
Death Before My Eyes


05-15-2014, 09:30 PM

The beast had found herself in a new kind of paradise today. She had ventured out before the sun had risen this morning, and now she came upon what seemed to be a lake of some black liquid. Her massive figure came to a graceless stop near the edge of the pit, her nose wrinkling in disgust at the stink. This material was not something she had experienced before, but already she knew it would not be wise to toy with it. Her eyes caught several clusters of corpses and bones, victims to the strange ebony liquid. They, of course, were the sources of the awful smell. But the malicious female quickly started to enjoy the aroma of death, and soon that terrible smile resurfaced. As always, it was crooked and broken, ready to strike fear into any weak heart. Her one good eye gleamed with hunger. What she wouldn't give to see a live creature struggling here.

Perhaps she would get the chance. So the hideous woman settled onto her haunches with a grunt, the smile still in place. She stared at the thick lake, marveling at the way it bubbled and stirred. Her ragged black tail brushed along the dry earth as she watched it, waiting for another victim to come along. Oh, how she would love to see the struggle. Her stomach tightened with anticipation as the day stretched on.



05-16-2014, 02:27 AM

He preferred not to dwell among corpses, no, he was a killer- a sociopath, but he had class. Sure he occasionally, ate the remains of his victims- enjoying the coppery taste of their blood. It was taboo, really who could blame him? However, his pristine mind always made exceptions, and he had been drawn to the tar pits by the scent of decomposition, and tar. He prowled among the various pits, the scents nearly over-whelming but something laid beneath them- the scent of another wolf, a female. Ivory audits leaned to an attentive stance, as he glanced around him. His expression was normally painted with a snarl, a mask of aggression- today the mask carried an air of indifference, though the beast lurked beneath. The beast was truly never far away from his mind.

In the wreaking environment, it didn't take him long to find the fruit of the gloom. An ebon babe, a creature shrouded in darkness, as if the night sky had came and kissed its depths into her pelt. Of course he approached her, he'd be out of his character to ignore such a delicacy, such a prize dangled right in front of his jaws. The ivory kissed devil, prowled towards her, words leaving his jaws as he move. The tone was deadly, and smooth- a caress and a mortal wound all at the same time. "A beauty such as yourself, could run into all sorts of monsters wishing to take advantage of the splendor her hips surely hold in a place such as this." As he spoke, his eyes moved suggestively over the contours of her body, lingering on the chalice that ebon kissed hips protected. It nearly made him burst with desire, his body reacting to the instincts that flooded his mind. How would the skin of night taste in his jaws, he wondered. His approach halted, as he attempted to move as close as possible to her, his ivory fur that lined his body nearly close enough, if didn't move away from his brash approach, to brush against her own night colored coat. He would have her...


05-16-2014, 03:24 PM (This post was last modified: 05-16-2014, 03:25 PM by Sonrisa.)

The woman would stay - seated dangerously close to the pits - for several minutes before another living being would approach. She would stand immediately, that same excitement singing in her veins. Her dark mind was brewing up all sorts of terrible images, of helpless little animals trapped and struggling in this lake. Her lips twitched once more into a smile which soon disappeared as she saw that it was only another wolf. Sonrisa would sink back to the ground with a dissatisfied grumble, looking away at the black substance again before the male would speak. His words surprised her, but in a sickeningly pleasant sort of way. The twisted way this man spoke sent adrenaline into her heart, quickly heating the place between her legs. Her season was fading away now, the intoxicating vanilla scent now dull and uninteresting, but she could still make time for this ivory king.

"Did you call me a beauty, my fine gentleman?" her tone was laced in mockery, her distorted face twisted into a smirk. "It seems you lie through your rotten teeth just to get what you want. And if what you desire may be the pleasure of my company, you'll have to entice me much more than that." That being the obvious show he had just put on, what with his sliding up beside her and brushing his fur against hers.

But still, Sonrisa played along, enjoying the attention. She caught his gaze lingering on the place between her thighs and decided to let out a seductive grumble for his entertainment. Her tricks were always the same. She curled her ebony tail around his hind leg, tilting her chin down in a mischievous way. Her appendage began to snake slowly upward, teasing him. But she wouldn't go too far. She wasn't sure if she wanted him yet. "My name is Sonrisa. What might I call you?"



05-23-2014, 04:53 AM
ooc: cree just got really weird, sorry.

Words tumbled from her ebon jaws, mockery lacing them and his brow raised about his cerulean eye slowly. She had spirit, at least he would not be bored. "Don't doubt yourself, not everyone can appreciate raw beauty." He murmured, his eyes darkening as he looked her over. Sure, he'd known prettier, hell he'd screwed prettier- but he could still appreciate a divine creature- especially when that creature held something that he wanted, like the chalice she was. "I suppose I could just take what I want." He cooed, his teeth glinting in a sinister smirk, as he leaned closer to her. His head raised defiantly, to stare into her eyes. She went on to touch him- only with her tail, and his eyes didn't waver from hers. Could she feel the intensity of his challenge? Did she think she was strong enough to fight him, should he try and claim what he so desired. She introduced herself as Sonrisa, and he blinked as she inquired his name. "Creedance." The title rolled from his jaws without hesitation, his stare never wavering. Would she back down? Could she see the darkness within him? His mind was nearly consumed with ideas of what he could and would do to her, the way he would force her to belly and take her- make her scream his name, taste her blood. He would have her.


05-27-2014, 03:08 PM (This post was last modified: 05-27-2014, 03:12 PM by Sonrisa.)
OOC: So did Sonrisa and don't apologize, this is what I asked for when I threaded with him, remember? ;)

The beast would grumble with appreciation as the male spoke once more. He spoke of raw beauty, not the type adorned with lace and chiffon, but raw and naked beauty like the scar that cracked her face. Like the dark cape of night that covered her coat. Like the breathtaking horror in her crooked grin. That same grin put a strange light in her eye as she stared back at him, their bodies so close and warm. "Such lovely words for such a wicked brute," she murmured, still unwilling to believe what he had said. The woman had always craved beauty, to be complimented and adored even in her hideous state. And now, as this male looked at her with desire, a shiver of pleasure rolled down her spine. Perhaps it was true. Maybe she really was beautiful, a gorgeous woman under the broken ripples her reflection had become. Her smile seemed to drip with venom as she absorbed his words. "I suppose you could. But do you really want this? Do you want me?" Her voice was draped in mockery once more as she stepped away, removing the intensity that had gathered between them. She took a few steps before stopping again and looking over her shoulder. His head had raised defiantly, representing the sincerity of his words. He would take her by force.

How delicious.

Sonrisa would step closer again, yet not completely returning to his side. Her ebony tail would lick teasingly at his ankles, a reminder of her previous gesture. "There will be no need for you to fight me. I want you as badly as you want me." Just the thought of his teeth digging into her scruff gave her chills, imagining the ecstasy she would feel when he owned her completely. The weight of this male pressed against her back. She held in a low moan. "I'm all yours, Creedance..." she purred, leaning against his side. She craved his touch. She craved his moans. She craved all of it. Everything. Right now.
