
Once in a lifetime

Resin, Kane


The Hallows

Master Fighter (240)

Master Navigator (275)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

11 Years

Double MasterCritical Hit!WordyPride - Bisexual1KBeevent
Bronze Medal 2020
11-15-2021, 03:47 PM
Resin's sudden appearance while she was alone a few days before had questioning whether it was actually real or if something was beginning to effect her mind the same way it had Eska and Artorias. The two of them were starting to get better, but what if it was starting to freshly infect her instead? She tried not to seriously consider the possibility since she wasn't showing any of the other symptoms, but what other excuse could she have? Resin had disappeared as quickly as she had appeared and she struggled to even tell Kane what had happened out of a worry that she would sound like she had gone insane. She just couldn't get it out of her head and it had felt so real that she did eventually tell Kane when he got back from hunting that night, but she wouldn't have blamed him one bit if he didn't believe her.

She did her best to put it out of her mind, instead focusing on helping Kane with his hunting and working on building up her endurance and strength again as they moved through Auster together. They didn't go far considering the insanity that the world had fallen into, just far enough to find some decent prey. Her boyfriend was a wonderful teacher and he was showing her all kinds of things to help with her skills in tracking and respiring her love of navigation and knowing the land. She was even picking up bits here and there about healing despite her utter lack of aptitude for it. They finished putting away some pieces of wild boar they had caught together in the pantry and she smiled as she looked up at him as they walked out through the kitchen and into the feast hall it was attached to. "I'm still impressed you managed to bring that thing down with just a small trap like that," she commented with a chuckle. "Your skills never cease to impress me."

Tamsyn Carpathius



Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

11 Years
Dire wolf

11-15-2021, 06:30 PM

When the Long Night had descended upon the world, Kane had been the only one to not immediately see it as an ill omen. His tribe had worshipped the stars, moon, and universe, so the increased amount of nighttime to unveil the glory of the celestial heavens had been welcomed by the tribal brute. He spent almost all of his time reveling and singing to the moon, basking in the ethereal midnight. But as the world began to shift down into a helter-skelter of madness and horror, the beauty of the night that Kane had been so eager for took on a sour taste. He saw his friends and family fall to the strange sicknesses one by one, and thankfully Tamsyn hadn't been afflicted, but seeing each of her children and his pack mates take ill had brought him distress and worry.

As the night stretched on, Kane began to avoid going out into his beloved night in favor of tending to the castle and the sick with Gwynevere and Syanna. He began to burn bundles of sage and lavender—cleansing herbs to ward off evil spirits and bring positive energy into their home—and wandering the halls spreading the incense in an attempt to heal the pack spiritually. He could feel the shift of the world; the crossing of the ethereal realm of the dead with the world of the living. Things were strange and unnatural, and he had to do all he could to protect those he loved. He spent much of his time with Tamsyn, venturing out with her to hunt and explore the changing land, though they never went too far in the dark. Kane continued to gather up any rare herbs he could find to work into his project, his goals still unchanged from the day he'd arrived in Auster. They had merely been postponed.

After a successful evening hunt, Kane had caught and dragged a large wild boar back into the Carpathian castle with Tamsyn at his side, taking it down into the coolness of the food larders for storing and butchering. The dire brute gave a deep chuckle while Tamsyn praised his hunting skills, flashing a wide smile through saber fangs to her. "It's not the size of the trap, but how you use it, my little blackbird," he replied in his husky tones, giving her a wink while they crossed back into the great hall, brushing along the side of her thigh with his bushy tail. "I've seen prey twice my size brought down with the right application of a stick and a few plants, and I've seen the most elaborate traps fail to stop a rabbit. It's all about knowing your prey inside and out."


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.



8 Years
Extra large

Samhain 2022The Ooze Participant
11-25-2021, 01:40 PM

"Is that so?" Rough tones filled the hall from behind the pair of living wolves. Resin knew that she was still dead. She felt it because, in actuality, she felt so little. There was a solidness to her now, but she was far from being whole. Sometimes she blinked in and out of existence just like she had during her last meeting with Tamsyn, but she was feeling much more solid now than then. The scarred fae had shuddered back into reality in the main hall, as always. It seemed like this would forever be her place of origin within the real world. Her singular eye had scanned the stone hall, falling upon her lover... or former lover... communing with an earthen colored man. There was... jealousy there as he touched the obsidian woman so brazenly. Jealous, however, was for the living, and Resin was anything but that. She had told Tamsyn to find happiness, and now that she had done so, Resin couldn't be upset about it. Still... she didn't have to like seeing it.

The thickly muscled fae moved down the stone length beside the long table, coming up beside Tamsyn, whom she wasted no time in touching. Noting her solid form at present, she didn't know how much time she had to touch the woman that she loved one more time. It was far from disrespectful, mind you. In Resin's familiar gesture of love and respect, onyx ears slid backwards and she pressed her forehead against Tamsyn's own forehead. There was a big of give as the women touched, but Resin could feel the woman before her. It was something that she had missed, surprisingly. The Carpathian woman was generally an unfeeling thing, but she had truly missed Tamsyn.

Breaking the contact between herself and her former lover, Resin turned her gaze to the feathered man, eyeing him with the golden orb that similarly dripped metallic ooze onto the flagstone. "Resin Carpathius," she introduced herself simply, and wasted no time in continuing. "I don't know how much time I have here, but there are things to be said." Turning to face the brute fully, she fixed him with her piercing gaze. "Take care of her as I can not. Whoever you are, if you love her as I love her, take care of her." Resin feared little in life, and in death feared less. She was just as to-the-point and brusque as always. Her words were a mixture of hard command and deepest wish. "She has suffered enough." Then, as a sort of afterthought, she added, "Please..."

[Image: GreYdcM.gif]