
Is This How My Adventure Ends?


11-27-2021, 04:26 PM

Everything hurt. Everything. Ada felt so lonesome as the brain fever took hold of her small body. She hadn't seen another wolf in years, it felt like. Creature interactions were few and fleeting, the animals afraid of the strange growths protruding from the woman's body. Great, towering fungal antlers grew from the ashen fae's skull and ears. When she could see, the caps had glowed a vibrant, luminescent orange as though they were trying to match her eyes. Trails of copper slick slid down her cheeks, staining her coat quickly. There simply was no keeping clean, so after a while, she stopped trying.

As the days passed, breathing became more and more difficult. Tiny spatterings of spores were ejected from her lungs with each breath and Ada could see them on the air. Having pretty much zero knowledge of healing, there wasn't much that she could think to do about it. Naturally optimistic, she had just thought that it would eventually clear up like any sort of cold usually did. Gods, was she wrong.

Every day made her worse and worse. The fungi grew, the microbes within her reproduced, doubling, tripling. Ada could taste nothing else on her tongue except the acrid, earthy taste of mushrooms. She was eternally thirsty, but water offered no comfort. She would drink until her stomach could hold no more. Then she would be forced to eject the water, heaving up pools of orange tinged liquid. No doubt she was a disgusting sight. It was almost a mercy that there were no other wolves around. She'd never been one for pity, though she accepted it jokingly when offered, and it had been many times. She was a clumsy thing and often found herself in predicaments.

Time sped by and Ada continued to deteriorate. Having no place to call home, she simply walked. And walked and walked and walked. There seemed to be no end to her steps while her strength lasted, but she could tell that this too was waning. Each day she was able to muster up less and less energy and was forced to sleep for long periods at a time. Often the wheezing of her infected lungs woke her, preventing her from getting any restful sleep. She was miserable and there wasn't anything that she could do about it. There was no one that she could ask for help. There was no one anywhere.

Perhaps it was a week into the sickness. Perhaps a month. The crystals came. A rarity maybe, but the bob-tailed fae had found herself infected with both mushrooms and crystals. Usually, it was either one or the other. The mushrooms had taken her ears, but the crystals had taken her eyes. Green gems pushed from the sockets, piercing the soft orbs of Ada's eyes to bring green and orange ooze rocketing forth. She screamed and screamed at the pain, but was unable to hear any of it. Her hearing was gone, the fungi having fully invaded and overtaken her auditory organs. As she screamed, she could feel the sound reverberate through her body, but that was all. After that, she collapsed into blissful unconsciousness.

Where was she? What was she? All of her senses were dulled or depleted. There was no sight or sound. Taste was rare and her sense of smell, though still the strongest of her senses, was almost gone. Ada looked like a nightmare walking. The heaviness of the mushrooms and crystals forced her head to hang low, the muscles in her emaciated neck unable to withstand the great weight. She looked as defeated as she felt. Without a miracle, this would be the end. Somehow, despite her predicament, there was a little flicker of hope still held protectively within the fae. Something would happen. Someone would come. Someone would help or she would stumble upon a cure. Time would reverse and she could go back to being happy, carefree Ada. Right? Unfortunately not.

The landscape grew warm as the wraith stumbled along. During one particularly hard fall, Ada couldn't muster the strength to stand again. Just a little rest. Just a little break. That was all that she needed and then she would be on her way again. To where, she didn't know, but she would carry on. Only she wouldn't.

Ada never woke up. Or maybe she did. She definitely did in some sense, but it wasn't the way that she wanted to wake up. Like a dream, the woman's pumpkin colored eyes opened and she could see. Truly see. There was no pain. No crystals stabbing through her eyes or mushrooms clouding up her hearing. She felt good. Alive and whole. Her puffball of a tail flicked happily back and forth behind her. She knew that she was going to beat this. She just knew it! A grin pulled at her dainty maw and there was a little pep in her step as she took a few practice prances forward to test her strength. The landscape was dark as night embraced the land, but she didn't mind that. The craggy terrain wasn't where she would have preferred to wake, but at the moment it was the most beautiful place that she could imagine.

Chittering and scraping from behind Ada caused the fae to turn her head to the side just a bit. There was movement back there. Suddenly there was more and more movement. Creatures descended down from the rocky face of the mountain, sliding out of nooks and crannies. They were converging on something nestled against the stone. Ada took a few hesitant steps forward and yelped as a gigantic spider when flying past her paws, eager to join the pile of motion not too far away. Ears tucked to her skull as she crept closer and the horror that met her sent her blood to ice. The spiders... they were tearing apart a body. It was her body, mushrooms, crystals and all. Ada screamed and this time, she could hear every ounce of pain, disbelief and horror as she came to the realization that she was far from okay. Far from healed. Ada Lilou... was dead.



11-27-2021, 06:28 PM

Please insert a coin to continue. Just kidding! That's not how it works!

You gain:
  • Rebirth Pass (player-bound)- Allows "recreation" of any previously played character set to Somnium. Design must remain identical (even height and gender), and all purchases carry over to the new character. Name does not need to remain the same.
  • Coat Hanger- It’s just an everyday coat hanger, but you are a wolf, and you do not know that.