
Sorry, I've Been Eating Dessert




Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-29-2021, 07:34 PM

There was always work to be done and now that the newest installment to the island had regained a good portion of his strength, Chimera thought that it was time for the man to pitch in even more. The King of Fenmyre had been systematically clearing out the various structures of old and rotten debris. Anything that couldn't be used was heaped high and burned. The proof of this was in the dark spots that littered the sand on the island. The safest place to burn. All that was useful was cataloged with marks on a thin leather sheet and would be tucked away in Chimera's office to sort out later. Shiny things, valuable things, these were tossed into a sack and taken along with them.

Today the pair worked on a corridor in a one level building with doors down either side of one long hall. It had previously been used as a cheap motel and the spaces weren't large, but he wanted them cleaned out anyway. Chimera worked silently, sifting through the spaces and adding things to this pile or that pile. He assumed that Erystotle would pick up by watching his master, but would answer any questions that the smaller wolf might have.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
11-29-2021, 08:06 PM

He woke up alone the morning after the nightmares, but he hadn’t suffered through another bad dream. Still, since that night his mind was often occupied by thoughts of Fenmyre’s King. Erystotle just wasn’t sure he completely understood. He knew without a doubt he belonged to the monarch, every hair was owned by the King. To think that he would also take his heart seemed unfathomable and yet… He’d held him, he’d kept him safe and chased away the nightmares. He’d taken away the monsters and the curse. Chimera was so serious and stern, but he’d been so soft and warm that night.

Erys couldn’t decide anything about anything. He was feeling things that hadn’t surfaced in years. He had always been a hard worker, but somehow it felt even more worthwhile working hard for Chimera. The King took him out for some more physical work. Slowly Erys was returning to fighting fit, though he’d never fought anyone in his life. He worked as quietly as Chimera, picking up on the pattern his Master was laying down. Never once did he feel hesitant to ask a question or clarification. But it didn’t take long and he was moving at a pace similar to the King’s.

Naturally he was quiet and demure, but he found himself stealing glances towards the man who now owned him. So strange and different from anyone who previously held his chain. Though he always seemed like he was holding himself back, putting up a tough front. Always having his attention elsewhere.. Like he was trying too hard to remember Erys was his servant. But teh slave had gotten a taste of what he’d forgotten affection was supposed to feel like and now he felt himself yearning for it and for Chimera’s approval. The man worked quietly, moving through the debris so he might be able to stand closer to the King.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-29-2021, 08:20 PM

As they fell into a rhythm, the pair made quick work of the long stretch of rooms. Dirt and dust clung to the kings normally pristine pelt, but he held no shame in it. Hard work should show, and so he paid it no mind. Later, he would desperately want a bath, but for now, he welcome the layer of grime and cobwebs that stuck to him.

Erystotle made little complaint, moving along beside his king and doing what needed to be done. The more time that Chimera spent with the man, the more he actually liked him. The pale brute was no stranger to work, nor did he balk when it came to getting dirty or moving the heavier items. They worked very well together and were moving more quickly than Chimera had anticipated. Before long, they were completely finished with the structure, only having a few of the larger, broken pieces of furniture to pull out the the beach to burn.

Chimera took the spindle of a bed leg between his jaws and shook his head, snapping the wood from the rest of the frame. It would be easier to transport that way. Once the bed was broken up, the hefty dire took the largest, heaviest pieces and used all of his thick, rippling muscles to manhandle them out the door and onto the beach. A few more trips and they could rest for a time.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
11-29-2021, 08:31 PM

Erys had nowhere to be and no one waiting on him, her served his King and he served him well as he proved that day. Their pace was quicker than would have been anticipated and before long the task was whittled away to a few larger pieces and retrieving the valuables. Like Chi, Erys was gathering dirt and grime in his coat, but that was to be worried about later. It just further proved his devotion to Chimera and their work. He had to admit he was surprised the King was so accustomed to physical labor considering his status, but the fact impressed Erys all the more that he would work beside him. Proving further the difference in him and previous masters.

The galaxy marked man turned his attentions to the bed as Chimera did, though he wasn’t nearly as strong. He couldn’t quite manage to handle the pieces so well, but he was figuring it out. Really it was squeezing it through the doorway that gave Erys the most trouble. He struggled for a very long moment and then with a soft crack the frame went tumbling through the door suddenly. The motion would send an errant piece flying and it hit Erys’ arm.

He cried out with the unexpected pain and instinctively pulled away from the crashing wood. He leaned back onto his haunches so he could hold his paw, it was both going to be a massive bruise and was proving to be a painful laceration. Erys grimaced as he pulled his other paw back to asses the damage.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-29-2021, 09:00 PM

From his place out on the beach, Chimera heard the crash and the cry of pain from Erystotle. Throwing his weight into his paw, the giant man rocketed back into the structure, claws scrabbling across the moth eaten carpet. His trajectory was a bit off and he slammed his shoulder hard into the door jam, but it didn't matter. Pushing towards the pale brute, Chimera instantly noted the way that he was holding his paw and could see the blood dripping from a fresh wound.

Gently, the huge man took his charges paw in his own, turning the wound so that he could inspect it. Blood trickled from a decently sized cut and Chimera's brow knit with worry. He was no healer and couldn't tell if anything vital had been struck. He did know that he needed to get the blood to stop flowing, so he gently urged the wounded man to lean back against the wall. Lifting the paw to a higher elevation, the King of Fenmyre lowered his mouth to the wound. Carefully and with as little pressure as he could manage, he began cleansing the wound with his tongue. He continued, pull after pull, absorbing the coppery flavor until his mouth was full of nothing but Erystotle.

A heat had begun to fill the man due to this act that he found oh so intimate. A lust... A need. The bleeding was soon halted, though Chimera didn't release the man's elevated appendage, lest the bleeding start again. There was a fire in Chimera's eyes as he stared hard into his companions silvered orbs. In the end, he couldn't resist. Chimera's mouth crashed into that of the smaller man, his tongue doing its work to slide inside, sharing the flavor of the man's own blood. Not by choice, but by dire need.
"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
11-30-2021, 07:17 AM

He wouldn’t have ever expected Chimera to come running when his failure resulted in injury. He was sort of a healer, enough that he could take care of his own wounds to the point they didn’t scar so badly. His silvery gaze looked over the wound, it didn’t take long for it to start dripping bright red blood over his pearlescent fur. Before he could begin to wrap it or staunch the bleeding Chimera was there.

Erys’ blue marked ears fell to his skull as Chimera slammed into the door in his hurry to get back to him. It was the subtle things that really spoke volumes to the slave. The King heard his cry and wasted no time in returning to him, concern written plainly over his features as his attention glued to the jagged wound. Chimera gently guided him against the wall of the room, lifting his bleeding paw into the air to help reduce the bleeding. Erys would have tried to find something to compress the wound, but as Chimera assessed the damage he chose a different course.

The galaxy marked man stifled a soft gasp as Chimera lowered his muzzle to his wrist and used his tongue to clean away his vibrant lifeblood. Erys felt himself get lightheaded but not from blood loss. Silver eyes watched transfixed as his soft pink tongue ran against pearl fur. His heart was suddenly about to burst forth from his chest as the bleeding stopped and Chimera’s dual toned gaze rose to find his one. His paw remained in the air, possessed by Chi.

That moment more than any before this, made it clear that he belonged to the King. His belly grew tighter with the pause and sudden anticipation. He had seen that looked before, of heated desire and need. Erys wasn’t surprised by the sudden turn of events as Chimera was leaning forward to claim that which was his own. Unlike every man before Chimera there was a sweetness to his deep affection. Erystotle did not resist, he was not allowed.

As Chimera pressed his tongue into his mouth Erys realized he did not wish to offer resistance. After watching the way the King licked his wound and embraced the taste of his blood something ignited within him. Chimera made it clear that Erys was his, he wanted him to give up all of himself. In more ways than just his body, the way Chimera kissed him, he wanted his body and his heart. He whined softly, but not of protest, it was a soft sound of acceptance and returned desire. Erys had thought himself ruined and spent, used up by those who had come before. But Chimera held him differently; he reminded him of what could have been, what could be now. He could be Chimera’s. Tentatively Erys kissed him in return, careful not to be burned if he made a wrong move.



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
11-30-2021, 06:41 PM

Erystotle tasted of copper and sweetness, his flavor entirely different from any other that Chimera had ever held upon his tongue. It was unique, just like the galaxy marked man was unique. The pale wolf didn't resist him, nor had Chimera expected him to. Erystotle had been told to give in to him. He had been told that no choices were his own. There was no way of knowing whether this was something that the beautiful wolf would have chosen for himself and at the moment the dire man didn't care. He needed this. Needed to explore this attraction that had struck him so suddenly.

It was like music to his ears when the smaller brute released that soft whine into Chimera's mouth. He was hesitant at first, but then Erystotle's tongue and lips began to move in turn. Again, the big man didn't know if this was through his companions desire or the necessity for survival. It began to irk him somewhat, though it was at no fault of the slave. Chimera broke the kiss, but didn't move away, instead keeping his massive body positioned above Erys'. A low growl pulled from the giant and he stepped away. "Go back to the keep, Erystotle," Chimera spoke in low tones. "Have one of the women see to your wound. I'll finish here."

The beast curled his body around the doorway and left the room, grasping the great chunk of wood that had started all of this in the first place. His muscles strained as he drug the broken frame out of the building to add it to the pile. He hoped that the slave would be gone by the time he got back, otherwise things were going to be a little tense. He had too much work to do to deal with this right now.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
11-30-2021, 08:10 PM

Erystotle was not used to the feelings that Chimera created in him, the way his tongue ran against his mouth with need. Erys wouldn’t have resisted even if he could, he’d felt Chimera’s warmth when he held him through his nightmare. He had raced to return to him when he’d cried out in pain. Erys knew nothing but cruelty, Chimera’s kindness was like a beacon of light in his life of darkness. It felt like for a moment that everything was right in the world as Chimera stood over him, claiming his mouth in that deep kiss. Chi needed him, and Erys wondered if this feeling building was his need for the King’s affection.

The galaxy marked man returned the affection, something he had never really done before. He was used and taken from, no one had ever kissed him like this before. As he began to lean into the affection and began to reciprocate, Chimera pulled away from him with an irritated growl. Go to the keep, have his wound seen to. Blue ears fell to his skull as Erys stood frozen for a moment, was this disappointment?

Chimera went back to the work and Erystotle remained there, stunned as the offending furniture was removed. Conflict welled in Erys’ chest, do as he was commanded or press for the answers he was desperate for. Tentatively Erys slipped through the door, following Chimera towards the beach. ”Your Highness?” He questioned softly, carefully, as he went against his orders. ”Did.. Did I displease you?” His heart trying to beat out of his chest with the way it hammered against his chest. Why had the King stopped?



Master Hunter (245)

Master Fighter (275)

An icon representing the specialty Cooperative Cooperative

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantHalloween 2020 - Haunted House
12-01-2021, 12:36 PM

Frustration burned within the striped brutes chest and his mood was noticeably foul by the expression on his kingly features. He wasn't even angry at anything in particular, and yet he was angry all the same. He'd made himself weak for a moment, losing control of himself like that and giving in. He'd given in to a base desire, which, considering what Fenmyre was all about, shouldn't have been a big deal. However, giving in with a man... giving in with this pale, slave... it seemed to be somehow beneath Chimera. And yet it didn't seem beneath him at all. There really was no explaining it. Not thoroughly. That was the point of the frustration. He was the king. Why shouldn't he take whatever he wanted including a piece of property? Erystotle had been bought and paid for and belonged to Chimera the same as a piece of livestock belonged to him. He could use livestock as he pleased.

With the wood on the pyre, Chimera started the fire that would soon reduce it all to ashes. He had expected Erystotle to obey his orders and head back to the keep, yet the sound of soft paws on sand accompanied by a nervous voice proved that the man needed more training. The beast turned, his lips curled back as though ready to hail insults and derogatory remarks on the man, but the look on Erys' face stopped him. The pearlescent brute looked terrified. He knew that he was going against his masters orders and he didn't know what the outcome of that transgression would be.

Chimera stared at the smaller man, unsure of how to respond. He wanted to reprimand him for disobeying but he also wanted to wipe the look of anxiety off of his face. In the end, after a long, drawn out silence, Chimera sighed, the aggression washing out of him. "Go back to the keep." He would not tell him a third time. Chimera needed to be alone. He needed to think. He needed Siren.

"Chimera Klein"
Chimera is a very adult character and takes part in very adult situations. Don't read his threads. Ever.
[Image: tOAj1ES.png]
Chi has three black Tibetan Mastiff's as guards. Assume they're very close by.



5 Years

Trick 2019
12-01-2021, 08:28 PM

Erys was not privy to the mind of the King, he was truly so far beneath him how could he begin to know what his thoughts were. Why he did what he did. But part of him had to know, after everything that had already happened between them in the short time that Erys called this place home. He was supposed to be there for every need the King might desire of him. So far he’d been a sorry excuse for a servant. He’d not been strong enough to fill his first bath, he’d awoken his master with his night terror, caused him to slam his hip into the door in his hurry to see to his wound. Something… Something had happened when that fire was sparked between the two of them. Erys wasn’t allowed to have feelings, but if Chimera was truly who he seemed… Erystotle wouldn’t be able to deny their existence forever.

So he had to follow after Chimera, he had to know if he had done something to cause the King to pull away from him so suddenly after… Erys spoke his question and then Chimera was turning on his heel. An expression of frustration and anger playing over his features, his teeth shining as they flashed. The familiar feeling of anticipation, waiting for the punishment to come from his transgression. As he so justly deserved for disobeying his order.

He cringed, but he received neither tongue nor paw lashing. A sigh fell heavily from Chimera’s lips and then he repeated his desire. Blue tipped ears slicked to his head as Rys lowered his features in submission. He would not force the King to reprimand him further. Still uncertain why his punishment did not descend. ”Yes, your Grace.” Erys whispered softly and turned swiftly to return to the keep.