
Let's be free


05-15-2014, 10:03 PM

Once again her paws had carried her out of the lands of her pack. She was restless, and movement helped. Todays scenery had her draped in in willowy leaves, branches tangled around her. Night had long fallen, bathing her in shadows and bits of moonlight. She had yet to find a place to rest for the night, though she wasn't yet tired. A gentle breeze ruffled her dark pelt, swirling at her paws. She would need to return home soon, though the only thing that kept her returning to the pack was the possibility of Ares return.

A sigh slipped from her lips, the grasp of depression reaching for her. She shook herself hard, brushing away the feeling. She needed to start new, get a fresh start on life and a new outlook. She was determined. Nothing was going to drag her down any longer. Tattered ears swiveled on her crown, listening to the gentle sounds of night. The woman found herself enjoying this place. It was quiet, peaceful. She could make this place her home. A small smile tugged at her features, eyes brightening just a little. She would need to speak with Raisa if she decided to leave the pack. Perhaps after she could return to the island and see Taurig again. She missed her mentor. Happy thoughts swarmed her mind as she came to a halt in a small clearing. Eyes tipped upward, looking up through the trees to the night sky. Haunches reclined toward the earth, plume curling around herself.

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7 Years
05-19-2014, 02:38 PM (This post was last modified: 05-19-2014, 02:39 PM by Quintus.)

Quintus was not only feeling restless, but also deeply unwell. He knew he ought to remain at home, and perhaps seek out the guidance of a healer, but he truly believed it might be a mere cold that would quickly pass. His fruitless wandering was becoming a common occurrence, leaving the lands of Valhalla and walking as far as his paws could carry him, as though his aimless thoughts were a vehicle that carried him to and fro. His paws ached as he walked onward through the night. The darkness cloaked him, and while he pretended it helped ease that pain that was seeping into his body, he could not truly convince himself he was well.

The cold air seemed to seep into his bones and chill him from the inside out. A shiver crawled down his spine, and he felt himself shake slightly. The faint scent of blood lingered in the air, seeming to follow him, but its source he could not find. His stomach turned, but he continued onward as his attention was grasped by the stench of an unfamiliar female. A welcome distraction, perhaps, so long as she was not nearly as unpleasant as the girl he'd met on that island.. Callisto, that had been her name...

Ears swiveled as he navigated through the willow trees, narrowly avoiding their branches that seemed to reach for the earth threateningly. A bark left his throat, a hoarse sound, but not an entirely unfriendly one. "Who's there?" the boy called out, feeling his stomach clench painfully again.


05-20-2014, 12:33 PM

Audits swiveled as a hoarse bark caught her attention, followed by a demand. A brow lifted as she looked around curiously. Who could possibly be out this late? She could not see the stranger, but she could smell him. Close enough that if she spoke, she would be heard. "Says the one who is hiding." Two toned eyes scanned the trees, waiting for the stranger to show themselves. The cold winter air tugged at her dark pelt, anticipation causing her muscles to tense. Even though she was sitting, she took a on a few defenses measures just in case. Toes spread, claws digging into the ground, her weight shifted to be balanced, chin tipped down to cover her throat.

One could never be to careful at this hour. Whoever it was, brought a welcomed distraction from her thoughts, bringing her out of her own little world. Nostrils quivered, tasting the air. The stranger belonged to a pack, but there was something off, it was barely noticeable. Was this wolf unwell? It was none of her business. Tail would flick across her toes, eyes continue to scan the trees, looking for the faintest movement of a shadow to signal this strangers location.

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