
Not looking so grrrrrreat

Cerb (seasonal)



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
11-21-2021, 05:03 PM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2021, 05:04 PM by Cináed. Edited 1 time in total.)

Cináed walked around the perimeter of the island, keeping himself occupied while he tried to keep himself from going stir crazy. He understood why Chimera had locked down the island with all this insane craziness going on, but it did drive him a bit mad just looking at the same trees, same buildings, same sand day after day. It had gotten to the point that he'd be able to pick out the same seashells in the sand that he passed on each of his patrols and would actually notice when one of them moved or got swept away by the waves. That was exactly what made him pause as he looked toward where he had seen a pearlescent shell laying over the last couple of days and realized it was gone. The fact that he was so bored that he was actually stopping to look for a missing shell hit him and he sighed with a shake of his head, trudging on along the beach.

As he walked along the shore that was closest to the Aspen Dam, he lifted his head to look up toward the opposite shore and ended up doing a double take when he spotted something in the water and had to stop and squint to make sure he wasn't seeing things. A point of light was moving toward their shore and has it got closer he started to make out the distinctive stripes of a tiger moving toward him. "What the hell...?" he questioned under his breath and he continued to watch as the tiger swam across the stretch of water that separated the island from the main land and once it got closer he realized where the glow was coming from off of the large predator.

Crystals had grown all across the tiger's left side, pulsing and glowing all across its left shoulder, side, neck, and hip. There was a couple shards of crystals sticking out of its head and face as well. Cináed backed away from the edge of the water a bit with a frown. He knew that infection or whatever it was could mess with the head of whatever it infected, but for the tiger to swim all the way to an island that was very obviously inhabited by a pack was stupid at best.

He tossed out a whistle for Tine to join him as the tiger neared the shore, the black hawk appearing from the nearby trees and circling overhead with a call to let him know he was there. As the tiger staggered onto the shore it very clearly wasn't doing well and its eyes were glazed over like it didn't really know what it was doing, but Cináed didn't want to take any chances. At least it should be pretty easy to kill off since it already looked half dead. With a growl he jumped into the fight, dodging the tiger's clumsy swipe as he went to bite at its back leg.

WC: 495
Total: 495/1500

"Cináed Praetor"


"Not A Caveman"


Master Fighter (240)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Bard Bard

4 Years
Dire wolf

Pride - PolysexualSamhain 2022HomebodyAll Oozed OutThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
11-21-2021, 09:11 PM
Cerberus had been slowly trying to work up his strength again after being sick and nearly immobile in the hidden cells of the island. He was used to not really going around much, but he had never felt so weak and hopeless before. The days where he was sick were almost melded together, and as time went on it felt like he really hadn't spent so much time sick in the dungeons.

Before the illness, he spent almost all of his time tucked away in either Viper's or Siren's den. But after a few days of recovery he found himself outside of the dens traveling around the island. Everything certainly wasn't completely back to normal and Chimera probably wouldn't have wanted him wandering the island. But with Siren spending so much time still down with Albion and Scylla and Viper completely unlike herself, there was little for him to do these days. He supposed he never knew how much he would miss just being around them until this plague came around. But he was better so maybe the rest of them would be better soon too.

He was walking along the coast lines because, well, he was a little afraid of the jungles. Well, honestly he was scared of it all. No one would have guessed it, he was never good at expressing himself. He, Albion, and Scylla had been trapped inside the jungles by... the moon? The firefly entity? He wasn't sure which if either answer it was. And he had also seen a vision of zombie wolves and other creatures dragging their decayed bodies out of the ocean. He wasn't sure if any of it meant anything, but lately he tried not to think of it while everything else was still going on.

He was almost lost in his thoughts of nothing when he caught the sight of the glittery creature moving towards the shores. And it made him stop dead in his tracks. He instantly flashed back to his vision when he was with Albion, and it was almost enough to send him running for the hills. He stood there for a moment, watching the moving shine across the water and just as he went to turn and run back to Siren's room, he noticed the red man that he had never met but had seen around the pack.

He took a deep breath as he paused again, finding his paws moving forward towards the red man rather than back inland. He was relieved to see that the creature was not a zombie, but it had strange growths of crystals around it's body. It seemed really not well, almost like he had been in the beginning of his illness. He paused yet again, not thinking it was the best idea to jump forward to help the young brute. But he had some lessons from Moccasin and he thought he could at least distract the tiger if nothing else.

It swung lazily at the red man, and he was quick to dodge and jump back to it's leg and latch on. The infected tiger swung around toward the wolf that bit it and that's when Cerberus jumped in. He thought it was best to stay the most out of trouble that he could especially while he was nearly half the size of the red man and no where near his full growth. Cerberus jumped forward to bite down on the tiger's tail to get it's attention. If he could distract it, maybe the red brute could take care of it.

Fighting Seasonal Prompt

Total Word Count: 1087 words
Word Count Goal: 1500 words

"Cerberus Klein"



Master Fighter (245)

Expert Intellectual (191)

An icon representing the specialty Bulwark Bulwark

5 Years
Dire wolf

Critical Attack!The Ooze ParticipantLoser
11-21-2021, 11:34 PM

Cináed bit deep into the tiger's back leg, yanking and twisting his head to do as much damage as he could within a short span of time, and was ready to jump out of the way again when he felt the tiger begin to twist to reach for him, but then he heard it give a roar and turn away from him instead. Letting go of the tiger's leg he looked up and his golden gaze landed on a young boy that he vaguely recognized from seeing him around the pack occasionally. He didn't even know the boy's name, but he did at least know that this was one of Chimera's children. Of course he was pretty sure that all of the kids currently on the island belonged to Chimera so it wouldn't have been hard to guess who he belonged to—but that did mean that if the boy got hurt on his watch he was probably going to be in serious trouble.

The boy had charged in, biting the tiger's tail and pulling the crystal encrusted predator's attention for a moment. They were lucky that the big cat was slow and groggy otherwise they might be in more trouble, but as it was it was pretty slow moving and what movements it did do seemed to be hindered by the stiff clusters of crystals that jutted out from its side. Its movements were stiff and struggling and a little part of him actually felt kinda bad for the feline. Not bad enough to spare it of course, but bad enough that killing it felt more like a mercy than anything else.

While the tiger's attention was pulled away from him, Cináed pivoted on the sand and made a lunge for the side of the tiger's throat that wasn't covered in crystals, biting hard and deep before the big cat could reach the black and russet boy that had provided a momentary distraction. He focused on crushing the tiger's windpipe with his bite, keeping his hold on the feline's throat even as he leaned his shoulder away from the cat's weak attempt at swiping at him. Toward the end it almost didn't even feel like the tiger was fighting him. It tried to jerk away from his jaws a few times, trying to wriggle away in a vain attempt to free itself, but not nearly strongly enough to actually get away from him.

Eventually it slumped to the ground and fell still, rather from being strangled or blood loss he wasn't sure, but once he was sure it was dead and the pulse against his tongue stopped then he finally let it go. He stepped back with sigh, flexing his jaw a couple of times to work the soreness from it from gripping so hard. He didn't know what had driven the tiger to come out to the island only to get killed, but it was taken care of now. He turned his attention to the pup again and gave him appreciative nod. "Thanks for the assist, kid."

WC: 508
Total: 1595 / 1500

"Cináed Praetor"