fuck her the way he desired, but she could still bring him pleasure in other ways. She loved the moments of affection and cuddles, she loved being held close to him, but she also adored hearing his heavy breaths and groans when he found his pleasure and release with her. Right now, Ali wanted to satisfy and love on her brute in all the ways he deserved.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-22-2021, 04:50 PM

With Aliana held against him and their family nestled between them, everything felt right to Chimera. For the time being, at least. The woman's words brought a soft chuckle from him and he gave her spherical form a squeeze, pressing their bodies more tightly together, but not enough to harm the pups. Ali's request was met with a rumble of desire and Chimera's teeth gently grazed her jaw, but he refused. "You could not convince him," he rumbled again, his paw continuing to drift slowly back and forth over the clouded fae's hip. Though he had lustful thoughts about her, now didn't seem the time to him to act upon them, surprisingly enough. Chimera was in a state of mental musing now that he'd accepted the idea of starting a family with the woman in his arms. He wasn't ready to give that up just yet.

"What shall we name them?" He questioned her, laying his head down flat upon the ground, though he never stopped looking at the monochromatic woman. The brute was utterly relaxed, which was rare. There were usually a million things on his mind, but at this moment, the only thing that mattered was Aliana and the pups inside of her. Their future family.

Chimera thought about names, his gaze becoming unfocused as he turned his mind inward. He and Siren were named after mythical beasts as was Cerberus. Ali was made of softer things though, so he wondered if the children should have softer names. Ah... but he wanted to make an army of little warriors. Warriors needed tough names. Would the girls want to be warriors as well? Truthfully, if Chimera could have all boys, he wouldn't complain. No doubt Aliana would want girls. She seemed the type to want girls.

Shifting his gaze back to Aliana, Chimera gave a shrug. "I'm afraid I'm not very creative." Then a thought struck and one brow raised. "Do you have a middle name, Aliana?" Did she even know his middle name? If all else failed, they could use their secondary names. Hopefully she was more creative than he was.

"Chimera Klien"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
10-22-2021, 08:28 PM
Aliana almost pouted when Chimera chuckled and turned down her offer of a bit of fun and pleasure. She shot him a mock shocked and disappointed look, but smirked and leaned in to place another tender lick to the underside of his chin instead. "Hmm, maybe next time then..." she purred, letting her words drift off with the promise of what he could look forward to. She wanted to do nice things for him and make him feel good. He was her king, her lover, the father of their children, and she loved him far deeper and more intensely than she ever expected to when she'd first met him that warm summer day so many months ago.

Chimera lay his head down and asked what they should name their pups. Ali's eyes widened after a few surprised blinks. Of course, names! They would need to name their children. She still felt wholly unprepared to be a mother, but she would get better at it—hopefully. She wanted to be the best mother she could be, though admittedly she was lacking any sort of instruction or example beyond what her instincts told her. Aliana felt exceedingly out of her league! But lying cuddled up to Chimera, her swollen belly filled with their pups tucked safely between them, it made her feel like she was at least doing something right. "I hadn't really put much thought into names," she admitted, ears folding bashfully to her skull. How did parents even pick names out for their kids?

Aliana giggled softly when Chimera confessed to not being very creative, the smaller clouded fae reaching her paw up to stroke it over his back a few times. She hummed pensively while her mind worked, eventually coming to lie on her side with her head next to his, gazing into the pink eye turned towards her. "That's okay, I think we might be able to manage together." Her mate's curious gaze and question took Ali by surprise, but she realized then that she actually didn't know his middle name either. That had always felt like such an intimate and private detail of someone who up until recently had been her master, she never dared to ask. "I don't have a middle name, I'm afraid. I don't even have a family name—not a real one, in any case," she explained in her delicate lilt. "The slavers gave me the name Cadence because of my singing. I guess they thought it sounded pretty, too? All I ever had was my first name. My parents didn't bother to give the slavers their family name, so I took whatever I was given." A small, rueful smile crossed her lips. "It's kind of funny in a sad way... Without knowing my family name, I could have met my parents or any of my family, and I'd be none the wiser."

She gazed into Chimera's eyes for a long moment, feeling her heart beat strong and steady while she stared through those mismatched windows into the mind and soul of the brute she had fallen in love with. With an affectionate smile on her lips, she slid her dainty paw up the back of his neck, trailing delicate claws through his ruff to gently scratch and massage over his scalp and between his ears. "Do you have a middle name, Chimera?" she asked in turn, then added, "Will our children carry your family name as well?" She had no strong love nor attachment to the name the slavers had given her. She used it because she was expected to, and because it was better than nothing. If Chimera liked it as well, she'd be happy to continue to be Aliana Cadence for him to the end of her days.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.