
Reporting for duty



The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
10-13-2021, 01:23 PM

With his goodbyes said to Syanna and his family and with Canis assigned to staying with Syanna at all times he made his way out to the pack that he had been assigned to assist. Aquila followed overhead and he wore his armor—not that he thought he'd need it today, but it was easier to wear it than to carry it. He had seen the island the pack occupied from a distance when Artorias brought him out to Hermit Cove to give him the news, but this was the closest he could remember being to it before now. He stood on the shore, looking at the island that was separated from him by a reasonable stretch of water. He saw some sort of rope system with a platform that he assumed was to carry wolves and supplies back and forth, but he didn't want to intrude even if they were expecting him.

He lifted his head to howl for their alpha and then settled down onto his haunches to wait. He took a look around in the mean time, glancing back at the stretch of land that was cut across with a river that was dotted with beaver dams and then looking back to the island that had several buildings scattered across it. It wouldn't be quite the same as living in the castle, but it wouldn't be like going from the castle back to a dug out den either. Then again, he didn't know if the buildings were already occupied or where he would be staying yet so perhaps it would be better for him to not jump to conclusions. Aquila came to land on his shoulder, her talons gripping around the spikes on his pauldron, and he gave the eagle a glance before he went back to looking at the island that would be his home for at least a season if not more.

Ezra Adravendi



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-14-2021, 04:41 PM

Artorias had promised at least one body to fill his ranks for now and it seemed as though the blue man had followed through on that promise. An unfamiliar voice rang out, pulling Chimera from his work as he stripped flesh and hung it above a fire to dry. As such, when he went to meet this newcomer, the brute's paws and forelegs were flecked in blood. Moving across the island towards the ferry, Chimera was a little surprised to see that the wolf wasn't even here to meet him. Instead, he stood on the opposite bank. With a soft snort, Chimera grabbed the rope and gave it a pull, jiggling the ferry as it moved on the opposite bank. Once the wolf was on the raft, the two-toned man pulled him to the other side.

Chimera's halved gaze took the boy in. Because he was still very young. He could only trust Artorias' judgement that this wolf was indeed a warrior. He wore armor, but anyone could wear armor. By the scent on him, it was clear that he was from The Hallows. The shark-toothed man gave the younger wolf a nod. "Chimera, King of Fenmyre. I assume you're the one that Artorias has sent to me?" The brow above his milky white eye arched in question.

Chimera Klein

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
10-21-2021, 12:15 AM

He didn't have to wait all that long before a figure appeared on the opposite shore and the jiggling and movement of the ferry as it was pulled flush to the shore he was sitting on brought his gaze down to it. He put the pieces together easily and got up to move onto the ferry, standing on it as he was pulled across. It was certainly unlike anything he had experienced before, but it was definitely better than having to swim every time and he imagined it made moving larger items across the water easier than it would be with a bridge. Once he made it to the beach of the island, he hopped down off of the ferry, the movement jostling Aquila on his shoulder and making the black and chestnut eagle flare his wings for a moment before settling back down.

Turning to take in the black and white man up close for the first time, Ezra dipped his head politely in greeting. Even before he introduced himself, Ezra could guess that this was the Chimera that Artorias had told him about—or warned him about more like. They were matching in height, but obviously was a bit more filled out and muscular since he was older. He held himself like someone that would own an island. He was a bit surprised to notice Chimera's teeth as he spoke—catching a glimpse of the unusually sharp teeth that mirrored his own. He was sure most wolves wouldn't notice as quickly, but he had gotten into the habit of looking for them as a pup since he hadn't met anyone besides Resin with teeth that had formed like his and that habit hadn't died as he got older.

He nodded at the question he was asked, giving Chimera a slight grin. "That's right. I'm Ezra, Templar of the Hallows. Nice to meet you." he said in return to introduce himself. Aquila took off from his shoulder, taking flight across the island to start getting a lay of the land, but Ezra didn't pay him any mind. He had grown up with the eagle so the feeling of his take offs and landings were normal and expected now. "Artorias told me a little bit about your pack and what you needed help with, but I'd love some more specifics. Is now a good time for a tour?" He noticed the blood that speckled over the man's legs and didn't want to interrupt whatever he was working on so if he needed to wait he certainly could.

Ezra Adravendi



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
10-31-2021, 06:28 AM

Chimera paid no mind to the eagle. No one controlled the flight of birds. Anyone could inspect the territory of another at any time unless there was a full time companion flying about to murder every avian that passed over. No one had time for that shit. A king didn't have time to worry about the sky.

Ezra asked for a tour and additional information and Chimera nodded, motioning for the young wolf to follow him. "Did Artorias tell you what Fenmyre is about?" One brow arched as he questioned the lad. No doubt Art didn't get into the gritty details. "This island is a place of pleasure. Want to bed a wolf? Do it. Need to take your aggression out on someone? Do it. Feel the need to kill? Do it." The two-toned beast led the young warrior down the well worn jungle path until they reached the main complex. "This is where my family and I live. They are the reason that you're here. A few of my women are pregnant and I need added security until they wean the pups." All three of his women would be raising children at the same time. Viper as well, but she was no longer one of his women.

Leading Ezra through the complex, Chimera pointed out the different wings, various buildings and landmarks. He showed the boy a stretch of structures that he could choose from to make himself a temporary home. These were nestled at the edge of the jungle, staring out over the ocean. Hela resided in one of them and Chimera gave the boy a warning about the woman so he wouldn't be alarmed if she popped up out of nowhere.

Lastly, Chimera took Ezra to show him the slave enclosures. He stood back, letting the new recruit soak it in. Within the cells were males and females, separated by stone walls that were reinforced with the metal sticks that he'd found piled elsewhere on the island. They all appeared to be healthy and well cared for. Afterall, damaged, starving slaves didn't make as much money as plump, clean ones did. He wondered what the boy would think of the concept and waited for Ezra to absorb the situation.


Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
11-02-2021, 01:12 PM

Ezra walked beside Chimera as the Fenmyre King motioned for him to follow, giving a small nod as Chimera asked if he had been told what Fenmyre was about. Slaves, drugs, alcohol, pleasures... Artorias had at least given him the broad strokes of it. Chimera confirmed what he knew and expanded on it as he gave a list of things that were allowed here, everything from sex to murder. It was a way of life and an amount of freedom that just made absolutely no sense in his mind, but maybe he just wasn't the clientele that Chimera was catering toward. He couldn't imagine hurting someone just... because. As soon as that thought crossed his mind though he remembered how he had bitten his father in a fit of anger when he was younger and his ears flicked slightly at the thought. He wanted to believe that it was much more far fetched than it actually was to be in that mind of headspace than it actually was.

He pushed the thought aside as he was shown the large building that Chimera stated he and his family lived in, citing them as the reason he was here. He nodded again—that made sense to him. Protecting his family had been ingrained in him basically since he was born. What did surprise him a bit and catch him off guard was the casual mention from Chimera about his women. Women. Multiple of them, all pregnant and he assumed by Chimera. He blinked with incomprehension at the idea. His own father had children from a couple different women, but none of them had been at the same time. They had come from various relationships that he had been in one after the other, but never at the same time. He'd never known or seen anyone that had multiple relationships at the same time and the idea of it confused him even more than the concept of the pack in general. All he had ever known was singular, dedicated relationships.

He wasn't given much of a chance to process that though and was soon swept into a full tour of the facility and did his best to remember all the places he was shown and told about. He was sure he'd learn the lay out of things quickly enough, but at the very least he didn't want to accidentally go stumbling into someone's bedroom or something. He picked one of the structures to use as his home for the next season and a half as he was shown to a row of buildings, appreciating the fact that they were in a very picturesque location. Looking out over the ocean from the balcony in his room was always a nice way to relax at the end of the day so at least that part of his routine wouldn't change. It wouldn't be quite the same experiencing all this without Syanna, but... He'd make do.

Lastly he was shown to a structure that housed a bunch of slaves and he was a bit uncomfortable as he took a step closer to take it in. He supposed he would have been easy enough to just avoid this building all together while he was here, but with Chimera there watching him he felt like he had to at least accknowlege the existence of it. At the very least the slaves looked well fed and cared for, but seeing them in holding pins of stone walls felt so strange and wrong. In his mind he couldn't figure out why he was any different to any of these wolves. Was it just because of who his family was and who he was born to? He didn't have any control over any of that and it made him uneasy thinking about how he could have ended up in such a different situation. "Where... Where did they all come from?" he asked after a few moments, giving a glance back at Chimera. Were they here by choice? Were they forced into this? Were they captured? He didn't know if that would really make his opinion change, but he wanted to know either way.

Ezra Adravendi



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-21-2021, 10:53 AM

The young warrior seemed a little timid around the slaves and again, this was terribly amusing to Chimera. Avantika had been timid around them as well. A trait of The Hallows folk, it seemed. The black and white brute simply waited. When Ezra was done with his inspection, they would go. Surprisingly, the boy asked a question. A clever question at that.

Where did the slaves come from? "Do you feel pity for them?" The king asked with mock sincerity in his tones. "Don't," he instructed firmly. "They all belong there." Moving forward, Chimera came up against the bars of the cell that held the females and they shrank back. "That one poisoned the water supply of her pack, killing many and permanently disabling others." He pointed to another. "That one murdered her children so that she could be free to gain the attentions of another man."

Stepping to the cell that held the males, Chimera pointed out another wolf. "This one made a living by kidnapping and selling children to beast pits and brothels." He pointed to another. "This one ran one of those very same brothels, killing the pups when they became too old to hold the interest of his patrons." Stepping back, Chimera shook his head. "They all deserve to be here. Each and every one. Rapists, murderers, thieves, liars..."

Turning, Chimera began moving back up the beach. "Is your conscience clearer now? Any of them that you'd like to sink those teeth into?" The last bit was shot at the boy with a bit of amusement. Chimera had caught sight of Ezra's teeth. Did he even know how to use them properly?

Chimera Klein

Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.


The Hallows
High Councilor

Master Fighter (250)

Master Hunter (245)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

6 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverCritical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantVengeanceSnake EyesMammoth Hunter
12-11-2021, 09:37 PM

Ezra didn't answer right away when Chimera questioned him over whether he felt sorry for the wolves here even though the answer would have undoubtably been yes. However, he was taken aback when Chimera quickly followed up that question with a statement that he shouldn't, that they belonged here. He frowned with confusion, but didn't say anything, instead watching as he moved toward one of the cells that held the females, his ears flicking as he watched them cower back from the King. What Chimera revealed shocked him and he found himself glancing back and forth between the Fenmyre alpha and the wolves he pointed out with disbelief. A murderer that poisoned the water of her pack, a mother that had slain her children just to be with another man, a kidnapper that sold children to terrible situations, the owner of said brothels and a murderer...

He stood there stunned, looking at these wolves he had felt pity and concern for just moments ago. Now as he stood there looking at him he felt like this might be too easy of a punishment for some of them. He didn't think he was perfect by any means, but he always tried to do right by those around him and protect his loved ones. In his mind it just didn't make sense how anyone could possibly do these kinds of things to other wolves, but here they were—the perpetrators of the crimes that Chimera listed off for him. He was still processing it all in shocked silence when Chimera began to move down the beach again and Ezra quietly followed beside him, his brow creased with thought.

Chimera asked him about his conscience being clear about the slaves and followed up with a question about if he'd want to sink his teeth into any of them. He glanced up from where his gaze had been fixed on the sand to find Chimera's gaze again, looking a bit startled at the prospect. "No, no I..." he started saying, but his words trailed off with a flick of his ears. Since the day his sharp, serrated teeth began to grow in his parents warned him to never use them on another wolf unless it was in defense of someone else. He had grown up being beyond cautious about when and how he bit anyone in spars or fights and only ever really used his teeth in hunting. No doubt that Chimera had noticed his teeth just as he had noticed Chimera's and it made his stomach twist with conflict.

"I was taught to never bite anyone," he said after a moment, frowning slightly. "I... I shouldn't want to hurt them, but..." But he kind of did. Hearing all the awful things these wolves did, thinking about how his mother and sister had disappeared without a trace, how it was possible they had gotten captured or hurt or worse by some wolf just like them, it made it feel somehow personal. He was always a little over protective over pups, a byproduct of having to become the protector of his softer, less fighting inclined siblings so young so hearing how many of them had targeted pups didn't help things either. He gave a shake of his head, looking down at the ground in front of him again. No, even if he resented what they did, he shouldn't want to hurt them... right?

Ezra Adravendi



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-16-2021, 10:29 PM

There was still surprised, somewhat shocked panic in the boys eyes, but Chimera let it slide. Ezra said that he didn't want to bite them, but hesitated. It was a new mental experience for the Hallows wolf and Chi couldn't expect him to just swallow it all immediately. At least he showed his emotional turmoil over the matter rather than trying to lie and hide it.

When Ezra admitted that he wasn't supposed to use his teeth, Chimera actually sneered. The two-toned giant's lip curled, flashing his rows of sharklike teeth to the sabered boy. "You would do well to learn them. Your teeth are a weapon and should be learned like any other weapon. Not using them is denying what you are. What you can do." The man shook his head. "It's not natural. Unacceptable." With another pull of his head, he motioned back towards the slaves. "I'll let you have one if the itch gets too bad. You need to learn what it's like if you're going to embrace the warrior potential within you. They aren't worth your pity, so give them none."

Who had taught him not to use his fucking teeth? Again Chimera's nose wrinkled and he huffed lightly. It was... irritating. There was no reason to hold back what you were. Not here. Not anywhere. By the end of their contact, Chimera was determined to have the boys teeth in some flesh. It would be his gift to him.


Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.