
Take my hand and I'll take yours



7 Years
05-18-2014, 06:33 AM

The children were growing up and keeping them close by was becoming an impossible task. Just as she would track down one, she would return only to find the other two had flown off in separate directions and it was her two girls that seems to have the taste for adventure, travelling further than even Emer herself dared to these days. All in all it made her sick with worry. Though she had Valerius' word to help and the rest of the pack were surely keeping an eye on her three little trouble makers, it was her own sights she wished for the three children to remain in.

They simply couldn't understand it though, and without potentially terrifying them into her own pathetic state, Emer saw no way to actually keep them in the den and that simply wasn't what she wanted either. She just wished they would listen, want to remain close by rather than have this strange taste for adventure, but then perhaps it was her own wishes that were driving them further away.

It was Cecily's trail she was tracking now, the young girl had left the plains and in her exploring had brought Emer too away from the lands she had practically become a feature of in the past season. "Cecily, come on now, where are you?" Voice would call out, gaze eagerly trying to seek her darker, green-eyed miniature.



8 Years

05-18-2014, 07:36 AM
The little brown pup had just abandoned her games with the fox and was making her way back into vslhallas terratory. Exploring beyond had turned out be be far more fun then shr had ever expected and she was buzzed with the energy of all she had encountered, the strangely coated beast highest job her list. She had lipped back into her home lands when she heard the call of her mother ah-oh she thought, her mother must have realised her absence already and perhaps even seen that she had left the terratory. She was well expecting a rebuke and temporarily contemplated escaping, but her mother's form was already slipping into view. So instead the little pup decided to make the best of it.

momma! she cried out, simple warmth and unrequited love mingling pleasebtly in her tones as she turned from her path and ran to her mother. She wound herself around the larger wolf's paws, rubbing against her sides almost cat-like and daring a swipe at the tail. She couldn't sit still, through shr tried with her numb wiggling behind her and her eyes set upon the other woman "whats a big fury reddish wolf like creature? We don't eat them, right? Can it join us in Valhalla mumma. I love you so much your the best mum in the show wide world her but wiggling more widely behind her as she struggled to contain herself enough to remain seated.
[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



7 Years
05-18-2014, 01:39 PM

If there was one thing her children seemed to have perfected it was how to make their mother worry. The scent trail simply continued to lead onwards and for a while there was still no sign of her daughter. She didn't often travel this way, and of course preferred to steer clear of the borders but the woman knew that they weren't far off now and that panic from before would grip her ever stronger. At last though, the world would kindly present the pup she had been searching for, Cecily was ok and heading towards her, the distance swiftly closed and mother and daughter together once more.

A small sigh of relief would leave her, and attempting to nuzzle the fidgety child, Emer would take in her daughter's scent, worry returning as it informed her that not only had Cecily left the lands, though she had been in contact with something else. The scent wasn't wolf, that much she was sure of, though none the less she would feel anxious again, golden eyes lifting to glance around as the playful little girl at her paws continued to wriggle excitedly.

"Cecily, don't leave the lands again." Emer scolded her, though her tone certainly told it'd been more from worry than truly angry at her daughter. "What have I told you about wandering away from the den?" At Cecily's comment, another small sigh would leave the autumnal woman. Why on earth did children have to be so cute? Desperately she wished to make herself clear, ensure that Cecily wouldn't stray too much and certainly not too far but now she was melting as those green eyes gazed up at her lovingly.

Description alone was hardly enough for Emer to work out what on earth Cecily was talking about though combined with the scent she had an inkling as to what the young girl was on about. "I think you mean a fox." Emer informed her, not bothering to correct about the size, such a creature was obviously big to a pup and Emer was hardly a particularly tall example of her own kind to be a good size guideline for her children. It was somewhat of a relief that it'd been a fox her daughter had ran into and nothing larger, though Emer would still be concerned.

"I'm afraid not, they probably have their own home somewhere. It would be up to Erani anyway for who can join Valhalla, she is our alpha." The white woman had visited to check up, though it'd been on those seemingly rare occasions that the children were asleep, and so they had yet to officially meet her.



8 Years

05-18-2014, 04:21 PM

The first words the older wolf spoke would be reprisal from her wanderings. Her ears flattened the their skull as her mother told her off for leaving the pack lands. She had expected something like this, but that didn't make it any easier to hear. ?Yes mumma? she said obediently, scuffing her paw into the earth before them and looking everything like the scolded child. Swirling her paw before her right up until the moment Emer mentioned her creature was a fox. Her over-done sad expression would vanish in a heartbeat and she would gaze up at her Mother with eyes that begged for more titbits of information. A fox! What an interesting name. A fox was a redey white fluffy thing that liked to play! She stored this away for later use, perhaps to show off to Signy what she had found.

Her mother would then, not exactly tell her no but simply say it wasn't up to her. She also didn't mention anything about eating the fox either! She remembered the dramatic munching noises the fox had made to her and couldn't help but giggle. So there fuzzykins! Her mum wouldn't have eaten her.

Since her mother seemed over her telling her off and was happy to provide information she would flop onto her belly, roll to her back and wave her paws upwards at her mothers chest, which she could only just reach from down there. ?Whats an -eerb mother? she asked, playing with the strange word, and completely thrashing the real pronunciation as she spoke. ?Whats an Erani?? she asked behind a cheeky grin, well knowing it was a person, but not knowing who it was. She then thought of the other thing she wanted to ask, and became completely serious for a moment, even stilling her paws and gazing upwards at her mothers familiar eyes. ?Is Valerius our dad?? she would ask, her head tilting as she watched her mother. ?Dads are suppose to catch food and mind us and that's what he does. Doesn't that make us our dad? Why don't we have a dad mum. It's no fair, Helena has a dad? she would point out the unfairness of the whole thing and pout as she looked up at her mum.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



7 Years
05-18-2014, 05:10 PM

There she was being all cute again. They certainly didn't make her life easy and with all that hassle it was a wonder really that mother's could love their children so unconditionally. It was a mystery indeed though Emer was no exception, the family certainly hadn't started the way she would have wanted, and being a single mother was no easy feat but all the same she found herself wondering how on earth she would live without them now.

She would smile softly at her battered pronunciation on her first attempt of Erani's name. "Erani is a wolf. She's the alpha of Valhalla which means that she is in charge of the pack." Emer explained. "She's very nice, has helped me a lot so make sure you're good when you see her." Her warning was light-hearted though she certainly meant every bit of it. Without Erani she wasn't sure that the children would even be here today, it hadn't been a particularly bad labour but Erani had certainly cared for her and kept her calm both before and after.

The next question however would take Emer by surprise. She should have been prepared to answer such a thing at some point, though hadn't actually thought about it at all. So stunned and stuck for what to say, she didn't even question who this Helena was as she struggled to think of some way to explain why they didn't have a dad and why Valerius wasn't. A part of her, for ease of everything almost wished to say he was, though she certainly wasn't sure how well he would take that if the pups suddenly begun to call him dad.

"Some families have two parents, others only have the one." Emer began, though even in her own opinion the attempt to explain things was rather weak. "Valerius isn't actually your dad" To fully confirm that she had no father hurt given Cecily's disappointment and she had to restrain herself from telling Cecily that perhaps she could ask Valerius if she could call him dad. It would certainly put the man in an awkward position. "He does care for you though, he doesn't need to be your dad for that." She was incredibly grateful to the man for all his help and she certainly didn't want Cecily suddenly being annoyed with him for helping look after her but not being her dad.



8 Years

05-18-2014, 05:34 PM

Her mother would patiently explain to her what, or rather who Erani was and her position within the pack. It was hard to imagine anyone telling Emer what to do, when all Cecily saw was Emer telling them what to do. She mused over this new information for a moment, and saw in it something else that could only be logical. ?Does that mean your the Alpha of us?? she would muse, curious. She was in charge of them after all, like this Erani was in charge of the pack. She beamed, proud at herself for coming up with this logic.

Disappointment would full her with Emer's next words, that they didn't have a dad, that the other pup had something Cecily didn't. She would sigh, disappointed also that her guess had been wrong as well as the loss of a potential dad. She then went on to explain that Valerious could care for them without being their dad. ?Can I pretend he's out dad?? she would ask, since what Emer said seemed to sound sort of like that anyway but different. So he didn't need to be her dad to care for her, but what if Cecily wanted a dad? She didn't want Helana to have something she didn't. She seemed totally oblivious to her the position she had stuck her poor mother in, and went on to chew her lip and think. ?But Helena doesn't have a mum I think, or she does but she's not there. I dont know. Can I share Helena's dad?? she would ask brightly, giggling and moving her paws again to catch in her mothers chest as she giggled and moved on yet again. ?Where's Taddeo and Signy anyway mumma. I bet Signy an't never found a fox!?

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



7 Years
05-20-2014, 01:40 AM

Whilst they may have been a handful, along with the their cute ways the children certainly had a way of coming out with the most intriguing and amusing statements whilst their innocence allowed them to remain completely unaware of their humour. "In a sense I suppose you could say that." She responded with a small chuckle.

Emer had certainly always planned and wanted that any children she had would have both a mother and a father, the family living happily together somewhere. It meant that whilst Cecily may have been disappointed by the lack of a father, there was no one quite so upset by the turn of events than Emer. Though she loved her children the way she got them, it was certainly an understatement to say that it hadn't been how she had wanted her family to start. The fact that it troubled her daughter so much by the lack of a father certainly wouldn't make Emer feel all that much better about the situation either.

The question however would remain fixed upon Valerius as her daughter sweetly asked if she could just pretend that he really was their dad. It certainly seemed that was the closest they were going to get, beyond running past them as she chased after her children she hadn't really socialised with any of the pack beyond the brown male. "You will have to ask Valerius." She responded, deciding that would be the least awkward answer she could give without disappointing Cecily.

Then this Helena would be mentioned once more a little calmer now, the other name would register within her mind and curiously, a little worried too, she couldn't help but question her daughter on the matter. "Who is Helena?" Emer would ask. "And I don't think you can." She would add. It was intriguing if true, to hear of a male in a similar situation to herself, a single parent to pups, though surely certainly meant he wouldn't want any more bothering him. Three was enough of a handful, and that was even with Valerius' help.



8 Years

05-20-2014, 01:58 AM

Her mother agreed with her statement, and gained the new title of Alpha within the recess's of her mind. She jiggled a little with pleasure at the development, and all she was learning with her time with her mother. She never really got Emer to herself, what with Taddeo and Signy around as often as she was, or rather being chased down by their mother as often as she was.. She curled around her mothers fore-paw, drawing herself into the others chest and enjoying the warmth and comfort of her overlapping presence.

Her Mothers consent would buzz through the girl, but she would contend herself with simply waving her banner around behind her and into her mothers chest with her love and excitement. Val could be her daddy! She had no doubt he would say yes, she would simply flash her big wide eyes at him and that would be that. Beaming with what she had achieved today she lolled her head against the earth to look up at her mums bigger form.

Her mother would question about Helena now, another line of question that would get the girl giddy and happy. ?She's my new best friend mumma!? she said excitedly ?She's black, with big green eyes like Signy! But she's cooler cause shes not my sister so she can be my best friend? she would say, like this explained everything. Still with her head lulled back against the earth, she showed no disappointment to being told that she coulnd't share Helena's dad, after all, she had Val now. Much content with her life she curled tighter about her mother. ?I love you mamma? she cooed softly, feeling oddly sleepy with the warmth of her mum about her. She wouldn't sleep yet through, no, she had far too much to tell yet. ?So I met Helena, and a fox, and a guy whos my boyfriend now? she said in sleepy, happy tones.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



7 Years
05-20-2014, 03:32 AM

She probably should have pointed out to her daughter that she shouldn't actually call her alpha even if there was some similarity between that position and the role of a parent. The thought hadn't actually crossed Emer's mind however and so it would remain left unsaid until the moment when the slip up could possibly happen, the words perhaps spoken in front of others that wouldn't understand the little conversation, the connection that Cecily had made. Head would instead lower to nuzzle her now cuddly daughter, for a moment worries had left her and this was nice, amongst many things it seemed that her children were also a wonderful distraction at times.

So Cecily had been making friends then? The description brought a tremor of worry to the autumnal hued woman, her own memory once more picturing the male though logic of course informed her that there was no way he was posing as a girl and that he couldn't possibly be here in Valhalla. Such a vicious creature wouldn't have been allowed to stay here, she didn't know Erani all that well though it was one thing she was almost certain of.

Fortunately her daughter's words, the comment about her sister although not quite the nicest would still lighten Emer's mind a little. "That's not very nice. Signy could still be your best friend, even if she is your sister." Emer responded, though there was a faint smile upon her face. "My brothers were my best friends." She pointed out. She hadn't mentioned her family to her children before, it truly was a shame that they couldn't meet their uncles or grandparents but sadly, unable to find her way home there wasn't much at all that she could do about that.

"I love you too." Emer answered, licking the top of Cecily's head as she snuggled back into her once more. She would much rather than the girl didn't sleep here though if tiredness was taking hold. It'd be better to return to the den and see what Taddeo and Signy were up to. She feared trouble of some sort, though no further ideas even had the time to register within her mind as Cecily began to speak once more.

Helena of course she knew about, the fox too. Neither was she keen on without having met them if she was honest, though still rather fearful of the world the deep maternal instinct within her would certainly rather protect her children than cower away within the den. The last part however, Emer hoped she hadn't heard right. "Met who Cecily?" She questioned. "Helena, a fox and...?" This was certainly something she hadn't expected to deal with for a long time, she was four after all and still hadn't ever had a 'boyfriend'.



8 Years

05-20-2014, 05:23 PM

Happily curled about her mother she gave only a slight giggle as she told her off about Signy. She adored her sister really, and the games and competition between them was half of what she lived for. Signy was every bit a part of her, surely no one doubted that. Her mother would repeat her words of love, and she would glow that little bit more. Truly her entire life was surrounded by family, adventure and fun. The little pup couldn't ask for more in her life, it was everything she wanted even if she didn't know enough to realise it.

The soft touch of her mothers tongue upon her forehead would follow and she would sigh pleasantly, stretching out her paws. She had no doubt that if she fell asleep her she would magically find herself waking in her den. She was still a tiny little thing, easily small for her mother to pick up and carry back home -not that she knew this was how the magic worked.

She giggled softly beneath the fog of sleepiness as her mother spoke. ?Bass? she explained softly, ?He's all white like he's lost his colour but apparently he was born like that. He's my new friend? she explained. Not really knowing the meaning being boyfriend other then it helped her claim people (her favourite pastime was claiming people) and that he was a boy. And her friend.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



7 Years
05-20-2014, 06:04 PM

Fortunately she didn't really have any trouble with her children getting along, there was indeed a little competitiveness between the girls but any fights were only out of play and light-hearted teasing. Besides it must be normal anyway she decided, Emer could always remember the same thing happening between Kelan and Muirin, her third brother Dervos had always the sense to sit quietly with her and watch rather than get involved.

The little girl certainly seemed to be getting sleepier and sleepier. Secretly she couldn't help but think it was her own fault for sneaking off, though however much she wished to point it out to her, Emer didn't think it was really a particularly motherly move to put it like that. Nor did she wish to disturb the girl now as she calmed down, if she needed to sleep Emer would certainly allow her to do so and then oblige with the so called magical transportation to take her back to the den.

She would describe her 'boyfriend' in a little more detail now and Emer would hope that the new description that this simply meant that Bass was her friend. She would remained concerned, though smile would cross her features at the apparent strange oddity that was a white wolf. To be fair the little family were hardly the most extraordinary of appearances and Valerius, however much she appreciated the male only added another eye colour to the palette. "It's true he probably was born that way." She responded, voice soft so not to disturb her too much. "Some wolves are white. Erani is for example. There are more colours than the browns and blacks of you and your siblings, and different patterns as well."



8 Years

05-20-2014, 07:43 PM

What her mother had to say now was certainly fascinating news. She struggled to lift her head to see her mothers expression as she spoke of fascinating different colours that wolves could come in. All she really managed was a few bleary blinks and a deep yawn that stretched out her jaws. All their family was brown brown brown and she found herself wondering just how many shades of wolves where out there. She drifted off with wolves running rampage through her dreams. Purple wolves, green wolves, white wolves and rainbow wolves danced across her closed eyes as with a sigh she gave in the fight and fell asleep curled about her mothers paws.

[Image: aGjjkVy.png]



7 Years
05-21-2014, 06:09 PM

It seemed that her daughter had little else to say now, suddenly far less talkative than she had been upon the start of their little reunion. It sometimes seemed ridiculous how much energy her children had yet moments like these would of course remind her why, they'd suddenly collapse like this and fall into a deep sleep, waking up all energised whilst she struggled to track them down. Trying to split her energy between three pups of course left her feeling more tired and she would be far more exhausted without Valerius helping her.

For a while Emer would sit and let her daughter sleep, ensuring that she wouldn't suddenly stir if she were to move her. Slowly she would begin to move though, feeling that she'd left it long enough however, perhaps a part of her also eager to get back and see what trouble Signy or Taddeo may have gotten into. Rising to her paws she would lower her head to take hold of Cecily's scruff and begin to work that magic transportation method to take her darker miniature back to the den.