
Nothing Left To Lose

Chrys Bonus



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
11-21-2021, 06:29 PM (This post was last modified: 11-21-2021, 06:29 PM by Ikigai. Edited 2 times in total.)

Ikigai... was a mess. Crystals had protruded through her skull in some sick, magenta crown. Violet ooze coursed down her long, pale fur. The puddles that she'd left on the ground were sprouting little crystals of their own. The whole of Ashen seemed to be sick with this plague and what was anyone doing about it? Hiding, being aggressive, letting the strange infection win. Well Iki would not let the darkness win. She appreciated the spirits and acknowledged their power, but enough was enough. Was she or was she not Ashen royalty? It was her duty to figure this out. Or at least try to.

Beneath the willows, Iki collected a few smaller crystals. She also collected a few of the luminescent mushrooms. Perhaps grinding them up and applying a poultice to the base of the crystals would work. She could ingest the mushrooms. Perhaps, since she hadn't been infected with the spores, they would hold the key to her freedom from this ailment. Placing the crystals in a natural stone basin, Iki began to gently mash them into a fine powder. It was more difficult than she imagined and, due to her weakness and the throbbing pain in her skull, she eventually had to stop.

The mushrooms came next. Taking up a rather sharp rock, the long furred girl began slicing into the glowing fungi. Ooze ran from it, but ooze ran from her as well, so she paid it no mind. Raising one foreleg, Iki had to wipe the mauve fluid out of her eyes and away from the corners of her mouth. It really was disgusting malady to be afflicted with, but there was nothing to be done about it other than to try and figure out some sort of cure. No one else was doing to do it, she was sure. All of Ashen was mad or hiding from those that were mad. She had the bite marks on her foreleg to prove just how depraved the wolves of her pack had become. From the bitemarks grew more of the glowing, purple gems. If it hadn't been happening to her, it might all have been very beautiful.

A small white cat, complete with tiny pale deer antlers, ran up and delivered a stack of cut cloths. Willa had been able to sneak into Ashen unseen and manage to get out again unscathed. Iki was terribly thankful for the long furred feline. If not for Willa, Iki would surely have starved to death already. Unable to hunt for herself, Iki had resorted to eating grass and various things, but Willa wouldn't have that. The very next day, the little feline had returned with as large a piece of meat as she could drag behind her little body. Iki loved the cat and surely owed it her life.

Okiku Ikigai ĹŚritsu Abraxas

[Image: VsG8QnS.gif]