
Oh Glory, Come And Find Us


05-16-2014, 09:37 PM

The woman had hardly had a couple days of rest to recover before she knew she needed to make a call for them. The Seracians who still lingered within the lands, unsure of what had taken place yet. She would carefully move out of Arian?s den, moving slowly due to her damaged leg. The young girl didn?t say anything about to her, at least not yet, but Destruction was almost certain that the damage was going to cause a limp. It was likely she would end up with a bit of scarring as well. Just more battle wounds to reflect on.

The loss was hard to handle... Hard to accept... But the need to call to her packmates, those that were still around anyway, filled her. They deserved explination... and Destruction felt she knew she could not abandon them. The woman looked around a soft sigh leaving her. Arian was likely nearby, and Aiden too. She hoped they would both be present as well... The support would certainly be needed.

The woman would sit, large head tipping back as her howl filled the air. Before long the red woman would be calling a meeting for those who wanted to remain and those who wanted to join... But Destruction wanted to speak to them first. As her call ended she would settle to wait, gathering the courage she had, the will to speak and address them all. A plan had begun forming in her mind... And she would wait to see who was with her before it was placed into action.



05-19-2014, 03:20 AM

He had remained the remainder of the short fall season around the Fern Gully. Since Destruction's recent loss, he had remained nearby with the former Alphess and the young healer to ensure that she was safe and okay...although he wasn't sure what to do if an aggressor had appeared...he couldn't fight. Handicapped by his condition. But it would not deter him from remaining by the injured queens side to care for and guard her. He had not shared exactly what his ailment was, for embarrassment and fear that she'd treat him differently or push him away altogether.

So it was with quick compliance that he would make his way towards Destruction the moment her voice rose into the air. He was never too far away, always nearby in case he was needed. Though mostly he stayed near her to keep her company during her hard times. He approached her, the womans scent comforting to him as he neared. Amber eyes gazed upon her, the melody in her tone sad yet hopeful. Often the way he felt inside, but lately it had been starting to push away from his mind and body. "Destruction, what's on your mind?" He would whisper to her, wondering if she'd tell him or wait for those she was attempting to call. Meanwhile he gently nosed her jaw as he sat next to her on her left, fur touching her own.



05-28-2014, 06:56 PM

Destruction would wait, ears perked as she waited for someone, anyone to show. She hadn?t seen Arian since the day before, when she had got up and walked around a bit despite her injuries. The fae was stubborn... And she supposed it didn?t matter anyway. Her leg was going to be left with a limp, she was sure of it, and the rest of her wounds would take time to heal as well. They were deep... It would take quite a bit of time to heal. Most of the season for sure. She would give a soft sigh, tail curled around her form as she waited for someone, anyone to show.

Her single crimson ringed orb would settle on Aiden as he approached. He was the first to arrive, and she certainly hoped he would not be the last. She knew there were not many Seracians... Or those who might linger around after the claiming. She hoped, however, to see Rohini, Squall, Dragon, and of course Arian... Praying nothing had fallen to those wolves. She wasn?t sure if Aeil would ever show... The woman had been missing for quite some time now. That did, honestly, make he wonder if Dragon might come... But the others? She hoped and prayed that they would be able to.

He would sit on her left, nosing her jaw gently. She would lean against him slightly, to be able to feel him just a bit better. It was bad side... Her sightless side... But knowing he was there with her made the woman feel stronger. She would speak softly, words rumbling as she spoke to him. ?I want to see if any of the old Seracians have lingered behind... If any of them are not certain of this new pack but don?t know where to go or what to do. I may have lost my title... Their home... But I will not abandon them if they still choose to stand with me. I want to see what would be decided... To set out as a group of rogues, join a new pack together, or go our separate ways. I for one do not feel that I am able to stay here... As much as it pains my heart to have the pack taken.? The woman would sigh. ?Now even those of us with loved ones buried here can not come to pay our respects...? Her tone, especially at this, sounded broken. Dillinger... Her son... She had failed him as well... Having to leave his grave behind to these strangers.


05-29-2014, 03:52 AM

He brushed his fur against hers. Having not realized he sat on her blind side, it had not occurred to him. He always saw her as a normal wolf, but he had forgotten to consider how it made her feel. Still, she was beautiful. And he would never see her as broken or damaged, but rather whole and perfect. He had yet to confess to her the uprising feelings. But he thought perhaps he would scare her away if he he would refrain. He would hold on to the feelings she gave him. She leaned into him, and in turn he would comfortingly lick the back of her neck. Listening to her as she would then speak. The male would sit in silence as she talked, his heart going out to her. Her pain seemed to become his as well, and it hurt his heart to see her so sad.

He stood, moving to stand in front of her as he gently nuzzled her muzzle. "I am sure they will come. And if not, perhaps their hearts too, are broken. And do not wish for others to see their own sorrow at losing what once was." He would tell her, a feeble attempt at giving her some sort of hope. Though he felt like perhaps he had said something that would make her feel worse. He wasn't very good at comforting others, having not really spoken to others in such a long time. But he would try regardless. "I am sure if you came to some sort of agreement, perhaps the Alpha of the new pack will allow you and the others to continue to visit the graves of your past loved ones." It was only courtesy right? He would have hated to not be able to visit his loved ones...that would be the day that hell broke loose. Aiden loved his family, and to be kept from those he loved was disrespectful and shameful...perhaps he would go and speak to the new alpha. He would do anything for Destruction, if only to ease her broken heart.

"Talk here."


05-30-2014, 02:04 AM

He had debated for a while whether or not to return to Seracia...he had known the pack had been lost to someone unknown to him, but even though he ha dnot been particularly close to anyone within, he could not simply abandon his loyalty to a place that had taken him in. Squall had just been nearby the area when a howl rang out. Without waiting, he would step his way into the territory towards the call. There he would find two figures, one familiar while the other was a stranger. Approaching in silence, icy gaze fell upon the half blind femme, a silent dip of his head acknowledging her as eyes roved towards the fawn pelted male. It seemed the pair knew each other, and quite well at that. Though Squall had never seen him before...then again, he hadn't done much socializing with anyone. He would seat himself, quiet and reserved as he wondered what was going to happen now that Seracia was no more.

Talk like this



2 Years
05-31-2014, 10:45 PM

She had wondered around with no place to go. At least when she was in Seracia she had borders, a place to call home, even if she had still felt out of place. She had taken to solitude after the battle, mind turning over everything but never a conclusion as to what she should do. She made circles, stalked the borders of what used to be her home till she knew sooner or later this new pack would get tired of her lingering scent and chase her off, she wondered away. She felt so lost, so alone. She had no where to go, no one to be with. She would whine softly in the shadows or the dark of night, tail hiding her face.

But fate was not done with her yet. A howl went up, a voice she knew well enough. She lingered on the spot with indecision till she found her paws had already started moving. At first a slow walk, then a loop to a flat out sprint. Bright green eyes were wide, heart in her chest. Destruction was the only wolf she felt she knew anymore. The only who always seemed to be there. As she entered the scene her eyes went right to the tri-colored male Squall. She speed caused her to bump right into him, somewhat forgetting to stop her paws when she saw him. Where had he been this whole time? Why did he leave her? He had been her mentor and a brother like figure. But when he felt he took that all away. She stared at him for a moment before all her emotion raised to the surface."You left! You left me all alone when I needed you! Why? Why did you go away!" She blurted out in a strained voice of pain and anger. She backed away from him, to Destruction's side and nuzzled her shoulder gently before looking back at Squall accusingly.



06-01-2014, 08:38 AM

Destruction would shiver slightly as she felt the lick upon the back of her neck. It helped soothe her some, and the femme felt her heart lift in her chest just a bit, feeling that, no matter what, she could trust Aiden to be with her. It felt like, just maybe, a new part of her life was beginning. He would move in front of her now, gently nuzzling her muzzle, her single eye meeting his gaze. ?Perhaps so... And if that is the case... I can only wish the best for them.?

Aiden might have felt like he said something that would make her feel worse, though for Destruction it helped ease her heart some. As long as they were all safe, alive... It was all she truly cared about. If they could find happiness again too, it would be all the femme could honestly ask for at this point. She was, even with her own hope so often faltering, praying that maybe she might find some sort of light in her path. She would shift a bit uncertainly however at the mention of speaking with the new alpha.

?I?m not too sure... Perhaps it is paranoia... But I?m not so sure.... Something about this challenge just... Doesn?t sit well at all, Aiden. The look of the other alpha there too... Seemed rather dark. I for one don?t trust them at all.? As she finished speaking someone would arrive. Squall. A name she knew, a wolf she knew in passing, but not personally. The femme would tip her head to him, speaking softly as she addressed her former pack mate.

?Thank you for coming Squall. Hopefully others will as well. I want to speak with you all on what we might do now.? Just enough so that he would know what was going on. That was all for the moment. Was Arian coming? Rohini? Dragon? They were the main three she still hoped, and prayed to see. Perhaps even Aeil too would wander in after having been missing for a little while. Then, as if wishing alone had done it, Rohini appeared.

She spoke sharply to Squall, and Destruction would give a soft sigh, gently pressing her shoulder back against the young fae?s own. "Peace Rohini... I am sure there is good reason... come now, take a breath and relax. It will all be alright." Her voice was soft, trying to keep the peace and comfort the other. Trying to be the leader and mother-figure she wanted to be for them.


06-26-2014, 07:55 PM

He would nose into her fur again, listening to her concerns as he stayed silent. He hadn't been around pack life before, so it was different to be concerned. Although he was incredibly concerned for Destruction, he felt bad for not really having anything to say about it. Her suspicions about the challenger that had taken Seracia seemed to weigh heavily on her shoulders. He hadn't seen who had challenged, and later perhaps he might find out it was none other then his own blood relative. But until then..."I doubt Seracia is the same that it used to be...but may the bitch who stole it from you rot in hell." He was taken aback by what he had just said, for the male was always gentle. Never had he said such things, but it was maybe the underlying anger at Destruction's situation at hand.

He calmed himself, however, when two figures would show. Eyes widened at the females outburst, and he wondered what the tri-colored male had done. He pressed against Destruction as he reached into his leather pouch, from it he produced a small bundle of lavender. He would move towards Rohini, offering to her the plants that would calm her. "Take these and calm down, there are reasons for everything. I'm sure he'll explain to you." He wanted to offer her friendship and understanding, surely the other warrior had his reasons for doing thins? He didn't seem entirely social, so maybe there was his personal reasons for doing whatever he had done.

"Talk here."