
Looking A Little Lost



10-27-2021, 04:58 PM

Together the small ladies made their way out of the hot, sandy land with the bloody trees and into an entirely different space. Ada filled the silence with little ramblings here and there, her happy, joyous nature showing through. Her fluffy bobbed tail never stopped wiggling. Laeta was easy company, despite her somewhat quiet, skittish nature. Ada also liked everyone.

The land before them grew surprisingly different from the land that they'd left. Tall, tall, tall standing bamboo reached up to the sky in a long wall. The fae's pumpkin colored eyes lit up as she tried to see the top or the end of the wall. "An interesting thing, eh?" Ada began moving down the length of the green wall and eventually found an opening. Looking back to Laeta, the slender fae gave her head a sweet tilt. "Should we look inside?"




Intermediate Navigator (40)

Expert Intellectual (135)

7 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
10-27-2021, 09:27 PM

Lae briskly followed this cheerful woman past the hot, arid lands they found themselves previously. After all, Lae had to figure out the lands of Auster sooner or later, and despite having no interest in venturing back to Boreas, her heart still sang for adventure of some kind. So, she had agreed to come along, curiosity prompting her to keep moving near her new friend. Although still somewhat cautious of this lady, Laeta felt nothing but genuine kindness from her, and besides, she was petite as well. There was no threat.

The two wolves found themselves in a maze of..what was this? They halted by the tall green stalks, drinking in the sight. The monochromatic woman's ruby gaze panned in awe at the lands ahead. They were nothing like trees -- tall, bracketed stalks of lime green shot up from the earth in staggered rows, broad leaves hanging from the brackets at random. There were so many of them, Lae had to squint to find a path somewhere beyond the already massive span of green. Eventually, Ada had found an opening, and lo and behold -- there was a path for the two of them. Snapping out of her awe-stricken trance, Lae nodded in agreement, excitement brewing within her bones. It was more than nteresting -- it was like nothing she had laid eyes upon! Even the castle her pack called home seemed more familiar than these stalks. "Should we look inside?" Ada inquired.

The anxieties of her everyday life faded as a flicker of courage rose within her chest. Padding closer to the mouth of the path beside the other woman, Lae replied, "Yes, we should." She allowed Ada to go first, shifting slightly to the side to allow her the lead. Lae was a natural follower, and could back up the rear and keep watch there.


comin' up for air in the deepest of the deep ends
i thought i learned it all, but boom, the plot thickens
laeta has a european badger companion named melis. he can speak and is assumed to be with her at all times.