

Virgil I


4 Years
05-18-2014, 03:12 PM

Scars mar her glorious pelt, but although the scars are nothing new, their presence is not. Virgil has been fighting since she was six month old; her fur is scarred, her body a constellation of old battle wounds. The newest ones sit bright and pink, plump and evident and thick. It is all worn with pride; she fought a bear and chased it off, as a good mother and alpha ought. There is no shame in the marks she wears now; they are medals of victory.
Today she chooses to explore. She is not certain what brings her back to her old stomping grounds?their old stomping grounds, but she is there nonetheless. She seeks out a corner where his scent might still be, pausing when she finds herself ridiculous. Syrinx had been nothing short of a girlish crush, an unrequited love who nothing had ever come of. Even though she is married now, with children, she still finds something about him alluring.

It means nothing, truly; she would never commit adultery against her dearest Raisa. She could not even fathom such a thing; her bones reject the very idea. Instead she sits, until she feels some random yearning overcome her. ?Syrinx?? she calls out, although she does not expect a response.

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]



Extra small
06-14-2014, 01:51 PM

he hadn?t moved a muscle since she had taken a turn to the forest. her smell was uncell what she was and who she was and immediately he grew curiouser and his memories came back. Had he failed her? No, not essentially. He had given her the kingdom he was void of interest in and she was still running it. In essence he had a legacy, and yet; he knew she stood alone. not in terms of a man or a wife, but in terms of domain. Even if she held a hierarchical ally none would ally alongside with her. Her power was undisputable and hers. She wouldn?t trade it to anyone. He missed her though.

Eventually she came into his view. She was more so remarkable than last he had seen her. She had seen more in the time they were apart. There were fresh scars binding themselves to her flesh and a curt smirk of approval rose on his face. She wasn?t one to lie down and take a beating--she had earned that mark. Much as he had earned his own. his body would tense and freeze as he heard the wind carry around his name. his ears reacted alone twisting and turning and for a long moment he dared to debate going to her...but she was waiting? What would she think of him or say to him? At least now he could make a grasp at the truth and quench his curious mind.

the russet sovereign rose from where he were seated and approached her. Quivering muscle was firmly pressed against every bit of his body. He had gained weight. His eyes were duller. He had grown bored. Above all, his flesh was now rigored with burns and scars and lacerations that had not always existed against him. It was new and it was grotesque. Yet, with the sire the disgust could not have been more appropriate. Handsome did not suit him well. His attraction was his repulsion and in his repulsion he found his vigour. A cracked smile rose to the surface as he greeted her with silence and distance. What had she come here for? She was missing something. tell me everything.

Table by Lu
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]

Virgil I


4 Years
06-17-2014, 03:01 PM

He comes to stand before her, a mess of scars and terror. Virgil does not flinch; she slays monsters, after all. Fiery gaze locks upon him in familiarity. Once she would have liked to walk by his side, to burn the world and conquer together. She?s changed since he left. Domesticity has settled in, contentment as well. She?s found love and a corner of the earth to call her own, and yet there is a hole. What could we have been if you had stayed she wonders. Perhaps her children would not be bastards then, perhaps they would be his. Oh, she doesn?t regret her children, but she wonders how things might be different.
?You left,? she notes. She is not the same girl he had left behind. She is older, more mature, less infatuated. She is truly her own god now, and she is ready to burn those who oppose her. ?I didn?t think you?d be coming back,? she notes. She figured he had moved on, found greener pastures, and now she sees that she is mistaken. He has returned, and she can only wonder what this means for these lands.

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]



Extra small
06-18-2014, 02:19 PM

He himself didin't know when he would return to Alacritis. He didn't know when it would feel right to him again, but alas, it had gotten to te point simply couldn't have lasted with the distance. He couldn't bare being so alone...even though seclusion had always been his best friend. A sigh drifted past his lips. She was able to make him feel some kind of regret. A feeling he rarely let touch the edges of his mind. Yet, she grasped him by his very alive concious and for a moment he hated her for it. His eyes fell to the side; avoiding her--and he didn't know what to say. Her words were calm, cool, but they were pardoned. She had moved on and found her distance and her place. He hadn't helped her or stayed nearest her. It was his fault. He could have tried harder....what were they to have been had he been smarter?

"I return for important things," the compliment was slightly jaded by his tone, but it was of the truest caliber. Virgil was important to him. She was his first Queen. While they had never been intimate and he knew not of any feelings she had possessed for him...she was the first he had trusted. He had felt no attatchment to her in an intimate way...he was still too boyish then to picture anything beyond a wanton lust, but looking back now perhaps he could see something else. Perhaps he could have seen a different future had he remained and been as strong as he claimed to be, "You're still a ruler. A peasant doesn't stand that way. Also, peasant doesn't seem a badge you'd wear long if at all," they were a like despite their standings now.

Table by Lu
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]

Virgil I


4 Years
06-18-2014, 02:51 PM

Perhaps, if things had not gone as they had, she might have rushed to him. Perhaps she might have come at him with confessions of desire and how much she has missed him. And yet, things are different. She is married, but that does not stop her from wondering what if. What if he had stayed, what if the children she had born had been his. What if Amenti had grown to be their empire? ?You flatter me,? she says this neutrally. She is not important to him, and she doesn?t care that much about it anymore. If he truly had found her important, he would have stayed.
He tells her that she is still a ruler, and she nods her head. No, she is no peasant. She is a god, born of the bloodline of the divine. ?Ruler, matriarch, mother. I was born a god, no matter what I do I am never a peasant,? she tells him swiftly. In time she will demonstrate that she is god, that she cannot be defeated nor crushed. Alas, for now she finds herself pulled towards him. She moves a step or two closer, but no more. She is not a wanton little girl; she is ruler, Empress, matriarch. ?I loved you, I think. A year ago I would have yearned to tell you that,? she notes this distantly. It isn?t some great confessions of desire; it?s more a matter-of-fact statement.

Table by Lu - Image by Poison - Code for Ala Only
[Image: 2u8dyte.jpg]



Extra small
06-21-2014, 01:53 PM

She was never one to bow to the wishes of others and for someone to think she could fall easily because they wished it...they were wrong and deserved to be shown te most horrific of things that she could do. A sigh befell him; she was admittedly vapid, her personality was bold. Though, he was no less and perhaps that was the initial wish to see her as a ruler. The power was incredible and she was much like himself. Virgil could have been perfect. Aye, she could have been. Aye, she was. "Interesting; you aren't easily flattered," the tones were more teasing as hers were neutral, and he didn't expect it, but she was the first since his blood that he could be calm around. She was the first that he was able to simply breathe around. Virgil was an empress--but to him she was considered a friend. Against her better wishes, or even his.

He listened to her titles for herself and her statement and her words elicited a chuckle from the beast, "I'm sure you don't expect me to argue with that. Truer words haven't been spoken," A silence grew there between them, but neither of them needed words to get a point across. Still there was something odd that he felt was coming as she paced towards him. The words that fell caused his head to turn and his eyes to stare at her almost inquisitively. She had loved him? Notably though, those feelings were gone. He knew this simply because she didn't say it with emotion. She said it as though it was something that happened in her past that could have changed her future. In a way he was amused by this for the simple fact that...she had chosen a woman to be her lover. The scent secondary was not a man's. That was obvious, regardless, a woman could never give to her what Syrinx naturally could. Though, his thoughts were not even of love or even of a desire to have her. They were thoughts that only made him feel his supremacy, "I haven't loved anyone since Eos left and left me cold. I can't say I reciprocated it then. I can't tell you anything would have come of it--maybe, though, I'm wrong," Maybe e could have loved her?

Table by Lu
[Image: 2ikflu9.jpg]

Virgil I


4 Years
06-25-2014, 01:05 AM
He notes that she?s not easily flattered, and she shrugs. She?s not some harlot to make some flirtatious comment back, she?s a married woman. He then notes that truer words have not been spoke, that Virgil Olympus is not a peasant. ?Well if you argued with my ego I?d just have to prove you wrong,? she notes softly, teasingly, perhaps daring him. There is a bit of an amused edge to her voice; will the mighty Syrinx seek to prove her wrong?
She listens as he tells her he?s never loved anyone since Eos left, and she shrugs. It matters little, what was felt long ago and what could have been. ?I was nothing but a girl when you left. You gave me a pack, a purpose, and I have grown. I have a lover, children of my own, and my family is closer than it was. So, I guess I can say, thank you for giving me the chance,? she notes. Maybe that?s all she?s really wanted to do; thank him for leaving, for giving her the pack, even though she undoubtedly would have taken one for herself in due time. It is then that she laughs, an amused sound departing from her chest. ?We sound like old, crusty, nostalgic hags,? she states in good humor.
Still, she does not doubt something about his return.
?When can I expect to see you up to trouble? I don?t anticipate a man like you to be the sort to remain quite long,? she tells him. Her tail flickers idly behind her, watching him evenly. She doubts he will come for her own throne, but who knows.