
lady diamond in the sky


05-15-2014, 05:49 PM

The day was winding to a close, and Altavro had sought a place for Albatross and himself to sleep. This was probably as close as he was going to get to a safe place. It wasn't the most opportune, considering the giant drop off that was all too easy to miss with the sun sinking below the horizon, but it was unlikely that they would be running into any strange wolves out here, or any animals that would be anything other than prey.

Tail wagging slightly, Altavro turned to face his companion - "Are you feeling tired, Albatross?" The question fell from his maw with ease, and Altavro waited patiently for the wolfess to reply. He had come to enjoy her company so that it seemed almost as if they'd been companions forever. Well, maybe not forever. But she was an integral part of his daily life now - he couldn't imagine his days without her. What was he without his shadow? Where would he be without Albatross to keep him grounded?

Maybe he was speaking too soon, but in all honesty, Altavro could truly picture himself spending the rest of his life with her. Not necessarily romantically - he just wanted to look out for her. She needed it, and she deserved it. Altavro would do his best to do well by her.



05-15-2014, 06:01 PM

She had spent a long while in her boy?s presence now, and he had been true to his word in staying always by her side. She felt more whole then she had since the beginning of her insanity, since everything that had happened to her. She could still barely believe her luck in finding this creature, this soul whose devotion to her was unexpected and lifesaving. On this day they had found their way to a cliff, just as she had asked for and always wanted. Even with the day finding its end and the sun throwing glows of silver against the sky she still found herself bouncing with excitement at the prospect of the cliff side.

His attention and pretty eyes would be upon her and she blinked back up at them as he spoke. ?Not really Avro, can we sit by the cliff?? sometimes she sounded completely normally, and it seemed this would be one of those times, despite the pure excitement that brought life to her eyes and the soft wag of her tail behind her. She wanted to see the world from up here.



05-19-2014, 12:01 PM

It amused him when she got excited about things. Altavro liked seeing the simple joy in her eyes, even when she managed to keep herself contained. "Of course, Alba. We can do whatever you desire." Fondness colored the golden male's tone as he turned to eye the edge of the drop off. They would have to be careful - it looked like a long fall, but the view would be lovely. Ears pricking towards Albatross, Altavro padded towards the edge of the cliff, settling down easily on the ground.

From there, he would wait for Albatross to make her approach, blue gaze wandering the world as it was arranged before him. It was like being a bird; nothing could touch them, not this far up. The scars on his back twinged a little but Altavro rolled his shoulders forward slightly to ease the itch, ignoring it as well as he could. The male let his tongue loll from his maw as he glanced at Albatross. "It's pretty nice, huh?" Definitely an understatement, but Altavro was more focused on Albatross than he was the view.

Almost absently, Altavro found himself hoping that she would settle near him, though he would not force it. Still, her sitting next to him as they watched the world would be pretty nice, he had to admit.



05-21-2014, 07:57 PM

Avro easily consented to sitting by the cliff, and she flashed him her warmest grin as he called her by his nickname of her. He moved by the cliff, carefully minding the drop. In this instant she felt fearless, prancing easily along the edge like nothing in the world could catch her. The wind gripped at her coat and she ignored its touch upon her, shaking it off with a swing of hips and tail. She moved to her boys side, easing beside him and curling her tail about him, claiming him, possessing him with her touch. He had become her Avro, and she would tooth and claw to keep it that way.

?it?s gorgeous, My avro? she breathed, only now really taking the view, looking about the expanse, looking down at the fall that awaited them. She could see for miles beyond, and the treetops below looked soft and comforting. She could imagine bouncing atop their forms and prancing across the lands upon their backs. She looked at him, smile still playing on her maw. ?We should jump? she told him, grinning as through the idea pleased her ?and Saw on the back of the wind? she added, as through this was an every day conversation



05-28-2014, 07:57 AM

He liked the sound of that nickname. My Avro, It sounded properly lovely coming from her maw. Of course, with how enamored Altavro was, she could have said just about anything and he would've thought it was lovely. He was just a little bit biased. "Indeed it is," Altavro agreed absently, though he wasn't really looking at the view anymore. No, most of his attention was focused on Albatross. How quickly she had come to grow on him, Altavro thought with a hint of amusement. And yet, he wouldn't have it any other way. The way her tail wrapped around him was comfortable, and Altavro couldn't help but inhale her scent just a touch, basking in it for the moment that followed.

Tail wagging easily against the earth, Altavro stirred only when Albatross spoke again. For the first time, he felt a hint of worry in his mind - jumping from a cliff certainly wasn't the safest thing they could be doing. "I don't think jumping would be particularly safe." Altavro murmured, bringing his maw closer to her ears, "The wind doesn't carry wolves like us." Though in Altavro's own, personal opinion, the wind did carry spirits. But they weren't exactly spirits - they were flesh and blood wolves, and to jump from such a height would surely end in death, a fate that Altavro did not particularly desire at this point in time.



05-29-2014, 09:04 PM

She had moved her bulk forward to better peer over the cliff face as she spoke and Avro?s answer only had her grinning. She flashed a smile his way and flicked her ears ?Are you saying we?re fat?? she teased gently, nudging her shoulder against him but clearly agreeing not to ?jump and soar? she sighed and leaned back against him and away from the cliff, watching the breath-taking height and sighing at the limitation of wolves ? she wasn?t use to limitations anymore, not when her insanity had told her that anything was possible. She would have to make a point to remember what she could and could not do.

The sun was beginning to set and the winter cold was creeping through her fur, she snuggled closer to her knight protector and sighed softly into his coat. ?My Avro? she murmured again, once more laying her claim upon him.



06-05-2014, 08:25 AM

Altavro had to bite his tongue on a laugh, leaning against Albatross' touch as she nudged him lightly. "I mean, we are pretty solid compared to the wind." Altavro chuckled a little, tail wagging easily behind him. It was nice to get a break from being grumpy, he had to admit. This was nice. His life was nice, with Albatross at his side. He'd never expected things to work out as they had, and every morning that he woke up and saw her form, it was a pleasant surprise. He half expected to wake up one day to discover that all of this had just been a fever dream and that Albatross was gone. He couldn't imagine what he'd do without his companion.

Nuzzling her lightly, Altavro curled his body closer to Albatross. "Are you cold?" He questioned softly, casting a glance at the setting sun. With the temperature dropping steadily, it might get chilly before too long, and Altavro would hate for Albatross to suffer even a little because of that. He could keep her warm, of course, but this might not be the best place for it. Ah well. He would make sure that Albatross was warm and saw what she wanted to see. It was within his means and he would do it - for Albatross, Altavro would have done anything.



06-05-2014, 09:12 PM

The girl could only grin at the comment of the wind and again she was laughing, free and without a care as she had not been in what felt like forever. The girl took a breath of air thick with mountain and cool freshness. She snuggled a little further into Altavro as he spoke, welcoming the warmth he supplied. She wasn?t tired yet, a restless energy burned in her gut that made it difficult for Albatross to stay still. After a few moments of snuggling into her knight protector?s side she would pull free again and dance to the edge of the cliff. Her paws touched the edge and folded about it as her tail fanned behind her and she lifted her head to the welcoming feel of the wind which taste every bit as free as she felt in that moment.

She lost track of where she was, of humanity of everything until she truly felt there was nothing but here and the wind. No cliff, no edge, and she took a step forward to further embrace the hug that the wind wrapped about her.

But the cliff had not forgotten her, as she had forgotten it. It released her as she took that step and lost her balance and plunged over the edge. It wasn?t a sheer drop, it was a very step roll and a tangle of branches and bushes that pulled at her, clinging to her and tried to claim her. But each bush failed to hold her and on she rolled until she reached the end. She was every bit a part of reality, humanity and as solid as the earth as she lay in a crumpled heap at the bottom ? avro had been right, she was not the wind and she could not soar.



06-10-2014, 07:06 PM
what are you made of?

[flesh and bone]

He watched in a tolerably good mood as she pranced near the edge, biting his tongue on a warning to his darling companion. She would be safe, Altavro was confident in her. And then he saw her paw slip. Panic surged in his body and Altavro leaped forward, fangs seeking out to grab her scruff and catch her. But he was too slow and Altavro watched in horror as she plummeted downwards. The wind did not catch her, the wind did not save her and even as Albatross slipped from his grasp he was racing down as quickly as he could.

Slipping and sliding as he raced down towards Albatross, Altavro let his thoughts run wild. She had to be all right. He needed her to be all right. He needed her. It was the closest Altavro had come to admitting his feelings for her, not that they were subtle to anyone else, but in the sheer fear that he felt drowning out any coherency to his thoughts, the only constant was that he needed to hear her voice.

It was worse than the aftermath of the earthquake had been. He would go through that pain a thousand times if it meant that she could escape this fate. Altavro bargained desperately with the gods as he drew closer to his companion, but it seemed as if the gods had gone deaf. "Albatross!" He called out, desperation tinging his voice as he drew closer to the crumpled golden and white form. He nosed at her desperately, breath coming in sharp gasps. "Alba... You have to be okay... You can't die! I love you..." Panic. He couldn't think straight, couldn't breathe, couldn't get into the healer mentality. Not when he had a personal stake in the wolf that lay at his paws. He needed to check for broken bones, for internal bleeding, for trauma, but Altavro couldn't do anything but whine desperately and nuzzle her face, hoping desperately to feel her breath stirring his fur. Gods above, please help her...

& i'm running out of timeA L T A V R O


06-11-2014, 11:45 PM

She had never felt more heavy in that moment, her breath a rasp in her throat as she kept herself still and her eyes closed. Her head was swimming and it took breath after breath before she could comprehend what had happened and where she was. Now, still staying as still as the dead she would try to feel out across her limbs, try to feel where she was injured. Her head ached, and her mind was cloudy ? she assumed she must have some sort of head injury there. Her front right paw felt awkward and weird, she imagined she might had sprained or broken it but couldnt be certain without moving it. She sucked in another breath, felt the stirring of another crature beside her, heard words flutter against her ears barely audible against the roaring that sounded inside her head.

She did groan now, a soft sound of distress as her eys blinked open and took in the sight of her sweet Alvro ?The wind didn't catch me? she moaned softly. ?I'm just blood and earth..? it was a horrible reality to come to terms with and she sighed into the muzzel that roamer about her face. It didn't matter.. Avro was here.. He would protect her.. he loved her.. she was loved.



06-12-2014, 02:13 PM

Altavro had to fight to keep his breathing even, and to get himself under control. She needed a healer after that tumble, and he was all that there was. In any other circumstance, he would be a damn good healer to have looking after her, but his sheer panic was making it damn near impossible for Alt to focus on anything other than his love. Still, he needed to get it together. Altavro focused on taking deep breaths and thinking clearly. First he would examine her body, seeking any obvious external injuries. There were scrapes galore, but Altavro could handle that easily. They would have to be cleaned, as Altavro knew all too well, then comfry could be applied, along with some calendula to reduce scarring if Albatross desired it. The paw would have to be set, and if there was any sort of head trauma, she would need lots of rest and to be carefully looked after for a while.

He could do this. He had to do this. She needed someone to take care of her right now more than ever. Altavro took a few deep breaths, then forced himself to answer her soft words. "I know, my love, I know..." He fought to keep his voice even and calm now that the first panicked words were out of his system. She needed strength. "But you'll be all right, Alba. I'm here to take care of you now. Do you know what season it is?" This question fell from his maw in the same gentle, hopefully comforting tone, but it was an important one. He needed to see if she had concussion - he would test her reflexes and reactions shortly but this would be a good place to start.

Again, Altavro nuzzled her lovingly, afraid to break contact with the female for more than a few seconds. She had to be all right.



06-12-2014, 06:55 PM

She was oddly calm for all that had happened, and for the pain that had encompassed her now. Perhaps she was simply to use to blocking everything out, all types of pain, pain of memories and pain of body, what was the different? She pushed walls about herself, the world took on a dreamlike quality and she would smile lazily up at her boy, all her attention caught on his words.. he had called her his love and for some reason that was all she could think about. Those words danced about her, a living thing she could almost reach out and catch.

His voice was a lullaby, soothing, soft and reassuring like he was telling her that everything would be okay. A soft sigh would escape her lips, he seemed... so oddly.. far away like a thousand miles where between them. She wanted to reach out a paw to help close that distance, but when at last she tried to move she would clench her jaws and a hazy pain would coat over her protections ? broken, the paw was definitely broken.

His voice had floated down to her, and she struggled to make sense of the words he had spoken. Another dreamy smile would float across her lips. ?Spring? the answer would slip unbidden from her lips. She missed spring, their was something beautiful about all the new life and the energy in the world. The sunlight and warmth and love that was everywhere in spring..



06-17-2014, 08:10 AM

Shit, Altavro bit his tongue on a panicked whine, continuing to nuzzle her as she spoke of Spring. A concussion seemed likely then. And there wasn't much he could do for that. Just let her rest and let her mind recover - but the rest, at least, he could handle. The broken paw could be set, the cuts could be healed, and then she would be alright. He needed her to be. Altavro had never loved another before as he loved his Albatross and he couldn't let her go now. He needed her. "Alba, can you follow my paw with your eyes? Don't move yet, just watch me, okay?" His voice was calm despite the panic surging in his thoughts, but he was slipping into healer mode as best he could when it was Albatross at his paws.

Altavro moved carefully, moving his paw from one side to another in front of her gaze, waiting to see if there would be any lag of her gaze. And even as he did this, his mind was running through herbs, herbs that he could use to treat his love. She would be alright. She had to be. He couldn't do this without her. Somewhere along the way, she had become his happiness and there was no coming back from that. He loved her and that was that. "I love you." He murmured it again, pressing his muzzle into the fur of her cheek, tongue rasping across her fur again and again. Every movement was mechanical as he waited for something about this to make sense. Why was it Alba who was hurt? She had seen enough pain in her life already - it wasn't fair. None of this was fair.



06-18-2014, 06:06 PM

Altavro wouldn?t let her float away, his voice kept snaking out, grounding her until at last her surroundings began to make more sense. A soft whimper would escape her, she had liked her walls and she wanted nothing more than to crawl back beneath their cover. Avro?s voice continued on and she was so thankful for the sound of his voice. Her eyes caught on to his with more substance than before and his voice began to make sense to her. She did as asked, ignore the headache that creped behind her vision and watched the paw that danced before her with her eyes.

Now when he spoke the words of his love she could truly comprehend them and a smile would spread slowly, a stain upon her lips. ?My love? she cooed pleasantly, enjoying the sound of these words as they slipped through her. Avro was her love, her Avro He was claimed by her, and had claimed her himself. They were each other?s and there was no other way she would have it.

He would move over her, his face so close to hers that she could taste his breath. His tongue would leave warm trails against her cheek and she would sigh at the blissful touch of it. ?We should go somewhere beautiful Avro. We should go away somewhere just you and me? she whispered.
