
sleepin' with a friend [joining]


05-14-2014, 07:56 PM

i can never leave the past behind

The tall samrata would send smiles back her way in return, and it made Quail feel welcomed. She knew she'd fit into the pack greatly- as long as this other ruler liked her. But the girl was pretty sure if this other woman Vi spoke of was mated to her, then they'd get along well. Hopefully. Besides, what was the worst that could happen? Would she disappoint her? No...that was very unlikely. Quail was born to impress. Hopefully her skills would be enough to please Vi and this Desiree girl, that'd she most definitely meet soon. Then she could bump herself into a higher rank...perfect. Quail refocused her attention back on Vi as she began speaking again, listing the punishments of starting a war behind her back and beginning shit. In her mind, the tan and masked woman pledged not to break such rules. It'd only be foolish too, considering she had heard this woman had just recently won a challenge. She nodded briefly as she finished, but within seconds, she continued.

Once she was finished explaining the pack and it's customs, she stated the ranks one by one, and asked her in which she felt more skilled at. The word warrior just sent shivers of delight up her spine. She immediately made her important decision. "I'm gifted with power, ma'am. Strength. If anything, I'd think of myself as a warrior. One who will forever stay loyal to you and partner." Her heart beats quickened and her smile softend a bit. Toes would splay into the ground with excitement, and her ghostly minty eyes would stare into the velvet queen. Before she could answer, Quail added, "Do you believe me...?" It would be heartbreaking to find out if her queen did not have faith in her. She'd show her though...if she really didn't.


05-14-2014, 11:39 PM

The pieces were all starting to come together. Everything was perfect. The red woman lay languidly near the barn, hips flipped over languidly and ears pricked as lantern gaze slipped around. She had had a few run ins with some great beasts with pointy horns and didn't exactly want then running rampant again. As well if any of her pack mates might need help she needed to be ready to hop up and help. But it wasn't the cry of a pack mate she would hear... Instead it was the cry of a stranger. At her boarders? So far it had been hit or miss with those who were coming to learn about her pack but it wouldn't dissuade the ruby pelted woman from unfurling her long limbs and setting off towards the direction of the howl. She moved at a languid trot, neither rushing to get there nor taking her time. She was simply in no real rush but at the same time didn't want to keep the fellow waiting overly long. Though when she arrived she realized that the howl had actually come from a woman. A tall lengthy madam pelted in tan with faded green eyes that looks both ghastly and delectable all at the same time. She was not overly dominant or aggressive so Vi approached in a relaxed manner, easy smile slithering across inky lips.

"Well my dear you obviously know where you are if you have summoned me. Welcome to Covari, how may I be of service?" She purred easily, words dripping from skilled lips as she tipped her head curiously. She didn't seem crazy? That was always a bonus. But then again, what skills could she offer Vi and the pack as a whole?

Table by Azil


05-15-2014, 12:07 AM

i can never leave the past behind

It wasn't too long after her howl that a pretty crimson woman emerged from the distance to standing calmly before her. Quail noticed she had a smile adjusted onto her maw- a good sign. The mistress already seemed easy to get along with...just by looking at her! Bowing her head with dear respect to the samrata, Quail allowed herself to smile back to her and give her a sincere look of respect. "Well my dear you obviously know where you are if you have summoned me. Welcome to Covari, how may I be of service?" The woman's words were fortunately kind and welcoming, thank goodness. Quail lifted her head slowly and sat down, eyes sweeping over the muscular body of the queen before responding,

"Oh, greetings," The masked girl drew her ears back and paused mid-sentence, a crooked grin outstretching the edges of her lips. "I have not lived her in Alacritia for long. I actually just got here. But I have heard of your pack, and decided it'd fit in great! That is, if you'd accept me...However, I need to know if you are the queen of this lovely pack. Just to ensure I'm completely allowed to call myself a Covarian." Smile remaining, Quail slowly pulled her tail around her paws neatly and awaited a reply.


05-15-2014, 12:33 AM

The new female seemed pleasant, nice enough and thank fucking god she had some manners and respect. Vi couldn't help but smile as the woman bowed a bit in greeting and in return the red woman would tip her crown in greeting. The other woman would sit so Vi would follow suit, actually quite grateful for a more informal setting. The girl spoke, seeming a bit nervous but she smiled and Vi would return it reassuringly as if to urge her to go on. And she would, continuing with a bit of a story and ending with a simple question. Was Vi the queen and could she accept this girl? "Yes I am a queen here, I rule alongside another woman Desiree." She began easily, wanting this girl to know off the bat that neither she nor Desiree with above or below the other. "My name is Viridiana Sovari, you're welcome to call me Vi though. I can accept you but under some conditions. We are a neutral pack, we are looking to make friends but not allies and also not start shit with other packs. Basically if you get in trouble with them because of something you did we will hold you accountable." She said, chin tilting down to mark the gravity of her words. She had things to do and didn't need pack members starting a war while she wasn't looking. "If you are fine with that then we are a small pack. Still growing. Always looking for members. But each needs to pull their weight. Do you have any skills? Are you a hunter? Warrior? Medic? Philosopher? Lastly. What may I call you?" She finished on an easy note, smile once again slinking its way across her lips.

Table by Azil


05-15-2014, 03:44 PM

i can never leave the past behind

The tall samrata would send smiles back her way in return, and it made Quail feel welcomed. She knew she'd fit into the pack greatly- as long as this other ruler liked her. But the girl was pretty sure if this other woman Vi spoke of was mated to her, then they'd get along well. Hopefully. Besides, what was the worst that could happen? Would she disappoint her? No...that was very unlikely. Quail was born to impress. Hopefully her skills would be enough to please Vi and this Desiree girl, that'd she most definitely meet soon. Then she could bump herself into a higher rank...perfect. Quail refocused her attention back on Vi as she began speaking again, listing the punishments of starting a war behind her back and beginning shit. In her mind, the tan and masked woman pledged not to break such rules. It'd only be foolish too, considering she had heard this woman had just recently won a challenge. She nodded briefly as she finished, but within seconds, she continued.

Once she was finished explaining the pack and it's customs, she stated the ranks one by one, and asked her in which she felt more skilled at. The word warrior just sent shivers of delight up her spine. She immediately made her important decision. "I'm gifted with power, ma'am. Strength. If anything, I'd think of myself as a warrior. One who will forever stay loyal to you and partner." Her heart beats quickened and her smile softend a bit. Toes would splay into the ground with excitement, and her ghostly minty eyes would stare into the velvet queen. Before she could answer, Quail added, "Do you believe me...?" It would be heartbreaking to find out if her queen did not have faith in her. She'd show her though...if she really didn't.


05-16-2014, 09:32 AM

ooc;; welcome to Covari as our first warrior :D you can post in the pack meeting if you like or not if you want to say this was set after that. Our packlands are currently the range and coursegoul swamplands :3

The woman seemed agreeable enough, thankfully listening even as Vi have her rather long winded speech. Ugh. So many words... But the woman spoke, saying she was gifted with power and that she would like to become a warrior. Vi could nodd, she liked warriors, meant less fighting for her when the time came. Forever loyal... Vi's smile grew at this and she would nod in agreement. Though she had no issue with lower level pack members coming and going as they wished if this woman had any drive or desire for power loyalty would be everything here. Did Vi believe her? "So far yes, but either was I should hope you'll continue to prove yourself in this pack..."" Her words were practically a purr, a challenge and a hope all at the same time. She was an ambitious little one, that much Vi could tell but as for how she would do here it was entirely up to this woman. "We'll give you the rank of warrior then but every pack member is expected to be well rounded. Please attend healer meetings and pack hunts as well." The red woman would lift an eyebrow in an almost questioning fashion hoping the girl would understand that to make it you had to know everything.

Not that Vi expected to have everyone be the best in everything but she wanted everyone to at least know the basics's if things that weren't their trade. "So my dear, if you give me your name I think that's it, you can get yourself acquainted with our lands and find yourself a den if you like," she said for the second time trying to pry this woman's name from her lips. The red woman would lift herself, long legs unfurling beneath her as she shook out her pelt. Neck was still stiff and sore from the battle but she no longer feared the scab would crack and bleed with every movement. Plus even if it did she had her darling beautician to patch her up.

Table by Azil