
pampered like a queen



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

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4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
11-17-2021, 07:13 PM (This post was last modified: 12-02-2021, 05:05 PM by Siren. Edited 1 time in total.)
Siren had thanked Aliana during and after the birth of her children, the woman had a servants heart and none of them deserved her. She was selfless and after losing her litter… held the weight of the world on her shoulders. Siren was thankful their roles were not reversed, she didn’t know what she would do if she’d lost Albi or Scylla, even before she knew them. It was difficult, and Siren still felt guilty when she looked at Ali. Her babies had made it, Aliana’s were dead. Was it a type of survivor’s guilt? She didn’t know, but she did know she wanted to do a kindness for the woman after she had done so much for her.

With some enlisted help Siren was able to get the baths filled with warm water. It had been quite the effort to heat it with fire, but it was managed. Candles were scattered on ledges and tables and those were carefully lit. Siren had some of her preserved flower petals cast into the warm bath and the scents rose with the steam. It was everything Siren would have wanted, and she wanted to provide that for dear Aliana.

Making her way to the corridor she knocked politely on the chamber door, fully expecting Aliana to answer from the other side. "Aliana? I… have something prepared for you.” She announced through the door, standing back to hopefully greet the clouded Lady.

"Siren Primrose Klein"


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
11-18-2021, 01:14 AM
Aliana had been mostly going through the motions on her own accord in the past few weeks following the loss of her children. Chimera had done everything he could to care for her, doing all he could to comfort her and nurse her back to life. He'd changed her life by asking her to take his name and be his queen—Aliana Cadence Klein. After that night, Ali had slowly begun returning to life. It was a challenging time for her, but she just kept telling herself that she had survived the ordeal for a reason. Death hadn't taken her away yet, so she had to continue on. The endless night made keeping hope and happiness alive a difficult task, especially with all the death and despair around them, but she had to support her mate and her friends. It was all she'd known in life and all she knew how to help.

The clouded gray fae had been doing her best to try and get back into her normal routines. She'd started tending to her plants again, straightening up her study, tidying her shared bedroom with Chimera. That was what she'd been doing when a gentle knock on the bedroom door caught her attention, taking her away from making the bed. Siren's dulcet tones called out to her from the other side. Aliana didn't know about the guilt Siren carried, but she did know that she hadn't seen the fair queen since the birth of Dalila's daughter, having spent all of her time sequestered away in misery. She really should have let the others know she was still alive...

Gliding gracefully across the floor, Aliana slid open the bedroom door and greeted her queen with a small smile and a bow of her head. Wait, was that considered redundant now that she was supposed to be a queen as well? Was she a queen yet? Was there some sort of ceremony she had to perform with Chimera? Oh, becoming a queen was so much more confusing than being a servant had been! "Oh, hello, Lady Siren," she spoke softly, suddenly painfully aware from Siren's regal beauty that she hadn't done much proper grooming or tending to her coat for some time. Her cheeks burned and ears folded in embarrassment. "Forgive me, I must look a sight. Was there something you needed, Your Grace?" Speaking, another thing Ali hadn't done much of in weeks, was still coming back to her, but she was grateful for the chance to use her voice once more.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

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4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
11-21-2021, 06:51 PM
Aliana was swift to open the door as Siren asked after her. It was surprising given her previous state how alert she looked now. Her eyes weren’t nearly as clouded as her coat anymore, though she still had work Siren could see the life returning to the newly appointed queen. The smaller lady tilted her head slightly in return as Aliana greeted her with her sweet vocals then suddenly withdrew inward, lamenting her appearance and apologizing as she enquired about what Siren had initially come for.

The decision to gift Aliana with a warm bath seemed even more appropriate now as they spoke. A Klein like smirk played over Siren’s features, "All the better for what I’ve got for you.” Siren backed away from the door to allow the other woman to follow her down the hall. "This way,” She smiled and gracefully led the way to the grand bathroom.

The endless night made the candles that much more essential, and the warmth of the water had caused a bit of steam in the chilly room. The scent of rose, lavender, lilac, and iris filled the room and Siren’s dainty pink nose as she opened the door and ushered Aliana inside. The decorative tiles threw the flickering candlelight over the both of them and the steam creating a magical effect. "A royal bath," she offered softly in explanation as Aliana took it all in.

"Siren Primrose Klein"


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
11-24-2021, 06:40 PM
It seemed that Siren would continue to keep Aliana guessing as to her intentions, for the clouded fae only received a knowing smirk and a response urging her to follow along. Aqua eyes blinked in surprise, but with nothing holding her back, Ali followed behind Siren with fluid grace, keeping pace with the dainty Klein queen down the dark hallways. They didn't traverse far—just to the other side of the estate in the wing that Siren claimed dominion over—and into a stunning milieu. Aliana gasped as her eyes danced across the grandeur of the grand bathroom, opulent walls and floors lit with candles all around the room. Steam had filled the air, making it humid and warm, but in a pleasant way. The scents of various flowers perfumed the air, inviting and pleasant. The entire room felt almost ethereal, but in a much more kind and benevolent way as opposed to the world outside.

Ali's heart missed a beat when she realized that Siren had prepared all of this especially for her. A single dainty white paw came up to cover her gasping mouth, reeling from the kindness of the gesture and the opulence of it all. A royal bath, as Siren described it, and oh how apropos those words were. This all felt like it was meant for a queen! And again, Aliana had to remind herself that she was now a queen as well. Gods, that was going to take so much getting used to! "Oh, Siren, this is incredible!" she spoke in awe, her breath stolen away by the sentiment. Turning to face Siren, Ali dipped her muzzle to go and place a grateful nuzzle to the gold and ivory fae's cheek. "Thank you, this is so very kind."

Unsure of where to even start, Aliana made her way over to the massive tub full of steaming hot water. She glanced over the flower petals drifting lazily on the surface, a heavenly scent rising off of the water's mist. Testing the bath with a trepidatious paw, Ali gracefully submerged herself into the water. The relieving heat soaked through her body, passing through weary and aching muscles to warm her from within. A soft surprised gasp followed by a satisfied sigh as the demure fae all but melted into the bath, feeling the stress and weight melt away from her body as her fur was slowly cleansed. "Nobody has ever done something like this for me before. Thank you, Siren." She turned bright eyes and a warm, shy smile back to her queen, feeling her heart quicken its beating in her chest. "How can I ever repay you for this?" Baths were not a concept unfamiliar to her. Even as a slave, her proprietors had demanded she maintain good hygiene and looks. But pampering? No wolf had done anything like this for her before—just Siren.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
11-25-2021, 08:40 AM
Aliana didn’t take much effort to convince to follow, both women returning to the room that Siren had prepared for the regal woman. Dual toned silver and blue eyes watched Aliana as she opened the door for her. Aliana’s jaw dropped to the floor as she took in the gentle glow of candle light in the soft steam of the bath. Surprise and gratitude were obvious in her voice as she thanked Siren for her efforts. Really the most effort Siren put into her gift was lighting the candles, the water was arranged by the slaves, she already had a mixture of petals for occasions just like this.

Siren felt her cheeks flush as Ali gave her a gentle nuzzle to her cheek as she thanked her. Really this was repayment for Aliana’s efforts, especially during her labor with Albion and Scylla. Still, Siren was glad to give this to Ali, she had been suffering greatly after her loss and though she had Chimera Siren knew the loss was incredible. Being given little affections in return was something Siren didn’t believe she deserved.

Siren stepped back, prepared to leave and allow Aliana the time to have the bath to herself, have a few relaxing moments alone. She watched as Aliana lowered herself into the steaming water, about to leave when she spoke again. No one had ever done anything quite like this for her. The Klein Queen approached the tub on delicate paws as Ali mentioned having to repay her somehow. Siren shook her head before laying it on the edge of the tub to watch as Aliana relaxed blissfully into the water.

"This is my repayment to you,” Siren told her softly, eyes gazing into Aliana’s relaxed features. "You saved my son, and…” She looked away, trying not to remind her of the puppies she lost. "You deserve pampering after everything you’ve been through.”

"Siren Primrose Klein"


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
11-25-2021, 10:01 PM
Secretly, Aliana was glad that Siren didn't leave her right away. The bath was such a nice gesture, but more than anything, Aliana didn't want to be alone. She'd trapped herself in her misery and mourning, shutting out everyone and everything for too long. She needed to reintegrate herself back into the pack to heal, and she was starved for the companionship she'd denied herself of. It kept her mind busy and allowed her to focus on healing and moving on instead of dwelling on the past. When Siren returned to the edge of the tub, Ali smiled warmly to the queen, ash gray ears sliding back as a sheepish blush touched her cheeks. Siren's compliments were heartwarming and made Ali's stomach fill with butterflies. Over time, her attraction to the gorgeous queen had grown, no doubt from seeing her grow as a mother. She was flawless in Aliana's eyes, and the former slave girl often looked to her for how a queen should act and behave.

"You don't need to thank me, Siren. I would save Albion a thousand times over for you." Aliana glanced away from Siren's stunning blue and silver eyes for a moment to allow her cheeks some time to let the blush drain from them. The ash and snow fae swayed her paw through the steaming water for a moment, just soaking in the warmth and letting the heat penetrate her muscles through to relax and ease away all stress and burden from her body. "I... I have a... strange request, if you'd humor me, my lady," said Ali after a moment, struggling to try and put her desires into words that wouldn't embarrass her too badly. Aqua eyes glanced shyly back up to Siren, feeling her heart miss another beat or two when their eyes met. "Would you... join me? I'm not used to being pampered like this, and I'd very much like to share this with you."

Her eyes then turned to the arrays of soaps and oils and other products Siren had procured for her spa day, suddenly feeling out of her element. "It's a bit embarrassing for me to say this as well, but... I have no idea where to even begin! The only thing I recognize is the soap, and I've never used oils on my coat before." A timid little smile split her lips as light giggles escaped her, realizing the irony of the situation of a queen that didn't know how to pamper herself. "I don't know if I'm very well suited to be a queen. Not like you, Lady Siren. You're always so graceful and beautiful and regal, and me? I don't even know how to bathe like a queen!" Aliana laughed again, glancing to Siren again, wondering how she had learned to be so noble and magnificent.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
11-26-2021, 07:31 PM
Siren instinctively remained close to the edge of the tub, feeling in her bones that Aliana needed her to be close. She needed company, needed to keep her attention on what she had, the blessings she was given and the family she had made. There was no use to wallow in the sorrow of what could not be changed. As Siren spoke Aliana took on a bashful appearance. Siren was certain she could see her blushing in the candlelight, but what she said was true, maybe her upbringing hadn’t been to see her in the position she was in now, but Chimera adored her for who she was, not who she thought she should be.

"I know you would,” Siren replied softly, it was just another reason she wanted to offer this luxurious experience. Aliana looked away and Siren tilted her head, wondering if Aliana did want her to bow out to be given the time to unwind alone, what she figured the request from Aliana’s lips would be. "Anything,” Another soft word as she encouraged Aliana to go on. She expected to be sent away but as Ali’s aqua eyes looked up at her it was a request to have her join her.

It was Siren’s turn to lower her ears in shyness as a light blush warmed her own cheeks. Dalila bathed her, and bathed with her, but that had been completely different from her relationship with Aliana so far. Still… Before Siren could accept the invitation Aliana explained further how out of her element a royal bath really was. Siren carefully lifted herself to the side of the tub as Aliana confessed her deeper feelings, and how unsuited she felt for the position they now shared.

Carefully Siren released her braids before slipping into the steaming hot water with Aliana. "Shh, you’ve beauty and grace all your own.” She assured the cloudy Queen. "Besides, if Chimera believes you are suited to be queen, then you are suited to be queen exactly as you are. He adores you,” Siren paused and looked back up to Aliana from the swirling petals in the water. One dainty paw lifted from the water to cup Ali’s cheek as she smiled softly. "just as you are.”

"Siren Primrose Klein"


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
11-27-2021, 04:03 AM
Siren's trepidation when Aliana voiced her request was noticed by the clouded gray and white fae, and she almost retracted her words, but before she could, Siren was rising from her prone position and untying her braids. Ali noticed the shy blush on the queen's cheeks and wondered if she'd asked too much and Siren was simply too kind to turn her down. That fear was immediately dispelled when Siren slid into the hot water and came up beside her. Again, Ali's heart did a flip, one she'd only ever felt with Chimera before, and the time she'd shared Chimera with Dalila. It was both incredibly hard for her to look at Siren and absolutely impossible for her to look away as well. The Klein queen was extraordinarily beautiful on a regular day, but drenched in water with steam rising up around her, Siren looked more like her namesake than she ever had before. She was an unearthly beautiful goddess of the water. The way her long silken fur clung to her svelte body was incredible—sexy and gorgeous and perfectly suited the petite monarch.

At some point amidst her nervous babbling, Siren gently shushed the timid fae. She reassured her that she was beautiful and graceful in her own right, and that Chimera had faith in her to be queen as well. To hear Siren speak of her with such high regard and to state so openly how her brother felt for Ali, it made the ash and snow woman's cheeks burn so hot she feared her fur may catch fire. "Lady Siren-" Aliana stopped, reprimanding herself as she reminded herself once more that she was not a slave any longer and didn't need to be so formal with her family. "...Siren-" Again Ali was cut off, but this time by Siren herself when one of the Klein woman's dainty paws lifted from the floral-adorned water to caress her cheek. Ali was hypnotized by Siren's gaze, rendered completely immobile and unable to look away from those sapphire and silver irises while she felt like her face may explode with how hot she was flushing. It was no surprise Chimera had fallen in love with his own sister when she was the epitome of beauty and love personified.

Aliana opened her mouth to say something—but no words ever came out. She couldn't get her mouth to form the sounds, she was so bewitched by Siren. Her heart skipped beat after beat and that heat inside her grew. It was the same heat she'd felt with Chimera. Instinctively the newest Klein fae leaned her head into Siren's delicate touch, craving more of it in ways she hadn't felt before. "Siren, you have been nothing but kind and sweet to me since the day you brought me home," Aliana began, drawing in all her courage and taking a bold step to lift her own paw from the water and reach to stroke over Siren's cheek. Touching her during their playtime with Chimera had been one thing—doing it alone with her felt infinitely more intimate and intense. "I know you regretted bringing me into the life you did, but... I want you to know it was the greatest thing that ever happened to me. You truly saved my life that day, and since then, I..."

There was a beat of pause as Aliana considered how she wanted to show Siren how she felt. Unable to come up with any words to do her emotions or the heat and electricity she felt around Siren justice, she instead began to slide her paw carefully down Siren's cheek and jaw, following the edge of her neck, touching her ever so gently as if she were made of pristine porcelain. Aliana began to slowly lean her muzzle in closer towards Siren's, hesitating with only a few scant inches separating them. She wanted to kiss Siren so badly, to love on her the way she loved on Chimera. Affections and lusts had been shared before in their surprise gift, but this was different when it was just between the two of them. Ali waited, watching Siren's body language through half-lidded eyes to see if she was being far too forward or if Siren felt the same heat that she did. She had never been an initiator before, always being the one on the bottom or chased after being a slave. This was a whole new world to her and Siren was the catalyst for it all.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
11-29-2021, 11:18 AM
For a long time, Siren’s heart, soul, and body belonged to Dalila. Though their relationship had its many ups and downs now it had changed and evolved into something deeper and bigger than anything they had before. Maybe partially because there were other wolves to share and grow their love with. Chimera had really opened the door and had in the end helped Dal and Siren work through to strengthen their bond. Credit could not be denied to Aliana either, as she welcomed Dal into her bedroom with Chimera.

That was one of the reasons Siren so easily slipped into the water beside Aliana. Siren had never planned for the experience to be quite so romantic, but the candlelight, the steam, the fragrances, and most importantly their closeness, created an alluring atmosphere Siren couldn’t deny. The tiny Queen was struck by Aliana’s gaze, the shy intensity there as she admired the golden queen.

Aliana was far too humble as she quieted with Siren’s words, and accepted them with a little hesitation. Ali’s cheeks warmed even to Siren’s touch as she spoke highly of the woman who earned every word. She’d been through a lot, too much really, and Siren only wished to ease the cloud queen’s pain and suffering. Her shy smile sent happy flutters through her body, the hints of desire pulling at her conscious.

Siren remained there motionless, gently caressing Ali’s cheek with her delicate pink toes. Silver and sapphire eyes gazing into the aqua depths Aliana possessed. The bewitched queen finally found herself, softly leaning into Siren’s touch as she struggled and succeeded to form words. She was convinced that Siren saved her the day she brought her home to Chimera. Part of Siren hadn't been so sure she wasn’t leading a lamb to slaughter, but Ali had endured, and Chimera shaped her into his perfect partner.

It was more than that though, Ali was forced to pause. Her words trailed off and Siren tilted her head. She didn’t expected the sudden reciprocation of affection, Ali gently caressed the soft fur of her cheek and over her jaw. Siren sighed softly, relaxing into her touch and her lips. Aliana leaned forward temptingly and Siren realized the unspoken words. A warm fire ignited in her belly and raced through her veins as intense electricity. Fluttering her pale lashes Siren’s lips parted slightly and she easily reached forward to close the distance between them.

"Siren Primrose Klein"


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
11-30-2021, 06:11 PM
There was a moment where Aliana feared that perhaps she was being far too forward, taking way to many liberties with the Klein queen. Though she and Siren had shared the intimate touches of lovers before at Chimera's behest during their bedroom escapades, that had been for the pleasure of their king. Of course, she had greatly enjoyed it as well—but what if she was reading into things that weren't there? That little bit of doubt was enough to give Ali pause, hesitating the advance of her muzzle. But fortunately, Siren didn't stop. Relaxing against her snow paw, Siren continued to lean in until the gap between their lips was closed and Aliana tasted the dainty flaxen fae once more. A little squeak of surprise escaped the clouded queen, though it quickly melted into a soft hum of delight.

All of her fears and hesitancy disappeared, and with Siren's given permission, Ali proceeded. She kissed Siren with a tender, slow affection, pushing her lips with a little more confidence back while she scooted her body closer to the Klein's in the steaming bath. The heat of the water felt like nothing compared to the heat roiling up deep inside her belly, causing springs to tighten inside her she had become intimately familiar with thanks to Chimera and Dalila—and now also Siren. Ivory ears folded back to her head, still reflecting the shyness inherent to the monochromatic woman, though her actions betrayed just how much she had wanted to do this all along.

Ali caressed Siren's cheek with her paw, ever so gently keeping her mouth guided to her own. Aqua eyes had long since hid behind closing lids, letting darkness wash out her sight to heighten her other senses while she enjoyed kissing Siren. The tiny fae was so soft and silken to the touch, so warm against her velvety paw pads and lips. She was an entirely intoxicating sapphic experience and Aliana couldn't get enough of her! Gently tilting her cheek into Siren's paw some more, Ali uttered a quiet moan against Siren's lips, a tingling warmth spreading throughout her entire body, but focused mostly in her lower regions. Her free paw glided leisurely through the water, coming to rest upon Siren's hip while they sat in the tub, her heart racing while she took the bold initiative of gingerly pulling Siren closer towards her. Ali was by no means a dominant wolf in any relationship, but there was something about Siren that just made her want to hold her and touch her and kiss her all over, the feeling so fierce that she just couldn't help herself. Of course, Aliana's mind was still a servant first and foremost, and if Siren were to ask or command her to do anything—anything at all—she would have obeyed without a second thought.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

4 Years
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The Ooze Participant
12-02-2021, 05:47 PM (This post was last modified: 12-25-2021, 07:04 PM by Siren. Edited 1 time in total.)
Siren didn’t know Aliana so intimately for very long, being open and vulnerable that night in Chimera’s chambers changed the entire dynamic between their little family. Siren felt closer to all of the wolves involved. Aliana seemed to feel the same way as she invited Siren into the steaming bath alongside her. She had to know what she was doing, asking the other Queen to join her in such a soft and romantic moment. Aliana leaned forward and Siren didn’t leave her waiting, there was a soft sound of surprise as their lips met, but there wasn’t any hesitation in Aliana’s kiss.

It was sweet and tender, reminding her far more of Dalila’s kisses than Chimera’s. Aliana drifted closer, and Siren found her swiftly caught up in her spell. A soft paw lifted to Siren’s cheek as they kissed in the aromatic steam and candlelight. Soft sounds of pleasure gathered behind Siren’s lips as she leaned into the affection and craved Aliana’s paws on her body. With one at her cheek and the other gently pressing to her hip Aliana pulled the long furred Queen into her embrace. The experience was far softer and hesitant than any she had ever had before, but the slow romantic experience had Siren’s heart skipping beats and butterflies fluttering in her belly.

Aliana had to believe that she was beautiful and gorgeous because that was all that Siren could think as her tongue danced over her lips. Dual toned eyes closed and Siren pressed herself against Aliana in turn. Their wet fur mingled together and the warmth of her against her belly was so much more intense than the hot water holding them. "Aliana,” she whispered against the woman’s lips in hushed tones. Siren had only taken the leading position once before, when she had to convince Chimera Albion and Scylla were his. "Chimera isn’t the only one who adores you.” She added before deepening her kiss, pressing her pretty pink tongue to Aliana’s lips and wrapping her other tiny paw around her neck as she offered herself to the clouded woman.

"Siren Primrose Klein"


"The Ash and Snow Queen"


Master Healer (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Field Medic Field Medic

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

6 Years

1KThe Ooze ParticipantPride - Bisexual
12-07-2021, 03:55 AM
In truth, Aliana hadn't known what to expect when she'd invited Siren to join her in the bath. Yes, she had secret hopes and desires, but she was equally as prepared for Siren to rebuke them as she was for them to come to fruition. Their relationship, though strained and riddled with guilt to start, had blossomed and evolved into something wholly different, something Aliana could never have expected to come to life. Yet here she was, in a tender, romantic setting with the dainty and demure queen in her arms. Not just the queen—Chimera's sister. The monochromatic brute never let anyone so much as glance at Siren, let alone touch her, and yet here she was, caressing her as one would a lover. The soft sounds of pleasure that Siren sang made Ali's heart miss a beat, spurring her on and encouraging her to keep going.

Aliana had never been with a woman like this before. Siren would be her first. Every other time she'd been intermingled with Chimera, first with Dalila, then with all four of them together. She knew how to act and what to expect in the heat of passion with a group and with a brute, but with a fae? Everything felt different. It felt softer, gentler, more subtle and yet more intense, every emotion and sensation felt far deeper in her core. It was an entirely different kind of passion and desire from what she felt when she was with Chimera. It made Ali's pulse race like liquid fire in her veins, burning her up from the inside out. Even the steaming bath water felt cool compared to the heat of Siren's body pressed up to hers. Siren truly was an experience unlike any other, and Aliana was learning very quickly why Chimera cherished his relationship with his sister as obsessively as he did.

The two faes' muzzles only broke apart when Siren whispered her name against her lips, making Aliana blink aqua eyes open through heavy lids. Siren stated that Chimera wasn't the only one who adored her—and then the golden goddess' mouth was pressed to hers again, delicate pink tongue pressing over her lips. Ali murred in soft surprise, but relented easily, falling into the sensations that were Siren. Lips parted, allowing Siren unabated access to her mouth until she tasted Siren's tongue with her own. The cloud-coated woman was eager to scoop up Siren in her arms, pulling her petite body fully to her own until every inch of skin that could possibly touch was and Siren was virtually wrapped around her. Ali moaned under her breath while she boldly let her tongue glide through Siren's maw, encouraged by her newfound lover's advances to make some of her own. One paw roamed down Siren's back to the base of her tail, the other wound around her side to support her suspended in the water while she clung to Ali's neck.

Aliana took her time, savoring the feel of Siren's flawless body in her paws, touching, stroking, squeezing with delicate paw pads wherever she could reach. She broke her kiss with Siren just as her paw slipped beneath her long luxurious tail, finding her greater source of warmth with velvety pads. The ash and snow fae went to trace her muzzle down along the curve of Siren's jaw to follow her neck, peppering her throat with kisses and licks while subtly moving to nudge the queen's muzzle upward. She wanted to hear every one of Siren's gasps and cries and sounds while she pleased her, partly so she could learn what her lover liked best and partly so she could draw her own pleasure from Siren's.


As her mate, Chimera may enter any thread Aliana is in.