
Tomorrow's a Day Away



5 Years
Extra large
05-18-2014, 11:35 PM

His eager form would rush to find his pale seductress. He had left quickly after the meeting, telling Viridiana of yet another wolf he wished to bring into her ranks under his possession. He would not be with out his Othello, he was becoming quite used to her pleasurable contact. She would very much help to keep his lusts from overbearing him in regards to his sister. It was easier to preserve her innocence. He would not keep his thoughts on his litter mate for long, as the heady scent of his Lady would arouse him. A needy growl would usher from his chest as he searched the area for her. He hadn't brought her into Covari lands yet, but he was certain they'd be there by the end of the day. First on his list was reunion sex.
He would halt his travels as her scent became fresh, his orders had been to stay close to the outcropping before him. Did she obey as flawlessly as Orchid? "Come and greet your Lord, Lady Othello." gentle words would call out with a deeper need entwined within them. He felt the familiar passion rise up inside of him as he thought of her luxurious body. An impatience would well in him, a craving for his prize. He didn't just want her, his body needed her.?




8 Years
05-18-2014, 11:53 PM (This post was last modified: 05-18-2014, 11:54 PM by Othello.)

Othello had been growing more and more restless at the days passed, she knew that something inside her was changing. She was more moody than normal, and was eating enough for her plus two others. She had an inkling at what it was, but she had not yet vocalized it to Scorpion yet. He wasn't quite her mate, although they sure as hell mated a lot. A very familiar heat made itself known at the thought, her long curly tail swirling on the landscape around her. There had been a ton of that going on, and she had been in season only a few weeks ago. It all connected, and it all made sense. She wasn't sure if she was crazy or if it was really happening.

The dame paced around where Scorpion had told her to wait. She was too ill at ease to sit in one place, she needed to move. She didn't wander too far away though, so when she heard his lusty voice she only had to bound a few paces to get to his side. Like a cat she rubbed herself along his flank, brushing their scent together. She saw that lust in his eyes, it was always there in those golden eyes of his. Chuckling softly, she nipped his flank before backing up so that they were standing face to face.

"How was the meeting my Lord?" She asked, her head tilting to the side. Licking her lips with coy, slow movements, she wagged her tail and made sure to throw some hip movement in there. Worries about carring young vanished, while her scent was slightly different it wasn't enough to tell. It could just be from all the coupling they had been doing, or because she had been around Scorpion so much that her scent began to draw in his own. There was no telling, and at the moment she only wanted him to have his way with her. She wanted to make him feel that release that he always longed for, and she was more than happy to provide.



5 Years
Extra large
05-19-2014, 12:52 AM

He need only say simple words and she was there. Her completely familiar form instantly being draped over his tall body. She would rub against him tantalizingly, his skin crawling wherever she touched him. He would hear her mischievous giggle as her teeth would tease his flanks before her features were brought to his attention. He had kept her belly full, and it was starting to really show. All she'd needed was proper care and she was simply glowing. Her allure was now ten times as powerful as it had been at their first meeting, and he couldn't have been more pleased with his prize. She would ask of the meeting, but he held no care in discussing it. "Nothing important." he would allow as he observed her voluptuous movements with lidded gaze. ?"Your hips were on my mind the entire time." his dark voice whispered to her as he closed the distance between them. His chest to hers as daggers played delicately with her ears. He loved the way she craved him, that mirrored passion would be the grounds for his attraction to her. A needy growl would rumble in his throat as he groomed her delicate features. The touch burning his skin.?




8 Years
05-19-2014, 01:05 AM

His chest pressing against her form set her nerves alight, her whole body seeming to stand taller as he graced her with little nibbles and began to groom him. He teased about picturing her hips the whole time and she let out another bubble of laughter. "They are pretty wonderful." She rumbled, her voice muffled by the brutes chest furs in her face. Nosing her way around his chest she left little kisses and nips, a match of pain and pleasure to score through her own body. She still craved him, and even though he wasn't gone for that long she missed him. She missed how important he made her feel, like she mattered and was truly always on his mind.

Being dwarfed by this tall male was nothing new to her, but at times she hated how she needed to stand on her toes to caress his cheek with her soft licks. Nudging his face she tried to pull him closer to her, craving him even closer to her own form. She shivered, but not alone from the winter air. She wanted him, and she could damn well see that he wanted her. "Does my Lord wish to play?" She asked, her velvety vocals raspy as her exotic feelings took over.

A slight pain sat in her stomach, making her take in a bit of air between her teeth. What was that? Her form froze for a moment until the pain passed. Maybe it was just the amount of food that Scorpion had been giving her, her body was just not used to it. Yes, that was it. She shook it off, melting back into his touch. He would take her mind off of that, off of everything she had been thinking of. There was nothing to worry about, Scorpion was here now. She was safe.



5 Years
Extra large
05-19-2014, 10:31 AM

Greedy lust was a rather common feeling for the man, but he'd never found himself so satisfied than when he was in Othello. Her now rounding form would fit perfectly within his grasp, and how his eyes would roam her features. He felt like he knew her body as well as his own, he could find the sweetest places to touch her and he loved eliciting her erotic screams. Their close proximity would leave his body simply alight with his senses. They were clearly trained on her every move and touch, the time apart would cause him to want her so much more on their return. He would growl pleasurably at her words and suggestive nips. She would beg him come closer, their height difference ever more apparent as she craved his features. She would shiver, liquid gold gaze taking in her trembling he would lower his haunches to the ground. A coy smile would play on his features as he reached out to grab her petite form with long front limbs.
Her words would cause his own trembles to run down his spine. His body becoming quite ready to join the two beings together again. "how he craves his Lady." he would breathe in her ear as he noticed her sudden freeze. However it was gone before he could become alarmed, and he would continue his provocative nips. Enjoying her absolute readiness his urges would push him on, "Lie on your back, my Lady." he would command, towering over her. He would move with her as she fell back, his limbs a buffer should she fall to fast. He couldn't have her sustaining injuries while in his care. He would surround her once again as their forms entwined on the leaf cluttered forest floor. Vivid yellow gaze would peer into hers as he straddled her readily. A low growl would leave his chest as he took a gentler approach The two creatures would become one softly and intimately as Scorpion lay sensual kisses upon her delicate muzzle. This was not their rough first night where they had gone all out. He would be slow and careful as he made love to his Othello.

"Scorpion Speech"
"Othello Speech"



8 Years
05-19-2014, 09:55 PM

His heated gaze ventured over every inch of her being, seeming to dissect her every curve. The dame swung her tail in a slow wave, her curls clinging to the grasses that reached up to the heavens. His pleasure growls reached her ears, causing her to shutter with the eagerness of what was to come. There had been too much time apart, to long had be been away from her flank. Her needy side had reared its head and decided to stay around for while, making her crave his presences at every moment. She didn't wish him to ever leave her again. "I don't like it when my King leaves my side." She whined softly, watching as he sat upon the earth. At last she could cover his face with soft licks, being able to reach them without having to craning her neck and standing upon her toes. Her needy whine sounded again as she licked at the corner of his mouth, her heat spreading even faster than normal. It was not still her season, yet she felt the exotic hunger shine brighter. What was going on with her?

His love bites covered her body, fire burning even after he drew his muzzle back. He commanded her on her back, and she readily flipped over. If not for his comforting embrace to ease her decline she would have knocked the wind right from her chest. His gentle ease surprised her, his name slipping past her maw in a steady moan. It was a shock that also pleased her, it was a change that she accepted with an open heart. The softness of his chest slowly grazing over hers made her tremble in delight, her body craving to be let go.


Othello opened her eyes, her body curled into the concave belly of her lover. Blinking her tired eyes, another small pain tingled her belly. Was she just sore? Or was it something else. She did not freeze this time, her body too relaxed to even think of tightening once more. Her fur around her belly was twisted into wild curls, and she let out a joking growl. "If my Liege keeps this up, I am going to have to invest in a personal fur groomer." Her chuckle made her back vibrate pleasantly against his belly. Her own cramped up again, her face twisting into a sour look. This was now starting to concern her, and she looked up at Scorpion's liquid gold pools. "I think something is wrong." She whispered, her ears laying flat against her skull. Was she going crazy, or was there something up with her? Was her fear of being pregnant true? She searched his face, looking for all the answers in his handsome face.



5 Years
Extra large
05-20-2014, 08:03 AM

Oh how she adored him, it was hard to keep himself from her. To see the adoration in her eyes, it was certainly turning into an addiction for him. Not that he would have ever admitted to such, but he craved Othello and her insatiable sex drive. He would dive into ecstasy as her ferocious love nips would excite him. She would obey his command with out question and allow him to overwhelm her. He would stutter as she uttered his name as a breathy moan, he would certainly not resist her and had taken her completely.
When their bodies were satisfied he would find himself surrounding her curled body. Her delicious scent wafting up into his nostrils, her relaxed form fully in his grasp. She would sing him soft teasing lyrics, and he would find himself chuckling slightly as he moved his muzzle to her soft belly fur. "I told her I would provide for her every need did I not?" smiling slyly his tongue would slowly pull over her disheveled fur. Making him want to be inside her again. He would be caught up within her sudden change of expression though, startling words suddenly released from her maw. He would growl protectively as his features swiveled around. Surveying the area so he knew they were still alone, what could be wrong? Their love making seemed so perfect, and he had made such a conscious effort to be completely gentle with her.
Looking back to his concubine an absolute look of confusion would fill his features. He worried, but from the outside she looked fine, completely normal. She'd not told him any of her symptoms, he was clearly at a loss. "What is it?" a protective growl rumbling through his features. "I should get you to the pack, so my healer sister may look at you." it was his best solution, and Orchid was the only one he would ever let touch his Othello.?




8 Years
05-20-2014, 11:15 AM

She giggled softly at his words, a coo sounding out of her maw as he began to groom her coat. Her eyes slipped closed as she enjoyed the feeling of his luscious tongue over her pale coat. "You did, and you do my Lord Scorpion." She said, opening her eyes to look into those eyes of his. It was the first time that she had said his name outside of their love making, and she wanted to try it once. Her head was slightly lowered, unsure if it was okay or not. She wanted to try it once, and it would not be something that would happen often. There was only so many times she could call him lord before her lips longed to whisper his handsome name, his very calling. There was something intimate about speaking his name aloud, and she hoped that she had not made her lovely protector angry.

Her twinge of pain and his growl snapped the soft air around them, replacing it with something more tense and a tad dangerous. He gazed around the land as if someone had somehow struck her, which almost made her laugh if not for the turning of her belly. Her front paws clutched her stomach, and it felt harder than normal. He asked to take her to the pack, and her eyes grew wide. She didn't wish to be around others right now. "No, no its fine. Maybe its just sore." She said softly, trying to convince him. She was unsure of her pregnancy, although she knew that it was very likely. For some reason she was afraid of telling him, scared at what he might think. Her own worried eyes searched his face, lavender hues flitting between his golden gaze. He held all the answers, he must know what was wrong with her. She had been eating a lot, no longer could you see her ribs. Could it be from that? No... there was a little voice that told her it was something else.

A soft whine poured out of her maw as she pulled her eyes away from him, resting her chin upon the earth. Worry pooled off of her body, scared of what he would think. But she was unsure, even though her body was trying to tell her what was going on. "I've been restless and have been eating a lot. There are pains in my belly and my emotions have been high. My scent has altered slightly..." She whispered, squeezing her eyes shut as she listed off her symptoms. At last she opened her eyes, looking up to his sharp face. "I think I am carrying your pups." Her vocals were a whisper, her face guarded. Would he strike out? Would he ask her to leave? Slight panic flitted over her face, but was gone before she knew it. No, he cared for her, he had told her countless times. She held her breath, awaiting his answer.



5 Years
Extra large
05-20-2014, 02:20 PM

He couldn't get over the look of bliss her features would wear as he placed his intimate touch upon her body. Her lips would part, confirming her knowledge of his care and slipping his name from them. He would purr with the sound of his title said in her voice, yellow eyes finding her gaze hungrily. The sound would bring back the steamy memories of their coupling and a pleasures smirk would come to rest on his dark features. Though as soon as she alerted him to something being wrong he would tense. His protective obsession would cause his senses to alight to the possible danger that could be lurking around them. He would barely register the clutching of her stomach as she tried to soothe his worry. Her eyes would grow wide as she played down her pain, he would rumble not completely satisfied but enough to settle his head back upon her lower abdomen.

She would find his gaze, her deep violet gems seeming to search for something in his own vibrant gaze. What did she seek within him? All he held was the overwhelming want he always had for her. Seeming to find nothing her lips would let slip a pained whine, his hackles would raise this time. Sure she needed attention he was unable to give her. Unease would be apparent as he felt the emotion seep into him, his worry for her well being increasing. Othello would not be taken from him. Her lyrics would caress his ears, her symptoms all pointed to him doing his duty. The girth was obviously from how well he fed her while the others could easily be explained by how much sex they had been having. However the latter cause was also very much responsible for her next words. What she thought the cause of such symptoms. Othello, was pregnant. She would whisper those gentle words to him, her demeanor nervous. He would have never thought to guess he had impregnated her. He would grow still, yellow gaze still peering into her purple orbs as he took in the reasons for her pain. His pups.

He would whine, emotion devoid as he pulled her closer to him. Surrounding her in his embrace as his disbelief disappeared. Offspring. Othello, his prized possession, would be bearing his children. Burying his features into her fur an oddly kind smile would play on his maw. "You're much more special than I thought, my beautiful seductress." he'd return his eyes back to her alluring gaze. "My children, you're sure you're pregnant?" he'd find himself nuzzling her petite belly lovingly. His children. Inside her womb.?



8 Years
05-20-2014, 09:45 PM

She felt his whole body stiffen, becoming ridged and tense. Othello still find herself holding her breath, unsure of how he would react to this. Would be he angry that she was carrying pups? She wasn't even certain, it was just a feeling that she had. What else could it be with all the symptoms she had. Then he did something that surprised her, he whined. She blinked slowly at him, trying to figure out the feelings behind it. Was it sadness? But he pulled her closer to him, cuddling her further into his chest. Letting out a large breath, her own body relaxed.

Scorpion covered his face in her fur, and she stretched her neck so that she could rasp her tongue over his ear. His words brought such joy to her, they made her spirit sore. Her long tail thumped upon the landscape, a small yip sounding as he expressed his wonder. He called her beautiful and special, making her heart melt in her chest. He made her feel on top of the world, like there was no higher place to be than with her Scorpion. He asked her if she was sure, and she shook her head sadly. "I do not know for sure, I have nothing to compare it to." Her voice was calm and level as she thought, trying to place her thoughts all in order. But she just couldn't, she was over joyed.

As the moments past Othello was becoming more and more sure that she was carrying their children. "Scorpion... I am carrying our pups. Your children, my children." A thrill shot up her spine, one of a whole different sorts than when they had first met on this day. Formalities were out the window, there was no calling him anything but his true name when speaking of that. Othello grabbed Scorpion's paw that was resting by her, pulling on the long limb so that his paw rested on her belly. Even though they were little and he wouldn't be able to feel them move, he was showing her the firmness of her stomach. He nuzzled her belly and she giggled, her eyes glowing as tears of pure joy gathered there. "We are going to be parents..."

The dames tail was pounding upon the earth as she held his paw there, her gaze locked onto his. She needed to find out, she needed this to be real. She was unsure of how good a mother she would be, but with Scorpion by her side anything was possible. They could raise a baby deer if they really wanted to, because together they were unstoppable. "That pack you were talking about, could someone there tell us for certain?"



5 Years
Extra large
05-21-2014, 08:22 AM

He would feel her relax as he brought her near, like her whole body had been on edge to hear his approval. How could he not be ecstatic about reproducing? Was that not the underlying desire behind the majority of his actions? He wasn't one to normally admit the fact that sex was there to make children, it was just an afterthought. Occasionally. His attention now was focused on the girl, and the utter joy she was able to exude as his reaction was taken in. Just as she should be. Within her she held precious Destruction blood, he expected nothing less than excitement from her. What an honor it must be to carry his first offspring. She would go on, admitting she was not completely sure. Salmon tongue would roll over her dense stomach, thoughts wondering if they were really inside. He would still hold her though, now that the thought of her bearing his offspring was quite engrained into his head he would become quite determined to make sure they were quite real.
Though she couldn't be for certain his Othello would stay confident. Her words would show him the enthusiasm once again, how she wanted to bear his offspring. "They shall be the most impressive Destructions yet, my luscious cherry." she would take his paw, moving it to her hardened abdomen. He'd never been around pregnancy much. When the middle children were born he had been immersed in training, when Soliloquy was born it had been a similar story. He'd never much spent time around Maia. Scorpions vibrant gaze would find her as she said those words again. Parenthood. He didn't as much care for that title, he was the provider the trainer the one who was not afraid to show some tough love. His children were destined for greatness, and he was determined to get them there. "You've done well, my sweet succubus." his words filled with nothing but praise for her.
She would ask about Covari, if there were any that could tell with certainty that her fertility was not false. He would kiss her belly again intimately. "My sister might, however I'd much rather make sure.. Another way." his smile would grow devilish as he pulled himself closer. Nose to nose as he placed his arms around her neck, straddling her form once more. A wanton growl leaving his lips as a desire to celebrate grew within him. He'd chuckle softly as he nibbled at her jaw line, his breath growing heavy. Enjoyment coursing through him as he was placed in his favorite position over her. "Show me how excited you really are." low dark voice would tempt as his teeth would gently graze her perfect ears.?

"Scorpion Speech"
"Othello Speech"



8 Years
05-21-2014, 12:02 PM

He called her his cherry, making the dame giggle as she snuggled into the soft fur of his belly. She purred like a cat, the rumbling sound vibrating in her throat and stomach. She was so over joyed, so full of excitement that it was hard for her to focus. She did well, he told her, which slightly confused the beast. It wasn't like it was all on her, only mostly. It was him who gave her what she needed to make it happen. His voice was so praising though, that her heart swelled within her chest. "My dearest King, I have never been this happy before. I couldn't image anyone better to have these with, or more joyed that I am blessed enough to carry your children." She knew that it might not be true, but her mind was set. She was having this children, if not today, next season.

When she was done with her question, Scorpion pressed his nose against her's. She giggled once more, her eyes squinting as her lips stretched towards her ears. Her tongue snaked out to caress his chin in a kiss, a pleased whine exiting her muzzle. He then moved and covered her belly in a lick to intimate it sent a shock down her back, her long tail flaring out behind her. Sparks danced within her purple eyes, a wicked grin matching his own. Of course he wanted to claim her again, they were both so full of pride and joy that it was beginning to pool into something else. He came over top of her, covering her muzzle and ears in those love nips she loved so much. Growling playfully she raised her rump towards him, her tail curling up to give him a good view of her.. well... goods.

Othello turned and looked up at the beast behind her, her violet eyes dancing as she wagged her rump back and forth. Sticking out her tongue, she teased him with the sight of it and blew out some air, filling the area with the sound of her raspberry. She was in a silly, sexy mood, quite the strange combination. The dame couldn't help it, she was experiencing so many different things in the span of a few weeks. Never before had she thought that these things would happen to her, and never in that quick a succession.


"Normal." vs "Speech." v.s. 'Thought.'