
Only Time

Twig I


05-16-2014, 09:26 PM

She would lay with him, feeling the amount of energy drained from her. It was so difficult watching him go through the disease, so ravenously would it eat at him day after day. Pressing herself closer to his form, she would feel the weakness of his sleeping body. She would not shed any more tears for him, instead would vow to keep a smile on her tired features. He was so strong and so accepting of his fate, she had to be too. However hard it had been to accept. Nuzzling him gently she wouldn't try and wake him from slumber, but his breathing would sound irregular and it made her nervous.
She knew not how much more time she would have with him. The chill of winter had finally taken hold, the lightest of snows falling outside the den. All was quiet and peaceful as she let herself enjoy the last bits of time she would have with the kind hearted healer who she had come to love.
slightly pp'd him Ais, lemme know if I should change it.




05-20-2014, 10:28 AM

He was almost completely gone, both mentally, and physically. Even now he clung to his life with all the gathered strength he had left, his daily naps growing longer than usual as he struggled to bring himself back time and time again. If it wasn't for Twig he would have melted into the darkness weeks ago, but opening his eyes to see her beautiful face beside him was worth the eternal misery. He knew very well once he closed his eyes for good he would never see Twig again, as he needed to move on to the next life, and she needed to finish hers here. He did not know where he would go when death gripped his soul, but he did know he loved Twig, and wanted to be beside her until his last moments. She and Chrysanthe were the only ones in his dreams when he slept, the trio usually bouncing around happily and playing as if they were the best of friends.

They would be bounding through a flower filled meadow when Twig would press herself against him, causing an odd spike in his breathing as he worked to regain consciousness. Groggily his eyelids would open, his sunset hued eyes resting upon Twigs delicate features. A weak smile would play at his lips as he gazed upon her for a moment, admiring the beautiful woman he liked to call his as his side. Winters brisk chill would invade the den with a sudden whisk of wind, and Themisto would shiver and attempt to curl closer to Twig, wanting her body warmth to aide in keeping himself stable. Pressing his face into the plush fur on her neck he would speak quietly, his voice hoarse and his words broken. "Tw-Twig... Don't le-leave me..."

~Themisto Mathias~