
accidental additions to the orphan club

Theory & Raure



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
12-07-2021, 09:39 PM


As the meeting came to an end, the guilt was beginning to crescendo into an unbearable clenching of his gut. He had to talk to Theory, and see what she wanted to do with him. He trailed after her with head low and tail half tucked, his glowing gaze downcast as he followed the sound of her receding pawsteps. When he caught up to her, his ears flickered hesitantly, wanting to lower against his crown in shame while he battled with openly displaying his guilt or hiding it away in an effort to maintain his strong facade. He cleared his throat softly, dark tipped tail twitching against his inner thigh anxiously. He took a few steps closer to her, and lifted his mercury gaze to see what kind of expression she wore. Depending on how she was feeling just at the sight of him, he would have to adjust his approach accordingly.

"Sequ- Headmistress?" he nearly choked on his own tongue, and hesitation left him stumbling over the most basic greeting. "Do you have a moment?" he asked quietly, glancing around self consciously in case anyone else had more pressing matters to address with her. The pallid yearling was already regretting his decision immensely. The urge to simply continue hiding the young boy away, and pretending he had not done something incredibly deplorable in a fit of madness... it might win out if he didn't confess right away.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-13-2021, 07:50 PM
Theory walked away from the meeting feeling more confident than she had in months. No matter what the final outcome, she knew that this was a future for Abaven she could throw herself into, heart and soul. She headed from the clearing to take a brisk walk, so lost in her own thoughts and future plans that she didn't even notice Solo tailing her until he spoke up. "Oh, of course, Solo!" she said, turning quickly. "And please, don't worry yourself with formalities. I have some thoughts about positions you might be interested in, and ..." she trailed off, getting a good look at him. He looked like he wanted to dig his own grave and then bury himself right in front of her. Theo's stomach plummeted. Was he planning on leaving as well? Surely not, he'd only recently committed to his new rank. He wanted a future here. Steeling herself for whatever might come out of his mouth (and reminding herself not to take it personally unless she crumple completely), Theory sat down slowly before him. "Yes, of course I have a moment. What's on your mind?"



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
12-16-2021, 05:37 PM


Despite the jovial tone with which Theory greeted him as she turned about, it quickly trailed off into a more dour disposition as she settled on her haunches before him. As much as he wanted to ask about the new ranks, and where he might fit into them, it just wouldn't be right. She asked what was on his mind, and suddenly he felt the backs of his newly glowing eyes stinging fiercely. No, there was going to be no weeping and begging. He had done something wrong, and he needed to face the consequences. He took a deep breath and steeled his nerves. When he dropped heavily onto his own rump, the very ground seemed to tremble. After all, he was a big boy. No matter how badly he wanted it, the alabaster brute couldn't lift his gaze from his leader's pale forepaws. "I was.. sick. It was when the sun was gone, and everything was so strange." he began, hesitation bleeding into his halting speech.

"I was out by the cliffs, and there was a boy. His whole face was covered in crystals, and he was walking right up to the edge." There we go, boy. Set the scene, slow and steady. Don't lose your nerve now. "I stopped him before he could go over the edge, but I swear there was something out there with us. Every time I looked, it was somewhere else! I tried to ask the boy- Raure. His name is Raure- where his parents were. He was so sick, and he couldn't even see through all the crystals. He said his parents had died, and he was all alone. He didn't know where he was, Theory!" he fought down the rising panic as he remembered the flashes of shadow and the sinister laughter that seemed to come from all around. It had been an incredibly harrowing night, and he still tried his best not to think about it. "And I panicked. That thing, whatever it was, I swear it was getting closer with every second. So..." Solo swallowed down the lump in his throat, glancing nervously up at Theory to try and gauge her reaction.

"I just picked him up and ran." he finally admitted, the words escaping all in one breath, as though he couldn't possibly force them out fast enough. "I kidnapped a little boy, Theory! Didn't even think about it, I just grabbed him and took off." there were those tears again, threatening to well up too fast in his eyes and spill down his cheeks. Fuck, he was such a monster. After a breath or two, he managed to compose himself again. "I understand if you want to punish me, or kick me out. It was wrong. But now I don't know what to do, he's still here. Hiding in my den, while those crystals are finally starting to go away." ebony tipped tail thumped restlessly upon the ground while he stared balefully at the older fae, who he trusted to know the solution to his dilemma. "I'm so sorry, Theory. I don't know what I was thinking, and I didn't mean to cause any problems..." his voice was impossibly quiet, gilded ears pressed tight to his skull in contrition.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-19-2021, 06:42 PM
Theory listened without judgement, her face impassive as Solo relayed the tale. It pained her deeply that he hadn't come to her sooner, and for a moment she thought it a personal failing. Was she not leading the pack in such a way that he felt comfortable coming forward? But of course, there were other complicating factors. The disease.. The infection had run so deep through the land that she was unsure still of who had been effected and how severely. Gathering her thoughts quickly, Theory stood up and paced around to his side so that they sat shoulder and stared together into the evening light. Had the day already passed by so quickly? A shiver ran down her spine as she recalled the long, long nights they had just endured. "You're not alone. I was deeply effected by the sickness... and I failed you by not being present. For you and for the pack." Theory nudged him encouragingly with her shoulder if he'd allow the touch. "Thank you for coming to me. The child, Raure, is he safe? Recovering well? I'd like to see to him soon. Sunlight seems to help the most to cure the affliction."

She took a deep, steadying breath. "You acted with courage in the moment, even if you were being influenced by the sickness. You saved his life, and I thank you for that." To think that they would lose another life to those cliffs, even one she had never known, pained her. Too many lights had been snuffed out by the darkness. Spring had dawned and cleansed the land with gentle sun - it was a time of new beginnings. "I won't punish you. It's clear by the guilt you feel that you've extracted any lesson out this experience that you could have. Now that the boy is faring better, has his story changed? Is he truly an orphan?" Theory probed. "The sickness is known to effect the mind. My only fear is... retaliation, if he strayed from a pack's lands."



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
12-19-2021, 10:58 PM


Gunmetal eyes tracked the slow, deliberate strides with which his leader moved. Bringing herself about in a slow circle until she sat shoulder to shoulder with him, staring at the vestiges of sunlight cast upon the ephemeral clouds. Though her words were an attempt to lend him some comfort, the pale yearling couldn't help but cling to the roiling guilt in his gut. Her apology was met with a furrowing of gilded brows, though he did not shy away from the gentle bump of her shoulder against his own. Immediately, she asked after the health of the boy. Hesitation bade him pause for a moment- he wasn't exactly a healer. He didn't know much. "I... think so." he said quietly, a frown tugging at the corners of his lips. "Many of the crystals on his face have begun to fall away on their own, and the oozing from his.. face.. has stopped." he added, though the tone of his voice betrayed his uncertainty.

Yet more confusion was brought on by her gratitude, as though there had been any other option than to save that boy from tumbling headlong into the icy waters at the base of the eastern cliffs. He said nothing, as any attempt to accept her thanks felt wrong. She continued on, explaining that he had more than punished himself for his rash decisions. Instead, she wanted to know more about Raure. If there was truth to his story, and the potential risks that might arise if it turned out his parents were alive and well. "Ah.." he trailed off, and any of the tension that might have been relieved by the news that he wasn't going to be drawn and quartered had suddenly returned tenfold. The thick cords of muscles in his broad shoulders went taut, and he couldn't help but look back down at his paws. "I.. ah, didn't think to question him much. I didn't- don't- want to believe that he would lie about having dead parents." the words tumbled away with a weak chuckle, and he glanced over to Theory.

"Maybe it's better if we both talk to him.. If you have the time?" he asked with a slight quirk of his brow. Solo knew he wouldn't be able to relax until the situation was handled, but he was also well aware that with the new changes being implemented to their ranks and structure, Theory was about to be extremely busy. She would need to put him to work, not waste time solving his problems.



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
Extra large

Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-25-2021, 09:43 PM
Of course Solo hadn't expected to question the boy - and in times of peace, perhaps neither would she. But so many wolves had been lost to the sickness and so many were left feeling confused or even fundamentally changed by what they had seen. "It does seem like sunlight and fresh air are the balm to this illness... but we can't be completely sure." Theo was a healer, but more of a battle medic. Trauma healing, quick and dirty, splints and poultices. She wasn't used to the art of healing - fiddling with herb combinations, creating the perfect medicine that was both tasty and healthful. No, she was the "grit your teeth and bear this bitter herb" type. Everyone had plenty to learn still, herself included. Maybe now was a good time to start. "We won't press him on any details, but I would like to meet him. I want to ensure that everything is alright. How old do you think he is, would you say?" she asked. It would effect the way they approached any sort of treatment. Young patients were sometimes the most difficult. Squirmy, asking plenty of questions - it was also why she loved them. She took a deep breath, preparing for the next few steps of this encounter, then smiled at Solo: "I always have time. Would you take me to him?"



3 Years
Extra large

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
01-07-2022, 01:26 AM


Theory was hesitant to offer up that the best cure for the mysterious plague was sunlight and fresh air- both of which Raure had been decidedly lacking in, having been secreted away to an underground den and kept there during the daylight hours. A lump built in his throat, one that he couldn't fully swallow down. There you go again, making things worse for this poor kid. He could have been getting better if you would have dealt with this sooner. that snide voice at the back of his head pointed out oh so helpfully. His leader was quick to swerve back onto the right course, explaining that they wouldn't press for details right away, but ask a few questions just to get the basics. Theory was also keen to check up on the young boy, and ensure that he was healing alright. The pallid Destruction male bobbed his head mutely in agreement, still struggling to get words past the tightness in his throat. It was only once he was asked a direct question, one without a simple 'yes or no' answer, that he found himself able to utter a few words.

"Six months? Maybe a bit older? Definitely less than a year, and small like Psalm. Not like Azzurra though, he looks like he's meant to be small, not stunted-" and then he realized he was rambling. The words came out in a torrent that was fuelled mostly by panic, but partly by the simple fact that he hadn't talked to anyone in a while. Raure wasn't especially keen to chat with the giant who was fidgety and anxious whenever the concept of going outside was broached. Psalm wasn't around as much as he'd like. And his other siblings.. they were gone. The important things were gone, and he hadn't seen them since before the long night. They'd left like Allegro had.

The rapid, unexpected spiral into more dour thoughts was interrupted by his leader assuring him that she had time in her busy schedule to see this through. Asking to be brought to the boy. Without thinking, he jolted to his paws and blinked at his surroundings. It took a few moments for him to recalibrate, remember where he was, and abandon the fatalistic train of thought that had stolen most of his attention. Glancing over at the tall dame beside him, he offered a small dip of his head and a tip of his chin in the direction of his family's den. "This way." he murmured, and quickly set off at a steady trot. Making idle conversation felt... wrong somehow. Like he wasn't in good enough standing, or worthy enough, to try and ask Theory about the new rank system, or the changes in the weather. So he kept his head demurely low between his shoulders, ebon tipped tail loosely tucked against his rump, and kept moving. The ground beneath his feet slipped past so quickly, he almost couldn't believe it when he was standing just a few strides from the entrance to his den.

Glancing nervously to Theory, he couldn't help but wonder if this was all going to take a horrible turn. Maybe Raure would reveal to an authority figure that his parents were, in fact, alive. That he'd been lying, and Solo had brought war to their door. Too late now... Clearing his throat of the growing tightness, he took a few paces closer and called out into the mouth of the subterranean den. "Hey Raure? It's Solo, can you come out please? Someone here wants to see you," he announced in the least tense voice he possibly could, feigning ease in the interest of not terrifying the small boy any more than he probably already was.



Beginner Fighter (0)

Beginner Navigator (0)

2 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 2
01-27-2022, 12:46 AM

The young boy had been recovering quietly in the space Solo kept him, hiding away from the pack that didn't know he was here. It was only a matter of time before they would find either, either from Solo spilling the beans or someone seeing him when he made his fleeting bathroom trips. When the call for the meeting had pulled the older boy away to do his duty as a pack member, Raure was left alone in the den to rest with the strict instructions to stay inside the den and out of sight. Easy enough since the boy hardly wanted to get out of bed.

He napped the entirety of the meeting, only stirring moments before he heard a voice call for him, requesting him to come outside and that someone wanted to see him. He couldn't imagine who, unless his siblings found him or Solo had finally told someone. He pulled himself from the confines of the warm furs that he wrapped himself in and drug himself through the den and outside. Blue eyes squinted in the unexpectedly bright light as he looked for Solo's frame while his eyes adjusted, noticing the woman only once his eyes had adjusted. Ears pinning, he moved quickly to Solo's side and peered around him at the stranger.
