
isle of flightless birds


05-15-2014, 11:11 AM

The sun was just beginning to crawl over the horizon, illuminating the brown wolfess as she padded along, meandering across the grounds. Her paws were heavy, dragging against the earth, and hardly lifting properly as she plodded onwards. How long had June been walking? She wasn't totally sure. Time had started blurring together a little, leaving June feeling more confused than ever. She wanted to find Gus, to curl up at his side and let his presence fix everything. But Gus wouldn't be able to fix that fact that Jules was gone too, and that was part of what was driving her to walk until her paws were bleeding. She had always assumed that once she found Gus that they would be together and everything would be okay again, but Jules still wasn't there and she had seen none of her cousins since arriving here - what if they were all dead?

Panic. June had to choke it down, biting her tongue to keep the whine from escaping her maw. She just needed to get it together. Jules was just fine, wherever he was, and the rest of her family was too. Obviously, her cousins were okay. They had to be. The world wasn't that cruel. Right? Right. Of course.

It was hard to get worked up when she was this exhausted. Suddenly, taking a nap sounded like a great idea. June cast a glance up at the rising sun and breathed a soft sigh, tail flicking wearily. It took her only a few seconds longer to find a suitable place to settle down, and she curled into the smallest ball possible at the base of one of the many trees littering the area, plumy tail wrapping around her body as tightly as it could. Slowly, she let the tension flow from her body and exhaustion claim her mind and within minutes, June was in an uneasy sleep, twitching occasionally as she dozed.



05-15-2014, 06:06 PM

July Kalendae was not used to being alone. He was a family man through and through, but the disaster that had destroyed his home had also stolen his family from him. His searching seemed to never cease -- he could hardly rest without seeing his two siblings. Each night his sleep was fitful and restless, his dreams filled with fire and blood. They were morbid thoughts for a man like July, but he couldn't help but fear the worst, despite hoping desperately for the best. He worried for his cousins too, but his deepest fears were for his siblings. It was difficult to imagine another day without them, let alone a lifetime.

It was sheer hope that kept him going. Over flat plains and high hills he traveled, bracing himself against the rapidly cooling autumn air. He was a summer child, deeply unaccustomed to the cold, and he found himself miserable as he searched for June and August. His paws ached and his head pounded as a headache threatened to debilitate him, but he pressed onward through the night, finding peace in the darkness and the silence.

When he finally caught a hint of her scent, he swore he was dreaming. By this time, the sun had barely begun to appear over the horizon, casting an array of colors across the sky. He had seen June so many times in his dreams, but it never felt quite so real. He would grow alert suddenly, despite his utter exhaustion, his head swinging from side to side as he trailed after the scent. It grew stronger, as though she had just passed through so recently. Could it truly be her? He caught no whiff of August's scent, and felt his heart sink inside his chest at the thought of his potential fate.

After a long while of searching, the sun now directly overhead in the sky, he found her. His senses had led him to her -- she was curled against the base of a tree, taking shelter under its great branches. He found himself frozen for a long moment as he gazed at her, blinking slowly as though he might suddenly wake up and realize she was not here at all. He was quiet as he crept forward, resisting the urge to call out her name, suddenly not wanting to disturb her from her rest. "June," he whispered softly, taking a few steps toward her, his gait steady. Behind him, his tail waved slowly, his eyes growing wide at the realization that she was alive and well. "It's me! Jules!" He had missed her for so long. Slowly he leaned down to her, lapping gently at her face to wake her from her sleep.


05-19-2014, 02:25 PM

There was a scent stirring beneath her nose, giving her dreams an even more uneasy edge than ever. The scent of July made her dream of him - but twisted. A zombie Jules stalked her across her dreams, leaving her twitching and shaking as his scent grew stronger, overtaking more and more of her dream - until she felt a tongue lapping at her face. The sensation dragged her from her restless sleep, and June clung to it gratefully, breathing a soft sigh of relief as her eyes slipped open, half ready to thank Gus for waking her up.

But the sight that greeted her was not Gus' multicolored figure. No, instead it was something even better. "Jules." She gasped his name, joy surging in her veins as she leaped onto her paws, pressing her muzzle into his fur and licking him, licking every inch of him that she could reach. He was alive! He was alive and he was okay and everything was going to be okay now. "You're okay?" The question was hopeful as June stepped back carefully, head cocked towards her brother. Her gaze swept across his form, seeking any injuries or scars that hadn't been there before. Had he survived the earthquake in good shape?

She couldn't keep still. Every so often, June's tail would give another enthusiastic wag, and then the female would practically bounce in place. There was no way for her to contain her happiness at the sight of her brother. He was all right! This knowledge made everything seem brighter again, brighter and happier and warmer and maybe everything was going to be all right now that June and her brothers had been reunited.



05-20-2014, 08:37 AM

Despite her unpleasant dreams, of which he was unaware, she seemed peaceful as she slept. His eyes shimmered with happiness, green orbs so full of warmth and love. Slowly she stirred, slowly becoming conscious and gazing up at him. It took a few seconds for recognition to become evident in her eyes, but he continued smiling nonetheless, so happy to see her not just alive, but well too!

As soon as she realized who had awoken her, she jumped to all fours and returned his affection with even more vigor. He found himself laughing at the happiness that flooded his heart, lapping at her face with unadulterated joy. "Alive," he told her quickly, smile widening as he pulled away to gaze at her. "And now, better than ever!" He had been sore and bruised from the disaster, but no scars or visible injuries remained. It seemed June had fared just as well.

His own posture was relaxed, happiness taking over his entire being. He felt nearly complete, and her presence filled the emptiness that had lingered in his heart for so many weeks. "What about Gus?" He asked timidly, partially hopefully, but just as fearful that the answer he received might not be one he wanted. Despite the fact that winter was just around the corner, he suddenly felt a warmth trickling through his body as though summer was here once again.


05-20-2014, 02:46 PM

"What about Gus?" The words seemed to summon the summer child as he would appear from behind a tree, silent and quiet, but not too quickly as not to startle his two siblings. As he would emerge from the shade, his figure moving in an elegant way to stand next his brother's similar own. "What about me? I've been fine, Jules." A playful grin would spread on the mocha man's inky lips as he would speak, the young man's pet name rolling off his tongue like velvet, with a playful tone never forgotten. Pillars would drop the man onto his haunches as he would rest, honey gaze watching both of his siblings, with a gaze full of loving and care. He would crane his head to give his brother a rough lick of loving on his shoulder, then he would stand up and press against June, giving her a rough lick as well.

"June, it's nice to find you again, and Jules... I missed you so!" A smile would play off of the man's lips as he would put a forelimb about his back, embracing him, as if he would disappear in any moment. He would likely not let go for a long time, but when that time would pass, he would sit back down, then grin. "I thought that you both had not survived, but I am so grateful that you did, and while in my search, I found Feb, but have not seen anything of her since. I have, however found a rank within a pack, called Tortuga. I am considering leaving now, as I have found my family I originally was searching for, and perhaps we can find a pack of warmer weather to live in together."

Walk, "Talk",


05-22-2014, 08:08 AM

A fond smile flickered across June's features as Jules spoke, and her tail flicked in the air behind her. "I'm glad," June murmured, still basking in the moment. It felt to June that the world had fallen into place, and all of the animosity that she had faced without her family suddenly faded away. Her brothers had the basic ability to make June's life seem happy and bright again. She had missed this, this feeling of perfect bliss that her brothers gave her.

At Gus' appearance, June's face lit up again, and her tail began to wag once more. "Gus!" She yipped joyously, her greeting happy and exuberant. Her quick lick in response to his own greeting was further emphasized by the continued rapid pace of her tail.

His next words were met by silence on June's part; her gaze flicked towards Jules with curiosity, waiting to see what he would say before putting her own two cents in. Whatever July had to say would likely be something that June supported, but Gus' idea of leaving his pack to find a new one with them in tow seemed preferable to June. She would have joined Tortuga, had it been offered, but the thought of finding a warmer place to spend her days sounded pleasant as well.



06-29-2014, 09:14 PM
He hadn't expected to see his brother. Seeing his sister was enough to bring him such great joy, filling his heart until he swore it might burst, but to hear Gus's voice was another thing entirely. slowly his head turned, emerald gaze adjusting to meet his brother's bright stare. A smile engulfed his gentle features, the wag in his tail increasing dramatically as he grew fully aware of his brother's presence.

His head shook in mild disbelief. He leaned to offer the male beside him a simple nuzzle, unabashed in his affection for his sibling, before turning to see June's own gleeful expression. "It seems you forget how deeply you love someone until the threat of never seeing them again becomes a reality," he mused aloud, husky voice brimming with gratitude. "I have missed you as well, brother."

August spoke of a pack that he had joined, known as Tortuga. his own mind swarmed, thoughts of a new pack becoming lost in the other things that now came to him. He missed the rest of his family terribly, but so much of his pain seemed to disappear upon reuniting With his two siblings. "I can't say I know what my plans are quite yet," he began, a seriousness creeping into his tones. "Perhaps I may become familiar with these lands for awhile. maybe search for some of our cousins. But I will not go far."

(I took ages to reply to this and I know stuff has happened since, sooo might jsut assume July has been wandering nearby for a bit after this?)