
Memories and passings



2 Years
05-16-2014, 06:28 PM

With head held high the newly appointed wolf of Covari would find himself returning to the lands that Valhalla had claimed. Whereas normally he would freely stroll across their territory and find his way to his sisters den he no longer held that luxury. He had seen little of the woman who had once claimed all of his allegiances, she had paid little heed to the outside world and all of his care and hunting had slid off her unnoticed or uncared. Despite his need to protect here there had been nothing here he could do, he could not trespass upon her time with her Themo and nor could she leave his side. As much as he had tried to comfort her he could not, and in the world beyond his adventures had accelerated far beyond what he could have imagined.

Perhaps his sister would be proud of him, perhaps this could cut through her sadness as nothing else had, and perhaps the proposition would be a welcomed one, to take her away from this scene of all her sadness. From her rape, the stillborn child and now the death of one she loved. Perhaps once he had passed she could see that moving on would be best done in a place where she could start anew.
Putting himself at the outskirts of the territory, without actually crossing into the world beyond he would raise his head to the clear blue skies and he would call to her. He would imprint the importance of her presence into that howl, and beg of her to show herself to him, for he would not overstep his boundaries and take his leave into Valhalla now that his allegiances where held elsewhere.


Twig I


05-16-2014, 07:09 PM

Death seemed to surround the cross marked fea, though being here with Themisto would be worse than losing her mother and her child. Both had been taken away quickly, with hardly a moments notice their lives had been lost. It was so different living with the sunny eyed healer. She could hardly call it living, her own form would waste away with Themisto's. She felt her soul withering away as day by day she would live the awful decline of her first love. She did not know which breath would be his last, every break in the rhythm of his sleep would cause her a miniature heart attack. She would dread the end, but still she would crave it. Seeing her care free savior so weak and... Dying. She felt like the few shards of her heart that had regrown had been pummeled to dust. She was tired, her tears were gone, and her being a husk of what she had been. Themisto would try and cheer her, and she kept a smile on just for him. ?But inside she felt the toll the end of his life was taking on her. She was so tired of the endless hurt.
He was sleeping, as was becoming the most usual for Themisto. He was so very weak, he had to sleep to even take in the tiny amounts of food he could stomach. She would hear the desperate call of her brother, and an inward battle would ensue. She would never forgive herself if the tailless healer she cared for died alone. She would kiss his forehead, praying inwardly that he would regain his strength with his fitful slumber. The hole in her chest would throb with sadness as she let herself slip from his den. Crucifix would not have disturbed her were it not deathly important. How she missed her Family, but most especially Alpine. It was hard to think of a future with out Themisto, but every time she tried her best friend was there in his stead.
Her body was thin, fur dull but not matted. She and Themisto could do little together, but grooming was a low energy activity. Her head held low, an obvious sign of the hurt she felt. The sorrow pouring off her body as she made her way quickly to her brother's side. She wouldn't leave Themisto for long. Seeing his familiar form Twig would pick up her pace even more. By the time she reached him she was out of breath, partially from her high speeds but mostly from her sad form. She would move to embrace him, her body but a bag of bones and her heart almost completely crushes. "Crucifix. He's so close. I've missed you, but please don't toil." she hoped he knew how much he meant to her, but also that she had to finish out her self appointed task. She would see Themisto off to the other side with all the love as she had for him. "Why did you not come to the den?" her voice was soft and wispy as her confusion became apparent. What had he been up to while she was with Themisto?




2 Years
05-16-2014, 07:21 PM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014, 07:22 PM by Crucifix.)

His sister would roam into his view, and all he could see was the hunger in her coat, the dropping of her form and the wasted expression that held her eyes. It was so very, very hard to hold up the prideful tilt of his head when all he could see was his sister hanging so low. That old rage would boil beneath his eyes, the one that demanded blood and death in response to the pain his sister was suffering. Yet.. this was not something he could fight, this was not an enemy he could kill. He was truly helpless here, in the face of yet another void in his sisters heart.

When she moved to embrace him he would lower himself to fold around her, take in as much of his dear sister that he could. Despite their age difference it was hard to view himself as the younger brother, not when he must protect her from a deranged world that clearly wanted all of her soul. As he pulled her into him his breath would touch her ear and a shiver of pain would coil down his spine. ?I understand? he agreed softly, no, he knew he could not keep her attention for long ? clearly her love still lived. With that being so perhaps his words now would be met with anger, and only later and after his death could she perhaps understand. He could barely guess her reaction now, with so much outside influence pulling and shaping them both.

She would ask now the question that could begin his story and he pulled her tighter for a moment before releasing her fully and pulling his head back to look into her eyes. He had to know every reaction she felt to his story, had to know and understand what she thought of both this and of him. ?I have a great deal to tell, but a lot of that can wait for another time? he started off, speaking clearly but with a touch of haste. No, the story of Othello could wait until he could fully hold her attention, and nor was that why he was here. ?I have given my allegiance to another, to a pack and leader that I respect. I even hold some position there Twig.? he would start, steeling himself for the next chunk of his speech. ?I believe it would make a good home, and it would be a place I could protect any who need it.. like you, Twig, if you decided to join me. I know its impossible now but perhaps some day soon you could come to me and see what I've accomplished?? his breath was soft as he leaned in close, his eyes a breath from hers, with all his passion and love for her swirling beneath his orbs.


Twig I


05-16-2014, 07:48 PM

She would physically feel the presence of her brother as the sibling pair would embrace. Surrounding her, almost completely she would feed off of his warmth and confidence. He had been out conquering the world, fighting off bad guys, and looking out for her. She was so lost now, with her every movement fixated on Themisto she would start to loose the fragments of her soul. She felt like she was dying with him, the hardest part was knowing that she wouldn't just stop with him. She had to live without him. It had taken her so long to find the words to describe him, and now that she was loosing him..
Crucifix knew he must hurry, she could not be held for long. He would pull her in closer, shielding her as best he could from the evils the world seemed to swallow her with. Releasing her only slightly their matching violet gazes would meet, her attention mostly focused on him as he began. She would not try to remove the whole of her thoughts from Themisto, but Cru deserved her attention. Then he would make her fully aware of what he'd been occupying himself with. He'd found a pack, and he had earned himself a position of power. Brows would raise astonishedly, she had least expected him to say this. However his next words would surprise her even more. She would draw in a breath as she found herself avoiding his deep gaze. He wanted her to leave Valhalla, their family.. She would have to leave Fern and Themisto. And what of Alpine? Her lilac orbs would return to Crucifix's striking eyes. "I.. Don't know, Cru." such a moments notice to decide such a question? It could easily effect the rest of her life. "What about.. Everyone?" she would ask of their family, they were just beginning to come back together she couldn't leave them again so quickly. "we've only just started coming back together."




2 Years
05-16-2014, 08:04 PM

He could not just see but almost feel the hesitance that emminated from her. He knew that what he was asking was no small thing. He didn't pull her back into an embrace, but nor did he fully let her go. From here he could keep eyes upon her, watch over her by seeing her very own reactions. ?You have... time yet? he promised her, keeping his voice almost agonisingly gentle, in case she realised what or rather 'who' he meant by 'time' he did not know how long her boy had left but he could not imagine that if he had lived this long he would suddenly leave them now.

It was from here that she would raise a very good point, and not one he could address with even his dear sister. It was true that they where finally getting together once more, and old faces he had thought lost where returned to them. Yet, he did not feel the excitement to this that he had first felt, perhaps his current frustration aided him in that. ?I will always love my family Twig, but I have already gotten this far without them, I will not pause my future well I wait for something to happen. They can be content knowing I am still around and can come if they have need of me? he would hold back his sigh, still not knowing where he stood with his family, nor where they stood in his life. ?I do not expect you to decide immediately, only to know that you will always have a home with me? he promised her gently, nudging his head against her cheek in a motion of love, and respect to his dear sister. It was so painful to know that only she could get herself through this.


Twig I


05-16-2014, 08:59 PM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014, 09:00 PM by Twig I.)

She didn't know how to respond to him, what he asked was so earth shattering the best she could give him was a few stutters. However he would continue, making sure she knew that she didn't have to decide now. She would wait until the world stopped moving, when her sunny eyed healer left it. She would sigh, her mourning was through, she had cried for so long after finding out he was losing his life. He would not keep himself on such subjects, quickly following with his explanation of their family. She didn't know what to do, she felt an urge to follow him but at the same time she felt the pull of the rest of their siblings. Still, he would not expect an answer of her then. Only that she knew she would always be welcome in his arms. She could feel her tears returning, these were not for Themisto, but for her brother. Those two tears would express the undying love she had for Crucifix as well as the turmoil she felt of being so split apart from him. Heaving a great sigh she would lean into him, glad to let another take her weight for just a moment. "I'm proud that you've chosen your own path. I just hope it doesn't cause a rift to form." he had said when they needed of him he would be there. But would he truly be able to keep to his word if he was under order of another? She would shuffle her concerns away, content to only worry about the present. "I love you Crucifix." her words were whispered in his ear as she drew ever closer to him. His soft plush pelt a pillow of down to her. "Forever." clenching her teeth as painful waves washed over her body the she wolf would cling to her brother. Uncertain of anything past her present moment.?



2 Years
05-16-2014, 09:54 PM

He had not expected his words to leave her in tears, but sure enough to quivering drops of evidence would fall from her violet orbs. He would lean his forehead against hers, pushing the soft furs of his head to her and breathing in her scent. She felt so small and frail beneath his touch and all the urges that fallen away with their distance came back to him, all his strong protectiveness all his need to watch over and her and find a way to make her okay. God he felt so unbearably helpless. He would close his eyes and simply feel her presence, her warmth and all the aspects that made up her soul.

She would lean into him and he would welcome her acceptance of his support, would feel into the far reaches of his soul how grateful he was that she was his sister, a part of him. Her words however would cause a stir of annoyance inside of him, not at her, no, never at her. ?Ff anything ever threatens my family of course I would be there and my queen would understand? he whispered to her softly, after all he had still vowed to protect her, his twig.

Her next words would cause his paws to quiver a smudge beneath him. It felt almost like a goodbye, those three words and he found himself reaching for her more, putting his head over her neck and drawing her to him. He would be a part of her life for as long as they both lived, their would never be a goodbye between them. Her next words seemed to confirm that, believing in the forever that he too held. ?And I you, little Twig. I wish..? he trailed off.. he wished he could protect her from the world, but always something got in the way, something he could not fight would plague her.

Twig I


05-17-2014, 09:50 AM

He would hold her so close, his arms a protective barrier around her. The world would fight and wrestle to break the two of them apart, but as long as they lived she knew he would forever be there to protect her. Crucifix would also put to rest her worries, no one held precedence over his family. Especially not her. No matter where they were she knew he was but a call away. Whenever she needed him. He would surround her more completely, pulling his head over her shoulder as she grew limp in his embrace. How much it hurt to simply live, his warm presence would help to show her life would go on. She would easily spend the rest of her days in pain, she'd accepted that, but it was those wolves closest to her that would calm her. It didn't hurt quite as much within Cru's embrace. His words would make their way softly to her slate backed ears, returning her statement and trailing of while thinking of a wish. "Wishes don't work Cru." she would whimper while nuzzling his chest. "But I'll make it through, somehow." she would sigh, knowing she had to soon be back with Themisto.?




2 Years
05-17-2014, 10:41 PM (This post was last modified: 05-17-2014, 10:48 PM by Crucifix.)

All there was in this moment, all their could ever be was Twig. With her scent all about him and her touch fulling in a way he was never complete without her. More then that was her presence, it enveloped him utterly and completely until his legs would tremble subtly beneath him and he wished that they could remain this way forever, glued to her side where he could best guard and protect her body and her heart. She would speak of his unfinished words, for her above any else knew in the harshness of the world that wishes did not come true. He buries his muzzle into the back of his neck, holding her to him with a sigh. ?Perhaps wishes don't work, but we do... and that will have to be enough for now? his soft words would utter.

She would speak again, but he would only tighten his unrelenting grip upon her, holding her as through he could push back her breaking heart, make whole what had been broken. ?I know beyond a doubt that you will Twig. I dare say you are the strongest of us? after all that she had been through, far worse then any else in the family for the family matters they had suffered together. This was different, this was all her world that was breaking in a way her family could not share in the pain. She had been through the most and she survived, and would continue to do so. Yes, she was the strongest of them all. ?Eat, little sister. I'll leave a prey here and find a Valhalla to bring it to your den, and you will eat it. Never forget I am no more then a call away? he would add, knowing that he was already stretching his limit of his time with her. Then he would release, his body would tremble with the effort of allowing her to go, but he would move back, and look into her eyes now.


Twig I


05-18-2014, 02:45 PM

He would hold her so close it was as though her brother could remove all of her heartache just by holding her. She knew this wasn't so however. Themisto was still losing his life, Fern was still not by her side, and their mother had still been murdered. His plush coat and strong embrace just felt so good, how could the world still be so cruel. Crucifix would burry his nose into the base of her neck as she pushed herself into his embrace. He would utter comforting words to her, and she would cling to them like her life depended on it. He would squeeze her tighter, their time together was quickly coming to an end. "I don't want to be the strongest, Cru. I just want to be happy." her words were almost an inaudible whisper. Violet eyes would close as she would feel the familiar pain of loss that held her so tightly. She would whimper slightly in acknowledgement of his orders. She would squeeze him one last time as he pulled away, knowing as well as she their moment of bliss would not last. "For you, brother." a weak smile would cross her features as she looked into his mirrored gaze. Turning she would lead herself back to Themisto's den. Her head would swivel back to him a dark sadness within her gaze, "I'll see you soon." and then she was gone.?

I can talk!